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Posts posted by edingc

  1. 39 minutes ago, yungkory said:

    I'm not a CCC tester but here are my thoughts on Arccos:

    Mine might miss one full swing shot in a round. Tap ins are harder to get it to register.

    It really drains my Pixel 3 battery.

    Link got delayed because they wanted to add the ability to mark pin locations to it via a button. It's supposed to come out sometime in August or September I believe.

    I guess that's where I like the simplicity of my GAME Golf Live. I tap the club and I get audible and haptic feedback that it registered. Only way for it to miss a shot is if I forget to tag. I usually end up double-tagging a few times a round, but I don't think I've missed a shot totally yet this year.

  2. Two great rounds to report!


    - 44/38 = 82 (+10) 

    - 8/15 FIR 

    - 9/18 GIR 

    - 34 Putts 

    Summer finally hit Michigan, and it's been pretty dry all week, so the balls were rolling and flying well. Played with my in-laws and my wife rode along as well.

    The front was kind of a struggle. After a good opening par and an OK bogey at No. 2, we played through a foursome on the third tee box who didn't bother to turn off their music or stop talking during our tee shots. I heeled my driver (to which one of the guys apparently said quite audibly, "He lost that way right," even though I was about a yard off the fairway) and then hit a three poor shots in a row leading to a double bogey. Kind of rattled me for the next two holes. (As an aside, I'm glad they let us play through. We played 16 holes in the time it took them to play nine.)

    Absolute solid play on the back, though. Ran off a bunch of pars and hit six greens in regulation. Disappointing three putt on 17 after hitting the green in two, but had a solid par on 18 to cement a 38 and my best ever back nine and best ever 18 hole score.


    - 42/41 = 83 (+11) 

    - 7/15 FIR 

    - 10/18 GIR 

    - 36 Putts 

    We had an unexpected rain storm overnight, and the course got hit with more than two inches of water. Puddles everywhere. When I teed off just before 7 AM, the owner was just getting pumps ready. Hole No. 2 green was partially submerged in water. Completely different conditions from Saturday. (Owner later told me he pumped almost 8,000 gallons of water off the green complex at No. 2.)

    Both nines were a struggle as I was fighting my swing all morning. But, the major difference between the past and now, is that even if I'm struggling, I'm able to adjust and hit fairways and greens. Sometimes it just isn't pretty.

    I hit lots of greens but only had one legitimate chance for birdie at No. 17, where I just missed a 10-footer underneath the hole. 

    Very excited to post my two best ever 18 hole scores. Still a lot of work to be done getting my swing right, but tomorrow I'm taking the day off! Sometimes, just too many swings gets me uncomfortable and I need the rest to relax and reset.

  3. - 38! (+2)

    - 4/7 FIR

    - 5/9 GIR 

    - 14 Putts 

    FINALLY! Things started clicking today. I made a few changes to my takeaway last night to get my left arm off of my chest. I was taking the club too far inside. What a world of difference it made, especially with the driver. 

    We got almost two inches of rain yesterday so things were running really slow, and there was standing water on several fairways. I'm ecstatic with the round, which is my best ever. Still need to work on my approach game. I flew two greens with my approaches (one caused my only double bogey), and another hole I just horribly yanked a lob wedge pin high but left off the green. Those approaches were all 40-60 yards pitches that should have been easy GIRs and birdie opportunities.

    I went par, birdie, birdie, par to finish out the round. I'm very happy about No. 7 especially. It's a 428-yard par 4 that is a dogleg left and is all uphill. I hit my drive 244 yards with a good view of the green, and then hit my 5 iron 177 yards (playing almost 190 up the hill) on to the green. Sank the 18 foot birdie putt.


    Really cool to see my trend in The Grint because I've been working very hard at it this year:


  4. On 7/1/2019 at 7:30 PM, blackngold_blood said:

    I just traded off my g410+ driver for an epic flash sub zero. I hit a buddies flash sz and was easily 10 yards longer and straighter. I attempted to buy his but he was having none of that.

    Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy

    Not surprised you got better results. I am constantly amazed at just how long and forgiving the Epic Flash is. Enjoy the club!

