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Posts posted by edingc

  1. IMG_17022021_165757_(1280_x_960_pixel).jpg.0452ce06a9cbc3e1e301e9d31301c5f3.jpg

    The KING Utility I picked up off of WRX showed up today after a pretty long shipping delay due to weather.

    To celebrate, I special-ordered a matching MMT Utility iron shaft for it and two of the MMT hybrid shafts from Grips4Less. And two more Callaway hybrid adapters from eBay. Going to test the MMT in the Super Hybrid first, if it's a winner I'll try the second MMT in the Epic Flash.

    If it doesn't work in the Super Hybrid I can just tip it for the 4 iron and put it in the Epic Flash. That means someone here will get a small discount on a brand new MMT hybrid shaft if they want it. 

  2. 15 minutes ago, fixyurdivot said:

    Those look great Edin, nice job!  Which Lamkin grips are those?  I'm getting the MMT80 shafts (matte black w/same graphics) and you just confirmed how nice gray goes with them.  Plan on GP New Decade Plus 4 Midsize gray, but maybe these?

    Thanks! The grips are Lamkin Sonar Tours. I really like the texture, nice blend between tacky/firm. It seems to encourage me to take a nice light and even hold without fear of losing my grip.

    They are traditional taper though, so you'd need to have the grips built up with tape to get +4 size on the bottom hand. The regular Lamkin Sonars are less tapered (closer to a +4), but they only come in black/blue and not gray, unfortunately.

  3. 19 hours ago, Getoffmylawn said:

    I haven't commented much just because club-building is very foreign to me...I'm extremely interested but frankly am probably too intimidated to wade into that pool.

    But, damn you did a nice job.  Look like beautiful sticks and I'm sure the pics don't even do them justice, and I'm glad to see they're performing too.  Between the clubs and your swing progress I'm excited for your upcoming season.

    I wonder, just thinking out loud, if considering the blue stripes on the ferrule if a matching blue paint fill might be in order on the back of the club?  Like I said, just a thought.

    Thanks! Yeah, I'm pretty happy with how these turned out. The ferrules are not 100 percent perfect, but I'm sure after a few rounds of going in and out of the bag they'll get a little dinged up anyway and be just fine. 

    I hear you about being intimidated. There are some very smart clubmakers out there that are way more well-equipped than me. I get by with about $150-$200 worth of Harbor Freight tools, a cheap Golfworks swing weight scale and a few specialty things like .370 reamers from Golfworks. But, I've built my last two iron sets and saved some decent cash doing it both times, not to mention there is quite a bit of satisfaction from putting them together yourself. 

    I've thought about switching the paint fill, but for now I'm going to keep it the same. If I start to lose some from the bottom I may consider blue in the future. 😀

  4. We added another six inches of snow Monday night into Tuesday. Wind chills well below zero this morning with actual temps near the negatives, too. They're talking up to a few more inches later this week, but at least the temps should get back near 30 for the high.

    I'm starting to run out of places to put snow. Last year I played golf on March 1 - don't think that will be the case this year.


  5. On 2/9/2021 at 6:08 PM, twyatt700 said:

    How are these? I’m in kbs tour right now, but I like a lighter shaft, but need something that launches lower

    Just as a follow up to this - I don't think these would launch much lower than your Tours. They launch as high or higher than my C-Taper Lites, especially in the shorter irons, which I think are already supposed to be mid-high. 

    Might try the new Tensei AM2 White shafts from Mitsubishi if you are looking for lower launch? It's lighter than the MMTs but listed as a low-launching shaft by Mitsubishi.

  6. 18 hours ago, B.Boston said:

    Anyone have thoughts on the SuperSpeed C stick? I might add one to the training this Spring.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    It's useful for increasing hand/arm speed, and you get a really nice "release" feeling if you keep your wrists loose.

    It's nice to use to change the normal SS routine up a bit. I find I'm anywhere from 5-10 percent faster with the C club than the green stick.

    Just one of several things I do in terms of trying to add/maintain speed, however, so I unfortunately can't point to it as the sole reason for any speed increases since I bought the C club last winter.

