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Testers Wanted: Sub 70 Pro V2 Fairway Woods ×


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Posts posted by RickyBobby_PR

  1. 1 hour ago, pulledabill said:

    Congrats..do you IF every day? Im laying here in bed with black coffee thinking to not IF today as its my day off, but Im feeling okay if I decide to IF. I tried to find  info on when to stop an IF for a day or two time wise. Im eating10a-6p.

    IF has no set rules other than the types of IF. 16:8, 20:4 or a 24 hour fast 1-2x/week. 

    IF is nothing more than one way to control caloric intake and usually used to make eating in a deficit easier, but it’s possible to over eat in using IF.


  2. Never complain when I shoot low 80s especially with the zero practice thing going right now and playing infrequently. Swing is hit or miss as a result. 

    Played a course where keeping the ball in front of you gives opportunities to keep the score low. Which helped. Has fun with an older couple despite the course being packed and waiting a lot. 

  3. If you think that a forum with roughly 400k subscribers is irrelevant you might want to reconsider. You ask anyone around about golf forums wrx is usually the first one threat gets mentioned. Mgs has done a lot and are recognized via the most wanted.

    Each golf forum has their unique offering. Mgs does a great job at testing, etc around gear.

    wrx did a website/server upgrade to make things better and to be able to do more things going forward. That’s not something that gets done by leadership that doesn’t care.

  4. 1 hour ago, Njb3 said:

    Are you sure about that being the cost for an online lesson?  That was the cost for in person when I went out there.  I’m pretty sure his online lessons are cheaper.

    That is what I read on another forum. Also his in person lesson is $500 now.  

    Normally those who don’t have time to do online lessons charge a high fee to keep the number of requests down. 

  5. 5 hours ago, PMookie said:

    So there’s no submission of videos to him, then a filmed lesson from him to the student in-return?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

    He is booked everyday all day with in person lessons for several months out. To take time to do online lessons from members as well as anyone else paying for online lessons would be impossible to have time for and he’s been doing a bunch of travel with Matthew Wolff.

    His online learning package isn’t designed to give access to him but to provide in depth info on what he teaches. 

  6. 27 minutes ago, Rchang said:

    The GGSwingtips is a channel that Gankaa used to be part of, but not now. Seems they were doing shady things like have other instructors say they were him on the website. He sued them and his current site is his own. I gather from the interview, GGSwingtips still own the rights to use the videos they filmed. And they do not advertise he is not part of them anymore

    GG has a YouTube channel not associated with the ggswingtips website as well as his Instagram. That’s usually what most refer to when talking about his videos 

  7. 38 minutes ago, PMookie said:

    So, it’s $500 to get access to videos, then the student self assesses?
    Does anyone get any direct, one-on-one, video lessons evaluating the “student’s” swing, specific responses from GG himself?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

    If you want an online lesson with gg it’s $400.

    instructors that have these online “classes” do t include any type of lesson in the package. Some offer member discounts for online lessons

  8. 1 hour ago, Dr Strangelove said:

    To be more clear, I don't think the Gankas videos that you can find on YouTube are very good.  The ones I have seen are always him giving tips to some guy while talking 100 MPH and they look like they are shot with someone's iPhone.  That's an exaggeration, but I don't want to pay $500 to get that. My point is that it would be nice to see a sample of what you are buying before putting down a substantial amount of money.  Or a trial period etc.

    That’s not what you get from what Ive read.

    see above post from jlukes conforming what I’ve read elsewhere 

  9. 16 minutes ago, Dr Strangelove said:


    How is the site? I don’t like that there are no training samples. One is expected to sign up for a year subscription for about $500 without knowing if the contents match their learning style.

    Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy


    It sounds like it similar to some other online programs I’ve seen with the exception of how it unlocks courses.

    if one isn’t an online learner it’s probably not for them. 

  10. 3 hours ago, Shankster said:

    4 and a half hour rounds? Good grief!

    No wonder people dislike golf. I’d give up golf too, that’s insane.

    That’s norm around here. Several courses are good at enforcing their policy and at that pace we rarely have to wait on the group in front. 

  11. 21 minutes ago, mr.hicksta said:

    Whiskey Creek Golf Club. 90 (42/48), 43% FIR, 33% GIR and 37 putts. Played decent on the front and then started spraying shots on the back. Needless to say, that didn’t help. My index keeps creeping up, which is discouraging, but that’s what I get for playing crappy golf.

    You had a couple bad breaks. You are hitting the  ball well

  12. 2 hours ago, MadDad said:

    Been using mine for a bit now too, bout a week indoors into a net. Helps with my pocket a ton. Learning the feels of staying down through impacted and really rotating through the shot

    Obviously helps a bunch with getting the feel of the club shallowing.

