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Posts posted by gavinski91

  1. Went out for 9 holes on Saturday and decided to play from the front tees to see how low I could go. Ball striking an short game were good, but my lag putting let me down - 3 over, with 3 3-putts. Have a weekend golf trip coming up next weekend for my brother's bachelor party, so the game seems to be coming into form at the right time!


  2. 1 hour ago, cksurfdude said:

    Totally guessing but maybe yeah on your current setup .. just, again, guessing that the angle + face rotation + are you RHed? may be interfering with readings..?

    Maybe try setting the cam up on a box or something temporary so it's in line as a test?

    Yeah that would be my guess. I don't always have the camera set up exactly square, but I almost always have it within the bounds of the mat edges. I can imagine that if part of the putter face was blocked off at the end of the backswing that it could mess with the readings.

    @jbern maybe if you don't have the ability to move the camera you could set the mat at and angle so that it's pointing directly at the camera?

  3. 9 holes this morning, and it was a horrendous ball striking day. The miseries were compounded by the fact that the course I was playing had really bad winter die-offs on the greens, so the ones that were in use were absolute pinball machines (they had temporary greens on a few holes that had less than 40% grass coverage). I had one putt actually bounce 10" up in the air halfway to the hole!

    The lone bright spot in the round was that I managed to get positive strokes gained off the tee, which is the first time I've done that in a while.

  4. Lunchtime range session working on moving my driver strike point closer to the center. Last time out I was consistently 20mm out towards the toe.

    Added some lead tape to the bottom of the club head and it seemed to help a bit. Still some work to do, but things are trending in the right direction. The pic is the final 3 shots of the session. PRGR was showing an average ball speed of 153 mph.


  5. On 5/2/2024 at 2:29 AM, jazz15c said:

    BY FAR the least sensible thing in my golf bag. I do not have the speed to hit this Gen5 X driving iron...not even close. BUT it was SO cheap (bought the head only for less than $20) and had an old, uncut shaft laying around so, why not?! Even if I can't hit it, I'll be happy enough just looking at it 😍




    Is that an old demo head, or are all their driving irons adjustable?

  6. I used one for a while. It was easy to hit, but went so high it became incredibly unpredictable in windy conditions. I got rid of it and spent a bunch of range time with my 4-iron to get more comfortable with it. I have a bit less green-holding power now with the 4-iron compared to the 7-wood, but much better distance control.

  7. 5 hours ago, GolfSpy MPR said:

    So far, I've been doing a lot of random practice, but yesterday's session was frustrating. I just wasn't finding the speeds I needed. So I'm going to mix it up in the next few days with some block practice: I'm planning to start at 5', and I don't move on to 10' until I have three in a row within ±1' of my target distance (including makes). I need to get some index feels for distance, so that I can go back to random and have a better idea what (say) 33' feels like.

    How are you controlling speed? I think finding some reference points there is useful. I vary the length of my backswing (similar to the clock system for wedges), so I know based on how far back I swing how fast the ball will launch in mph. (Admittedly the values change so you do need to recalibrate regularly)


    Combine that with the chart below that I put together during my test and I can usually estimate how I should putt for any given shot.


  8. I usually play with the same group (my 2 brothers and brother-in-law) so we have it pretty much figured out. First key off the tee is to get one in a good spot in the fairway, so my brother C almost always goes first with a hybrid to get one in a good spot. If he gets one in play then the rest of us will just try and bomb one on the most aggressive line possible (cutting corners, forced carries, playing a different fairway for an advantage, etc). If he misses, then we'll make less aggressive plays until we have something usable.

    For approach and short game, same general idea, but order doesn't matter as much. We will typically have the better iron and wedge players go last, so that the first guys can just focus on getting on the green, and if they accomplish that then the better players can fire at pins.

    Putting is usually the guy with the best ability to hit his line (usually me) goes last, other than that most of the work is communicating together on line and pace. If you have a guy who is a poor putter, then the above advice about having him go second is probably useful.

  9. On 4/7/2024 at 7:16 AM, mdumble21 said:

    I've been trying a few sleeves of the new Callaway Chrome Tour balls before I work out what my golf ball will be for the year (us Aussies get to play golf all year round!). 

