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Posts posted by edingc

  1. 3 minutes ago, ncwoz said:

    Got out to the heated bays this past Thursday, I've been doing a lot of "dry" swings in the living room trying to groove 1) A flat left wrist without losing my arms at the top of my backswing 2) Not "humping the goat"

    I'm pretty happy with my progress on 1, but still early extend quite a bit. I'm going to do more practice swings with my butt up against a chair to hopefully ingrain that movement pattern better. Here's an 8 iron from this week, and then a 7 iron from late August. Boy does shorts and a tee shirt look great right now 😅



    Hmmm. That place looks familiar. 🤣

  2. A very cold two buckets this morning, clear skies and sunny but couldn't keep my hands warm at all. Temps were in the mid-to-upper teens so not ideal weather. I could at least follow ball flight today which was a nice relief.

    My goal today was to work on two things from my lesson Monday, getting a good turn and not throwing my upper body forward to start the downswing. I'd say about one-third of the balls I hit today were very good, and over half were definitely much improved from the past few weeks before my lesson. I'm still struggling to get a good turn, but it also took me a good 25-30 balls to get loose. I was much more successful with keeping my upper body from moving forward on the downswing.

    It's amazing how much better I hit my driver and hybrids when my upper body stays back. Had several drives land at or past the 252 flag, and I had a few silly Super Hybrids from the deck (including the video below). So glad I picked up that club and replaced my 3 wood.


  3. Just now, Getoffmylawn said:

    Nice.  What loft do you envision gaming it at?

    I had it lofted down to 20 degrees because of the launch and spin numbers I was seeing (yes, with range balls, but compared to other clubs peak height was something like 10-15 yards higher, near 45 yards height total). Great for stopping the ball in a hurry but not so great for windy days...

    We'll see what happens with the new shaft before I adjust. If it's a bust, I'm at least only out $30. 🤷‍♂️


  4. On 1/15/2021 at 4:53 PM, edingc said:

    A new-old-stock Kuro Kage Silver hybrid shaft and adapter for my Epic Flash.

    Hoping to lower launch and spin just a bit with a slightly more stiff and stout shaft. Obviously the shaft is only going to do a little, but the stock AV Silver is a little light for my taste.

    Adapter came Wednesday, and the shaft came yesterday morning which gave me time to prep and epoxy on lunch hour.

    Tip trimmed 1.25" as the Epic Flash head and adapter weighed in somewhere between a "standard" 3/4 iron/hybrid head. Butt cut to match stock 40" playing length and slapped on a black Star Sidewinder with air. It swing weighted out to match stock at D3 without any tweaking. Overall, a really easy build. 

    I definitely can feel the extra weight in the shaft while waggling and swinging, and the head is more present throughout the swing. To me it feels more like an iron now which is not bad given this is supposed to be a "driving iron"/tee club that gives a little more playability from the fairway and rough if needed.

    I'm hoping to get out to the range tomorrow to try it out. 



  5. 3 hours ago, yungkory said:

    I know you asked @edingc but I'll chime in as well with my experiences. From my video fitting, Matt saw that my eyes were actually outside of the line. He wanted me to be inside the line, and I wanted to stand up straighter because my back was getting sore when practicing, so the longer shaft worked for both of those.

    I had 14 putts today during my weekly 9-hole round, with one 3-putt on the first hole from barely on the green. Bad leave, bad read on the 2nd putt, etc etc. Whatever, I made up for it later. I like how point-and-shoot this putter feels for me, and I've stopped trying to use the line on the ball to line my putts up. Seems to be working decently.

    Sounds like the L.A.B. been working well for you, then? 

  6. 16 minutes ago, ballplayer002003 said:

    It will be interesting to follow along through the summer to see if you think the putter helped you or just your overall practice helped you more. 

    That's going to be the big question in my mind as well. However, I can say with certainty that going to a longer shaft has taken some of the pressure off my back and so more practice is possible. I'm hoping that the L.A.B. in combination with the EXPUTT this winter will have my season started off on the right foot come spring.

  7. 12 hours ago, ballplayer002003 said:

    Definitely the ugliest putters around, but I have seen so many reviews on these and how good they are I am intrigued.  There is no way I would be able to find one close by so I will be following closely as well.  What made you try that model as opposed to their other model?

    Coming from a Spider Tour Red and then Spider X, I preferred the looks of the mallet/original model. I didn't roll the blade, but I've read they feel slightly different. It would be interesting now to try the other model to see what differences there are between the two.

  8. Spent 30-45 minutes throughout the day today practicing chipping with the Planemate. I haven't spent a lot of time using the Planemate for short game work, but I watched the chipping protocol video and gave it a shot. It gave me some really good feels and got me rotating well and not getting handsy.

    Our basement carpet has a very short pile and simulates chipping off hard pan pretty well. Excited to see that the Planemate really helped with low point control, and it continued even after I took the Planemate off.


