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Posts posted by edingc

  1. Bummed out for everyone that they weren't $100 off or something similar for Black Friday. 

    I got out for a quick nine holes this morning. 15 putts, including one three-putt. Worst round with the L.A.B. so far according to Arccos:


    It was about 38-40 degrees when I teed off, so I played with my new FootJoy Wintersof gloves that I bought on Wednesday. Took me three holes to realize I had no touch with the L.A.B. while wearing them. For the rest of the round I took them off before putting. Putted much better for the remaining nine holes.

    Short game was rusty so I didn't do myself any favors. Did sink a nice 15 footer to save par on No. 4 after flying the green with my approach shot, and had a couple nice "chips" from the fringe with the L.A.B. I had only one good look at birdie from about seven feet on No. 7, but left it just right of the hole and tapped in for an easy par.

  2. Here's one thing I made yesterday that is vegetarian and could be made vegan - glazed carrots!


    These were carrots from my garden this year. Sous vide 2.5 hours at 185 degrees with 1/2 tsp salt, 1 Tbsp sugar (or sugar substitute for those of us who are low carb), 2 Tbsp butter (sub oil for vegan). 

    I sous-vide'ed on Wednesday and then put them in the fridge overnight. To finish, dump the contents of the bag in to a skillet and saute until all of the liquid evaporates and the carrots began to brown. I add thyme and a little black pepper. Shortly before serving toss with a bit of lemon juice.

  3. Had a fantastic range session this morning. I started my winter work last weekend and the first range session wasn't great. Looking over the video I realized I had gotten my hands really close to my body at address (again - this is a recurring problem that I've been working on for a long time). Today I went in keeping that in mind and after 15-20 balls feeling it out, I started hitting some really great shots.

    I was happy to see ball speeds with my 5 iron creep over 131 a few times, 6 iron over 125 and 7 iron over 123. I'm sure with real balls I can squeeze out a few more MPH. More importantly, I'm hitting nice tight draws throughout the bag now and nothing that really cut at all. 

    Still lots of work to do, but I had a good set of feelings going today:

    • Proper grip, alignment and hand position at setup. I ended up having to weaken my right hand grip a little to keep the ball from moving too much right-to-left. Also need to continue to place my left hand a little lower on the grip so that my pinky can wrap comfortably.
    • Feel the grip strength coming from my left pinky. Having a little tension there still allows my wrists to be fluid and loose. If I get other fingers involved my wrists tense up and I start to leave the ball right.
    • Getting a nice wide takeaway, going straight back with my left arm and keeping the feeling of "right forearm over left" to the top. This keeps me connected and turning into my right hip.
    • Staying balanced in my turn so that I feel tension in my right hip and weight in my left foot just slightly toward the toes at completion of my backswing.
    • A feeling of throwing the club down the target line on the downswing. My tendency is to spin left and swing my path out-to-in which results in hooks if I don't get into the front of my left foot well.

    I spent about half a bucket going maximum speed with the 5 iron and need to do more of that. I also tried speeding up my backswing some and the results were OK, but felt that, for me, feeling a little longer and normal tempo'ed backswing gave me the same speed and better results.

    It feels good to feel like I'm making progress.

  4. 10 hours ago, Rtracymog said:

    By far my biggest concern (besides the price) would be getting the wrong lie and being unable to bend it. I tried a few in the shop before and never gave them a chance, but you might be forcing me into giving one a serious look based on your results. Thanks for the review!

    Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy


    5 hours ago, yungkory said:

    I think they do free adjustments after the fact?

    Also, they just teased a Black Friday deal. I might be diving into the shallow end head first!

    I do not believe the lie can be adjusted after the fact because (to my understanding) the shaft port is milled into the head at the specific lie angle.

    Again, I had the luxury of both the in person and remote fittings to double-check my specs, but even they were 1-1.5 degrees different from each other. I would guess one or maybe even two degrees of lie aren't going to dramatically alter the results, but that's totally just speculation. I would have been alarmed if my in-person fitting had said 67 degrees and the remote said 71 degrees or something like that. They were upfront with me that changing the length of the shaft after it was built (one of my concerns since I went with a longer length) might throw the balance off a little bit not enough to matter. Same with changing out grips, etc. 

