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Posts posted by edingc

  1. 13 hours ago, Samsonite said:

    How'd the lesson go?

    Good! I wrote about it over in my work in progress thread, but the basics is that I'm still working on club face stability through impact. I tend to over rotate the face and hit hooks and overdraws. 

    I was able to get in the garage yesterday before the storm hit and work on the tweaks we made. Some good, some bad. My strike moved in towards the heel a bit and as a result my efficiency went down and I had quite a few nasty shanks. Hopefully that will sort itself out. Good example swing with a wedge below, tightened up backswing with a more across the chest finish.


  2. Did the Speed Priming session before my lesson today and set a new personal best with the final driver swings and the blue Sports Sensors radar:


    The previous fastest I can recall seeing is 126 during the baseline for my first Stack protocol. I know when I first got the radar in early 2019 my driver was somewhere around 108 without a ball. 

    Good motivation heading into the two holidays here to keep at it! I've stuck with the Full Speed Spectrum so far, but with this weekend's cold snap it's going to be tough to keep it up. I'm liking the FSS so far, but I will say the heavier weights take a toll on my elbows/wrists. I've had on/off bouts of tennis/golf elbow like soreness the next day throughout the program. Watching that closely.

  3. First lesson of the offseason today and not so unpredictable results. I've continued to make strides in my swing and my coach is impressed. That being said, I still fight the same things and today we worked a bit on cleaning up my path and face control. I frequently get too shallow on the downswing with a closed club face, which leads to an over draw/hook miss.

    I did a Speed Priming session on The Stack prior to actually hitting balls and was happy to see the following on the Trackman during my first few swings with the six iron (speed training paying off!):


    Speed comes at a slight cost, however, as for me to get to that level I make a very large shoulder turn with just a slight hint of a flying trail elbow (below left). He recommended I reign that in a bit for more control (below right) except when I need the gas, which did slow down my speed a bit overall. I think there is a happy medium to be had here as I could work to get a slight bit longer without overdoing it.


    The bulk of my swings were spent working on getting me more "rounded." I was getting very vertical in my swing which resulted in the club and arms exiting very high. He wants to see my right arm exit left quicker and more across my chest. The feel for me is that my right arm gets as low as it can go and the right thumb stays pointing up through the ball. I have homework to mimic this feeling with my right arm only whenever I can.

    Before (bottom left), after (bottom right), both full swings, club exiting lower and more across the chest on the right:


    The weather will be frigid the next week or so, but I'm going to do my best to get out and work on this at least a few times in the garage over the next week. Hopefully it gets back to normal temperatures soon so that my garage sessions will be more comfortable.

  4. First lesson of the offseason (and first since August) is scheduled for tomorrow. Thinking I want to spend some time on wedges, especially partial wedges, as that is a weak spot of mine.

    Full swings have been coming along pretty nicely. Spent 90 minutes in the garage last night. Still struggle with the occasional overdraw when I get stuck on my backside a little too much.

    Driver has gone from a slight fade to a slight draw with just one tweak. On Saturday, I noticed that when I rehearsed going to P2/shaft parallel with the driver that the face was open. I tweaked my hold on the club to get the face more square/slightly closed and that has made a world of difference!

  5. For something like this, I might suggest DIY'ing something to see if you like the feedback. Some 3/4" plywood or 1x12 and a piece of 1/2" square trim you could probably fabricate a prototype for test use.

    For example, while I like my DownUnderBoard, I'd probably recommend just buying a square cake pan or cardboard box for those interested in trying it out.

  6. 34 minutes ago, Lacassem said:

    Still don’t eat any dairy products 

    I applaud your restraint as my diet is roughly 50 percent cheese 🤣.

    Haven't added anything lately as I haven't really been into cooking much, but I did buy/try some Egglife wraps as noodles last night. Sliced them up with a pizza cutter, boiled for two minutes and then topped with alfredo sauce, chicken and broccoli. Was pretty good. I think they would be better either cooked for a bit in the sauce or with a red sauce - the egg flavor came through a little too much initially with the alfredo.

  7. Normal Saturday garage session today. Starting to find some good feels that are translating to more speed. Driver dispersion is also much improved.

    Set a new personal best ball speed and the highest swing speed I've recorded this winter on the same swing!


    Final three swings were 117.4, 117.1 and 116.4. And all were piped down the (virtual) fairway.

  8. 12 minutes ago, Lacassem said:

    Do you feel like the strikes are cleaner/squarer? If it is what do you attribute that to? Just repetition, the actual speed training?

    Some is intentional technique/swing feel changes. I really liked the Drew Cooper/TXG video posted here a few pages back because some of his speed keys also were good for me technique wise.

