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Posts posted by edingc

  1. 4 minutes ago, GolfSpy MPR said:

    This makes sense in the abstract, but with a negative AoA, the spin rate goes through the roof, and the lower loft is there to fight that.*


    *Comment from a guy who got fitted into a 9° Mavrik geared down to 8° for exactly this problem.

    Additionally, if I recall you were also fit into a tip stiff x-flex, right?

  2. 24 minutes ago, rbsiedsc said:

    if you have a negative AOA, shouldn't you be in a higher lofted driver to compensate instead of lower? I bet you will have more success with the 10* setting.


    1 minute ago, GolfSpy MPR said:

    This makes sense in the abstract, but with a negative AoA, the spin rate goes through the roof, and the lower loft is there to fight that.*


    *Comment from a guy who got fitted into a 9° Mavrik geared down to 8° for exactly this problem.

    Exactly. It was the only way we could get my spin rate to sniff 3000-something during the fitting.

    Multiple things that go on in my swing, but getting the path too left basically is the cause.

    (Also lots of reasons path is too left 🤣.)

  3. 2 hours ago, RollingGreens said:

    After a littles less than a year of using the product has anything changed @edingc  do you still feel it was a good investment? Are you correlating sleep with workout performance? Has it made any differences that you wouldn’t have initially thought?

    To be honest, I didn't end up renewing my subscription when it ran out in June. When COVID hit, my wife and I weren't sure about the futures of our jobs, so I couldn't justify $30/month for it (and we also had some house issues requiring a big monetary investment around the same time, unfortunately).

    I really liked the WHOOP, but some of the things I learned weren't really things I could continue to improve upon and get better at. For example, WHOOP correlated alcohol consumption in the evenings with greatly reduced sleep quality for me. That's great to know, but once I knew that (and really, it's a no brainer...), what more could the band tell me? Same goes with reading before bed, taking melatonin, ibuprofen etc.

    I did really like the calorie expenditure calculations and heart rate monitor. Very, very cool stuff. And I found the recovery scores to be pretty accurate to how I felt on a given day. The tech is for real and works.

    If I were to dive back in now, I'd probably go with the Amazon Halo as the pricing is better for much of the same capabilities. I also hate that the battery life was pretty poor, and the weird charger that didn't hold a charge was just flat out inconvenient although the intent was great. 

    But the biggest reason it didn't stick with me is probably pretty silly - with no display there wasn't a place to see the current time. I currently wear a $30 Xiaomi Mi Band 3 on my left wrist. Although it is a fitness tracker/pedometer, it gets most of its use as a wrist watch, and with the "Mi Band Tools" app on Android I use it as my silent alarm clock so I don't wake up the wife. I get almost a month out of a charge and does exactly what I want.

  4. I've been pretty OK at maintaining weight for the past eight years since my wife and I switched to keto, but being at home during everything since last March was a little rough on the scale. I gained about 25 pounds from Dec. 2019 to Nov. 2020, some muscle from the power rack I got in the basement for Christmas 2019, but realistically probably 15 pounds of fat from just crappy eating and drinking. 

    I decided to take my weight more seriously around Thanksgiving, drinking a lot fewer calories to start, and now actually calorie counting again for at least a little while. Happy to wake up this morning at 173.2, which is about 10 pounds down from where I started. Goal is to be in the 160-165 range, hopefully by the time courses open in April.

    Love reading all of the comments in this thread!

  5. 13 minutes ago, Getoffmylawn said:

    Interesting.  I'm no coach, but are you sure cutting out the green sticks is the way to go?  The standard SuperSpeed protocol videos seem to really put an emphasis on the green stick swings, especially the finishing ones...that's when you should be swinging your fastest and effecting the most "brain re-programming" for lack of a better term.

    Just food for thought.  It's really curious to me to see these little wrinkles of disparity between the SuperSpeed prescribed uses and the inputs from coaches like Mike,

    You're not wrong - I re-read the post and I misread a bit. He doesn't say drop the green sticks but rather focus on more sets of the red or blue sticks than the green. 

