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Posts posted by edingc

  1. 18 hours ago, GolfSpy_BOS said:

    well @Golfspy_TCB has me a little scared about falling flat on my face in this challenge so I just signed myself up for Fit For Golf so we'll see if actually working out and stretching has a positive impact on my swing speed!  

    I'm going to be starting a progress thread for that too, but I'm on vacation starting Friday so it may be a week or so before I really start getting into it.


    I'll leave this one here from my 2019 progress with Mike's offseason routine:


  2. I'm doubting I'll see much improvement, but driver is always a possibility.

    Otherwise, I will be getting a SteelFiber i110cw in the Cobra Utility here in the next few weeks, and the BGT ZNE Wedge shafts for my Edels have me intrigued as well. Everything else is safe - though I will be taking my PTx Pros for a loft/lie check and will have them bent one flat from stock at that point.

  3. A few years back, one of our local courses offered a lunchtime special of a sandwich and drink, plus three holes of golf. I don't know if they still do it or not, but it was a unique idea for those of us who need to be back in the office in 90 minutes or less.

    Point being, golf is still fun for me whether it's nine or 18 holes. While I prefer 18 holes as well, my schedule only allows that for a limited set of time each year. It's much easier for me to squeeze in nine holes before work without needing additional vacation time, or on Saturday mornings when I know I have a lot of chores to do that day. 

    I also find I'm more willing to try new things or play a true practice round when I'm only playing nine. It's fun to play from the forward tees or use a limited set of clubs, etc.

  4. 1 hour ago, Golfspy_TCB said:

    This is a great comparison pic!.  Your original post about this position in the swing got me thinking and looking at my own takeaway.  I had some really nice drives in the last few rounds with trying to feel myself in the position on the right.  In fact, heading out to my mat now to work on it some more.  It feels a little clunky with the irons... but I think that is because I'm not transferring my weight correctly with the irons.  

    One thing I noticed in my swing is that you do have to be careful not to throw your pressure out over your trail foot without recentering or, worse, swaying to get the movement. Drew Cooper talks about feeling the pressure start to move back to center by P2/club shaft parallel in backswing, and for me that's a great queue to keep my pressure from doing that.

    I tend to get so "rotational" with my arms stuck to my sides. Feeling a lot of room in my setup and getting this width has drastically improved my path/face relationship. Looking forward to continuing my work on it.

  5. As expected, somewhat of a frustrating week training for speed. Definitely out of routine and while I did not overdo myself too much with Thanksgiving food, I certainly have taken care of myself better.

    I had a really, really good Stack and garage session on Monday working on those feels of getting more width. I hit a couple PRs for different Stack weights and was feeling really good. Of course, I followed that up with an absolutely terrible Stack and garage session on Thanksgiving Day, where I was somehow 5-8 MPH slower across the board. Frustrating.

    Anyway, today's session was much better again, but still have not really made much progress with the Stack. This has also been reflected in my actual swings, which are stuck at right around 114 MPH with the driver. I have seen a small uptick in 6 iron swing speed (99 MPH is a whole lot easier to obtain now - and I'm maxing out at 102 MPH), and my ball speeds have come up as well. I also threw in a few hybrids to finish off my session. 

    I'm hitting the ball very well right now and am really excited about that. Minus a little left dispersion with the driver I've been very happy with my path/face control. But I also really, really, really want to get to 120 MPH!


  6. 2 hours ago, Golfspy_TCB said:

    So... a question for those of you who have been through speed training... how long does it take to lose what you have gained?  I ask because for various reasons (including most recently a copious amount of Thanksgiving Dinner and Desserts) I haven't done my protocol sessions for a little over a week.  Plan to get back on the horse today... but almost afraid of what I will find... Just curious how fast the training gains are lost without the training sessions.

    My last session I touched 95 with my baseline driver... which was 4.5 mph increase since starting... 


    One week shouldn't impact you too much (assuming you have at least swung a club otherwise?). You might have one or two sessions that are slower, but my experience is that the speed comes back pretty quickly if you lose anything at all.

  7. Working in the garage last night on getting some more width in my swing - mission successful on the width (before on the left, last night on the right - notice the additional space between my trail hip and hands at club shaft parallel). Unfortunately it didn't add the speed I was hoping to gain with the driver, but it did help a lot of other things in my swing. It did add a few MPH with my 6 iron so hopefully it will come around with the driver as well at some point.


  8. 19 minutes ago, Getoffmylawn said:

    Just a thought, but the images you posted kind of look to me like maybe you could benefit from more/earlier hip turn?  I see what you mean and don't disagree that getting your hands wider would be helpful, but it also seems to me that you're seeing more daylight between hips and hands in the pros images because they (especially Berkshire) have turned their hips more, whereas you look maybe still parallel to the target line in your hips?

    Like I said, I'm certainly no expert, but maybe food for thought...


    10 minutes ago, ejgaudette said:

    Interesting point and I think is a good point to call out given we are looking at 2D images, it can make it hard to see what exactly causes that daylight we see.

    Yeah, we'll see where this goes. Some of what I've been referencing also includes the height of the hands at P2 in relation to the belt line and hands in relation to feet (which is in relation to shoulders at address).



    I've barely rotated my shoulders or hips at P2 and my hands are well below my waist line. Pretty sure I'm just picking the club up and setting it (which was originally a band-aid given to me by my coach to stop dragging the club under and inside a few years back). 