    I like the feel and the performance of the Chrome Tour ball, but I noticed that their durability leaves a lot to be desired! A few times I've hit a Chrome Tour into a single gum tree, and it comes out the other side looking like the ball has picked a fight with several trees!

    Has anyone else noticed similar durability issues with the Chrome Tour ball?

    I agree that the Chrome Tour hasn't been super durable, although it seems better than the Chrome Soft X LS that I played last year.

    Will add that it feels comparable to the Chrome Soft X LS off the tee, but better spin on iron shots and around the green. Need to get on a sim at some point to confirm those feels.

  10. 23 hours ago, GolfSpy MPR said:

    Yes. A female voice says, "Ready" with enough upward inflection that it almost feels like a question. It bugs Kirke, especially when it happens more than once before he putts. I'm waiting for the right time to drop it on him on the course this summer. 🙂

    I've been using practice at 5-30' for the most part; as I've written elsewhere, our greens are really tiny, and so that's the distance I really want to dial in.

    I will say, one of my biggest eye-openers so far has been the 9 hole mode. I don't hit a lot of greens in regulation in real life, and it's very obvious that the only reason I don't average over 2 putts per hole is that I miss greens and I'm decent with my wedges.

    I might start calling that mode "Scottie Scheffler mode" because you start realizing how hard it is mentally to hit every single green and have that many birdie looks, while (especially being me) making so few of them.

    I'll use 9-hole mode if I'm playing with some friends, but I find it's not as useful because I can't read the greens the same as I would on the course. Just getting speed control and start line dialed in has been super useful, and I can get a little Bryson on the green and mentally adjust putt distances based on it being up or downhill.

  11. 2 hours ago, GolfSpy MPR said:

    A more serious question for my fellow ExPutters: talk to me about the face stickers.

    Right now, I'm probably getting a face read on about 70% of my putts. I am using the included stickers. My intent is to buy a bunch of stickers from Amazon so I never have to think about stickers again. I figure half-inch would work, though the included stickers are slightly bigger than that.

    Have you all found lighting tricks that help the ExPutt have a higher read percentage for face? Any suggestions for a sticker that's worked for you? Or have you found the stickers don't do much?

    I think the more visible you can make the putter face the better. I don't use stickers, but my putter is an Odyssey with a white insert, so I get face read on about 99% of my putts with no stickers.

    I agree with cnosil that overhead lighting with a higher camera angle is probably best.

  12. Played from the white tees at the local 9-hole course with just my irons today. Improved in strokes gained (compared to past 10 rounds) on both driving and approach play despite feeling like I wasn’t hitting the ball very well (which is a good indication of how poor my driving has been lately). Cleanest iron shot was my 4 iron off the first tee that somehow found the water 250 yards away. Greens were pinball-machine bad, and putting reflects that.

    Generally ok with the fact that I was +10 on a 9-hole round where I felt like I played pretty poorly - a good indication that my game is headed in the right direction. 

  13. Another range session over the weekend. I've been hitting everything well lately except for driver, which is consistently off the toe. A relatively small dispersion, but in the wrong spot of the club face! Gonna try adjusting my setup alignment and messing around with some lead tape this week and see if I can bring that in closer to the center.

  14. Bigger issue for me is how some golf pants/shorts have mesh pockets. Nothing like reaching into your pocket for your ball mark repair tool and it's tangled in the pocket material.

  15. 38 minutes ago, Rob Person said:

    Great swing visualization.  Any tips to getting to the p3 and p4 position you posted? 

    I’ll often force myself into that P3 position and hold it as part of my warmup with a wedge. Focus on getting width in my takeaway (putting a ball behind your clubhead and pushing it straight back is a good drill for that) and then pause for a second or more at that position (sometimes even look back at the club to double check) and then swing straight down, really focusing on making sure I’m shallowing the club head and getting a full hip turn.
    Once I’ve done that a couple of times I’ll then go back to that position, but then keep my hips there and turn my shoulders further to feel the muscle tension in my back. I’ll bounce back and forth between those two positions as a dynamic stretch and after three or four bounces then pull into a slightly harder partial swing than what I did before, and repeat that process a few times as well. 
    That basically rebuilds the muscle memory for me so I can extend it to a full swing. 

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