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Testers Wanted: CaddyDaddy The Claw Golf Gloves ×


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  1. 57 minutes ago, Berg Ryman said:

    I like John and think he's doing incredible journalistic work as a former journalist myself, but anyone looking for anything explosive here like was being pushed on social media is going to be disappointed. Partnerships began before Saudi money came in. Saudi money came in, partnerships continued. Is it important to some, sure it is. Transparency is important in all forms, but I don't think this is the big bombshell everyone thought it might be.

    I do look forward to more of these article from John though. Exposing who can exert influence in different fields to make you consider the sources of your information is definitely a worthwhile endeavor.

    And it’s not the big bombshell the social channels teased it to be. Did a disservice to John and all the work he put into the article IMO 

  2. 4 minutes ago, Aspiring-Coach said:

    Hi everyone! Seriously, pleasure to be here. I'm new to forums but found out about MGS recently!

    How long have you been playing golf? What’s your handicap or normal score?

    • I've been playing off and on for about 20 years, with a big gap of not playing for a good 6-8 years in my teens. I got back into golf as a religion about 6-7 years ago. Doesn't mean I'm that good though, I tend to shoot 90 to mid 80's on any given day. But I breathe golf. I love everything about the game.

    What do you love about golf?

    • Everything! I love watching it, I love playing it, I love being outside and using it as meditation, I love the architecture, I love seeing my friends play and improve their games. I love the sound of a pure shot and the sound of the ball bouncing around in the hole. Part of me wanted to be a pro (not a touring pro but a PGA pro) but I don't have the energy to commit to doing that; especially now that I have a young daughter.

    What brings you to MyGolfSpy? Do you already know any other Spies?

    • Love watching the YouTube videos. Helps me keep grounded about my own game and make the little improvements I need. I don't know any other Spies yet, though I imagine there are more around me

    Where are you from? What is your home course?

    • I'm originally from CT but moved to PA last year. I live in Easton - close to NJ on i78. My home course is the Architects club in Phillipsburg NJ. About 15v mins from where I live.

    What are the best and worst things about golf in your region?

    • Best things - the landscape. It's a beautiful area with rolling hills and forests. Great northeast style golf
    • Worst things - Expensive to play and we have a winter season so I can't play all year round

    What do you do for a living?

    • I actually just quit my full-time corporate job to follow my passion of being a golf coach (not an instructor, but a mindset coach). My goal is to work with passionate casual golfers and help them shoot their lowest scores and get their handicap to where they want it to be. 

    How’d you pick your user name?

    • See answer above. I'm an aspiring coach and I'm looking to surround myself with the people I can support!







    I’m down just South of Princeton now. Grew up in hillsborough. Played architects a bunch. 

    you must live pretty close to Morgan hill! Played in a few outings there. Really fun course 

    Really looking forward to what you have to say about the golf mental game. Maybe we can get in a round together this fall and you can analyze me on a forum post!

  3. On 9/10/2022 at 9:18 AM, Nevin said:

    I'm a 4.4 index who has been playing in some senior tournaments this summer.  Other than a propensity to make an 8 more than usual, the primary problem this summer has been struggling with short putts under pressure.  2-5 footers have been a major problem.  The stroke looks and feels fine under regular conditions.  Lessons have comfirmed that the stroke is ok.   I try to putt everything out when I play a regular round, but in a tournament it gets really ugly.  Usually starts with 3-putting the first or second hole and then I am off to the races with a typical 6-7 3-putts.  Lots of jerky pulls and shoves.  I never know when it is going to start.  One tournament all I had to do to tie for first was 2 putt that last two holes for 71.  I three putted both.  Clearly it is psychological but I am open to any and all suggestions on how to improve this area of my game.  I have a broomstick (L.A.B.) ordered and I am going to experiment with it.  

    Sounds like a mental things.

    I cant recommend "Unconscious Putting" by Dave Stockton enough.  It changed my mental approach to putting drastically and turned it into the strength of my game.

  4. I remember it vividly 

    Senior year of high school. Tied in a match on the 7th hole which is a narrow Par 4. The green is slightly downhill from the fairway and the 6th hole runs parallel to the 7th and is slightly elevated above it 

    Pull my drive onto the 6th fairway and now I have to go over some trees to get to the green. Pull the shot and hits the tree between the green and the 6th tee and lands on the 6th tee. 

    I am now faced with a shot that is about 25yards, 20 ft downhill onto a green the slopes severely away from me. Oh, and I have to keep it under the tree I just hit. The hill down to the green is mostly overgrown fescue and some rough 

    I try to hit a flop (had about 15ft of clearance) shot that still stayed under the tree, but ended up hitting a branch and dropping straight down into the tall stuff. 

