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Posts posted by edingc

  1. On 9/2/2019 at 4:53 PM, Shankster said:

    Probably wondering why this is in the happy thread, but for the remainder of the year I’ll only be practicing on Sundays, and playing every other week.

    My wife and I have decided to take some online college together. More on that at a later time. All I’ll say for now is that we are super excited... so I’ve been out of college for a good long time, and I am going to need all the time I can get to make sure I do well.

    My days will start at 5am, with a short 30 minute workout (yoga mostly). Then whatever school work I can done in 45 minutes before I have to get ready for work. Work at 7. Course work at lunch. Home to help the kids with school work, dinner at 6... course work from 6-10.

    Busy busy busy. But it will all be worth it in a few years. I’m sitting at 114 credits, but I’ll have to take 90 for the major I want, and then a Masters degree...

    I’ve been sitting around stagnant for far too long. Time to get back on the horse.

    I’ll keep you all updated, if I am ever awake.

    Takes a lot of commitment to complete a degree even part time. I've got three or four classes left to finish my Master's degree, and it takes every bit of my mental capacity just to get through one class per semester. I took an online class over the summer and it was a chore!

  2. 5 hours ago, TR1PTIK said:

    Sure thing lol. One of the forum members shared that the Link was postponed because they wanted to add a hole location "button" to the device after receiving numerous feedback from users. It's that kind of commitment to product quality and usability that puts Arccos at the top of my list. 

    I used to love Game Golf because it was such a dead simple system to use and was always reliable, but they did some updates at some point the stripped all that reliability away. The last couple of times I've attempted to post a score (after taking the time to edit and verify each hole), it loses all of the data during upload. It will literally delete every shot except for the first 1 or 2 holes. To compound the issue, Game Golf seems to have stopped caring about what their users think or what they want from their product. I think there were only a small segment of GG users who wanted "hands-free" tagging. Most got used to it and even liked it as it helped many golfers (myself included) develop a solid pre-shot routine. You can read through the GG forums for feature requests and see all of the things that they have and haven't done and some of it is just mind-boggling. I still run across the occasional user who says they have zero issues with GG, but I think I'm done with them. I just haven't taken the time to remove the tags from my clubs (they're glued in).

    I hate to clog up MPR's thread, but since @KurtActual asked, I agree wholeheartedly with this as another GG user. I actual like the tagging setup in GAME Golf Live. I rarely forget to tag and more often tag twice which is easy to spot and correct post-round online. I've had one round completely disappear on me when trying to upload, and one other round on a course with 27 holes where it didn't track half of my round correctly. Otherwise, it's been solid for me.

    A tagging setup with a button for hole location would be perfect, in my opinion. Once Arccos Link is released, I will almost certainly be moving to that system. 

  3. 31 minutes ago, golfertrb said:


    Bag looks great - I really like the Mizuno 3 wood. Looks like positive changes and I know the driver worked well for you given your review. What are you thinking with your wedges? Going with new Maltby's in different configurations or something altogether different?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Thanks! The 3 wood was a surprise for me. It did not score well in the MGS most wanted testing last year, but of the six or so I demoed I liked the feel of it the best. I don't plan on using it off the deck much; I was really only looking for another option off the tee. During my round yesterday I poked it out about 240 yards total and dead straight, so it's doing its job.

    Wedges are going to depend on what I end up doing with my irons. If I keep similar gapping in a new set (or if I keep the C300s another season), I would be interested in going to a 52/56 setup in the same wedges. As it stands I have a hole in my gapping between 90-110 that kills me at my home course. Too much for a good 54, too short for a full C300 gap wedge, which I struggle to flight down accurately.

    I've been practicing Utley's chipping and pitching techniques over the past month or so, and have gotten very comfortable around the green with my wedges. The 60 really throws it up there, though, and I'm pretty sure I could get similar results with a 56 degree.

  4. 19 minutes ago, Maltenator said:

    Nice bag. That's crap that the badges kept falling off. I'm surprised they warrantied your clubs over typically that is just cosmetic, and doesn't affect the playability of the club. Bravo to them for the customer service, and standing behind their product though.

    They are quite thick badges and they seemed to effect both the acoustics and feel of the club. It was really disappointing to deal with it though. They used some sort of double-sided adhesive it appears and it does not like a ton of vibration. Range mats, especially.

    Wilson was not going to replace the clubs originally because my initial set were demos I purchased secondhand from Diamond Tour Golf on eBay. I reached out to DTG (same owner as Hurricane Golf and Sub 70 Golf - Jason Hiland) and he put me in touch with his Wilson rep who sorted everything out.

    Wilson first only replaced the two irons I had troubles with, but then the replacement irons had the same issue, so they replaced the entire set. I do not plan on hitting these off mats this winter just in case. I'm sure it will happen again. It's a shame because they are otherwise very nice irons. 