    Not that it really matters, but Peter Finch is gaming one now and Rick Shiels came to the conclusion that he was putting very well with it but couldn't get over the looks.

  5. 7 hours ago, Kenny B said:

    One thing I will say for our muni... they take out the well-used range balls and periodically add new ones.  We have a grass range, but they put out mats in the fall until March.  These are not the typical mats I have hit off of at other ranges; they are relatively soft; very easy on the hands/arms and the ball launches very high.  Off the very firm turf, launch is much lower.

    I'm thankful for this range, despite the quality of balls. Nice Fiberbuilt mats, and the heat is good enough to be outside swinging as long as it's above 10-15 degrees. And his price for a large bucket is less than almost everywhere else even with heat ($12).

    I understand why the balls are bad, since they sit under the snow for a long time. 

    My only other option for a heated range would cost something like $60 for the same amount of balls. 

  6. 21 hours ago, BMart519 said:

    I find that short thumb vs long thumb has the biggest impact on how my hands fit together to form the grip or how much my right hand can cover my left hand. This might reduce wrist cupping if the angles that each wrist works at are more opposed to each other which is possible. Could be a good follow up question. 

    Ditto. A long left thumb, for me, allows my right hand to properly "seat" against it when I take my grip.

  7. Lots of good information in here. Thanks @BMart519 for the really detailed response. I'm going to give 5/3/1 a go. Looking at the scheduling, I like where it puts me in six months. Like @Chip Strokes implied, I really just need to find a program and stick with it for a while (very guilty of f***arounditis...).

    Currently sitting at 5'11", 180-ish. Last winter doing Fit for Golf's offseason program and some running I got down to 158 before I bought the rack and weights and then kind of fell off the wagon when lockdowns eased in April. Realistically, I'd love to be 165-175 with a bit more muscle than I have now. I loathe running but it was what I had available to me during lunchtime at work in the winter, not something I really want to do again.

    22 minutes ago, BMart519 said:

    Kudos to you for dedicating 4 days a week. I'm 35 now and started lifting in my early 20's. It wasn't until my early 30's that I learned what the proper dosing was for my body to reduce burnout/overtraining and fatigue (and mostly use my time more efficiently). My focus has shifted to "minimum effective dose" - this winter my plan is to lift once/week, maybe twice on occasion, Superspeed once/week, and mobility/posture work most days. I have an SC200 launch monitor and hit 10-40 balls 5 days per week in my garage. 

    I've been training on/off for the past 10 years but moving around the country during that time made it difficult to stick with a repeatable program/gym access, and now I have no excuse. I'd love to get to the "minimum effective dose" someday, but I have a lot of ground to make up as I'm only a few years behind you. I hit balls once per week if I'm lucky in the winter and am hoping to do SuperSpeed twice per week just to keep my progress there.

    Speed for me is as much a function of technique as it is raw strength (when swinging well I can get ball speeds into the 130s with a six iron), but obviously any increase is welcome. Really, I just want to set myself up to be as healthy as possible as I'm not getting any younger.

  8. Thank you all for the comments. 5/3/1 is something I've looked at in the past but not tried. Definitely looks like it would fit my schedule. I had been doing wonderfully on Nuckols' "28 Programs" from December to April, but then golf season started and I neglected lifting throughout the summer. 

    No worries on the nutrition side of things - I'm good at counting calories and have so for a long time. Maybe not as disciplined as some, but I can be effective. Just need to be better about not making exercise an excuse to eat/drink too many.

  9. 46 minutes ago, Getoffmylawn said:

    I promise you my technique is not breaking down; I know enough to know the need for proper form.  My point was that 5 reps at that weight meant I'm not ready to try 400 for any reasonable amount of reps.

