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Paul Hedrick

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Posts posted by Paul Hedrick

  1. 1 hour ago, tony@CIC said:

    As usual, Shotscope was very responsive - I got the answer first thing Monday morning, re: the app showing my drives off of the tips. Since this coincided with my opening up the update, I naturally assumed it was the app's fault, barring that maybe the watch. Well there's a 3rd leg to the 3 legged stool which is the sensor. Before I went out to play this morning, I installed a  new driver sensor and voila, the app shows the correct tee box along with all the other shots registered. Why it picked up the the #56 wedge as my drive - not sure - but it's all good today.

    For some reason I decided to order a set of sensors a month ago - how fortuitous. Here's a pick of the old sensor which is about 2 yrs and 300 rounds old.   



    I am not sure I understand.  Are you saying because the sensors are old, they think they are on a different location, as perhaps from a different tee box?

  2. 8 minutes ago, chisag said:


    ... But ... but ... but my last line "it can be inspirational to get new stuff."  😇   Crazy we used to buy new irons for $699 and sell them in mint conditions for $619, but now they are $1399 and we are lucky to get $899 for them. HOing just ain't what it used to be. 

    tomato, tomaato.... but yeah, I hear you.  I know when I get 'new stuff' I do play a bit better, for a while....And yeah, the price of gear is getting crazy

  3. 45 minutes ago, chisag said:


    ... New can be a ton of fun but just dreaming can often end up being better. Especially considering the cost of clubs in '22. Doing reviews every year in the past I would often find new clubs didn't perform any better than what I was playing especially considering it takes time to dial them in and get comfortable. Maybe 50% of the time I actually preferred the older clubs. Using the 22' Forged Tec's as an example. I found them to be outstanding irons, providing a little more distance but I never dialed them in for accuracy like the MIM's I was playing. I gave them a good month and then some before going back to my MIM's. 

    ... The flip side is I absolutely loved the T100S irons I reviewed for MGS and had zero plans to change. But I reviewed the MIM Tour's and they were one of the few clubs that actually worked out better for me after the change. Just a hair better feel, a hair more forgiveness and the ever so slightly larger head inspired confidence on my off days. Certainly not a night and day difference and I could play the T100S again and not feel like I loose anything, other than a personal preference. 

    ... So not to rain on yours or anyone else parade, sometime looking and dreaming is better than spending $1399 to find out the dream was better. Of course the flip side is if you don't do it as often as a reviewer or an unofficial Union HO member, it can be inspirational to get new stuff. 🤪

    Spoil Sport!  LOL... 

  4. 12 hours ago, Golfspy_TCB said:

    I'm not sure if I am part of the solution or part of the problem on "how to move golf into the Modern Era". 

    I consider myself a traditionalist when it comes to golf... but maybe better tagged as "Enlightened Traditionalist". 

    • I prefer to wear collared shirts, long pants (usually slacks), dress golf shoes
      • but I don't mind what others wear - be comfortable. 
    • I don't really care for the Sportsbook Betting environment being created - though I do recognize that it increases engagement by a larger group of spectators that have some "skin in the game" while a tourney is going on. 
      • But is that increased engagement a positive or a negative?  I can't say.  I personally wouldn't bet on Golf - but to each their own.  I would, however bet on myself...
    • I like to have a side game going on with my playing partners or even a larger group, but I prefer straight forward games like low score (gross/net), skins and maybe a Nassau
      • But don't take it too seriously... it is just pocket change, and I never let it slow down my pace of play.
    • I am part of the MGS Staff... so I am a part of the social media direction of Golf.  I would agree, the various social media platforms provides a lot of information to a lot of eyes...
      • But with that should come a warning of caution... as it is easy to fall into the trap of "It must be true... I saw it on the internet (or social media as the case may be)"
    • I'm a traditionalist, 72 holes, 'nuff said
      • Want a "more exciting" golf event... watch The Match.  But IMHO - there is a plenty of excitement and a certain majesty of a 4 day/72 hole event.  The strategy combined with how your golf game can change from day to day (as we have all experienced) provides all the fireworks I need. 
      • Also, shortening the event doesn't speed up the pace of play, it just shortens the length of the total event by 2 days. If what you are saying is true about shortening the event to create more urgency and taking more chances with shots COULD actually slow down the pace of play as players "go for it" and find themselves searching for errant shots, or taking drops or getting officials rulings... instead of laying up, using the "fairway finder" drive, and playing to the safe side of the green.
    • Women deserve equal rights and treatment on and off the golf course.

    I had never really thought of it before, but after reading Golfspy_TCB's response, I would have to consider myself an "Enlightened Traditionalist" as well.

  5. 6 hours ago, tony@CIC said:

    Paul, what happened to your old one 

    tony@CIC, my previous V3 was experiencing a problem where, on a couple of courses I had played multiple times before, could not find them. I kept getting the error that a course could not be found within 1KM.  The first time it happened I emailed customer service and they did something on their end, and asked me to logout of the phone app, log back in and do an update. That seemed to have worked for that course.  The next week, I played another local course which I have played many times, I got the same error message.  I again emailed customer service, admittedly this time the tone of my email was less forgiving.  I received an email back saying this was a known issue and they sent a replacement.  I have had my V3 and sensors since July as a gift, and this was the first problem I have experienced that was not self inflected  LOL.

  6. It happened again this past Sunday; I got the error message that no course within 1KM.  The same thing happened the previous Sunday, at a different course.  I emailed them and the said the remapped the course and that I should log out of the app on my phone, log in and update...which I did.  It seemed to work.  Well it happened again last Sunday at another course I play frequently.  I was pretty pissed off when I emailed them again.  It seems this is a 'known issue' and are sending me a new V3 

  7. 26 minutes ago, cnosil said:

    I am assuming it was a new course that you had never played.   HAppened to me several times during my review of the H4.   Probably the biggest negative for the Shotscope devices.  Was explained by customer support that the course really isn't on the device even though it says it is.  Since you can't manually sync a course CS has to update the course so it indicates a change was made.   There is no way to know that it will happen until you try and load the course.  

    Nope, it was a course I play often.  Most recently the previous week

    18 minutes ago, cksurfdude said:

    Fwiw whenever I'm going to play a new course, I check (in the app with device connected) for any updates to sync to the watch.

    * Would be nice to have... Notification list when any updates to any of "My Courses" are available.


    Yeah,  it seems I will have to start doing that too.

  8. I have had my V3 since July and this past Sunday I experienced a problem I did not cause.  Just the week before I played and used my V3 successfully.  When I started the V3 and tried start a game, I received a message indicating no courses were found within 1KM.  I tried all the usual things; power cycling the V3, logging out of the app on my iphone, restarting it and attaching to the V3 for any update, and using bad language; nothing worked.  Yesterday evening I emailed customer support and explained the situation.  Today I received the following:

    'I have now re-mapped the course for you, could you please manually log out the app and back in (closing the app doesn't log you out), there should then be a course update available for download. Press the sync button and this will start the download. If there is no update showing please unsubscribe to that course and re-subscribe to see the update.'

    This seems to have worked, but I have to admit I was more than a little annoyed this happened.  As far as I know nothing had changed since the previous week when I used it successfully, and yesterday when I could not make it work.  I mean, how will I know from day to day whether or not this might happen again when I want to start a round?  Geeeeesh


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