  9. On 1/17/2021 at 8:37 AM, Chip Strokes said:

    just ordered 10 MG dynagrip elite gloves personalized with my initials for $86. 

    they’re as good as anything else out there (i’m really hard pressed to find anything “better” about the $15-20 gloves at the top of the market)  and at $6.99/glove (plus $1 personalization) there isn’t a better deal anywhere. 

    My favorite gloves as well, especially for the price. I did buy a four pack of the Kirkland Signatures to try out this spring, though.

    My only complaint about the MGs is that they stretch pretty easily. But they stay very soft and comfortable. I tend to wear one glove way too long before rotating it to my range bag.

  10. 7 hours ago, ncwoz said:

    Any further ideas of what direction you're going to take with your irons next season?

    I've promised myself no more club purchases this offseason. I'm trying to save up for a net, mat and Skytrak for the garage because driving to the range in the winter in the getting tiresome.

    With that said, the plan is to go with 5-7 Cobra SpeedZone with 7-GW Maltby PTM in a "cross-brand combo set." Due to the lofts of the SpeedZones (21 degree 5 iron), they are really like 4-6 when comparing distances to the Maltby PTMs. I'm carrying two 37" 7 irons, but the loft difference seems to make up enough difference that there's not too much distance compression between them.

    My ball striking has gotten a lot better, but I'm still not ready (and probably won't ever want to) play something too small in the 5 iron or longer. I'm not playing a lot of courses where I'm trying to throw darts with the long irons, but rather trying to hit the ball as far as possible while keeping it somewhat by the fairway/green. 

    Ideally, I'd like to make it over to Sub70 sometime near the end of summer and get fit for a combo set from them. I'm thinking 4 utility, 5-6 699 and 7-GW 699 Pros. I'm interested in seeing what kind of feel/performance I can get out of graphite as well, as I'm not getting any younger. Although improving my swing has helped, I still get a bit of wrist and elbow pain from practicing on mats.

  11. 1 minute ago, Getoffmylawn said:

    I’m thinking the pictures you posted are iron shots (?); did you see an appreciable difference in launch angle with driver doing this?

    Unfortunately, the hitting bay/area is a converted office and it's tight. I did not hit any drivers today. It will be interesting to get out to the range to see any difference in launch angle. While the Mevo isn't 100 percent accurate vs. expensive radars, I have lots of data from earlier in the winter to compare against itself.

    Hoping to get out to the range this weekend and give these feels a shot with more full swings and longer clubs.

  12. 2 hours ago, Getoffmylawn said:

    I have that same problem with driver sometimes.  Is there a specific drill you’ve been prescribed or just a focus on the feel of head over right foot you mentioned?

    He held a pool noodle up near my head during the lesson, which was a nice visual for the partial swings.

    Beyond the head over foot feel, he also pointed out how my head will be a little more tilted when it stays back. When I was moving toward the target, my head would end up more vertical. 

    Unrelated to what needs improvement, I was happy to see my swing speed progress. I unfortunately don't have access to the raw data and wasn't watching the results of every shot, but I saw 88 MPH with the 9 iron on at least one swing, with 84+ being the norm. 


  13. My first lesson since September went into the books today; the first time on Trackman since June. I’m happy to report I’ve made very good progress. My swing was mostly 2-3 degrees in-to-out with a slightly closed clubface, resulting in some nice push draws with good speed/carry from my 9 iron.

    The focus for the rest of the winter will be continuing to get a better turn into my rear hip. My shoulders turn very well, but I don’t get as much rotation from my hips. Without good rotation my hands don’t get as far back on the backswing, and my path starts to get more erratic from shot-to-shot (left is before, right is trying to get more rotation):


    I also need to work on getting to my front side in the downswing without also moving my upper body down the target line. When my timing is on I can get away with this move with irons, but it’s a disaster with the driver (I’ve mentioned elsewhere around MGS that I “cover” the ball too much, this is what I meant).

    My coach gave me the feeling of keeping the head over my right foot in the downswing and that resonated pretty well, but it’s going to take some work to get it right. (It almost feels like I’m falling backward but video confirms I’m not.) On the left my head has moved forward in the downswing, on the right is a low speed rep where I worked on feeling the head stay back:


    Overall, a great lesson, and I’m very pleased with my progress over the past few months.

  14. Two buckets in preparation for my first lesson in some time tomorrow. Still working on putting all the pieces together but making progress, will be interested to get on Trackman for first time since June.

    Still seeing some speed increases as I change and "fix" some things - hit 160+ ball speed four times out of eight drivers, average speed 112 MPH. Saw 6 iron creep up over 100 MPH a few times as well. Whether or not I can hit the majority of these balls straight on the course remains to be seen... 🤣

  15. I can't say I've gained a full 20 yards, but maybe 10-15 yards when all of the feels come together. It could be 20 when figuring carry+roll with the driver. The Planemate got me to clean up my wrists in the backswing and transition a bit and I've been hitting the ball much more solid since then.

