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Testers Wanted: Precision Pro Titan Elite Rangefinder ×


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Posts posted by DriverBreaker

  1. 24 minutes ago, Shrek74 said:

    Question for the testers or anyone who has one that's used it regularly.

    Are there any drills that you've done to work on wrist and swing motions that didn't require hitting balls? Something that you might do in the living room with a headless shaft or a club but no ball?

    I'm not set up in my garage yet with a full hitting area, so I'm wondering if there are any drills I can do in the house without hitting that would be beneficial with my Hackmotion system.


    You could do a ton of backswing work.  Turn on the audio feedback and work on keeping the lead wrist in the position you want.  Backswing work doesn’t require hitting balls. 

  2. On 2/5/2024 at 6:44 PM, downlowkey said:

    Heads up - @DriverBreaker @Fongle @gingerbeast87 @Bad Golfer

    I’m still super curious about the potential for short game data capture and pattern analysis from the HackMotion system. I realize that wasn’t really the primary focus of the review team and thoughts on the feature were mixed during the official review period, but do you guys have any new info to share on the short game component? Have any of you attempted to troubleshoot the short game capture issues? How and how often are you utilizing the product?

    Also - did anyone else tune in to their webinar series during the 2024 PGA Show? HackMotion usually invites some solid instructors (Adam Young and Tyler Ferrell this year) to discuss how they use the product and it’s always interesting to me. I’ve probably watched David Orr’s trail wrist putting data seminar a half dozen times.


    I have played around with putting a bit more, but I still get a ton of accidental captures even on just small practice strokes.

  3. 1 hour ago, vandyland said:

    Interesting! I did not know that. I always assumed GC4 was more accurate/useful indoors since it doesn't use radar and Trackman would be superior outside for the same reason. Did not know they measured club head differently. 

    Yeah for the club data, TrackMan doesn’t need to be outside to measure accurately.  Ball data on the other hand….  If you see the spin rate italicized in TrackMan, it means it did not measure spin rate on the shot and hat do calculate/estimate it.  The new Titleist RTC balls are near perfect for TrackMan indoors.  I have good results with the metallic sticker as well indoors. 

    And again, they just measure club data at two different points in time, so tough to say if one is more accurate than the other.  I know I just prefer and trust TrackMan for club data more. 

  4. 8 hours ago, jbern said:

    My extended family is going to the Branson area at the end of March and renting a big house for us all to stay in. My brother would really like to golf with my while we're there and we settled on trying to spend under $60 on a round. I just started researching and thought I'd come to the forum for advice. Does anyone have any suggestions?

    @DriverBreaker & @marty lensing - did you end up finding good courses to play for around $70?

    @Blaine Dye - I saw on the community map that you were the closest to Branson. Ever get there for golfing and have any suggestions?

    @TR1PTIK - that 4 state golf pass looks like a great deal! They're a little far from Branson for our trip though. Do you know of anything closer to Branson that's similar?

    I don’t remember finding a course for under $70.  That was pre-Covid as well.  We stayed and played close to a Big Cedar and the golf is pricey there.  Have fun!  

  5. 27 minutes ago, Rob Person said:

    Nice review so far! Would you say for a newer player that this is easy to setup and use at an open range or backyard? Or would something with shot tracking be more suitable?

    It is super easy to set up. Literally turn it on. Set it on the ground parallel to your target line. Usually the alignment stick that comes with it if you want to, and start smacking balls. If you can see the ball flight outdoors, the alignment stick probably isn’t even necessary. Because really all you would be looking for at that point is the launch, spin, ball speed, and total carry numbers since you can see the ball in real time for curvature.

    For indoors, unless you have a ton of space, camera based units work the easiest.  I literally just have about 8 feet from my hitting mat to the net, but I could get away with even less than that. If you have a really tight space, as long as you can swing the club comfortably and safely you can get away with almost any amount of space.

  6. On 12/20/2023 at 12:07 PM, vandyland said:

    How are your results trending @DriverBreaker? Do you feel like your swing overhaul is "sticking" or does it remain a work in progress? 

    Well there are phases of learning.  Cognitive: where you have to consciously work to understand the change and focus hard on each rep.  Associative:  where you don’t have to work to understand it as much, but you still have to work to engrain it.  It’s not automatic yet.  Then there is the Autonomous:  where it is on auto pilot.  It is the new move/pattern. 

    I’d say I’m in Associative. You’ll see many pro golfers in this phase still rehearsing a move in the pre-shot routine, yet they play amazing golf.  To truly get something in auto pilot would take a long time.  And then there is the point where you might be on auto pilot on the range or in practice, but the actual golf course changes things.  

  7. 6 hours ago, vandyland said:

    I read your first post @DriverBreaker and it sounded a lot like me! I have an extremely flat backswing and I always made it work because I was already under plane so I didn't have to shallow or anything. Recently I have had it with how it looks and how it always feels like it is on the edge of breaking down. I have my own swing overhaul thread but it is mostly madness and a psycho journal for me. Anyway, did you feel like you worked out your flatness and, if so, did it stay out of your swing? As a reference here is me at the top of my swing a few weeks ago when I decided "enough is enough":


    and this is me when I try the jim waldron “arm swing illusion” feel:


    Still going to be a long haul to get this right AND my delivery is going to have to totally change. A long haul ahead….