    Maybe I'll try doubling my sets of blue/red while keeping a set of green at the beginning and end.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Getoffmylawn said:

    Thought of you and @edingcwhen I saw this blog post from Mike Carroll...I suspect you've already seen it but here's the link to his blog post concerning SuperSpeed sticks:

    Speed Sticks - Tour Data & How I Use Them (fitforgolf.blog)

    I was a bit disappointed that he didn't dive in to his obvious concerns about the volume of the "standard" SuperSpeed protocols, but I did find it interesting that he opined the non-dominant swings as being of little value.  That kind of flies in the face of the balance/symmetry argument.

    I read the post yesterday and gleaned a few bits of new stuff I found interesting, and it reaffirmed some of what I've discovered this fall on my own:

    • Less volume isn't necessarily bad.
    • Non-dominant swings aren't really that important.
    • Change up the program to fix weak spots.

    Because of the increase in weight in my 5/3/1 sets and the number of swings I take on weekends, I've basically dropped down to doing SuperSpeed twice a week and only about 5 regular swings of each club, or 5-10 counterweighted swings total.

    One of the things I pulled from Mike's post was his encouragement to focus on the weakest sticks (for me, red and blue) and maybe skip the green sticks for a few sessions. Something I might try as my green stick swings tend to peak in the upper 130s, while the blue and red lag very far behind that.

    Mike also released a new "Speed Series" to his app subscribers, and I plan on doing that twice a week now as well.

  7. 18 hours ago, seeking70's said:

    I "bought my kid" a Mevo for Christmas.  I finally got it out on the range yesterday for our maiden voyage together.  I think I'm going to like this.  Hoping I can use it to help me lower my launch angle a bit before our "playable weather" arrives.

    It's definitely brutally honest with the distance, too.  Not sure if that's good or bad because I won't be able to inflate my ego anymore.  Haha...

    One thing to watch with the Mevo and range balls is the spin numbers it reads. Mine, especially off mats and with worn range balls, will read absurdly high or low amounts of spin sometimes. I've found that it can affect the distance estimations by quite a few yards as a result.

    Over a 10+ shot sequence (the web interface is great for displaying the averages, though the app can do it too), I've found the Mevo to be ridiculously accurate for its price. And the automatic video clipping feature with ability to shout out a specific metric is a godsend. Enjoy!

  8. 1 hour ago, revkev said:


    Since ground helps speed it could be that you’re loosing a bit by doing them inside - however I normally see PGA and LPGA users doing their protocols inside so it can’t be all bad. 🙂

    Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy


    Anecdotal, but I would agree that doing protocols on a hard surface like concrete and/or indoors could lead to slightly lower speed numbers. I've kept a part of my back patio shoveled and dry this year specifically to swing outdoors, but without spikes and on hard ground I do find myself slipping every now and then.

    As for my progress, the last couple of weeks at the heated range I've focused on having more intent to swing fast, in addition to lengthening out my swing some. I've seen some good results with a noticeable bump in club head speed. I haven't been swinging the SuperSpeed sticks too often - about twice a week rotating between the regular sticks and the counterweighted club. I've also cut the volume down considerably, but have increased my workload in the gym with squats, deadlifts and presses.


  9. 13 hours ago, cksurfdude said:

    Just a guess, but it's possible the ball flight was also affected by the cold, dry air..? 

    It's been something I've been seeing since last fall. I think it has something to do with my swing, I tend to get a bit left and "cover" the ball a bit which flattens out the flight a little too much. I did focus on getting more right with the path at the end and had some success, which got the launch up a bit.

    The Rogue Silver is pretty low launch to begin with, and I was fit into the 9 degree head to help with my negative AoA last summer. I think the Rogue Silver is still a good fit for me, but I have the head turned up to 10 degrees now.

