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Testers Wanted: Sub 70 Pro V2 Fairway Woods ×


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Posts posted by Parshooter36

  1. 19 hours ago, Josh Ross said:

    I haven't had that issue, my weather has been visible and accurate since the start. Odd that the fix was only temporary. Any chance your phone has a restriction on the Garmin app? Like if it can run in the background or have access to that data it needs?

    You were right. I reinstalled the Garmin Connect app and when it got to the weather setup it said I needed to set my location to always allow for the weather widget to work properly. I must have missed that the 1st time I installed the app, because it seems to be working correctly now. Thanks for the tip.

  2. 50 minutes ago, Josh Ross said:

    I haven't had that issue, my weather has been visible and accurate since the start. Odd that the fix was only temporary. Any chance your phone has a restriction on the Garmin app? Like if it can run in the background or have access to that data it needs?

    I accepted every permission it asked me for when I installed the app, but maybe there is something deeper in the settings that I have not found.  I will try and look when I get home tonight.

  3. Is anybody else having issues with the watch retrieving weather data?  Everyday mine just has dashes on the weather which causes my plays as numbers to be way off.  I did a search that lead me to the Garmin forum and the only workaround that was found was to uninstall and reinstall the Gamin Golf app from your phone.  I did that and it worked, but the next day I had to do it again to get weather data befor my round last night. Woke up this morning and had no weather data again.

  4. 1 hour ago, KC Golf said:

    The battery life is really impressive

    Thank you for the feedback!!

    The battery life is beyond impressive. I have had my watch for a week now, have played 63 holes of golf and am till at 18% battery life. I have never had a device capable of more than 36 holes before and most of those would die before I got through my 2nd round.

    I did notice this weekend that I was struggling to see the screen while being on the course even though I have the brightness maxed out. I'm wondering if there is a battery saving mode once it gets below a certain battery percentage because I don't remember having issues seeing the screen earlier in the week. I plan on charging it tonight so it will be fully charged for my league round tomorrow.

  5. I had a weird issue this weekend with my yardages. I was playing a different course and things started off very normal. After the 5th hole it did not prompt me to enter my score. I didn't think too much of it and just advanced it to the next hole. For the rest of the round my yardages were off by 30+ yards. We were only playing 9, so I just dealt with it. The next day I played the same course and on the 1st hole the yardage was off again. The really weird part is even though I was 130 out and it said I was 163 out, it still prompted me for a 9 iron which is my 130 yard club. At this point I decided to reboot the watch and the yardages were spot on the rest of the day. Today, same thing. I don't know if it is just this course or what, bit it was definitely odd.

  6. 6 minutes ago, Josh Ross said:

    You can! I also receive stuff constantly but there are some things I want to come to my watch. I've been able to block certain apps from notifying the watch but it still comes to my phone. One thing I want to look into though is the ability to silence notifications while golfing, not sure I'd like my watch to vibrate about an incoming text mid-swing.

    That is a great point about notifications during your round. I haven't had that happen yet, but that would be very distracting.

  7. 32 minutes ago, revkev said:

    Great job guys - you are making me think that this one may not wait for Santa.  I may request it as a gift from the birthday boy bird. 🙂  


    Actually I have a writing project due in a couple of weeks where the honorarium will almost cover the cost.  Throw in an upcoming wedding and funeral and I would be there.  So please keep up the good work.  


    How does the watch know what club you are hitting, btw?  You may have mentioned it but I haven't picked up on it yet.  I only have experience with devices that use probes.  Also if you are using it to monitor vitals while sleeping when do you charge it?  Do you take a night off once a week or at some sort of interval based on how long it holds a charge?



    After the watch detects a shot it prompts you to select which club you hit.  It brings up a rotating club selection menu that you can scroll through to find your club.  It was very good about being on or near the club I hit when the prompt came up. When you set up the watch it asks you for your driver distance, so I assume it is using a calculation to estimate the distance of the rest of your clubs.  I too am use to automatic club tracking from my Shotscope V3.  I plan to use the watch as is for the entirety of the review period, but I may buy the Garmin CT10 sensors down the road.

    I have not used the watch while sleeping. I toss and turn quite a bit though the night and would be afraid of cracking it on the nightstand. Hopefully one of the other testers can answer that for you. I will say though that I am nearly 4 days in with 18 holes of golf and the battery is at 64%, so it does not look like the watch will need charged very often.

  8. I spent 30 minutes working with the swing tempo tool again last night before my round.  My driver club head speed is in the low 90s and I always thought I had a smooth swing, but apperently my tempo needs work.  The goal is 3:1 backswing to downswing and I was closer to 4:1.  I knew I had a fairly deliberate backswing, but even if I tried to take the club back as fast as I could the best I could get was around 3.5:1.  I can only assume that this means my downswing is too agressive and my transition is not as smooth as I thought.  I have never given much thought to my downswing other than club path, so I am really excited to dig into this new data and see if it can help my swing.

    On my round last night I had my shot tracking turned on and was promted on all of my full swings to select the club I had hit.  It only registered 1 pitch shot, I had to add in the rest of my greenside chips when I edited my round.  This was not unexpected and not a huge deal for me.  One thing that does seem odd to me coming from Shotscope is that I cannot position my putts on the green in edit mode.  This could be user error on my part, but I have not been able to add figure out a way to do it.

    The only odd thing I found during my round was my PlaysLike distance.  It was adding 50 - 100+ yards for wind on the few shots I checked and there was just a slight breeze.  I'm gessing maybe I need to have the app running on my phone to get more accurate wind readings?  Other than that the watch performed flawlessly. I even forgot to confirm my score on hole 12 and after I teed off on 13 it prompted me to confirm my score and putts from the previous hole after confirming my club selection for that tee shot.

  9. I've played yellow balls for the past 20 years.  I'm like you, I lose white balls in the air most of the time.  I'm really liking the yellow Oncore Elixr balls I have been playing recently.  They probably have the brightest yellow I have ever seen.

  10. I spent some time last night working with the swing tempo feature. I didn't even know this was on the watch, but it seems like a great tool. I will definitely be spending more time on that in the future.

    I have my Thursday night league tonight and then a member guest this weekend that includes a practice round tomorrow, so I should be very familiar with the S70 by Monday.

  11. I got my 1st 9 holes in with the S70 last night and it did not disappoint.  I locked onto the GPS satelites in under 5 seconds! I could not believe how fast it found my course. The other notable standout on this watch is tha battery life.  After 48 hours hours and 9 holes of golf, I'm still at 83% battery. I didn't have the stat tracking turned on so it was not asking me which club I hit, but it did track my shots and I was able to edit them in after the round.


  12. I have been gaming a Bloodline Vale for a couple of months now and absolutely love it.  I bought it because I liked the alignment aid on the head and thought it would help me.  I didn't really care about the stand-up feature and didn't really care for the ultra light weight grip they used so it would stand up on its own.  I replaced the grip, so it doesn't stand up on its own anymore, but the swing weight is still really heavy which has been working great for me.  It's also the most solid feeling putter head at impact that I've ever rolled.

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