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Posts posted by edingc

  1. It's 60-plus here today. Inching closer to the season. Drove by my course on the way home from work and could have stopped and played No. 17 and No. 18 by the looks of it. Saw some drone shots of the rest of the holes last night and there's still a lot of snow to melt. Supposed to get some rain tomorrow and Thursday, so that will help. I bet I'll be out on the course before the end of the month!

    Anyway, now that my backyard is thawed I've been working on chipping and pitching and making some good progress. I watched some Gareth Raflewski stuff last month and made a few changes to my setup. So far, so good. I've never put a lot of time into my short game, so now I'm trying to develop the following four shots:

    • Bump and run - Basically a scaled down version of my full-swing, will release and run a lot even with my highest lofted wedge.
    • A true "pitch" - I'm a late wrist set person in my full swing, so in order to pitch I need to feel like I set my wrists from the get-go. Should land softer and run less.
    • A "dead-arm" pitch - I've found if I keep my arms as straight as possible and go around my body more I can hit a higher spinning pitch that stops quickly.
    • A "putting" chip - Putting grip and swing, toe slightly down. Going to be good from off the fringe and trying to practice with all four wedges for different types of run out.

    Trying to keep it simple, but more refined than in the past. Last year I'd try to hit every shot around the green like a bump and run and that's not ideal for me. 

  2. 18 hours ago, rbsiedsc said:

    pretty cool you have a mirror in your bay to watch your swing! great work!


    8 hours ago, twyatt700 said:

    This swing makes me envious! Good work! Looks great!

    Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy

    Thanks, guys! I feel like I've made some good progress this winter despite only being able to get in one lesson. Credit goes to the Planemate for helping me feel some of the right positions to be in.

    17 hours ago, RickyBobby_PR said:

    I hear ya. I was struggling with the change in the movement of the backswing when I started with my coach last summer. The drills without a club were going good. When I would try to make a swing with a club even just outside to get some video for my coach on the drills it wasn’t so good. 

    A couple drills I’ve been throwing in periodically are using an alignment rod in the club and put it on my right hip, feel like it stays there til my hands are at and then slightly past my trail leg. At this point I set the wrist where the shaft becomes parallel to my target line. From this point it’s the right side move back and towards the target with a fold of the right elbow

    The other is the drill that’s in this video around the 2:15 mark. I did one lesson with Dan in 2019 and this is one he gave me. To work on for both rotation and helping to rotate my forearms less


    That's a fun one, and I actually have a Callaway "chip stick" laying around that goes on the butt of the club. I'll have to play around with it some. The Planemate does a pretty good job of reinforcing this feel too.

    I know stance width is killing me. I get so wide, especially with shorter clubs, that staying centered is nearly impossible without some ridiculous compensations.

  3. 2 minutes ago, RickyBobby_PR said:

    Feel like your right side (shoulder, hip and knee) move back to start the swing. Think of shooting a bow and arrow

    Yeah, that's a new thought and it works great with no club in my hands (like most thoughts/motions). The trick is finding something that works well when I'm holding onto a club...

    I think at one point the mobility in my right hip held me back some, but I've made some good progress physically this winter and now just need to get my brain to cooperate.

  4. Couple more buckets on a beautiful Saturday morning. I saw at least one course about 45 minutes away from me opened up today for the season, but I can't imagine it's terribly good golf as there has to still be snow in some of the shaded areas.

    Anyway, took the new GoPro up there and messed around with shooting at 1080p and 240 fps. Unfortunately, you can only shoot 240 fps in the wide lens setting, which distorts the video a bit. Still looks pretty cool.

    The actual range session was pretty good. I'm starting to get a good feel for where my weight is at setup (as we discussed a few posts ago), and am realizing the cause of many of my toe strikes lately were the result of having too much weight toward my toes at address. It took me a few swings to get the feeling right, but once I did I didn't stray too far from the center of the clubface.

    I'm still struggling with my hip movement. Tried the 60/60/100 drill that's been mentioned around here and had some success, but overall I'm still really struggling to get much of any hip turn in the backswing. I compensate with a lot of upper body turn and some arm overrun, and then on the way down I need to make a bunch of horrible movements to keep the ball from going way left, with longer clubs especially. Today that meant once I started work with my hybrids I hit a lot high cuts/fades.