  5. Two nice approaches that I'll count as a tie for today. 

    No. 9, 467-yard par 5. Had a bad drive so was scrambling to save par. 50 yards out, right rough. Ball sitting up but in heavy grass. Pulled my 54 degree and landed on front of green accounting for roll out. Ball rolled right up and just past the cup. At this point there was still dew on the grass, and my ball kissed the left edge as it went by. Tap in for par.

    No. 17, 415-yard par 4. Pulled my drive OB left, provisional sitting 145-150 yards just off fairway right. 9-iron to about 3 feet. Tap in bogey.

  6. - 43/47 = 90 (+18)

    - 8/15 FIR 

    - 5/18 GIR 

    - 34 Putts 

    This was one of those rounds where the score isn't indicative of how I swung the club. Today was easily my best ball-striking/general iron and wood day of the year. I pured several irons, and man did it feel so great.

    Of course, I couldn't get my chipping or putting to cooperate. Three three putts really hurt. And I hit the ball so well I overshot a few greens with my approaches. A nice problem to have, I suppose.

    I lost a ball in the rough off of the fairway on No. 10. Second time this has happened in the last two rounds, and it's incredibly frustrating. Kind of derailed my round for about 3-4 holes until I got my mind off of it.

  7. 7 hours ago, ncwoz said:

    Absolutely brutal round of 9 today, shot 56. I think I ended up losing 4 tee shots. 4. Approach game was spotty at best, way too many chunks to feel good about. Chipping was also abysmal. Two duffs that ended up 3 feet in front of me. If anything my putting was okay, except for 2 where I absolutely blasted it past the hole. Yikes. Good one to forget.

    On the plus side, played a new course for me, The Meadows. I know there are a few on the forums who frequent, it's a beautiful course. Hopefully I can make a return visit and not get eaten alive by the thick stuff again.

    The tall grass is a killer. When I played there earlier this month, I seemed to be very lucky and found only the closely mown rough.

    Meadows is one of the few in the area with bentgrass fairways. I always struggle there with approaches and chipping, too. The lies are so tight compared to anything else around here.

    Glad you liked the course!

  8. 1 hour ago, chisag said:

    ... Tournament are one thing but outings are quite another. Too many courses bak outings without ending out who will be playing. I played behind a wake outing where the deceased requested Hooters girls drive the beverage cart with free alcohol (never a good idea) and most in the group had never played golf. Finally on the back 9 after running into several holes with goldfish filing the cup and not one but 2 carts in the water, they called the police and had them removed.  Not the fault of the wake outing and clearly the fault of the course that should have asked questions before booking the outing. 

    Also how you end up with six-plus hour outings... Never again.

    I understand the logic, however. My home course had an outing Sunday starting at noon. 108 golfers. The owner charges around $50/golfer, which includes 18 holes, cart and brat/hot dog. $5,400 guaranteed early in the season when the outing is booked. Doubt he makes that much on a weekend otherwise, since he charges $30 for 18 with cart normally. That's a lot of tee times to fill for a course like his.


    We got more rain again today, so the range was closed. Practice green was wide open and dry, thankfully. Rolled quite a few putts working on maintaining very little tension in my arms and shoulders.

    I only had my 54 degree wedge in my practice bag, so I also worked on chipping from the green-side rough. Surprisingly, it only took me about five balls to get the video above.

    Chipping has been love/hate relationship for me so far this year. During the last couple of weeks, I've moved the ball further back in my stance and that has helped me to strike it most consistently and get more consistent roll out. I really paid attention today to the amount of grass behind the ball and the amount of roll out I get. Amazing how much more spin you can get with a good, clean lie, even with my Top Flite D2+ Feels (surlyn) that are in my shagging tube. 

    Something I've never much considered but is very apparent to me after the last few weeks: For me, there is no "one size fits all" club to chip with. I tried to chip everything with my 54 degree wedge early this season and it cost me. Now, I'm definitely paying more attention to the lie, path to hole, etc. For example, I've found that from tighter fairway or fringe lies, the pitching wedge is the right way to go for me. The additional bounce allows so much more forgiveness if I don't catch the ball perfectly clean.


  10. 2 hours ago, perseveringgolfer said:

    I asked my pro during a wedge lesson a similar question i.e what's the technique for a full swing with my 48/52/54?

    He said "Why?, why would you put a full swing on a scoring club? if you cant reach without a full swing on a 54, hit a 52"

    as he's very experienced in tournaments and his wedge play is exceptional I'll bow down to his knowledge and advice.