  7. 16 minutes ago, GolfSpy MPR said:

    Did some catch up reading in this thread this morning. Bumped over to Twitter and encountered this tweet (it appears to be a Jamie Sadlowski swing model). Looks like you've got good company in the "head over trail foot" idea:


    Yeah, that's a fantastic illustration of what I'm trying to accomplish. This is a still of something I sent my coach the night following my lesson (box marks head at address):


    Rory has similar head movement as well:


    Thanks for reading and chiming in! I realize I get a bit long-winded at times, but I treat this thread much like a notebook for my swing thoughts so I have something to refer back to.

  8. It's hard to believe I played a round of golf on March 1 last year. Looking outside and at our short-term forecast, it feels like winter is just getting started:


    Anyway, I'm holding out hope we are about a month away from getting outside on the course and probably 45-55 days from having decent weather to do so. (On a side note, I think February is the only month I've never played a round of golf here in Michigan - we always get warm snaps during the winter but they never seem to come in February.) 

    I've been busy the last few weeks prepping my bag for the 2021 season. More information is in my WITB? link in my signature, but the high-level overview is that only two clubs remain from the 2020 season (wedges), and they were reshafted and adjusted. I may still tweak the shafts on the hybrids, but otherwise I am set for the year. I do think my extensive changing of clubs since March 2020 has probably not done much for my game, so I'm planning to stay with these clubs for a bit now. 

    I just finished up my third round of Wendler's 5/3/1 lifting protocol and have made some really great progress over the past three months. I'm no where as strong as I'd like to be, but in both my golf swing and everyday life I can tell I'm the strongest I've ever been and it's extremely motivating. I've cleaned up my diet somewhat (still some room for progress here), and dropped about 10 of the 20 or so pounds I put on through 2020. 

    SuperSpeed sticks, the Planemate, the Smart Ball and EXPUTT simulator all make appearances in my training regimen at least a few times a week. 

    Yesterday's two buckets were the first time out in February. I've definitely gotten better this offseason, but still fall prey to some bad habits with my setup. I tend to get my hands close to me, my upper body really bent over, and my weight in my heels, which makes a proper turn back and through really difficult. The left, from two weeks ago, is where I want to be. The right, from yesterday, is where I default to without really putting forward a lot of focus (both are 4 irons):


    I have been doing better at getting a bigger turn back, regardless of setup, and have seen some nice boosts in club head speed as a result. In combination with feeling like my head is on a swivel and doesn't fly forward on the downswing, I've pretty much eliminated my left hook miss. 

    My coach made a comment about how far my takeaway and backswing have come since starting work with him in fall 2019. I went back a little farther to look at how much this part of my swing has evolved since joining MGS in Dec. 2018:


    He also gave me high praise during my last lesson saying my top of backswing position was reminiscent of the G.O.A.T. 🐐🐅 in '99-'00:


    One can dream...

  9. 1 hour ago, BIG STU said:

    Ok I really like it including the research and the why to of your choices. Seems well thought out and fitted to your needs.

    Thank you! I've been through enough clubs and fittings over the past two years to know what I like and dislike in clubs now. One of the things I picked up from here is, "Why make golf harder than it needs to be?"

    I really tried to analyze the weakest parts of my game and see how I could play better and think I've come up with a setup that will do that.

    27 minutes ago, RollingGreens said:

    Really cool bag. Starting doing some research on the MMT shafts. Needless to say I’m intrigued. I love the modus tours I have but I will consider graphite when my body tells me it’s time. 

    Thanks! That's probably the nicest comment I could get in a sea of other very cool WITB posts.

    Callaway has the MMTs in this year's fitting cart. I encourage you to go hit one (I demoed an Apex Forged and the 95S shaft before buying the Sub70's). They feel amazing for my swing, and I love the dampening effect. I hit 150 balls today in 20ish degree weather off the mats and have zero wrist or elbow pain tonight.

  10. I got a chance to get out to the range this morning with a few of the Sub70s. No heads flew off so I'm off to a good start! 😂

    I ran some comparisons on the 5, 8 and 9 irons compared to the last time I hit those clubs with my old bag. I didn't remove any bad shots this time around, so I think the variance is a little higher than the last comparison I did.


