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Testers Wanted: Vice Golf Irons ×

Bob Jerabek

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Posts posted by Bob Jerabek

  1. 4 hours ago, RetiredBoomer said:

    I can see how that would work out.

    I WISH that I could hit hybrids better.  I think that maybe I didn't work at it enough and got discouraged too fast.  Not playing hybrids costs me a wedge spot in my bag.


    1. driver
    2. 20° driving iron.
    3. 18° fairway wood
    4. 21° fairway wood
    5. 24° fairway wood


    1. driver
    2. 18° fairway wood
    3. 21° hybrid
    4. 24° hybrid

    If I played the more modern top end of driver, one fairway wood, and two hybrids,
    even the longer hybrid would be short-shafted enough to serve as a safe driving iron. 
    Hybrids would preclude my need for a driving iron.


    I like the 7 wood a lot, consider the 7 wood instead of the 21* hybrid, it will give you more confidence .





  2. I have used Footjoy Sta-Sof for over 50 years. I play approximately 100-120 rounds a year.  Gloves seem to last me a long time, but, when they start to fray they go to the practice bin.  During the summer I will use a 4 glove rotation to keep a dry glove on my hand.  Usually gloves last about 15 rounds.  After I play they go in a large zip lock bag, the bag is folded over and never sealed.  This allows them to dry out over a period of time.

    Washing a glove ruins it, out of shape and size, it will dry to a stiff feel.

    Those that attach your gloves to the outside of the bag, probably never clean their club  faces nor clean their grips.

  3. 7 minutes ago, RetiredBoomer said:

    I believe it's the opposite. Adding loft also adds bounce and vice versa.

    If you strengthen a club, you're lifting the trailing edge up a little, reducing bounce.


    7 minutes ago, RetiredBoomer said:

    I believe it's the opposite. Adding loft also adds bounce and vice versa.

    If you strengthen a club, you're lifting the trailing edge up a little, reducing bounce.

    You are right I got it backwards, I corrected it in my post.  Remember this is bounce for DUMMIES. HAHA

  4. 52 minutes ago, Shrek74 said:

    In the Vokey's, you probably have 2 options - F & S. The F is exactly what the letter stands for - Full. Meaning the F-grind is more of a full swing shot. That's why it's usually seen in that 46-52 degree range. The S is for Steve Stricker, but I also call it the Square face shot. It can be a full swing or it can be anything "special" where you still keep the face square at impact. Bump and runs are a great example of that.

    I used to play 50/F, 54/S, and 60/M in Vokeys. I use my set GW now, but still use the 54/S and 60/M because I don't manipulate the 54 much at all as it's a partial swing or bump and run club for me. Where the 60/M is more greenside bunker or shot-sided rough where I want to open the face a bit.

    For the 54, I'd recommend looking at the S-grind as it'll give you more versatility than the F-grind will, but will give definitely give you that bump and run you want.

    This is a great explanation of what you can do with wedge grinds.  I use a 48 F grind, a 54 bent to 53 S grind , and a 58 M. Gives m plenty of versatility. 
    One thing to consider is when you weaken a club 1* you lose 1* of bounce and if you strengthen 1* you add 1* of bounce. So be careful how you change your club specifics.

  5. Every time I go to practice I start with the putting green, first working on technical skills like set up, or grip, or start line.  Then I work on lag putting from 20,30,40,and 50 feet. After that I will work some short putt performance drills. 

    ‘Then it up to the short game area and start with chipping, then on to pitching, after that I will hit some bunker shots working on distance control.

    Then to the range and work on wedge distance control with half, 3/4 and full shots with the sand wedge, gap, and pitching wedge. This gives me a great tempo for my iron shots.  I use odd clubs on odd days and even clubs on even days. I then go to the woods and only use 1 fairway wood and hit about 10 drivers trying to control shape. I will finish with some L wedges to a specific target.

    Being retired I can spend the time to do all,this. It usually takes about 1 1/2 hours spending about 30 minutes on each segment.

    i love practicing and do this 3-4 times a week. I also playing times a week.

  6. Great topic and everyone has their own reason.  I carry a 5 iron and Utility 4 iron.  In the cold I use a 4 hybrid.  I am 73 and can’t hit it as far as I use too. So my gapping is critical.  
    Great idea about a 5 utility, had not thought of that one. Thanks.

  7. Sorry for your troubles.  I feel for you. Three years ago I had my left foot fused. I couldn’t walk to the mailbox.  Anyway now I am recovering from a toe amputation on left foot.  So I can only count to 19.  I would ask you Dr. for orthotic inserts for your shoes it will make the world of difference.

    Get well soon.

  8. 2 week summary:

    The pros: Both balls are extremely durable and maintain the sharp white they started with. I tried barkies , top shots, and cart paths, all still looked good. The only test they couldn’t pass was my float test.  Unfortunately a Chrome Tour is now in a beautiful greenside pond.  

    Both balls played extremely long off the tee. They may be a little longer than a prov1x.  

    Both balls rolled very true and I found the lines really help on inside 15 feet.  Outside that I don’t use lines to line up the ball.  Old eyes you know.

    Cons: Here again I thought that both balls sounded clicky on the greens. Didn’t notice that with full shots.

    The Chrome Tour X didn’t spin well with approach shots.

    The Chrome Tour had an adequate amount of bite on the greens.

    Had a tough time with chipping with both balls and I have a pretty good short game. The lack of spin on bunker shots hurt there too.

    Will be doing some head to head testing against other balls in the next couple of weeks.

    Overall, I would say both balls are great balls and are near the top of the pack. They are a significant improvement over the Chrome Soft Family.IMG_0132.jpeg.37d118ae39b89214410161621dfa08bb.jpegIMG_0109.jpeg.3eb63200498eb901d7fa48a86cf6f2e3.jpeg


  9. Well it was a little chilly this morning at 38*.  Ball testing went indoors to my putting studio. Yes I am a solid golf nut. I have a few putting training aids that I use.



    In case you were wondering there are 4 Scotty Cameron’s, 5 Oddesseys, 7 Pings, 1 Achushnet, 2 See Mores, and 2 US Kids (for the grandkids) putters. There are more ,but, they are really old.

    The balls sounded a little clicky.  They roll good and the alignment lines are a nice addition.


    As the day warmed up I was out to the range and working on the short game.


    Don’t think I have ever brought brand new balls into a bunker for practice.  The sacrifices we make.


    The results were pretty good.

    Once again while chipping the clicky sound was even louder than with the putter.  I had a friend chip a couple and he thought they were loud also.

    Tomorrow is a game day. Weather is suppose to be be in mid 60’s.  I plan on playing the same ball as I did the other day to see how durable they are.


  10. My Tuesday group plays between 9-9:30. We usually have 24 players.

    Thursday group plays 11:30-12:30 and is about 16-20 golfers. 

    Then on Saturday we play at 8:00-8:30 and is just 8.

    It is nice playing with different groups there is some overlap but usually play with different players.

    Oh, the retired life is so grand.




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