  5. - 47 (+11)  

    - 2/7 FIR  

    - 1/9 GIR 

    - 18 Putts (2 3-putts, 5 2-putts, 2 1-putts) 

    - 1:15 Round Time

    Guess it's going to get worse before it gets better.

    Most disappointed I let a single shot ruin the entire round again today. Two days in a row, really. I had been doing so well in not getting upset during rounds, not sure why it's been a struggle again the past two days.

    Similar story to yesterday, good opening par, OK bogey at No. 2 (just missed my par putt), hit a drive left under a tree on No. 3. Rough was so thick and wet with dew this morning my punch shot back to the fairway barely went anywhere, then out of no where I snap-hooked a six iron out of bounds, drop and then proceed to hit another snap-hook that almost goes OB. Ended up with a quadruple bogey nine for the hole.

    Because I let that get to me, I ended up following that with two straight doubles and a bogey before I finally told myself to just get over it. 


  6. - 45/46 = 91 (+19)  

    - 6/15 FIR  

    - 4/18 GIR (1 birdie)

    - 34 Putts (3 3-putts, 11 2-putts, 4 1-putts) 

    - 2:30 Round Time

    Rough morning. Started so promising - just light enough to see at 7 AM, and I smash my opening drive 253 yards right in the middle of the fairway. Back-to-back pars to open the round. Then I get to No. 3 and pull my drive OB left and hit my provisional left behind a tree leading to a triple bogey, and that's pretty much indicative of how the rest of my round went.

    Sad thing is I struck the ball better than I have in a long time today. But lost a lot of drives right, and despite feeling like I struck the ball really well, GAME Golf and my eyes tell me I did not bring much distance with the irons this morning. Came up about a club short all day, except when I tried to play for that and hit a club too much. That's golf!

    Played most of the round in a light sprinkle, thankfully it didn't progress to full rain at any point or else it would have been pretty miserable.

  7. On 8/28/2019 at 1:52 PM, GolfSpy Stroker said:

    2019 league champ.

    29 under par for the season. 32.7 avg weekly score....Won by 11 strokes. 😊



    Nice! Congratulations! I wish we had a few more people in my IT department that would go for a department golf league like this. Unfortunately, our work outings usually divulge into seeing who can drink the most alcohol before the night is over...


    1 hour ago, yungkory said:

    Ralph Maltby was a club builder who founded The Golfworks. I think they only recently started actually making clubs though? He wrote a bunch of books on club design and creating the Maltby Playability Factor (MPF) which designates an iron heads' category (players, GI, SGI) based on the key features of the design. It's pretty cool if you've never checked it out!

    Maltby's first irons look liked they were released in 1999. Golfworks doesn't have quite the same release cycle as the major OEMs, they don't release new designs very often, and when they do they tend to stick around a long time. For example, the TE Forged irons were released in 2010 and are still available. They do make small tweaks to designs every once in a while, i.e the DBM Irons are the TE Forged with the diamonized black coating like my wedges.

    @ncwoz, check out Golfworks' website. Great place for club supplies for re-gripping and such. You can also buy just club heads, shafts and grips or they have pre-chosen packages of grip, head and shaft that they will assemble for free to your specs. For $10 (I think), plus the cost of the individual components they will assemble whatever combination of grip, shaft and head that you like if you call their customer service line.

    I had the two wedges built this spring for $120ish delivered. Much more affordable than larger OEM offerings, of course the downside is that I know of no one in our area that builds Maltby components. There is a guy in Ionia that works with Wishon (another component supplier), but for Maltby you're stuck guessing what might be right for you without a real fitting or demo session.

    I ended up re-shafting the 54 degree wedge with a stiff shaft. Like the feel a lot more than previously, when it had the same regular flex Hi-Rev shaft that's in my 60 degree wedge.

    I've been dropping my thoughts on these wedges specifically over in this thread:


  9. 2 hours ago, THEZIPR23 said:

    GD tour AD TSG Blue 65 X for my flash

    Srixon Z585 4 & 5 C taper S tipped

    Srixon Z785 6-AW C taper S tipped 

    All 1 degree strong

    Ping Glide Forged 56 & 60 KBS Hi Rev 2.0 S

    And they threw in a hat! 🙄😂

    Now the waiting game until they arrive.  Will post pics once I get my hands on them.


    That's going to be a beast of a bag. I'll love to see your gapping once you get everything settled, and to get your opinion on the Hi-Revs. I assume you play mostly partial shots with those given your driver distance.

    48 minutes ago, yungkory said:

    I encourage you to try it, but be honest with yourself -- which you appear to be. I liked what @chisag said with the football analogy, golf is hard no need to make it harder! I was able to drop my handicap a little while gaming the 900 Tours, but I'm not consistent enough with them and I'm trading "down" to something more forgiving.

