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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/07/2022 in all areas

  1. First time I had heard of Truespec was back when @jlukes won a fitting and posted about it. Since then, I immediately followed them on Instagram and would cheekily reply to their new location posts with a comment like "Oahu when?" In 2020, when we were planning our honeymoon, we decided to go to California to go to Disneyland and stuff, and I booked a fitting at Truespec Beverly Hills. Then C19 hit and the plans got cancelled. Fast forward to today (and probably 10-15 more comments on IG begging them to come, even tagging local courses so they could get exposure and maybe entice them a little) Truespec Oahu has finally opened. I immediately had to put my money where my mouth was now that they finally made it out here, so I booked a fitting. Much to my delight and surprise, I know the fitter who was hired there and have been fit by her in the past! I've been wanting to try graphite iron shafts for a while now. Not that there's much wrong with my current set, but just to preserve my wrists since they're not in great shape from years of skateboarding when I was younger, working at a computer all day, and obviously golf. The problem was, I couldn't find a spot locally that would be anything more than like an OEM+ fitting AT BEST, if the OEM carried a graphite shaft on their cart by chance. I hadn't played graphite iron shafts since I was a junior (I'm 36 now) and any time I've randomly tried them, they felt overly light and like I couldn't feel the head at all. Not necessarily boardy, just... dead? I'll spare you the deep-dive into the details since everyone knows by now what goes on at places like Truespec and TxG, but I got to try a variety of heads and shafts. I remember thinking between club tweaks how great it is to finally have something like this locally, and it felt every bit as dreamy as I had imagined it would when I finally got the custom fit I was craving for however long it has been since I read the original thread. Also for whatever reason I suck at hitting into nets/screens so it was nice that the fitting was outdoor, so I can see the ball flights changing between club/shaft tweaks. Tried a variety of heads, with the Mizuno and TM's being the ones I asked to specifically try: Mizuno: 223, 225 Taylormade: P770 Callaway Apex Pro Ping i59, i525 In a few different shafts: Mitsubishi OTi 105 KBS TGI Tour 100 UST Mamiya Recoil 95 Steelfiber i95 It was really, really close between the i59 and the Mizuno 223, but in the end the i59 just felt like the faces were too hot. Very interesting that they were so close in numbers considering the Mizuno are lower lofted by 2* I went in thinking all I would gain were the benefits of graphite on my wrists, but found out that my 919 Forged weren't spinning enough, especially (duh) on mishits. The 223's were still spinning on poor strikes and my average carry went up, with a smaller standard deviation -- which is huge for me right now since I'm not playing as much as I used to. I'll definitely be back, probably to swing an Autoflex at some point
    10 points
  2. The 9:10 group! The blue balls grou...I mean blue shirt group!
    10 points
  3. Big winner for CTP hole 16 @barryschwartz56! He chose the Wilson wedge! And so it begins! Bring on Queenstown and the Lakes course!
    10 points
  4. And for those of you on solar sleeve watch, here's your daily update
    10 points
  5. Good luck all today and hope everyone is having a great time! Maybe next year I'll make the trip across the pond to join? Or Scottish meetup anyone? Really cool to have the event for MGS and hope it becomes a staple of the community.
    9 points
  6. @MDGolfHackerlooks into the night sky to wonder aloud, "Will I beat @Berg Rymanwhen we play tomorrow?" He then turned around and watched me putt to know the answer was... almost certainly yes.
    9 points
  7. The putt of the day in our group was Jose dropping a 50+ foot bomb for a par. That was after a great chip shot from a gopher hole of a lie to get it on the green.
    9 points
  8. Love all the pictures and info from the group so far. But we need more yes more. Who won the battle between the cottages? Who was the sandbagger? How many balls in the water on the first tee yesterday? Us non attendees had side bets. Don't make us ask @Yellow Ball!
    8 points
  9. Very good front nine here @cnosil36 @Getoffmylawn 41 @barryschwartz56 45 @Shapotomous 36 - he bounced back from a double on no. To finish with 5 straight pars!
    8 points
  10. it’s even better when you get a call at midnight from security at a site and they say “fire alarm is going off”…..and you send in someone for OT and it’s a trouble…… Just the mermaid….
    8 points
  11. Enjoy the round today guys. Thanks for the early pics. Hope everyone has a good round and a nice clubhouse lunch before hitting the roads oh and thanks for leaving the cottage in what appears to be very fine shape I’m assuming no missing bodies left behind under a bed
    8 points