    I too am a bit concerned about the finish. When/ If you get the hang of engraining those feels and can put them into practice on a reasonable basis, it seams like you'd have to also "re-learn" a proper release on some kinds of shots

    The swing "feels" like Tommy Fleetwood, but wondering if that sawed off finish is something can work consistently navigating around a course for 18 holes....

    Sent from my SM-G973U using MyGolfSpy mobile app

    There’s videos of Darren Clarke taking full swings with it. 

    While it has you working to a “sawed off” finish anything past the point is for looks any ways. In a normal swing once you get to that point after release you just let the arms go to the top 

  13. 53 minutes ago, cnosil said:


    I watched that episode and it was full of good information. The segment where he talked about 3 swings each club with same “texture” was my favorite.


    Yeah I turned it on just before that. The dude hitting was deadly with the wedges. 

  14. 9 hours ago, revkev said:


    Which is exactly my point - of course an OEM is going to advocate for 4-5 degree gapping - that’s an extra wedge at $200.

    I hate to be cynical but I am in this case.

    I had so called perfect gapping for 3 years - when I looked at the numbers I was using 56 around 1 percent of the time 60 2 percent -

    So I had perfect gapping for what purpose? My proximity to the hole with the 56 was 22 feet - I guarantee its about the same with a griped down 52. I’m not getting up and down from 90 yards with either club very often but I’m also not taking 4 strokes from there either. And I was hitting a full 56 every other round, perhaps less. Now I have a club in the bag that gets used 1-3 times a round and it sets me up for PW or 9 iron which I hit closer 18 feet and 21 feet on average.

    You really need to track this stuff out for your own game to see what your set configuration should be and what you should be practicing.

    And again as this post states it will differ for each player not just lofts but also bounce and grinds

    Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy


    Considering the large majority of shots come from 125 yards and in having more options in that range makes sense. Also considering a large majority of amateurs full swing wedges also makes sense to have options there

    I agree the right make up for loft and bounce will be individual. Guys in Florida are going to play different bounces and shot types compared to someone in the northeast and we will be different from those in Texas and parts of the Midwest where wind is a norm.

    i think the one think most amateurs lack is flexibility with shots from less than full swing distances and around the green. Many use one club to hit every shot when it may not be the best option.

    The swing expedition episode that aired on Monday with Jamie Mulligan imo was pretty good at showing how to use wedges and hit different shots to same distances. 

  15. Cleveland advocates for 4-6* between wedges for a gap of 12–16 yards. Titleist recombfs gapping of the 9i vs the pw like most brands.

    ive seen coaches talk about being able to hit low, mid and high shots with the wedges to be able to cover distances using different trajectories depending on pin placements and obstruction.

    with all that said it’s about finding what works for you and your game.

    looking at pros witb it can be seen there’s all kinds of combos. There’s no one right way.

  16. 15 minutes ago, Tap In said:

    This is a very interesting tool. Serious question and not a dig on the product... Doesn’t that follow through promote a fade? It seems that you can’t get a full release with it.

    It looks like it would be amazing for improving the short game.

    Sent from my iPad using MyGolfSpy

    No. A fade or draw can be hit with and inside out swing. 

  17. 36 minutes ago, cnosil said:

    After watching the TXG video,  I would say the bungee cord helps with the rotation part,  but not the club shallowing/movement aspect.

    For the most part. The cord is used to provide “tension” to keep hands and arms in the correct positions and to aid in rotation and then to lose “tension” to help shallow the shaft and put the hands and wrists in the correct positions in transition, prior to impact and at the follow thru

  18. 36 minutes ago, Wildthing said:

    I still don't understand how pushing the right leg/foot down and twist the foot/knee against the friction of the ground  can provide enough twisting force to move a heavy pelvis around in the downswing . Imho , seems like a lot of twisting stress put on the right knee. 

    I find it more realistic to regard the pelvic rotation happening (from P4-P5) due to the powerful contraction of the pelvic rotary muscles.


    Backswing  Basically you use your torso muscles to move your pelvis around , while your right foot is stabilised on the ground and that stretches those right sided pelvic muscles as your 'right hip joint/pelvis' reaches the end of its rotary degree of freedom (ie. on the tush line).

    Top Of Backswing /Transition : You get most of your weight pressure on that right hip joint - keeping it stable in space (ie. on the tush line).

    Downswing: P4- P5  (Hip squaring phase) : You contract those right sided pelvic muscles and it rotates the left (and partial right) side of pelvis back to the tush line (ie. while the right hip joint is still parked on the tush line by all that weight pressure).

    The above is just a general idea of an opinion that I tend to believe and its far more complex than the above (with regards which muscles are doing what in the full downswing).




    I think you might be over thinking it. Larry’s video is a good explanation of what’s happening. But if you really want more in depth go watch GGs videos. He has a bunch on leg work, his yo push off, how to get open

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