    Looks like hips will be the struggle of my season. I do know I tend to get too wide with my feet, which restricts what little hip turn I have even more, so that's a focus moving forward. Hoping to grab one more indoor lesson before I get outside for the year.

  5. 12 hours ago, RickyBobby_PR said:

    They do have similar thoughts to GG, but lots of instructors talk about the same type of setup. Some coaches I know of like Monte and Bradley Hughes discuss this and Bradley even says the same thing about true weight being on the shoe laces.

    The setup is similar to many of the greats. Here’s Jack and Norman. You can see the butt underneath them



    This is something I constantly struggle with. My instructor has been trying to fix it since last spring, and it always creeps back in:


    Same 4 iron, similar camera angle, one or two weeks apart. Bet you can tell what day I had a much better day on the range...

  6. @B.Boston - That 60/60/100 thought is magic. Especially with short game.

    It's sunny and in the 40s now, and enough snow has melted that I have a few grassy areas I can chip to from the patio and my little hitting mat. Working with the 60/60/100 thought, and having a feel of maintaining my spine angle through impact is working wonders. For me, the feel of maintaining the spine angle keeps my head from moving forward on the downswing. It's such a weird feeling but for the first time ever I'm actually able to pitch the ball and get some height without feeling like I have to lay the face open.

    I'm curious to see what the combination of these two thoughts does at the range with full swings. My miss is low and left when my head starts to work forward. Something tells me the flight might be completely different if I get this right.

  7. Got my new GoPro today and had to brush up on the editing skills a bit before breaking it out for golf-related things. Safe to say I majorly annoyed the dog this afternoon:

    Going to take a bit of practice with the frame rates and resolution on the GoPro before things get real polished. It's been well over a decade since I've done any video editing outside of iMovie and I'm pretty rusty (using HitFilm Express at the moment).

  8. Not directly a golf product, but I purchased a GoPro Hero7 Black today. I had a lot of fun cutting together a handful of holes into short videos last summer, but with Arccos requiring my phone to be in my front pocket I lost my nice camera after switching from ShotScope. I also bought a mounting clip for the GoPro so I can attach to to my push cart as a makeshift tripod.

    The Hero7 can do 1080p at 240fps which should come in handy on the range for evaluating my swing. We also have a few summer vacations planned, and I've been interested in brushing up on my video editing skills so this was a win-win purchase for multiple reasons.

  9. On 2/17/2021 at 5:49 PM, Getoffmylawn said:

    So, I've opined on this thread that, in my opinion, while it was helpful it wasn't absolutely necessary to have a radar to successfully pursue SuperSpeed training.  It's only right that I eat some crow, apologize to a few like @tony@CIC, and admit I was wrong...dead wrong.

    My theory that I could make up for lack of a measuring device with effort and persistence did not appear to hold water.  If anyone has followed my offseason training thread you'll know I've beat the hell out of myself in the weight room, and have worked my way up to Level 4 SuperSpeed protocols, but did the latter absent a speed measuring device despite the sage wisdom of many on here.  

    To say I've wasted my time would be inaccurate, but the speed gains have not been commensurate with the time or effort invested, so much so that I'm going back to the drawing board and starting all over at Level 1, plus a C Club protocol.  (I am trying to figure out how to work in some Single Arm work, but that's another conversation.)  This time, I have a radar.

    Let this be a lesson to any other stubborn jack@sses like myself...get the damn radar.

    Having gotten that off my chest...I did want to ask a question...many of you have described the benefit of the radar as helping you to identify what produces a fast swing versus simply a harder swing.  Can any of describe exactly what it was/is tangibly that you learned in your swing to produce greater speeds?  I keep waiting for the epiphany or realization to hit me, but for now I'm searching.  Case in point, on my C Club Max Out swings this morning at the end of the protocol, I had a 10 mph variance from the first swing to the second, and I can't honestly tell you what I physically did different at all.  Searching a bit.

    There have been lots of great swing thoughts posted already, and I'm duplicating some of them. But, for sake of anyone stopping by this review, thought I'd add in my thoughts/feels:

    • Loose wrists/forearms.
    • Good balance throughout the swing. 
    • High hands on the backswing.
    • A slight "pause" of the hands at the top, which for me is more of a reminder to not rip the club down from the top.
    • Fluid hips and lower body, with a big turn into my right side. Get the belt buckle pointed as far to the right as possible.
    • Feeling like I accelerate through the hitting zone.
  10. On 2/26/2021 at 3:50 PM, B.Boston said:

    I recently saw this video as I have a slight sway in my swing and move too much into my trail leg.