    Since you, @Chip Strokes and @BMart519 have more background in this than I do - what type of program would you three recommend with the goal of adding the maximum amount of additional weight (i.e. just strength and not aesthetics) to squat / deadlift / bench? I've done straight linear progression in the past and stalled out quickly, had better luck with linear/undulating periodization (which is what I'm still doing now), but I'm still no where near as strong as I'd like to be. 

    Admittedly, the longest I've really gone with a program is four-ish months, and I'm feel like I'm forever stuck in purgatory trying to add strength while losing fat/weight. I've added quite a bit of strength since last December, but with it came 10+ pounds of "fluff." As someone who used to be quite overweight seeing the scale creep up is very hard mentally. While I can see more muscle in the mirror, there is obviously more fat, too.

    I'm realistically able to train four days a week for about 45 minutes to an hour. Ideally, this is combo'ed with some flexibility work and SuperSpeed programs. At home have a squat rack, Olympic bar and 295 pounds of plates, plus a set of PowerBlocks that go up to 75 pounds each, so I'm pretty much a full gym at this point...

    Don't want to hijack this thread but since the topic is weightlifting I was curious for some thoughts/opinions.

  10. 2 hours ago, chisag said:

    ... While it is true the Pro Orange wood shaft has an "extremely stiff tip" the Pro Orange 80hy is not as stiff in the tip. It is a pretty stout shaft, but not as low launch/low spin as the wood shaft. I tried the Pro Orange wood shaft and even in r-flex it was just too stout for my smooth tempo. The Pro Orange 80hy in stiff was not anywhere near as stout and I can play that shaft effectively but have a little more success with a lighter and softer tip shaft, so I re-shafted mine with a Diamana Limited 65gm r-flex. But depending on how you swing, the Pro Orange Hy shaft will fit a much larger range of players than the Pro Orange wood shaft. If I could have found a Pro Orange Hy in r-flex I would have re-shafted with it and been very happy. 


    That's great feedback. I ordered a stiff. Typically play low/low in woods anyway, but I like the Recoil in my SpeedZone hybrid which I think is more mid/mid or even mid/high.

    Regardless, I'm hoping the Super Hybrid fills two slots in my bag as I'm trying to get rid of "single use" clubs.

  11. 20 minutes ago, GolfSpy Stroker said:

    ....a club highly recommended by @chisag is the super hybrid and there are a few on sale but you better be quick!

    In for one...

    I grabbed one this morning literally minutes after getting the email. Couldn't pass up the price, considering I lost out on one on eBay Friday that went for ~$40 more than what CPO was priced at this morning.

  12. 8 minutes ago, Shankster said:

    Yeah, 5-7 day turn around in the tests in Michigan I guess..?

    That or longer for a symptomatic test at this point, I believe. Can't keep up with the demand. 

    My wife and I both get weekly asymptomatic tests through our employers and they are still turned around in 24-48 hours at this point. 

  13. 26 minutes ago, cksurfdude said:

    Ha, good name - I've got a similar winter objective to get my 7i and 6i under control and to be reasonably dependable performers for me...
    (well, that along with like a hundred other improvement goals!)

    I have a habit of only practicing with shorter clubs (basically 7/8 iron to my wedges) and driver. Most holes on my course can be played with driver/short iron so it's never hurt me that much. But the longer irons really reveal the swing flaws I need to work on so this winter they are going to get the majority of the work.

  14. Hit two buckets today at the heated range for the first time this offseason. We'll call it the start of "Project Long Iron." My goal this offseason is to really work on my 4 hybrid/5 iron/6 iron because they are the weakest part of my iron game. I also took the 7 iron and gap wedge with me to warm up with.

    Given it was my first range session in a month, I'm not disappointed with the results but wish they had been a bit better. I hit the 7 iron and gap wedge really well, but definitely am still struggling with the longer clubs. I really tried to focus on the feels from the DownUnderBoard videos, but I can tell I'm going to need the actual board to make progress with the longer clubs.