    919 Hot Metal or Hot Metal Pros? Inquisitive minds what to know. 🤣

  10. Spent more than an hour trying to hone in a pitching technique. I've had great success with Utley's chipping techniques, but I've been struggling to find a good rhythm with his pitching technique (basically use the bounce effectively). 

    Feeling quite a bit better after the session, hit a lot of shots with both my 54 and 60 degree wedges. Tried to work in a bunch of tight lies. With the 60, especially, it takes quite a bit of speed to send the ball more than 10-15 yards. It's a bit unnerving because it feels like an out of control skull is just around the corner. 


  11. 7 minutes ago, chisag said:


    ... Not singling you out but I have always hated this idea. As a QB, throwing to a small target did not increase my accuracy when throwing to receivers when it counted. Throwing to receivers made me more accurate when throwing to receivers. I hear players that tout MB's helping them become better ball strikers because they get lazy or swing too hard with more forgiving irons. Those are justifications for poor mental discipline or why they should play MB's. Every player should use the club that gives them their best chance to hit good golf shots. If that is G410's then learn to hit your G410's to the best of your ability. Or in your case C300's. That said, nothing wrong with experimenting and trying new irons. Maybe a less forgiving iron suits your swing better or simply gives you more confidence. But they won't help you hit your C300's any better. 

    Oh, sure, and no offense taken. I'm reading what I originally wrote now, and I don't care for the way I presented it. It's not going to make me a better ball striker. That's for sure. I'm definitely a huge advocate for playing more forgiving irons than less forgiving. Why make the game harder?

    I don't consider myself to be a great ball striker. I guess what I'm after is to see if perhaps I'm better than I think at ball striking (imposter syndrome), or if I really don't have the ability at this point to play a more compact club head.

    I know from foot spray that I'm pretty consistent in my strike location, but it's not always in the center. Today, for example, I hit five straight 6 irons off the exact same spot on the toe. 

    I like the C300s plenty, but I'm also wanting to switch to something that doesn't have any sort of cavity badging. I've been through enough grief with several warranty replacements for badges flying down range that I don't ever want to deal with them again. In the Sub 70 line, the 699s are probably the best option, for Maltbys the PTMs or TS-2s. 

    And, as you touched on, it's a $20 experiment to try an iron I would otherwise never get to hit. Part of my enjoyment of golf is trying new things, playing new places, learning new things. I'm looking forward to it.

  12. Golfing season here is winding down quickly, which is a major bummer.

    They may be too much club for my skills, but I ordered the 6/9 Iron demo set of Sub 70's 639 forged cavity backs. Currently playing the Wilson C300s, I know they are going to be quite the shock to my eyes. 

    They are one degree weaker in loft and 1/2" shorter than the C300s (loft jacking + longer club = MOAR distance), so it won't be an apples-to-apples comparison of course.

    Going to be paying attention to a few things:

    1. Would playing a less forgiving iron perhaps help my ball striking in the long run? I haven't had the need to really "improve" my ball striking this year, due in large part to my home course (most holes are driver/wedge) and because the C300s still put the ball out there regardless of where on the face you make contact.
    2. Feel of a one-piece forged club vs. cast.
    3. Interested in seeing the flight from and feeling the KBS Tours. The Tour 90s are similar profile but I really have never hit anything that was heavier. I suspect a heavier shaft may suit my swing better and help me keep a better tempo.

    I'm planning on going to get an iron fitting later this year to hit a bunch of different shafts. I've been eyeing some of the different Maltby heads, but I'm right now stuck between wanting to build one of their bigger SGIs (PTMs or TS-2s) or the TE Forged/DBM Forged. Just need to know what shafts cooperate with me the best.

    Of course, If I absolutely love the Sub 70s maybe I'll just wait to head over to their HQ in Sycamore, Illinois, sometime this winter. Not a long drive from here. If the 699 demos come back into stock before too long, I may jump on them, too. Fun chance for only $20.

  13. 26 minutes ago, russtopherb said:

    SGI irons with R flex graphites. Prefer to stick around $250, no problem going a few generations old. Been eyeing D200s again, Callaway XR, Mizuno JPX EZ, Adams XTD, etc. Even have an eye on a few Diablo Edge sets that come in well under $200, and were really good irons for me for a few seasons. 

    I was going to suggest the Wilsons. Very underrated brand.

  14. 8 hours ago, ncwoz said:

    Good for you!!

    Also, drove by Western Greens and saw you've played a few rounds there on The Grint. How do you like it? Those rates are dirt cheap, definitely have me interested in trying them out

    The owner is working really hard on improving the course. It's old (1960s) and was not maintained terribly well until recently. Drainage is the main issue, but once July hit the course really improved. I've grown to like it a lot because there are a few holes that can be really challenging.

