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Posts posted by Parshooter36

  1. I walked 9 holes after work tonight. It was one of the best putting rounds I can remember. The only thing thing I can could critique is I still haven't gotten my lag putting where I'd like it to be. I stayed and worked on lag putting for 30 minutes after the round, and felt I made some progress.

    I made putts from 16 feet, 6 feet and 9 feet. I also had a 38 foot putt that hit off of the flagstick. It still had some pace on it, so I don't think it would have went in if I had pulled the flag, but it was uphill and dead center so you never know. The only putt I missed inside of 10 feet was an 8 footer that I under read the break on. 

    I had 13 putts in all with no 3-putts. I also didn't have any putts that didn't start on my intended line. I'm playing in a scramble tomorrow, so hopefully the F-3 stays hot!


  2. 28 minutes ago, Prodigal Duffer said:

    @Parshooter36 my putter did not come with a torque wrench. If I wanted to swap out the weights in mine, would I need to purchase a wrench from Edel, or do you think I could make do with one I already have (or pick up at a hardware store)?

    I didn't get an Edel tool either, but any standard driver tool you have should work. It is a torx 25 bit which is fairly universal at this point. I have Taylormade, Cobra, and Titleist tools and they will all work.

  3. 28 minutes ago, Rob Person said:

    Well now, that's quite the breakdown! 

    With the weight of the face and body being so close, there really isn't alot of ways to increase or decrease the bias for front to back distribution.   The weights on the bottom will only change the heaviness of the assembled head and affect heel to toe balance, based on which # weights you swap out too. 

    I didn't thing about it until after I had made the post, but I left the 25 gram weights in the head when I weighed it. So the face is actually 49 grams heavier than the body with the weights removed. I suppose this makes sense considering the face is carbon steel and the body is aluminum.

  4. Even though it was a beautiful day yesterday, the course was closed from all the rain we got Sunday night. I spent an about hour on the practice green working with the F-3. I set up 6 balls from 6 feet surrounding the hole. I just did a quick read on each putt without bothering to line up the ball. I made 2 out of 6.


    I then set them up again, but this time I spent more time reading them and using the line on the ball. This time I made 5 out of 6 which I will take every time.


    This was a rediculous 40 foot put that is downhill with probably a 3 foot break at the end. My 1st attempt was perfet pace. The 2nd putt it felt like I toed it a bit, so it came up short. It wasn't a terrible putt, but it left me 4 foot downhill slider that was less than ideal.


    All in all, it was a very positive day on the practice green. I can't wait to get back on the course and see how the Edel works under pressure.

  5. It rained here this weekend, so I was stuck indoors yet again. I did some comparison putting with my Bloodline Vale. My launch monitor doesn't give me a lot of stats for putting, so I was mainly just looking at ball speed and side angle numbers. The numbers don't look massively different, but the Edel was definitely more consistent in both categories, especially the ball speed. I was making a 15 foot stroke and was a bit surprised that my ball speed went up with the Bloodline considering it has an insert. 


    I then set up a 15 foot putt on my indoor putting green. These are the type of results I like to see with my misses all being just past the hole, but still in kick in range.


  6. 9 minutes ago, Prodigal Duffer said:

    @cnosil, I wouldn’t say I don’t like SS’s putting tracking, because in general, I do. I just have a bit of skepticism about the distance stats it produces because, as you’ve pointed out, GPS is accurate only to within a few feet.

    My biggest beef is on the shorter putts, but I also cannot zoom in enough on the dashboard to accurately correct those putts. For longer putts (such as the birdie putt I referenced above where SS thinks I wasn’t on the green), I just don’t care enough whether it was 48 or 38 feet. I also don’t feel confident enough to adjust the second putt because I didn’t take another measurement.

    When I used shotscope I felt that the manual putting was much more accurate than using the sensor.

  7. It's been cold here this week, so I've been playing on the simulator. I use a Uneekor QED for my simulator which has slow motion replay of the clubhead at impact. I have been consistently hitting the center of the clubface with the F-3. I think the slant neck is allowing me to make a more natural stroke. With my face balanced putter I was using a straight back straight through stroke that I felt I needed to guide to keep the clubhead on that path. I would even stop my stroke sometimes on the backswing when I felt the putter going back offline. I have not had that happen once with the Edel, it is a much more fluid motion.


  8. 10 hours ago, GolfSpy AFG said:

    If you’re wondering if you can do this with the Array F-1, yes.  Yes you can.


    You have to be a little more precise picking it up but once you do it’s actually in there pretty snug.

    A silly thing to me when it comes to picking out putters, but I know it matters to some.  So there you go. 


    I'm not going to lie, I was glad that I could pick up the ball with the F-3. You definitely have to do a bit of a wrist flip since there is not a lot of real estate sticking out past the alignment plate.

  9. On 4/2/2024 at 6:11 AM, MIgregb said:

    As a side note, the facility I'm going to switched from Trackman to UNEEKOR launch monitors. I've never been on a UNEEKOR before, anyone have any experience or comments on them? I'm not looking to play a simulated round this morning, just use the range to gather flight data.

    I've had a Uneekor QED for the past 4 years and find it to be very accurate. If this is an indoor facility, I assume they will be using either the Eye XO or Eye XO2 which are their high end overhead models.

  10. I did this pushup per day thing that I had heard about where you do 1 on January 1st, 2 on the 2nd and so on. I stopped on February 19th for 3 reasons:

    1. It was getting fairly difficult.

    2. I was at 50 pushups and I'm getting ready to turn 50, so I convinced myself that was a good jumping off point.

    3. I was getting tired of doing the math everyday to figure out how many pushups I needed to do. I do them 1st thing in the morning before I've had caffeine.

    I have continued to do the 50 pushups every morning which means I've probably done more pushups this year than I have in my whole life, so I'm OK with that.

  11. 3 hours ago, GolfSpy_APH said:

    For all those who have done an Edel fitting - do you think other OEMs or companies should look at this process more closely and try to resemble it in some form or fashion? Do you think consumers in general would benefit from that?

    It was definitely the most thorough putter fitting I have been through. I've never been through an OEM specific fitting other than my LAB virtual fitting I did a couple of years ago. I know a guy that went through a Seemore fitting a few years ago, I will have to trade notes with him and see how the fittings compare.

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