    I am now left with a shot which was basically a chunk out and hope it takes the hill down onto the green but then someone stays on the green (which would be impossible due to the slope)

    Well I executed this shot perfectly and the  all barely reached the green before it started picking up speed.  Ball rolled about 30 for across the green and hit the flagstick dead center and dropped in. Without hitting the flag the ball would have run through the green, down another hill and into a bunker

    I’ll never forget the look on my opponents face when that shot went in.  Can’t believe that was over 20 years ago




  5. On 9/6/2022 at 2:53 PM, Berg Ryman said:

    So, I got a session in this weekend on a putting green. I think I'm getting delivery figured out a bit. I thought from the jump a putter stroke would give me the best results, but I think I need to use it a bit more like an actual wedge, so a bit more of a downward motion with the shot to really get the max out of it. Results though are promising. A captain and crew this week for our year end league may not give me the most chance for Smart Sole usage, but I do think I'm playing a round sometime this weekend as well.

    One of the cool side effects of getting to know my ChipR is I have new techniques I’ve learned that I can use with my wedges. I never hit toe down chips or anything like that but now the technique that the ChipR has taught  with the putting-likestroke has allowed me add to my toolbox for shots around the green. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Dstebne2 said:

    Been playing golf for 4 years. Live near Long Beach Island NJ. Try to get out 2-3 times a week! Open to meeting new golfers if anyone is looking for a 4th!

    Nice! We go down there quite a bit during the summer. Sister and brother-in-law met working at Sea Oaks (now lbi national)

    used to play sea oaks all the time but also really enjoy Atlantis. And then there’s always going a bit further south to Twisted, Shore Gate, etc 

  7. So that was fun.  What makes using the ChipR hard on this pitch and putt is it is always very wet (they water the hell out of the course every night, there was standing water in a few holes!) and all of the greens are raised to a degree so it is very had to consistently land the ball in front of the green and bounce it on.

    But man, I shot -1!!!!

    3 birdies and two bogeys on 18 holes.  Got up and down a ton of times from around the greens.  

    My new favorite shot to hit with the ChipR is this little spinny cut from 40-60 yards away.   I open the face a bit and use a normal grip.  The ball comes in extremely flighted and tails slightly to the right, bounces twice and then stops due to spin.  Once I got that shot down today, it was almost automatic.  

    Now if I wanted to truly play for the lowest score, I would absolutely use my 58* on at least half the holes just so the ball could land and stop on the green on some of the smaller greens that were more raised in the front, but man the ChipR is versatile. 

  8. 3 minutes ago, chisag said:


    ... I have never understood the aversion to any club because of the name. I know Rocketballz got killed because of the name even though it was a great product. But golf is a game of confidence and I think any club that gives you confidence is a great club. If someone is reluctant just because of a name that is their loss. Chipper, mini driver or whatever. If it works, it works. 👍

    It's completely an ego thing, just like most things golf.

    There are still people out there that refuse to game hybrids, lower flex shafts, more forgiving irons, etc because their macho ego won't let them.  It's the same ego that gets bruised when I beat them on a hole when my 3 handicap ass gets up and down with my ChipR and they blade their lob wedge across the green

  9. 10 minutes ago, Samsonite said:

    Fantastic write-up (and congrats again on the Mod Pos!) - I've been trying to convince myself to make an appt. at the TS here in SoCal, and just haven't been able to get there yet.  I've actually been to that NYC store - such a beautiful place - I would go in and just wander around and drool 🙂

    Love that they actually helped your game (or, it certainly seems that way) - that's been my bigger worry, is that it wouldn't make that huge a difference, as I'm still working through lessons/swing changes.  But even if it was just to get a sense of where I could use the help/don't need it, would be huge. 

    Awesome stuff, and congrats again!

    While they definitely made an impact on my game, the biggest impact was to my wallet and to my mindset.  I know with 100% certainty that my clubs fit my swing.  There is no more "oh that was a bad shot, maybe it was the shaft or the driver head".  Nope, all on me.  So I have a lot more confidence in what I am gaming because I am no longer playing golf equipment roulette!

  10. 16 minutes ago, Berg Ryman said:

    I mean, here's my thought. I work a crazy job, am recently married, trying to be a pickleball player with my wife, and still try to find time for movies/tv/gym so I've have primarily shifted to weekend warrior/9 hole league during the week guy. At most I play 27 holes a week during the season, at least 9. If something can help me, I'm asking for the help!

    Exactly! And we are always looking for equipment to make up for deficiencies in our game.  How is adding a specialty club for low shots around the green any different?  That name is what gives it the stigma.  

    Hell if PING named their club the C525 or the GLIDE-C or something else it would probably sell 10x as much.  ChipR is a stupid name and makes it sound gimmicky.  But ping is a bit eclectic and the ChipR name is an homage to the original ChipO

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