    Going to try the thought of pushing a 2x4 as far back as I can with the clubhead. Hoping to get in the garage again tonight. 


  9. Played around with a few speed feels in the garage yesterday afternoon. I was able to hit 102 with the 6 iron and 117 with the driver a few times. Nothing sustained as of yet, but some thoughts on what I'm working on in this quest.

    A focus for me moving forward is going to be getting more width in my backswing. I think I can grab a few MPH with that, and I also think it might solve a few other problems I've been having with my swing.

    For example, notice how "narrow" I am at club shaft parallel, with my hands barely passing my thigh (sorry for the rear view, I can't film face on in my garage easily):


    Compare that to some of the higher swing speed guys out there (Rory, Drew Cooper, Kyle Berkshire):




    Just something I'm going to key in on over the next few sessions.


  10. First indoor update from me. I've been a little under the weather this week, but did get a Stack session in on Wednesday that was average. I have yet to see much of any improvement in numbers on the Stack through 12 sessions, which is a bit disheartening.

    I watched both of the Drew Cooper/TXG videos yesterday and took a few cues from him. I'm a lot like Ian in that I'm pretty stationary in my setup minus a little forward hip bump to start my backswing. Drew's feeling of starting to re-center by arms parallel to ground in the backswing was a very good feel for me, and one I'm going to keep working on. My tendency is to get stuck out over my back leg, and that re-centering feel is a good one to combat that.

    Anyway, as I expected my irons are pretty solid indoors but my driver tends to lag a few MPH. It was not very warm in the garage (about 38 degrees), but I was rotating my RCT balls in and out of my pockets trying to keep them warm. 

    Long ways to go to reach 120 MPH, but I am happy about the ball flight. I did hit 116 with the driver once but the ball was blocked way right. I also saw 100.7 with the 6 iron but it was an overcooked draw so I'm not including them here.




  11. Obviously have some professional advice here now, but to chime in, I wouldn't agonize too much about the swing weight being identical. Sure, with fancy digital scales we can get things exact (and it's a shame your builder didn't do that in the first place), but D1-D3 is not much. I'd hazard to guess your 5 iron is just a slight bit longer than whatever it should be, wouldn't take much to move from D2 to D3. 

    Point being, for those of us without fancy scales (I use the cheapest Golfworks one with a sliding weight and a sticker that denotes what the weights are), there's always going to be a 1-ish point tolerance across the set. 

    As to your preferences - like you've suggested I like my irons to be around D3-D4, my pitching wedge to be about D5, and wedges D6. That's just what I've done for my past couple of sets as that's what they have swing weighted out too without much effort. I know from experience that if I get too close to D0 with my irons I start losing feeling of the clubhead.

    I don't know how the i95s are weighted in comparison to my i125s, but I did have to add brass weights to some of Hogans to get them weighted correctly. But there is so much manufacturing tolerance that they vary by club, and some didn't need them at all. That being said, I also built them with my gamer grips in mind (undersized), so I didn't have to add as much weight to the head to get to that D4 number as you would with a heavier mid-sized grip.

  12. First update for me on the final range day of the season. Looking like snow this weekend...

    I am about halfway through the Stack Foundations protocol and have been weightlifting, stretching and jogging a bit over the past couple of weeks since the season ended.

    I'm going to approach this by trying to keep my drives on the grid. Anything that is more than 30 yards left or right of target in the air is getting thrown out.

    I hit 24 drivers today on the Mevo+. My best three "in play" per my above rules were 116.8, 116.7 and 116 MPH. Average of 116.5 MPH, or a +2.5 MPH jump since starting the Stack. Impact did leave something to be desired as my ball speeds were less than ideal for the swing speed.


    Pretty sure I did set a new ball speed record on a slower swing, though:


    Can't wait to keep at it!

  13. On 11/3/2022 at 12:10 PM, MattF said:

    I'm going with other because they aren't plastic, probably some sort of resin.



    Second these. They're initially expensive but I used the same driver tee all season. I lost one last year but only because I had to run off the tee box to avoid a sprinkler and forgot to go back and grab it.

    Don't bother use the short ones, though. I just grab broken ones that I find scattered around. Take five minutes on any range and you'll find plenty.

  14. Nice start to your off-season there.

    I unfortunately must have sensitive shoulder, elbow and wrist joints because any sort of regular mat on concrete gives me aches and pains for days.

    I would recommend the FiberBuilt Flight Deck as a cheaper and easy to move solution. It's 1.75" high so I found a USA Mat Monster Turf Mat on eBay that I use as a stance mat. It is also 1.75" high. Very easy on the joints.

    Good luck!

  15. Five workouts in and this is going to have to be one of those, "Trust the process," things. 

    Adjusting to the shorter length of the Stack takes some getting used to with the Sports Sensors radar. I've used my driver and driver-length speed sticks for so long I'm struggling a bit to get the optimal positioning figured out with the Stack. I think sometimes I miss the radar field and that leads to some funky readings.

    My results so far reinforce what I've seen with my previous two systems - DIY SuperSpeed and Rypstick. I've very fast with lighter head weights but am abnormally slow (in comparison) with heavier head weights. It's an interesting, and frustrating, contrast.

    Lots of things compounding on some less than stellar feels so far - it's fall so I spent all Saturday raking leaves before doing my training at night. And then tonight I was sore from pushing myself hard in the gym last night (still trying to up my strength, too).

    I do really enjoy the app and the weights are simple enough to use. Not as quick as Rypstick but the app is super nice.

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