    If you are accurate with your driver, most holes will be driver, wedge as it's not long from the back tees (6,300ish yards).

    I'd put it in the middle tier of courses that I've played around GR. Falls at BC, The Links at Bowen Lake, Meadows, Saskatoon, Diamond Springs, Pigeon Creek are all in better shape and better courses. But it's definitely better than say, Gracewil, the Pheasant in Borculo, Lincoln CC and Morrison Lake in my opinion. Easily worth the money.

    It's all tree-lined and will punish people who don't hit it straight. During busy times play can get pretty slow as a result.


  15. 18 hours ago, ncwoz said:

    Got in 18 at a new course for me, The Falls at Barber Creek. I tell you what, it was a gorgeous day on an even more gorgeous course.

    Unfortunately shot a 98, but felt like a played a lot better than the score indicated. I think I legitimately lipped out almost 10 putts (ended with 38). Had 43% FIR, 56% GIR (which are both above average for me), but 3 putted 4 times.

    Outside of shaky putting, my full shots felt as good as they ever have. Two Quads really ballooned the score. One was poor course management: Driver was great all day, so I went for it and put water in play, which ended in two balls in the drink. That being said, it could have been a lot worse than a snowman. The other a nagging pull hook rears its head with long irons off the tee.

    Brightest spot of the day was the 11th, 312 yd par 4. Cranked it and ended up rolling it up onto the green:


    Had a nice lag putt to get down for an easy knock-in for the only birdie of the day.

    Score wasn't great, but honestly with the weather and the beautiful course I'm not complaining at all!

    Great course, isn't it? 10 and 11 are both fun since they are risk/reward. When I played there in June I hit 5 iron off 11, ended up thinning a wedge over the green. Should have just hit driver like you!

  16. - 43/40 = 83 (+11)  

    - 5/15 FIR  

    - 8/18 GIR (0 birdies)

    - 37 Putts (4 3-putts, 12 2-putts, 1 1-putt, 1 0-putt) 

    - 2:45 Round Time

    One of those rounds where I honestly lost track of the score and was surprised once The Grint app added it all up. It was a very shaky day from 125 and in. Left approaches short of the green on several holes. Putting was not good. 

    Irons were easily the best part of my game today, long irons especially, so that was today's saving grace. It's been a while since I was happy with my iron play after a round.

    Highlight of the round was hole No. 3, a 525-yard par 5. I smashed my drive 264 yards in the center of the fairway, and hit a great six iron 60 yards short of the green with a perfect view of the pin on the middle back upslope. Grabbed my 54 degree wedge, dropped the ball about 20 feet short of the pin, it took a big hop and the rolled up and in for eagle! Not my first eagle, but it was my first ever eagle from the fairway. Very awesome feeling.


  17. Mizuno GT 180 3W with stiff MRC Tensei White shaft. The 15 degree model that's adjustable up to 17 degrees. 

    I hit a bunch of different three woods today in testing. My swing was not great while demoing, so I was relying on appearance and feel. I know the Mizuno did not score well in the fairway test last year, but it feels very nice and on good swings the ball really hops off the face. I liked the feeling of the Tensei White, too.

    I demo'ed: Mizuno GT 180, Tour Edge CBX, Cobra F9, Wilson C300, and the Srixon F65. Immediately hated the feel of the C300. I wanted to like the Cobra, but I just didn't get along with it. The CBX face felt super hot and had the HZRDUS Yellow shaft that I love, but it has a lot of offset and it just didn't work for me. It came down to the Srixon and Mizuno, with the Mizuno winning because of the shaft and adjustability.

    Price was good, too. $68.99 for a brand new in plastic wood with matching headcover. Can't complain about that at all.

  18. 21 minutes ago, fixyurdivot said:

    Congratulations!  Now let me be the first to break yer bubble and stop the fizz in your champagne glass... guess what comes after "finally broke 80"?  I've been swinging away at it (sometimes better described as chopping wood) for over 30 years 😥.  And now Father Time is throwing in his unwanted help 😁.  At this point, getting another 73 looks good.

    Hah! Yeah, I need to set another goal I suppose. I have some ideas for over the winter, but for one I'd love to get some more consistency shot-to-shot. I'm getting pretty good at saving pars and bogeys from becoming doubles or worse, but sometime I'd like to feel a pured iron or a smashed drive more than once or twice a round.

  19. 23 minutes ago, cksurfdude said:

    I don't know what 'switched on' recently but I've stayed calm out there, thought about and focused on my shots, and just kept the ball moving in the right direction. Maybe the bunch of lessons - technical and mental - I took earlier this year, and I mean literally waaay back in January and February, are finally starting to permeate in through my thick skull......

    Awesome job! It's amazing how much of the mental side of golf permeates to the the physical side. Sounds like you're on the right track, and I'm excited to see you drive your numbers lower and lower!

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