    We always have our biases in patterns.  So I will always have to be conscious of it in my swing.  I have some good feels that I use to keep it in check.  I would experiment with a few different external ideas to see what is easiest for you to implement.  For example, put the clubhead high to a point out in front of you in the takeaway then finish your turn.   With a lot of people, giving your brain an externally focused task can reap great results very quickly because your brain is organized around a task vs obsessing about internal body positions.  

  8. 22 hours ago, Shrek74 said:

    Question for those that tested or anyone who has and uses one.

    Does this only deal with your wrist or will it also deal with your whole swing? I have a flipping issue as well as a hip rotation issue and am looking for something that can help me track my hands/wrists as well as my body/hips in space during the swing, if there is such a thing.

    Not going to do anything to give you data on your hips/body.  Best you could do is correlate when you try to do something with your hips/body, what impact does it have on your wrists?

  9. 5 hours ago, jdparker said:

    Are you finding that the scuffs are affecting ball flight or performance or is it just it being scuffed that is keeping you from wanting to keep playing it?

    I agree that it doesn't take much to scuff, especially from a wedge shot, but I haven't seen any performance issues from it yet. 

    Yeah I notice some exaggerated flight issues after it scuffs too much. I can literally rip pieces of cover off it is so tattered after a wedge shot.  And my wedges are old.  They are SM7’s I got used back in 2019...  

    Compared to the ProV1 I played for like 54 straight holes that had barely a hint of a scuff on it, I just don’t see myself playing it after I go through this box.

  10. 28 minutes ago, CSiders12 said:

    Got out to the range last night and played with the Combine mode. I wish that it had more adjustability within the mode, but all in all, it has really helped dial in some distances. It has also shown me the areas and distances that I need to put more time into. For example, hitting a 50-yard pitch shot is apparently the hardest shot for me to hit. I clearly need to work more on the shorter distances to provide better scoring opportunities. 

    One other time, the app froze and I had to exit out of the app completely and restart the entire session. I went to change my alignment, but when I went back into the simulation part, it froze and crashed the app. That is the only problem that I have experienced so far. Overall, big W. 

    I’ve always had questions about using range balls for dialing in distances.  On a tour, they get to use the same model of balls they play with in actual real golf on the practice range.  If you’re a ProV1 player, you get your TrackMan or your GC Quad and hit real golf balls.  Then you can adjust based on altitude, temperature, etc. 

    With range balls, I’d venture that it’s just not the same one to one ratio for carry distance.  Would need to test though.  I think MGS HQ wrote an article about using range balls for fitting a while back.  

    Does the Rapsodo track full flight outdoors? If so, at least you’d know how far range balls go.  But for 50yds and in, I’d save your scuffed up balls that are the same model you play with and find a park where you can laser a bucket and pitch balls to it to dial those carry distances in. 

  11. For the testers who know their ball striking well:  are you finding that the shot shape on the app matching what you expect when you are hitting into a net?  If you felt you hit a hook or a push fade, is that the shape you’re seeing on the app? 

    Also, for those who have done the dot templates and markers, still seeing good results with that method?  Any tips or advice for marker type and durability or stuff like that?

  12. I took a break from playing the V3 because I had some tournament prep and then a two day tournament.  I play ProV1 for tournaments.

    I have played the same ProV1 ball for over 36 holes since the tournament and the wear/tear is still minimal.  I’m not sure how Titleist does it, but the durability of their covers is just phenomenal.

    If Kirklands would last as long without the scuffing I think it would be hands down the best ball for the money in the game.  This isn’t to say that it isn’t that already.  For people who lose balls frequently, it could very well be the best ball for the money.  I just keep noticing those scuffs after one or two wedges.  If I was to play that ball in a tournament, I’d be rotating it out every few holes for a fresh one, which at that point I’m not getting the cost savings benefit.  If I go through one sleeve of Kirkland balls each round but a ProV1 lasts more than two rounds, the price per hit/round doesn’t add up. 

    I was curious to read in the MGS ball lab study that they said the Kirkland V3 doesn’t appear to be a drastically different ball than the V2.  Having played the ball a bunch, I would have to disagree.  Cover durability is better, it doesn’t appear to spin near as much off the driver, and it is much longer, for my swing/game, than the V2 was.  The V2 spun so much I couldn’t play it at all.  The V3 goes exactly the numbers I expect it to, it stops quickly on full iron shots. It spins on wedges and chips.  With driver it penetrates the air nicely and doesn’t balloon.  The V2 did not do that.

    Does anyone else agree that the V3 is not the V2, and is better off the driver?

  13. 1 hour ago, Tim Lex said:

    Make a baking soda paste by mixing 3 parts baking soda to 1 part water. Gently rub the paste onto the stain using a soft brush or sponge. Let it sit for a few minutes before wiping away with a clean damp cloth.

    I’ll give it a try, thanks! 

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