    I think the bigger factor is that I'm really only focused on two things right now - club speed and ball flight. It's forcing my swing/body to self-organize a lot better. I think having speed as my focus has freed up a lot of mental thoughts of getting to X, Y or Z position and just generally leads to a more fluid swing.

  9. Still closely monitoring my 6 iron and driver speeds but no movement for the past two weeks, in fact I think I'm down 1-2 MPH. On the flip side, my ball speeds/estimated carry are becoming more stable in the upper 160s/270+ range so that's a positive of all of the driver swings. 

    I'm a few workouts into Full Speed Spectrum on The Stack and have occassionally had a couple of "Wow, that was fast!" swings, but I haven't been able to capture that on every swing just yet. I've really been trying to feel what happens on those faster swings, but it's so hard to figure that out!

  10. 9 hours ago, ejgaudette said:

    I think I got an email about the same blog post from Fit for Golf today and it makes sense. I think @Getoffmylawn can attest that simple strength training will only get you so far and they you do need those speed elements to take advantage of the strength you build. So I think it makes sense that you would rotate between times where you work to build some strength and then back off to focus on speed, and cycle like that a bit. Be sure to share with us how it goes!

    Mike's blog was good. I know I fall into the category of people who are probably close to tapped out on the neurological adaption/fast twitch gains. I think those of us who spent a lot of time in rotational sports (i.e. hockey, baseball) probably tend to swing faster than our raw strength levels would otherwise indicate. I fall far short of Mike's recommended 1 RMs, which I think is the next step to me getting faster. 

    That being said, there are lots of disadvantages of going for strength gains while trying for speed gains. I think my overall soreness level plays a factor in producing speed, and while I'm trying to eat more to facilitate muscle growth, that tends to make me feel heavy and slow when swinging a club.

  11. 16 hours ago, Samsonite said:

    Spoke with a chat rep this morning, and asked if they were going to have the heads in for me to demo early January (I was hoping to bring them to my fitting for a comparison), but he said while they may have them in-hand, he was doubtful they'd have extra heads for demoing, and certainly not before my 1/6 fitting. Very understandable. 

    I'm wondering, though, if anyone here (and I'll post in the sub-70 group as well) games a split set of the 699/699 Pros?  They don't offer it as a configurable set-up on the website, but the chat rep said they absolutely can do that, it's just a matter of calling and ordering it as such.  

    Anyone play this set-up?  Advantages/disadvantages? 

    I gamed the OG 4-6 699 and 7-GW 699 Pro for a season. Honestly, the two are so similar in shape that I'd recommend the 699 Pros for most people unless you really want the extra offset of the regular 699s. The regular 699s might be a tad longer in blade length, but it was nearly unnoticeable to my eyes.

    One thing I didn't like about the 699/699 Pros is that they seem to sit a little open at address for me. I struggled with getting aim correct as I'd always be aiming too far right. I ended up painting the bottom groove, which helped some, but something about them didn't jive with me.

    That being said, they are very hot and forgiving on toe hits, which I need. 

    This post reminds me I need to get them removed from their current shafts and onto B/S/T so they can go to a place where they will be used again... 😀

  12. One clockwise of standard loft will be -0.5 degrees loft (10 degrees total), 1 degree open, no change to lie angle (option 2, highlighted yellow). The only other way to obtain 10 degrees of loft is to go one counter-clockwise of standard loft, which will also result in a 1 degree open face but a 2 degree upright lie angle (option 6, highlighted red)

    Looks like loft adjustment only goes to +1 or -1 degrees, so the most you can obtain is 11.5 degrees of loft.

    Going to 11.5 degrees is doable by:

    - Moving the loft sleeve to the +1 loft position, which will close the face 2 degrees and go 1 degree upright in lie angle (option 10, purple highlight).
    - Moving the loft sleeve to one position counter-clockwise to the standard +1 position (option 9, orange highlight) which result in 11.5 degrees of loft, close the face 1.5 degrees and go 1.5 degrees upright. 
    - Moving the loft sleeve to one position clockwise to the standard +1 position (option 11, green highlight) which result in 11.5 degrees of loft, close the face 1.5 degrees and go 1.5 degrees upright. 

    EDIT: To clarify, when I say clockwise, I mean to the right, counter-clockwise to the left. I'm referring to the position of the marks and not the way you would rotate the shaft.


  13. Fascinating garage session this evening, testamony to how your body will react to different match ups.

    Was struggling with an overdraw/hook. Counterintuitively, keeping the face more closed/square in the backswing got me hitting straight shots and even some small fades.

    Assuming my body intuitively didn't want to hit it way right and compensated by swinging in-to-out enough to make the ball stay left.

  14. The offseason has started off on a good note. I won't spend much time discussing it, but I've done a pretty good job of hitting balls two or three times, lifting two or three times, speed training two or three times and putting a bit each week.