    I also need to adjust back to mats and horrible range balls. The heated range uses a majority of completely worn out Nike range balls with very few dimples. I use my Mevo throughout the session to track ball speeds, but I assume they are at least a few MPH (if not more) slow, and even the ball flight is tough to trust because they do funky things in the air without good dimples.

  15. On 11/18/2020 at 9:32 AM, Getoffmylawn said:

    Good luck in your offseason!  I'm guessing April before the weather will let you back out?

    Missed this last week. April is probably the true start of our season, last year I would have been able to get out 3-4 times in March had we not shut down halfway through the month (I did play two 18s the first two weeks).

  16. 18 hours ago, ncwoz said:

    And now with them all built up! Got to hit a bucket with them at the range, and ohhhh boy, now I really can't wait for spring! These puppies are absolute beauties. Apologies for the picture quality, it's a little tricky getting good ones in our apartment after dark lol.



    IMG_20201120_175431693.jpg.538ca345a3eed316653270e697d31ae5.jpg PW
    IMG_20201120_175452411.jpg.b6c43c7f6f50c83cdddd1ad2ca71927c.jpg 7 iron (pic didn't want to rotate for some reason)

    IMG_20201120_175516360.jpg.99e75bb9f6ed0b307ab535d384e9cdf7.jpg 4 iron

    Yeah, those are definitely more blade like than the PTMs. Very nice looking, though! Golfworks really needs to up their game with some "real" photos because the rendered images in the catalog never look as good.

  17. 1 hour ago, Shapotomous said:

    Something to try that doesn't require a board and I think may give the same 'feel'... I am interested if it does give you the same feel as the board or not.

    Place two balls under the outside of your right foot (heel and midstep) so it makes your foot angle toward the ball and promotes the weight toward your right toes rather than heel.  Your right knee will also be 'kicked in' with a slight lean toward the ball.  Take a few 3/4 swings, you will not be able to sway or fall too far back on the backswing and it promotes moving your weight transfer through the ball on the downswing rather than falling backwards. 


    1 hour ago, Chip Strokes said:

    edit: i’m aware this position occurs naturally in the swing (back leg in the downswing, close to impact and sometimes front leg in the backswing), but it’s a position your body passes through on its way to a more structurally solid position. my caution is against setting the hip and knee that way and loading against it. 

    I've done this drill in the past and it never felt quite right. It does do a similar thing as the board, I presume (hard to tell since I'm only imagining the board between my feet at this point).

    Ironically, the kicked in right knee was my go to to stop a sway, but I don't rotate hardly at all that way and it causes my swing to become all arms. Also, as @Chip Strokes mentioned, it caused a lot of knee pain for me during a full swing. 

  18. 9 hours ago, dlow206 said:

    So you squeeze your feet together on each side of the board?


    1 minute ago, cnosil said:

    Yep.   Before he made a product it was just a piece of plywood


    Correct. Normally this is something I'd DIY but I'm being really lazy (and, no table saw to cut plywood). Plus the new "pro" version can be setup to accommodate flared feet, which is what I do.

    Crude sketch of how I feel my pressure:


    Here's an older face-on still illustrating the downswing fault I'm hoping to fix:


    I have a quite soft front side and you can see how much I'm already pivoted onto the left heel. I never really "post up" on the left leg and you can see how I need my hands to save the shot. 

  19. I bought the DownUnderBoard last night, and after watching Bradley's introduction video, I started messing around with the feels in the basement before the board arrives.

    The concept of the board is to "squeeze" it during your backswing and downswing. I ordered it for my backswing specifically - I struggle to correctly internally rotate my right hip. However, I was messing with the feels in my basement and am now really excited to go hit balls for another reason - the downswing.

    Ever since I started lessons with my coach, we've tried to get me to stop getting to my left heel so quickly in my downswing. I realized that by "squeezing" my left foot in on the downswing, my hips move in such a way that my weight shifts correctly! 

    This is all with half swings and whiffles of course, but I'm hoping to get out to the range this weekend and now I'm really excited to try out this new feel!

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