    Not trying to play coach but I thought it was worth a share! 



    Messed around with this and really love the swing thought. I too am guilty of a sway/slide pattern. Looking forward to my next range session to give this a shot.

  11. Had the day off and made it up to the range. Temperatures are finally back into the 30s and low 40s, so by the end of my session I was able to be in short sleeves. What a nice feeling.

    I'm proud of myself today because the session started off where my last two left off with lots of terrible toed shots with no zip. I've been guilty of chasing numbers on the Mevo lately, and I think parts of my swing had gotten out of sorts because of that. Today, I started by just videoing myself without the Mevo, and after the first 15 or so terrible swings, stopped to see what was going on. 

    Posture/hips came up in this thread earlier this week, and I've got a lot to do on my posture at setup. Basically, what feels to me like standing straight up and reaching for the ball is actually good posture, while what feels like good posture has me bent too far over and very close to the ball. I started focusing on feeling like I wasn't bending over at all at address and the rest of the session went very well.

    I only hit 10 or so drivers but they were fantastic with that setup thought, and I believe I set a new ball speed record for myself on the Mevo with my last drive, which was smoked right down the middle of the range where I was aimed.



    I got a chance to try out the new-to-me Cobra Utility and the MMT hybrid shafts. The Cobra is about what I expected from a driving iron - pretty unforgiving on the worst hits, but good for 200+ carry on average hits and 220+ carry when middled properly. It will definitely see action on drier days.

    The MMT TX hybrid shafts are noticeably more stout than the Tensei Pro Orange I was using, but what I liked about them is that I don't think I hit one that hooked to the left. Everything played straight or a slight cut, with the worst shots being fades, which is probably a better flight for me with hybrids anyway. I think they both will stay in the bag, which means I have some more shafts to sell now.

    Unfortunately, my camera angle was too far behind me, but this was a nice 5 iron nearing the end of the session. I still seem to struggle with getting my feet and shoulders properly aligned. It's something I want to talk about at my next lesson, for sure. My shoulders are aligned properly to my target (which is blocked out by my poor camera view), but my feet are aligned quite a bit to the right.


  12. On 2/21/2021 at 3:24 PM, B.Boston said:

    About a month ago the sliding door on our Honda Odyssey stopped working and one of the cables that runs to the motor snapped, causing the motor to Jam.  We could only open that door about 6 inches.  Finally got the replacement cables in and took the panels off today to see what was going on.  

    The dealer quoted us over $400 if it was JUST the cable that snapped.  $1200 is the motor was shot.  I got the cables for $9.99.

    Got about half way through (removed the old cables, but the spindle is jammed on pretty good.  I’ll wait until its a little warmer to pull the motor off and get the spindle loose.  Otherwise it looks fine.  At least now we have a working door and can take the kids in it again, even if we have to go old school and manually open it! 

    What kills me is the fact that the deal is charging $400+ for this when it requires:

    1. A screw driver

    2. A 10mm socket wrench

    3. Two human hands

    4. Probably an hour of experienced time.

    Unreal how much some places want to charge for replacement parts. I had a local chain tire store quote me $360 to replace the front pads and rotors on my car. The line-item quote showed they wanted $115 just for the set of pads! Instead, I got a brand new set of ceramic pads and drilled/slotted coated rotors delivered for $110 total and did it myself.

    My wife laments that I drive an older car (it's going on 17 years old this year), but the parts are cheap and it's relatively easy to work on. Easy savings if you can get a few standard tools and a warm-ish place to work.

  13. 4 hours ago, twyatt700 said:

    What heads do you have them in?

    Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy

    The two hybrid shafts (.370 tip) are in the Epic Flash and Super Hybrids. 

    The Utility shaft (.355 tip) is in a Cobra KING Utility. As that is .370 hosel, I needed to use a brass shim.

    I bought a used combo set of 699/699 Pros with steel shafts from Sub70's used section. I pulled the heads and reassembled with MMT (.355 tip). Being .370 bore I needed to use shims for assembly as well.

