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Group Buy Comments posted by GolfSpy_APH

  1. 1 minute ago, berkeleybob said:

    @GolfSpy_APH I take it you’ve ordered before? I know you’re not living in an EU country, but do/did you get hit with a large customs charge?

    I’ll check with Red Rooster as well, but I thought I’d ask you, too.

    So I actually had mine sent to another forum staff member and then shipped here. 

    Because I'm going to the Outing it may be possible for us to do something similar. Order them to someone there and I'll bring them back and ship them to you, but it wouldn't be until June you get them. 

    You can send me a pm and we can get it sorted out. 

  2. 4 hours ago, Mr. Mushball said:


    BTW, I only knew to order based on curiosity of what was going on with this endeavor and decided to check the thread.   I didn't opt to follow the thread, but definitely had an interest.  Is there a way to send a notification to all of those who expressed interest in the buy so they could get in on the deal before the deadline?

    There will be a newsletter that goes out promoting it, however all of those who made commitments prior  and did the "sign up" are expected to follow up. We have an announcement up on the site so I would hope that if anyone made the commitment to purchase and we had given a general timeline that they would be checking in every so often. 

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