    It has been nice enough to get outside on the patio this weekend, and I've been working on a few different things with the PM: takeaway, standing up the umbrella and the "relax"/transition move. This is a bit exaggerated (coming a bit far from the inside on the downswing) but the feels are starting to come together nicely.



  16. 23 minutes ago, Getoffmylawn said:

    Bravo, looks like great progress and that you're really sticking with it.  Especially the PlaneMate work...I've found it tough to make strapping it on a habitual thing but am doing good for the past 2 weeks.

    How are you tracking your numbers on the range...do you have a personal monitor?

    I've found the Planemate to be invaluable to my feels of the takeaway, "standing up the umbrella" and also rotation through impact.

    I have a FlightScope Mevo. In a brief comparison to my coach's Trackman last spring, we found ball speeds to be pretty accurate (within a MPH of unnormalized Trackman data). Swing speed was a little faster with the Mevo, and with range balls spin numbers are a crap shoot so total distance can be misleading (Mevo loves reporting low-spin fliers, especially on draws or pulls).

    For my purposes, I'm just using the Mevo for tracking compared to my baseline first driver session on Dec. 19. Twelve drives on that day resulted in 104.9 MPH average club head speed with a max of 107.4 MPH. Today's 111.6 MPH average was a new personal best and is +6.7 MPH since the baseline. I hit 116.5 MPH max on 1/4, +9.1 MPH from baseline.

    I attribute the increases to more swing/form changes than training, but I'm sure both have contributed.

  17. Two buckets at the range today. Started in a fog and then the lighting was just right so that I had a hard time tracking balls through the snow on the ground again. Frustrating, but I don't have other options unless I want to pay $50+ hour for simulators. Anyway...

    Today's focus was to get my hands more under my chin and more on top of my chest at address. I like to let my arms hang too close to my body which causes issues with my takeaway rolling inside or getting pushed outside. That change was a nice success. With a lot more room for my arms to operate I didn't have to raise the handle so much on the way through impact and I picked up an easy bit of club speed, too.

    My back was pretty stiff this morning and I struggled getting proper lower body rotation as a result. Lots of left in my swing today, but on ones where I got into my rear hip well on the backswing I hit some very solid shots. As always, a work in progress, but still feeling like I'm progressing toward my goals.

  18. 2 minutes ago, RollingGreens said:

    Thanks for all the info. Thought it would be good to look back after a substantial amount of times had passed to see if your review or opinion had changed. 

    I really liked the band and without COVID hitting I probably would have renewed, as was my original plan. That being said, I don't particularly miss it. I have looked into other fitness watches (my wife has a Garmin that has interested me a bit), but have not purchased anything yet.

    I do question the long-term viability of a $30/month subscription. At that price, you've essentially purchased an Apple Watch every 13 months. As a "non-elite" athlete with a "non-elite" salary, I wish there was a way for them to offer a one-time purchase option.


  19. Mid-winter (hopefully closer to mid-late winter) update: Winter practice and fitness programming have both been resounding successes thus far. 

    I haven't been great getting a true mobility routine going, but I do stretch frequently, and I especially focus on my hips since I struggle with proper lower body rotation in the swing. I just completed my second month of Wendler's 5/3/1 lifting routine, opting to pair the main lifts with SuperSpeed and speed work rather than accessory lifts. My 1 RMs are at what they were before I quit lifting in March, and I expect to hit new personal bests sometime in February or March.

    I've been calorie counting, not terribly strictly, but being mindful nonetheless. I am down about 10 pounds from early December, weighing 173-174 currently, and my goal is to be between 160 and 165 pounds by April. 

    As far as golf specific practice goes, I have been spending a lot of time putting on my EXPUTT and chipping in the basement. Putting for me has always been poor, and I'm determined to be better this upcoming year.

    Full swings are still a work-in-progress, though I am getting much closer to developing a repeatable swing that produces good results. I am seeing distance increases across the bag, and my contact has improved tremendously. I've spent quite a bit of time strapped into my Planemate and, even though I have not hit balls with it, the Planemate has helped me feel the correct motion in my swing.

    One of the things I've been focused on is speed (who isn't?), and last week I started Mike Carroll's (Fit for Golf) new "Speed Series," which is a set of five golf club speed exercises. Additionally, I'm still using my SuperSpeed sticks two or three times a week but not following a particular program.

    I hit two buckets on the range today and was very pleased with the results. I wasn't particularly focused on going "all out" today, but I've recently picked up a few MPH of club speed without much effort:

    • 31 drives - I averaged 111.6 MPH club speed, 157.1 MPH ball speed (range balls), with a max club speed of 115.4 MPH and max ball speed of 161.6 MPH.
    • 33 6 Irons - I averaged 95.2 MPH club speed, 128.7 MPH ball speed, with a max club speed of 98 MPH.
    • 32 9 Irons - I averaged 90.5 MPH club speed, 109 MPH ball speed, with a max club speed of 94.3 MPH.

    I have not had a lesson with my instructor since September, but I anticipate going again soon.

    Here are some updated swing videos. First, a 9 iron, and then followed by a driver swing.



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