    Last couple of times out I've tried to embrace this. Found I'm better at distance control if I flight down a PW or GW instead of taking full swings with my 54 degree. 

    Depending on the irons, of course, my next set of wedges will be stronger lofted. Maybe 52-56 or 50-54 depending on the stock PW/GW setup.

  11. Tale of two halves of a range bucket. Started out with a lot of good 7 irons like last Friday where I was just perfectly crisp with a ton of shots. Didn't have a particularly great iron day yesterday at the course, so I was feeling good today to get started like that. Even pumped a few out to 165+ carry/91 MPH swing speed according to my SC200.

    Switched to my driver and got all out of sorts. Hit a handful of really good drives (including my first 260+ carry and 108 MPH on the SC200), then proceeded to heel everything for quite a few balls.

    Switched back to my 7 iron and just forgot how to swing again. Got a few better ones in toward the end, but not nearly the success from the first set of swings.

    I'm really trying hard not to over analyze everything and relax. It's not my strong point at the moment, though. I know I'm swaying onto my back heel with the driver and my weight gets stuck there. And then it carries over to my irons when I'm not careful.

    Oh well. There's always another range bucket...

  12. 48 minutes ago, russtopherb said:

    The scramble I played in last week was almost 6 hours and we later learned it was due to some guy a few groups in front of us who absolutely insisted on playing his own ball the entire 18. Refused to play by scramble rules. It was brutal. 

    Wow. That's unbelievable.

    I think the group about three carts ahead of us just was playing very slowly. Didn't help that we shotgun started on a par 3 followed by a difficult par 4 where you must lay up before carrying a hazard to the green. This outing is on a pretty unforgiving course and also tends to field once-per-year golfers, which doesn't help pace of play any.

  13. 4 hours ago, Jmikecpa said:

    Played in a tournament yesterday on Long Island at a course I had never played.  Fairly tight and fairly short with greens that were top dressed but not punched.  Hit driver twice all day and almost wore out the grooves on my four iron with tee balls.  My partner and I posted a respectable -9 to lose by 8 shots.   Even worse was that it was a six hour round......six hours to play 18 holes.  Never again at this event.

    That happened to me two weeks ago in my four-person scramble. No clue how we managed a six-hour round. Absolutely maddening.

  14. 2 hours ago, cnosil said:

    Is the average first putt distance for missed greens or all? If for all, then you are probably not painting the right picture. Need to understand that metric from various distances to truly understand the weakness. Chips/pitches from around the green will be closer than 30+ yards. This is the strength of the strokes gained model and the various shot tracking apps. You can do it manually but have to track lots of distances and clubs used.

    That said keep up the good work, it is important to understand weaknesses to be able to get better.


    It's for all. I should break it out more, I keep it on my card as an additional stat. It's my approaches that are the killer, GAME Golf shows that. 


    When I score well, my driving and putting are the reason for that. My approach and short game haven't really improved at all this season so far. 

    Short game struggles today:

    1) After leaving myself 50-something yards to the pin with my opening drive, I hit a lob wedge too short and had to chip onto the green.

    2) On the second hole it took me two attempts with my pitching wedge from 40 yards or so to get on the green. Thankfully, my second attempt nearly went in the hole and I one-putted for bogey.

    3) Left myself 90 yards to the pin on the par 5 No. 3 (my favorite distance), but caught too much of my 54 degree and was on the back fringe instead of the green.

    So there's three strokes right there before I was even on the green... 

    You're correct. Thinking about it now I really wasn't awful when I hit the green. Stats above show that, too. Thanks for the insight.

  15. - 42 (+6)

    - 2/7 FIR

    - 3/9 GIR

    - 16 Putts

    - Average First Putt Distance: 18.1 Feet

    Adding the first putt distance because I won't start to score any better until my short game improves. 

    Very happy overall with how I played this morning. Driver was much better than Sunday, still a work in progress. Irons were not great, but got better toward the end of the round. Chipping was good as I've changed my strategy some there and am working in my pitching wedge more than my 54 degree. 

    The putting numbers look good, but they could be a lot better. I left a lot of putts short. Some short enough to have 5-7 footers yet. Not good enough. 

    All in all, still the second best front nine I've had this year. Missed a couple of putts by inches again so another sub-40 round has to be around the corner sometime!

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