  14. 37 minutes ago, twyatt700 said:

    I’m very envious of your set up!!! I might have to go with these shafts in my 699 pros. I just got the kbs tour 120’s in black last month... I’ll be interested to set how they work for you throughout the season.

    Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy

    Figured if I was going graphite, I was going all in! The MMT will have to be good in the Super Hybrid to beat out the Pro Orange, though.

    I inquired about having Sub70 build these for me (I'd buy the shafts separately and ship them), but they said for now they are only building .370 shafts with their heads.

  15. Picked up a gently used 2016 model Cobra KING Utility to give me some more flexibility at the top end of the bag. Paired the head with a MMT 105 TX Utility shaft to match the profile of the irons.


    I don't expect this club to get a lot of use at my home course, but there are a handful of more open, links-style courses that I like to play where this will likely make an appearance as a tee club. In those situations, I'll drop the Sub70 4 iron to make room and loft the Epic Flash hybrid up to 22 or 23 degrees so that I still have a 200-ish yard club for approaches into greens.

  16. 1 hour ago, ncwoz said:

    Love that goal (and the warming weather)! Do you feel that there's any particular part of your game that might be a source of low hanging fruit for shaving off a few strokes, or is it a little bit of everything?

    Well, you saw firsthand how poor my putting can be. However, the last few rounds out with the new L.A.B. were really promising. I wish I had gotten it earlier in the season. I had a few doozies where I shot things like 84/39 putts, 80/36 putts and 81/35 putts. I did hit a few more greens in those rounds, but those are still a lot of putts on what should be fairly easy greens.

    Arccos is more reflective of the last month or so of my season, when penalties and poor iron striking hurt me. For example, my two 18-hole rounds in October were marred by penalties and fluke holes. I was through 13 holes at +3 in the first round and finished +15 with four penalties over the last five holes. The second round I came to No. 9 +3 and went to No. 10 +9 thanks to a sand trap. Ouch.

    That is why full swings, especially with my longer clubs, have been the focus of the offseason. I laid back a lot last season, opting to take 150-160 into greens rather than risk hitting anything longer than a 5 iron off the tee. I can't do that if I want to score under 80 consistently.

  17. Lower Michigan (sorry, @GolfSpy MPR) finally broke out of its prolonged cold snap and the snow is starting to melt! More white stuff will likely be on the way, but it feels fantastic to turn the corner. The near-zero degree temperatures we've had for most of February were miserable.

    I've started to plan out my summer vacation/golf schedule. I should be able to get 60-plus rounds in again this year, weather permitting. I've mapped out a handful of other courses to play throughout the year besides my home course. If all goes to plan, I'll get a chance to play three or four new-to-me courses this season.

    The cold weather made me a little stir-crazy over the past few weeks. I'm now in the "ready to be outside" mindset. As a result, I've neglected parts of my offseason program. My putting practice on the EXPUTT has lessened, and I have only been doing the bare minimum of stretching/working out. I need to improve upon this a bit. I recently started Fit for Golf's GolfFlex program. Right hip mobility continues to be a struggle for me. I'm hoping I'll see more improvement given a steady routine.

    As the season approaches, it seems necessary to set a simple target for the year. I've decided being a solid single-digit handicap will be my 2021 season's goal. I floated between nine and 14 throughout last season. To cement a single digit handicap, I'd need to shoot 80 or better on my home course most of the time. In 38 18-hole rounds there last season, I shot 80 or better nine times.

    Full-swing has continued to be the priority at the winter range, and it's been a winter of ups and downs. Lately, my struggles have been with a lot of shots out of the toe. If I'm not careful I revert to some bad habits in my setup and takeaway/backswing. Unfortunately, it seems like I'm chasing many issues at once, depending on the day. Sometimes I: 

    • Roll my arms a bit inside
    • Push my hands outside
    • Setup too close to the ball
    • Put too much weight on my heels
    • Put too much weight on my toes

    I'm sure there are other issues I'm forgetting. 

    I suppose if golf was easy we'd all be professionals, right?

  18. 3 minutes ago, BKordon said:

    You and me both on the snow factor. The withdrawals are brutal this time of year. I wasn't able to get away today to sneak out and it's 58 in Fort Collins, CO. I can sneak away tomorrow and it's going to be 38 with flurries. ARGHHHHHH

    I lived a couple of years in Casper and know the feeling. Fort Collins had year 'round golf for the most part. Casper not so much, unfortunately. 👎

  19. 20 hours ago, BKordon said:

    I too just read the entire thread and all I can say is "well done"

    There is a certain amount of gratification building your own set of irons. Enjoy them.