    Similar results as I saw with the 4 iron two weeks ago. Better club speed, ball speed, height and distance versus the equivalent iron from my previous set.

    I'm very pleased with these MMT shafts. They feel very, very good. And anecdotally I seem to have eliminated some of my left hook miss, though that could be my lessons and not the clubs.

  11. Beat another winter storm system up to the range this morning for two buckets before it started to get gross. Took a handful of the freshly-built Sub70s and my Cobra wedges. Shop owner was nice enough to bend the wedges two degrees more upright for me (to one flat from stock), which solved longstanding issues I've had with hitting the ball right and off the toe.

    Session wasn't as good as two weeks ago, but I was very impressed with the Sub70/MMT combo. Picked up a bit of club and ball speed across the bag and more distance as a result.

    Major focus today was again to feel like my head doesn't move forward on the downswing. I have the feeling of having my head on a swivel and that seems to work well. I did pretty good but still need a lot of work. When I get it right, however, the contact is awesome and the bit of early extension I fight goes away, as do the hooks!

    I did struggle a bit with the two long irons I brought (4 and 5). When it's this cold (sub 20s) I have a hard time getting my hips loosened up, and I start to compensate for a poor turn by getting the club too far behind me on the backswing. From reviewing video it also looks like I may have started to let my hands creep too far in toward my body at address. Oh well. I did hit some great shots overall, and from 8 iron to my wedges I was extremely happy.


  12. 17 minutes ago, Getoffmylawn said:

    Did you struggle with the 5th protocol in the "advanced protocol" series...the one with the long green where you get to the top of the takeaway (shaft parallel), relax that position (or basically bow the wrist and move the clubhead behind the handle), and then "collect" the ball?

    The short band protocols had a similar drill and I had no problem with...did that drill with a gap wedge.  With the long green band doing the protocol I described, but with a 7 iron, my contact is extremely thin.

    What club are you using for the long green band protocols?

    Correct, any time I tried to move into full swing this past summer I was unable to do so successfully. 

    I have an old 6 iron that I use for the protocols.

    I'm going to be one of "those" people and say I haven't really followed the protocols much this winter. I just strap on the Planemate for a few minutes with the long band and work through 10-15 iron swings. I really should do better, and as @RickyBobby_PR alluded to, I should give it a longer chance at the range.

  13. IMG_11022021_192249_(1280_x_960_pixel).jpg.7b477511255574247964e5a89f95de44.jpg

    Everything is cured, ferrules are turned and shined with acetone. Painter's tape is on in preparation for grips. Hopefully the weather gets up into the 20s again tomorrow so I can work in the garage for a bit with the air compressor.

    I didn't make any dire mistakes on the ferrules this time through. The epoxy filler in the gaps worked well, the sander turned down the slightly mushroomed ferrules perfectly, and I really only got a little too much off of the pitching wedge. But it's hardly noticeable, and after they get some bag wear they'll all blend in anyway.

    I stuck a split grip on the wedges and chipped for a bit in the basement. They felt excellent. Really looking forward to getting these on the course in the spring.

  14. 9 hours ago, ejgaudette said:

    Looking forward to the pictures and sounds like some great work. Looking forward to see how they play for you. Did you play to standard graphite length or traditional, they seem more traditional. 

    They match traditional steel lengths and Sub70's stock steel lengths.

    An overlength or standard graphite length set of the MMTs would swing weight out quite heavy.

  15. Shafts came in today and yesterday, and I did some work both nights to get them put together. No pictures yet as they are still curing.

    All in all, the build went reasonably smooth. I didn't make any mistakes cutting the shafts (my first worry at $75 each), and after I got 2-3 clubs down the rest went pretty quick. The biggest trouble came fitting the .355 tapered MMTs properly into the .370 hosels. I've built two sets with the Golfworks shims prior to this and had no issues, but there was enough variance in both the hosels of the Sub70s and shaft tip diameters of the MMTs that a few irons required only 1/2 a shim, and the pitching wedge actually didn't require one at all. 