  10. Back at the range this morning for two buckets. Few goals for today:

    1. Took the SpeedZone Xtreme along. Between the new RADSpeed and the PXG 0211, I've been eyeing a new driver. I wanted to see how the numbers looked on my FlightScope Mevo to see if I "needed" something different.
    2. Swing with the intent to swing faster. Something borrowed from Fit for Golf. I've noticed that when I consciously try to accelerate through the ball, I swing faster than when I just feel like I swing as fast as I can from the top.
    3. Work on a faster backswing and better wrist set.

    It was very cold this morning when I started (sign on the highway said nine degrees), so my hands unfortunately started to get cold about 20 balls in. I hit too many drivers after warming up with my gap wedge (40 drivers in total), which really tired me out. Not smart in the least bit as after the first bucket I was wiped and the rest of the session was not ideal.

    Had a blast with the SZX. I'm going to stay with it at least for the beginning of the year, and maybe longer if I can get on a Trackman to confirm some numbers. My biggest concern is that I launch it a little too low, but with range balls it's really hard to know how accurate the Mevo is. My driver swing has come a long ways since last summer, and over the 40 swings I put up some really good numbers, including breaking 160 MPH ball speed twice.



    I love seeing the progress in my swing speed and ball speed numbers. 110 used to be an unheard of number for me - when I joined MGS in late 2018, I was around 98-100 on my fastest swings and 94-95 on average. I had a few at 113 and 114 today, hopefully with warmer weather I can push that up a bit more.

    I didn't have a great day with my irons and hybrids, with exception to my Epic Flash 4 hybrid (turned to 20 degrees) that I was just crushing for some reason:


    I do think a shaft change might be in order for that club. The stock Tensei AV Silver leads to some moon balls with excessive spin, though I really don't need more distance out of it. But perhaps a slightly more stout shaft would bring launch and spin down a bit so I could loft back to 21 degrees. Just a thought.

    Overall, a very good session. I'm still struggling a bit to get proper turn in the backswing. I started really great today but  toward the end of the session I ended up dumping quite a few fat ones into the mat because I didn't turn much on the way back. Oh well, progress is progress and it's something to focus on for the rest of the winter.

  11. 10 hours ago, blackngold_blood said:

    I love the looks of PXG woods. I had a Proto X and it was so long. It was also fairly forgiving but small at address which didn’t help my confidence when my swing was off.  The Gen2 X was ok but a little shallow faced for my liking (my miss is more up and down the face).  If the 0211 is a middle ground between them 2 it could be my perfect driver!  The price at $295 right now is so tempting too. 

    Yeah, to be honest I was thinking RADSpeed for the past month, but now seeing the $295 price tag and Tony's article about the 0211, I'm intrigued.

    I'd be a little bummed to give up the more premium no upcharge shaft choices of the Cobra, but it's not like the S+ is a bad shaft at all, either.

    Almost considering taking a flyer on it, probably could resell here or on the 'ol eBay for at least half.

  12. 1 minute ago, cksurfdude said:

    Huh, I have the exact opposite problem - right (trail) elbow tucked in too tight .. my instructor has me working on extending my arms (ie. adding space between my body) going into impact.

    WIP (work-in-progress)

    Always is!

    This is an extension of something I worked on with my instructor over the summer. His drill was for me to take half swings with a straight left arm and a glove tucked under my right arm pit.

    My issue was that my right arm would get disconnected from my pivot, which would let the left arm get pulled across my chest at the top. 

  13. 18 minutes ago, bens197 said:

    Really nice job keeping the clubface square through the swing...your work is paying off!!!

    Thank you. After really struggling for a bit mid-summer, I had a pretty good fall and it's carrying over to winter practice. Still lots of little things to clean up, but I feel like the reps I'm putting in are starting to take hold. Feels like my swing is in a lot better position by default, and keeping the club face more square or even a bit closed has helped a ton.

  14. Weird range session this morning (last of the holiday break for me). It was fully overcast and with all of the snow on the ground I couldn't see the balls in flight at all, which was a bummer. I hit two buckets without really knowing more than strike location and ball speed, and personally felt like it was a pretty crummy session until I got home and looked through my Mevo clips. 

    I did a great job cleaning up my takeaway and much to my surprise the start line of the majority of my shots was perfect! Such a relief as I feared I was just spraying the ball all over the place.

