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Testers Wanted: Precision Pro Titan Elite Rangefinder ×


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Posts posted by GolfSpy_APH

  1. I've experienced the of drop in shot as well here and there, however I found a few keys being if the green and next tee box are close then be sure to take out your next club by the tee box and not earlier. For me at my local course 13 green and 14 tee box are very close and the odd time I would take out my 4 Iron right away from walking off the green and it wouldn't end the previous hole, but continue on.

    Also usually a quick review after the round usually helps any real outliers.

    I know that caddie feature is a huge part of your review, but has anyone checked out tournament mode?

  2. Great bag! Only problem I see is they are all backwards..

    How do you like the Tyne putter?

    It has changed my putting forever. Won't lie when I first tried it on the course I really didn't like the sound it made, but the putts started dropping and I got use to it.

    Putting is now easily the best part of my game and I can't say enough good things about the Ping Tyne. The grip is also really nice, big but not too big.

    Previous to getting into I would say I was a average putter with 2 putting most holes and a 3 putt or more each round. Now Arcoss has my putting a +1.4 averaging 32 putts per round. Had 9 one putts yesterday and a round earlier this season with only 25.

    I was really happy to see it (although a slightly different version) do well on the most wanted this season.


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  3. Thank you for your response. I have yet to try it as I just bought the G400 and it's working great. That being said I have read most all the thread and comments and a lot of ppl have said it got it right for them so I know and I think most of us know there is definitely something here else you would have never released it.

    I also believe some ppl may be disappointed because it may have not given them the driver they wanted?

    Anyway I can only seen positives with where this is going and appreciate you addressing all the comments as there was always bound to be doubters, but I know I will be recommending this friends and family a like as it will be a great way of narrowing the large mass of products out there down to a few gear candidates.


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  4. After a few decent rounds tomorrow is range day. I've noticed a few things recently where other then a few specific tee shots I rarely use my 7,6,5 irons.


    Arccos has also showed me that with usage on them and its way down from most of my other clubs.


    One of the down sides to playing the same course over and over is those clubs get stuck in the bag. Soon should be playing a few new courses so will be nice to get a feel for them again!


    Last note arccos has definitely pointed out some glaring weaknesses which have been addressed and really helped narrow down practice areas.


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  5. Played a round at Chester Golf Course Sunday and my home course Lost Creek Monday and during my warm up on Sunday something clicked and the driver swing came to life for the first time this year. Had two errant drives over the 36 holes and although a few silly shots here and there as happens with my game I was super happy for the first time this season with my long game off the tee.


    Ended with 76 both rounds and was a 7 over on the par 3's.


    Guess I know where I need to start putting some practice time in over the next little while!


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  6. 3 wood for me is a go to club. Whether it be off the tee or from the fairway it gets regular use.

    Most the courses I play are not super long and I could get away with no driver.

    It took a long time to find a 3 wood I love, but now that I have one it's a great weapon in the bag and the only reason its use has settled the last little while is I've been giving the g400 a good spin even on holes where 3 wood would be my normal club to use.

    Much of it would be course dependent, but I couldn't imagine not having one in my bag now.


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  7. I have a Cobra Bio Cell 5w. It's my favorite club in the bag and I hit it farther and more consistently than a 3w from a different manufacturer. I absolutely love that "heavy club face on the end of a light stick" feel, if you know what I mean. Right now I can get a Cobra King F6 3 wood online for less money than a Bio Cell. My problem is there no retailer, golf shop, or outlet in my area that carries Cobra, so I can't try the F6 for myself. Can anyone tell me if the F6 is comparable to the Bio Cell in feel, size, etc. ? Any feedback would be most appreciated.



    From my own opinion I would look more at the f7. The f6 models were good, however the f7 are incredible.

    The bio cell were incredible clubs and I know a few ppl who thought they out performed the f6.

    Not sure if any of the most wanted included the f6 but could be worth looking into as well.



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  8. I may have said this before, but thankfully here in Canada it's not a huge issue. There are still some occasions and variety definitely land towards right handed players but during the demo clear out I'm always able to find good buys


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  9. Quick update:


    Driver is still working well (especially on my good days). Average distance has jumped up by about 20 yards according to Arccos and I'm hitting the draw a bit more which is a nice change.


    Fairway wood still needs some work off the turf. The Titleist is reasonably shorter in shaft length than the Nike I was using and the clubhead is smaller as well placing a premium on ball striking. Interesting though as it has been fantastic off the tee. The whopping two times I've used it off the tee, I struck it well and put the ball in the fairway. The attached pic shows the results of my last tee shot with this club and brings me to an update on Arccos.


    I've been trying to play a variety of courses as I put Arccos through its paces and I've noticed some glaring issues. Most notable of which is that some holes apparently aren't mapped correctly for mobile which makes it impossible to correct a tee shot if it were not detected. For example, the tee box on #5 at Peoria Ridge Golf Course has been cropped out of frame. I've also noticed this on #4 at Briarbrook Golf Course. Another problem that's surfaced (and maybe it's not a huge deal) is that Arccos is missing tee information for several courses. A good example here is Neosho Golf Course which has 4 sets of tees yet Arccos only lists 2. I just finished emailing Arccos about my findings and hope they will correct them.


    Anyone else experience similar issues with Arccos?

    I've noticed on a few courses I've played where not all of the tees are listed and where I normally play they remade the 15 green and pushed it back 60 or so yards so when I see it on the map it looks like I over shot the green and come back.

    However I haven't had the issue with not being able to adjust tee shots. I've had probably 15 round on the arccos system and with the exception of a few holes have found it to work incredibly well on a variety of courses in my area.

    Let us know what you hear back from arccos!



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  10. First full round with the G400. Didn't loose a ball, worst shot was just left rough and manages 11/18 GIR. Ended with a solid 2 birdies and 74 over all ( 3 over) now had I only not bogeyed the last few par 3's.

    Game has really been coming around with the warmer weather and I can feel myself a lot closer to breaking par at some point this summer!


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  11. The Ping invasion on my bag has continued with ping glide wedges 54*,58* making there way it.

    I love the cobra wedges, but the pings offer a better gap and more forgiving wedges which has helped my short game immensely

    As well as a new big stick. Ping g400 standard.

    Tested multiple times and the forgiveness is exactly what I need and more.

    Last round was a prime example where I shot 3 wood all round and made 20% more fairways and trotted along to a 75 (bogey on the last 3 holes)

    No matter what other big stick I had I never had the confidence in making fairways

    After 2 on course testing sessions and some time in the bay it was clear the the g400 was the proper fit for me.

    Once they have all be cleaned up there will be more pictures to come!


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  12. Had a fantastic round at a course I'd only played once before. 3 birdies in total (can't seem to get 4 in a round)

    Ended with a 3 over 75. Didn't even use driver the whole round 3 wood all day!

    Only sad part was I had bogeys on the last 3 holes ... But still a great round and finished in under 2.5 hours


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  13. Long shot but anyone in Halifax area Canada looking for a twilight round tonight?

    Round this morning didn't work out because I had to work, but still want to get a round in this evening!


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  14. Thankfully got out with the first group today as we have heat warnings all over the province. Well above 30 here today and the humidity doesn't help... But onto golf. Decided to give the 3 wood a good workout off the tee today and had a shaky 10/11 with bogey and double, but ended up finishing with 8 straight pars and a final of 76 with one birdie. Not a bad round over all for me. Now time to find some shade.

    Hopefully I'll be able to do the same thing tomorrow!


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