    I'm glad I bought extra ferrules as I cracked one from the pressure of putting it on. I got a good handle on using the heat gun to get them to slide down easier, and I'd say 6/9 are perfect. I accidently "mushroomed" the bottom of two of them from too much heat/force but they will clean up fine with the sander and acetone. Another one I set a tiny bit too deep so there was a 1/64" gap, but since I use black epoxy I filled it and hopefully can buff it away with the sander. I'm obviously not completely out of the woods yet as I still need to finish them on the belt sander (which already has gone poorly once).

    My Cobra MIM Black wedges, which are .355 taper tip, were by far the easiest since there was no shim required and everything just fit together perfectly.

    It appears the MMTs are ever so slightly tip heavy, confirming some of the reports I've seen on other sites. The Sub70s all swing weighted out to D5. I do not account for grip cap length in my lengths, so for many OEMs they would probably be D4 or slightly less. They all were +/- one swing weight from D5, so from a tolerance perspective they turned out well.

    Both Cobra wedges built out to be slightly heavier at D6.5, with the 54 degree wedge at 35.5" and the 58 degree at 35.25".



  16. I'm so glad I gave the Planemate another shot this winter after giving up on it this past summer. As I've continued to work on my swing, it has become evident the Planemate really does get you in the right positions for a powerful, repeatable movement.

    One of the pieces of "homework" from my last in-person lesson was to work on keeping my head quiet on the downswing. My tendency was to throw my upper body/head left through impact. With the Planemate, this manifested itself as the band working underneath my trail arm or on my trail wrist on the follow through.

    I've been working on a few different feels to get the head moving more on a swivel. The major feel for me is that my right shoulder goes down and out on the downswing rather than out and around. I strapped the Planemate on tonight, and sure enough, down and out keeps the band off my trail arm perfectly. I couldn't get to the range last weekend because of the snow, but I'm hoping to get out there again this weekend to give this new feel a shot. I'll probably bring the Planemate with me just to get some good feels going before I start hitting actual balls.

  17. On 2/9/2021 at 6:34 AM, tchat07 said:

    So I have the original swing speed radar and paired it with my Rapsodo yesterday. Super impressed with the og radar, was only 1 to 2 mph off what the MLM was getting. Also after a few months off I am back and trying to be consistent, going to try for a minimum of 2 times a week and hoping to get back to 3 times a week. For those who have been able to test on launch monitors, how does your full out swing with no ball compare to when you hit a ball?

    Sent from my SM-G950U using MyGolfSpy mobile app

    I would say about 10 percent as well.

    My best no-ball driver swing with the OG Swing Speed Radar is 124 MPH at 44.5" (I keep an older, shorter driver for this). Highest driver swing speed recorded on my FlightScope Mevo this winter was 116.4 MPH with a 45.75" Mavrik.

  18. 18 minutes ago, twyatt700 said:

    How are these? I’m in kbs tour right now, but I like a lighter shaft, but need something that launches lower

    Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy

    I've never played the regular weight Tours, only taken a few swings with them, but do have extensive experience with the C-Taper Lites. 

    These are 113 grams, so a little lighter than your Tours (assuming stiff flex?). There are no "X" flex MMT 105s, they jump from stiff at 105 grams to TX at 113 grams. I went with the TX based more on weight rather than flex, and ordered the matching "scoring wedge" shafts for the 54/58 that are slightly heavier at 117 grams.

    I did a one-on-one comparison of the SpeedZone 5 iron with CTL x-stiff vs. the Sub70 699 4 iron with the MMT. For me, I found the MMT to have a similar feel at impact but I picked up a few MPH club and ball speed and some distance (in fairness, the lofts were the same but the 4 iron is 1/2 inch longer). Launch angle was about the same, but spin was slightly less. These comparisons are with my Mevo and cold, crap range balls so realistically the two shafts produced very similar numbers. The full post is here:

    I'd say, compared to the CTLs, they feel stiffer while being waggled but unload very nicely through the ball. And the dampening of the graphite was very nice. I wanted to go graphite because I was starting to get some elbow/wrist pain from hitting off mats.

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