    On 2/22/2021 at 8:27 AM, Headhammer said:


    Just read through this entire thread and really enjoyed you documenting your Sub70 club build. Nice work!

    Appreciate the comments! This was a really fun build. I can't wait for the snow to melt and to get on the course.

  20. Back to the range for two buckets this morning. Wasn't the best day overall, just couldn't get comfortable over the ball, but the MMTs are addictive to hit! Really enjoyed my time spent with the 6 and 7 irons today. Still seeing a few MPH increase in swing speed across the irons after switching from steel to graphite.

    Didn't have a ton of success with the longer clubs I brought (driver, hybrids) mostly because I just was too tight. Started getting a bit more relaxed toward the end of the session and had some better swings. 

  21. 31 minutes ago, fixyurdivot said:

    That makes sense on the lie/loft equipment - for sure if building for yourself and know your specs.  As a start, I think I'll invest in the nozzle for the air compressor.  What make/model did you get?  I'm guilty of holding out too long getting grips changed.  Plus, this is a great thing to have and skill to develop to help out friends.  "Grips for Beer LLC" immediately comes to mind 🙂.

    I have something similar to this, but mine is a pistol grip: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Golf-Grip-Install-Air-Tool-All-Metal-Stubby-Gun-1-5-XL-Cup-fits-all-Grip-Sizes/281202176764?hash=item4178f4b2fc:g:V8UAAOxy4t1SeqJ~

    The key is to use as low of air pressure as you can, and go slow. I've had good luck with all of the rubber grips I've tried, and so far have only ruined one of ~30 grips.

    I'm not sure how the hybrid grips with cord in them will handle the air. I still do keep tape and solvent around just in case.

  22. On 2/17/2021 at 11:16 AM, fixyurdivot said:

    So back to your foray into custom club building, do you have any special loft/lie equipment or just pretty much order to spec and assemble?  I built custom flyrods for many years and loved doing it.  Lots of commonalities between that and golf club assembly... well pretty close anyway. Your thread has me thinking about giving this a try.


    I just realized I never responded to this.

    I don't have a loft/lie machine. They are quite expensive for good ones, and unless I was doing work for other people or buying cheap components that may be out of spec, I'd probably use it maybe once a year? The closest shop near me charges $30 to do loft/lie on an entire set, and the shop I frequent the range at in the winter actually bent my wedges for me last weekend for no charge. In the case of the Sub70s, I had them bend the irons one degree flat before shipping, which they did at no charge as well.

    I would say, if you order quality components and don't need everything built to exacting specs, club work at home isn't too big of a deal. I'm happy to get my irons within a swing weight point on either side of a general target (D4-D6 seems to be a sweet spot for my irons), and my shaft cuts are consistent but probably up to 1/8" in either direction of target. I use a homemade club length ruler, and the only "professional" measurement tool I have is the cheapest manually swing weight scale Golfworks sells.

    The best tool I've invested in is an air nozzle to put grips on with the air compressor. It is so much cleaner and easier than dealing with tape and solvent.

    I think, given enough time, I may one day invest in a digital swing weight scale but I'm unsure if I'd spend more on other devices. Hopefully, these irons stay in my bag for a few years, and maybe next time I will go the route of larger OEM.

  23. 16 hours ago, RickyBobby_PR said:

    In person they can say something ask if you understand if not they can try to say it differently, where online it might take a couple conversations to get the concept

    Amen to this. I think I spent three or four different lessons getting told to do something about three or four different ways when it came to my transition. And even then I still didn't get it right until I started to use the Planemate more to literally feel what I was supposed to be doing.

    @dlow206 - Lots of progress in here! Excited for your weather to get better and see the results on the course!

  24. 9 hours ago, twyatt700 said:

    What’s this you say about trading cards?

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    Much like other hobbies due to COVID, the trading card market is hot! I had some decent stuff of LeBron and MJ sitting around in boxes in the basement so I capitalized while I could. 

    I haven't been an active collector in like 15 years, but there was a good stretch of time where I spent a lot of time and money trading online in the earlier days of the web...

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