    Maintaining and adding to my speed is obviously high on my list of things to accomplish this offseason. I've been contributing to both the unofficial Stack review thread and the MGS offseason speed challenge where you can read more. So far I haven't gained a ton of top-end speed but my floor has come up a bit. In my garage sessions I'm seeing more drivers at 114 MPH or more than I have in the past, and my 6 iron ball speeds occasionally touch 138-140 MPH. That's been a huge motivator.

    Three areas I need to work on based on my 2022 strokes gained are driving, 50-100 yard wedge shots and putting (compared to scratch):


    I've done a good job of working on driver so far this offseason, and I've been practicing putting on my EXPUTT quite frequently as well. I've made a few tweaks to my putting setup and I'm rolling it really well, probably the best I ever have. Excited to see if that carries to the course. I do need to get my wedges out more often and work on them.

    I feel like my swing is in a really good place and I'm getting great results. My dispersion has come down significantly with my irons, shown below at the top is my shot pattern from last night's Mevo+ session with my 6 iron. Nice 20-ish yard pattern right around the 200-yard mark.


  15. I finished the Foundation program on Saturday and did my progress check-in last night:


    Couple of observations:

    • Although my driver speed hasn't changed, during my initial baseline my driver was abnormally fast that evening. Additionally, my baseline was completed outside in 60 degree weather, while the progress check was completed in my garage with 40-ish degree weather (more layers last night). Overall, last night my swing was "slow." I was about 2 MPH slower hitting balls after my session than I was over the weekend.
    • I'm slightly faster across all weights (with exception to the trail arm swings - and that's just a comfort thing). 
    • The 1 MPH increase at the 195 gram weight seems to align well with my Mevo+ measurements that show I'm roughly 1 MPH faster with my driver than during my baseline tests with the Mevo+.

    The app recommended Full Speed Spectrum as my next protocol. For this protocol I will be switching to using my Mevo+ as my measurement device as it now has full integration into the Stack app. While I love the simplicity of the Sports Sensors blue radar, it's far too sensitive to positioning.

    Not the progress I hoped to see, but overall I can tell I've been speed training again. While my ceiling hasn't increased much, my floor has. It is much easier for me to hit 114 MPH with the driver on the Mevo+ than it was before training, and I've seen my 6 iron creep toward 100 MPH more often.

  16. I was the different one as my baseline speed was based on hitting balls in a range/garage session so I'm keeping that consistent in my measurement. Got a chance to get out in the garage today for a nice hitting session and happy to see a little bit of movement.

    Top three swings 115.7, 115.4, 115.1 -> 115.4 average.

    I had a bunch of swings during my session at 114-plus, where that was top-end before starting Stack. I'm very happy to see my averages overall:

    114.1 MPH / 166.1 MPH Ball Speed

    I also hit a new personal best ball speed of 173.3 on one swing.

  17. SteelFiber i110cw for my Cobra Utility iron. Never really liked the feel of the Recoil that came in it. Not sure what it is about mid/mid shafts but they feel pretty dull and lifeless to me (maybe others would use the word "stable"). I love the subtle kick under the hands I feel with the SFs.

    I've probably looked at the BGT ZNE Wedge shafts 10 times in the past few days but still am waiting on that purchase...

  18. Are these carry or total distances? Are you comfortable hitting hybrids?

    At first glance, you could opt for a 4 wood lofted fairway to replace the 3 wood/5 wood combo, or maybe try lofting up the existing three wood, or shorten the shaft to 4/5 wood length (being mindful of swing weight). You didn't say you have troubles hitting the 5 wood, so perhaps something with a shorter shaft but still lower loft would work as a good replacement for both of those clubs and slot your gapping somewhere between the current two.

    If you can hit hybrids I might look into a 4 hybrid which will likely go further than the 4 iron even if they are similar in loft. I like the versatility of the hybrid out of the rough and even around the green versus a low lofted iron that likely won't be as useful except off the tee and from perfect lies.

    I understand a common advice is to have perfect gapping throughout the bag, but if you play the same courses a lot of the time I am a big fan of tailoring the top of the bag to those courses rather than gaps. If you feel like the 5 wood is too much but the 4 iron is not enough, a hybrid might be a nice addition in there.

  19. On 11/24/2022 at 6:36 AM, MrKSTOKES said:

    Have found it takes a week or two to actually hit a shot at the speed the app suggests is possible whenever there's an increase but it's been extremely accurate so far.

    I was a little skeptical of the "eSpeed" calculation at first (especially since it adjusts based on radar device used), but it's been wickedly accurate so far. I think my "eSpeed" has topped out at 114-115 (Stack measurement with the blue/gray Sports Sensors radar) and that's usually the absolute fastest I see when hitting balls measured on my Mevo+.

    Impressive to say the least.

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