    Back to once-a-week sessions starting next weekend unless the weather doesn't cooperate to travel to the range, which is OK as the mats do beat up my wrists and elbows a bit. 

    Very pleased with how the swing is shaping up with three months to go before we hit reasonable golfing weather:


  15. 7 hours ago, BMart519 said:

    Don’t get too hung up on it, I watch a couple of their videos on YouTube then pick 1-3 swings other than the normal swing. It’s all about getting reps in with heavy and light sticks. Some sets I do 5 reps, some times it will be 6-7 if I don’t get reads. 

    Do you still do both sides or only focus on your dominant side? 

    One of the things I've taken away from reading some Fit For Golf and Par4Success content is that the SuperSpeed protocols may be a bit taxing unnecessarily, which I've found to be true. Very hard for me to keep up a full protocol workout combined with lifting/stretching. I've enjoyed just working through "regular" swings with the different weights - much quicker and far less taxing on the body.

  16. 2 hours ago, BMart519 said:

    I really like Super Speed level 4... first session in 4 weeks as my shoulder has been killing me. The heel stomp swing was a great cue for me. My normal swings to start with heavy club swings were 1-2 mph slower than the beginning of my training 2-3 months ago. Heel plant boosted speed 5-8 mph compared to normal swings. Ended the session with 4 mph (102) higher swing speed hitting a ball compared to 2 months ago. No ball swings were +2mph and max score it swings with light stick were +3 mph. 




    1 hour ago, Getoffmylawn said:

    I start Level 4 protocols tomorrow too and am really looking forward to consistent heel stomp work as well...hoping it helps me get more efficient using the ground.

    I need to do better at following the protocols. I'm technically on level four now as well. I found the heel stomp to be really beneficial for me also. 

  17. 8 minutes ago, Getoffmylawn said:

    So it’s good and I’m glad I bought it, but the emphasis is on “fix”...it’s a book about identifying physical limitations and then using Joey D’s specific exercise prescriptions to address that specific limitation.  He outlines several TPI-like screens and then based on your ability or inability to do them, he lists several exercises to improve your mobility, stability, etc., specific to what that screen demonstrates you need to improve.

    The book is not something you can really use to develop a complete training program.

    Good feedback. Thanks. Sounds like I'll hang on to my money and just eventually get around to doing a TPI screen on my own since it's a part of Fit for Golf's programming...

  18. Better range session today than the last. Among many things wrong with my swing, I tend to get the right arm pulled away from my body a bit on the backswing, so today I really focused on keeping the arms and upper body "together" going back and I striped a ton of balls. Unreal how well I was hitting for a bit, even with my old Cobra AMP driver I use for winter work.

    I struggled a bit toward the end of the buckets as I got tired. Looking through video, I started to overcook staying more "outside" with the takeaway and really began pushing the club out away from me on the backswing. Next time out I'll add that to the list of things to pay attention to... and that list is getting pretty long again 🤣.

    This is what I would call one of the better swings of the day - 16 degree Callaway Super Hybrid, 146 MPH ball speed from tee. I didn't get too outside on the takeaway on this one. FlightScope Mevo misread some ridiculous amount of spin (almost 5k), so the carry was only estimated to be 225, but with a real ball this thing would have been crushed. (Unfortunately, with all of the snow on the ground I really couldn't even guess where it landed.)


  19. 11 hours ago, ChasingScratch said:


    See this is where, for whatever reason, I am different. Either in the way the PRGR reads me or in some other way. I should be swinging the sticks much faster according to my GC Quad swing speed, but at the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter much. If you get results on the course, you get results, regardless of what the numbers read or should read. I’ve never been higher than 122mph with the red stick.

    Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy


    Yes, I don't think these numbers line up perfectly for everyone. For me personally, I don't see the same linear relationship between the different SuperSpeed weights. I am noticeably slower with the red club compared to blue and green. I've had the green club up over 140 in a session before, and during that same session the red club didn't move above 123. 


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