  12. I was actually texting with Jose when it went off. I sat there for a few moments wondering what room was going up in flames And he came back and said Tommy was already on the job. When the maintenance tech came. They found out it was from another cottage (no doubt the WRX guys….) but the master control was in our cottage.
    8 points
  13. I did but it was a trouble alarm I reset it just for it to go off again
    8 points
  14. 8 points
  15. Video of @tommc23 from the Titleist fitting today PXL_20220806_184338966.mp4
    8 points
  16. We partied so hard this happened... PXL_20220807_025049225.mp4
    8 points
  17. 8 points
  18. Another impromptu Par 3 Challenge - issued by the cottage next door ...
    8 points
  19. Nope you’ll be ok it’s just one or two less clubs you will have to buy Some synchronized putting going on the background
    8 points
  20. 8 points
  21. @cnosil winning a Vokey sm9 60* wedge for being closest to the pin for the day @McGolffor having the most putts of the day Jim won a MGS putt out to help his putting @cksurfdude won some golf balls to help replace what he lost today. All the gifts are MGS, @Berg Ryman and @MDGolfHacker. There are more prizes to come for tomorrows round before we all head out.
    8 points
  22. You know you played poorly when you find yourself in the training aid aisle at DSG before you’re even home from the outing!! After a multi-shank what the hell was that 94 on Saturday, I started to pull it back together with an 81 today. Just a head case of swing thoughts right now. But, who cares?!? It was absolutely awesome to meet everyone in the flesh, and I can’t wait for the next one. (Well, maybe too much flesh in Jeff’s case…) Thanks so much to Jose and Ryan for making it work, and especially to Rob for putting it all together. Hope the next one is in the spring so I can go while I’m still assigned out here!
    7 points
  23. Folks it's a wrap! A great time was had by all today. More prizes were given out but we did it a little different today. Here's how it panned out: all winners from yesterday were ineligible to win prizes today. The most birdies prize went to @Jmikecpa - Srixon Z*Stars donated by yours truly The highest total score prize went to @tommc23 - an Inesis hybrid The golfer with the least hair on their head won an MGS Hat - @Berg Ryman, @Jwc5149 <- he doesn't know it yet since he left right after the round was over, @Getoffmylawn got an MGS bag tag because, well I had an extra prize MdGolfHacker
    7 points
  24. We're GOLFERS and MEN, we don't need no stinking lessons
    7 points
  25. 7 points
  26. Whoa! Didn’t realize we had a bakers dozen down there! im sure there’s a gross amount of @Yellow Ball’s cousins being banged around. ok, I’m done with the number puns. I’ll see myself out. My money is on @tommc23 to have a stellar final 9 and comeback for the upset win.
    7 points
  27. Someone didn't get the message about grey shorts
    7 points
  28. "I get no respect" Golfers are supposed to be considerate. Do you realize that I am just a little yellow ball and not one of you were considerate enough to wear socks and tennis shoes. The stink down here is killing me!
    7 points
  29. It's been fun to follow this thread. Maybe in a couple of years, Kirke and I will be up for one of these trips.
    7 points
  30. While that was going on I got an impromptu lesson form @McGolf because of my fitting results from today. It’s nice to get to talk to guys who do the fitting process all the time and hear what him and @Jmikecpa had to say about it
    7 points
  31. Think Tiger woods @Firestone dark. Our team responded by throwing a dart 4' from the cup
    7 points
  32. It was pretty much in the middle. Played 177. Put a smooth 7 to about 8 feet left of the pin. Tap on putt for par
    7 points
  33. No. 8 Chris….that’s a solid par 3. Where was the pin and how close ? Jim. You’re going to love that putt out and you’re going to hate it. So frustrating. you can always pm @GolfSpy MPR for tips. He’s the master at it.
    7 points
  34. Ha ha. Love it. And I know your just busting my balls with the cigar….right HA
    7 points
  35. sirchunksalot

    Got Problems?

    My mother-in-law passed away today. While we're thankful for the time we had with her this last year after her battle with MRSA, her heart problems, and Covid, we just wish we had more. My wife and sister-in-law are both lost and grieving right now because there's not many greater pains than losing mom. She was one of the toughest people I've ever know, she's dealt with severe health problems in the entire 15 years I've know her. She was also very kind and thoughtful and I'm thankful that she accepted me into her family and trusted me to care for her daughter. I'll miss her.
    7 points
  36. Make that a 3rd. I'm living vicariously through you guys.
    6 points
  37. If you lost, I hope you told them you all were from THP
    6 points
  38. I’ve got to 2nd Foz. I’m glad you guys are having a great golf weekend!! Looking forward to tomorrow, and please don’t show that mermaid again!
    6 points
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