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Posts posted by edingc

  1. I did end up making it up to the heated range. Except they weren't heated yet and still only on the grass and not mats, and I actually had a beautiful morning for it. Mid 40s. I had about a bucket's worth of sun and then it went back to overcast.


    I hadn't taken a full swing in three weeks and it showed. Took me a while to get going, and my irons kind of picked up where they left off, hitting hooks and blocks. Tried to fix them and ended up getting too steep and starting hitting fades. By the end of the session I went back to feeling like I was trying to hit a draw and got things straightened out a bit.

    Having not swung much I pretty much exhausted myself after the first bucket so the second bucket was mostly short pitches and half swings with my 54 wedge. Surprisingly very crisp contact. Very happy with that.

    I didn't bring the AutoFlex/Epic Max LS combo with me because I assumed I'd be in the heated bays, which are too tight for a 46" driver. Instead, I brought my 44.5" 10.5 degree Cobra AMP Franken-driver, with a made-for-Callaway Project X LZ 5.5 shaft. Everything about this club is wrong for my swing, and combined with the freakishly poor range balls (no dimples, super high spin and high launch) I produced some really funny numbers on my Mevo+. My personal favorite:


    Admittedly, there is something to be said about a shorter driver and face control. Five of my first seven shots were right out of the center:


    I also was happy to see 112-114 on the Mevo+ with a shorter driver than usual. I have done zero speed training this month and instead have just been working in the gym trying to get stronger. So far, so good.

  2. 14 hours ago, dlow206 said:

    Thanks, not expecting it to make a huge difference, but i've never really figured out what is the right "swingweight" to play in irons. I have specifically asked fitters in the past during paid fittings and have never gotten a useful answer. The worst answer I got was from club champion, who said "we think people should play heavier irons". It was such a generic comment with no context to me and my swing. 

    My opinion is that this is going to come down to trial and error testing, and you may find out your ideal swing weight during your MOI matching experiment. From the standpoint of the fitter, the right swing weight is going to be the one that works best for you, but I've never had a fitter play around with swing weights during a fitting.

    For me, slightly heavier seems to jive better with my swing. D4 is the sweetspot, though a point on either side isn't a noticeable difference. My numbered wedges go to D6.5. When I did #CC4, the SpeedZones were much lighter (D0, I believe) and I have a terrible time squaring those up.

  3. 6 minutes ago, WaffleHouseTour said:

    Saw the announcement - and I have no reason to doubt them…. But how can a camera 10 or so feet behind the ball at impact measure face to path and face to target?  I hope it can/want it to.  I’m sure someone (MGS moderators…) will find a way to do some comparisons.  

    Most of these parameters are already measured and not shown, I think. Basically just unlocking them now for the additional money. I'm sure the camera is used for some stuff, but things like club path and face to path would have had to be measured to calculate the other stuff the Mevo+ gave you already.

  4. My practice facility officially closed for the season this week. I ended up getting one really good range session in last Monday, but from now until March I'm officially without an outdoor practice space. That leads me to this post detailing my plans for my offseason.

    We are working on re-organizing our spare bedroom and the EXPUTT will be back in my practice rotation within the next week or so. The EXPUTT led to a big improvement in my putting confidence this year, and I'm looking forward to getting back to practicing a few days a week. I find committing 15 minutes a few nights each week isn't too hard at all.

    As I've posted around here, I purchased a Mevo+ in early summer with the intent of creating a practice space in my garage. I also have a 4'x4' mat, a Fiberbuilt Flight Deck and a 10x10x10 cage net currently sitting in packaging. Over the next two weeks I'm going to work on building a support system in my garage rafters so that I can hit balls throughout the winter. 

    The last two winters I visited the heated range about once per week as the weather allowed. Last winter this worked out well, the previous winter I went weeks between sessions due to poor road conditions. The heated range is almost 45 minutes away, which meant two range buckets and drive time took about three hours of my weekend. Needless to say, I'm beyond excited to have a hitting space at home.

    I'm about a week into another go at a 5x5 linear progression program. I've bounced around programs the last two winters. Linear progression tends to wipe me out, but I'm committed to eating enough to hopefully see more success than I've had in the past. After playing with @ncwoz a few weeks ago, I realized I need to get stronger. I know I've pretty much maxed out the gains to be had with just overspeed training.

    I'm lucky to have a gym at work. I'll work in some light cardio and medicine ball work at lunch a few days per week. Lifting three days per week, and hopefully hitting balls two days a week.

  5. 6 hours ago, Getoffmylawn said:

    It's been a while since I've posted here, but rest assured I'm slogging away and hatching some off-season plans that I'll detail here soon.

    Regarding that slogging away, here's my progress through SuperSpeed Level 2 so far.  Again, pretty slow, but as Bill Miller often says, I'm basically one of those athletes that is very good at moving heavy things, but not good at moving light things fast.


    The Level 2 work happens every Monday and Friday, minus the occasional out-of-town missed session.  Level 2 C Club work happens every Wednesday:


    Again, almost embarrassingly slow, but as a guy who hasn't trained for explosion and power (but instead hypertrophy) for about 20 years now, I'm cutting myself some slack.  I feel like the sprints, jumps and med ball work are starting to pay off, and as long as I see these trendlines continue to creep up I'm happy.  Not satisfied by any means, but happy. 

    More about my off-season training plans soon...

    Those numbers aren't slow at all, and it looks like you've made a bit of progress on them. I like how your blue and red sticks are in line with your green sticks. When I was doing SuperSpeed with my DIY sticks, I never was able to get the blue and red sticks to consistently stay in line with the green speeds. When I switched to Rypstick I found I was better able to get the mid and heavy weights more in line with the light weight, which translated to better speeds on the course.

    We're in opposite camps as my goal for this offseason is to increase my weights as much as possible and only maintain the explosive work.


  6. 18 hours ago, dlow206 said:

    Has anyone played a par 4 hole regularly that you have a very low probability of reaching in 2?

    Normally, most would say if you can't reach it in 2, then you are playing tees that are too long. But its just one single hole at my home course. Plays 415 from the blues or whites, they play from the same location usually. Its a pretty strong dogleg right. Hit anything on the left side and you either have a really long 2nd shot from the rough, or if you are a big hitter, you just hit the ball into the road. Hit the ball down the middle of the fairway and you still have a long second shot, or if you are a big hitter, you are through the fairway into the trees. If you can play a fade, that is optimal, but a slight miss right (just off the fairway) and you have no angle for your second shot into the green unless you can hit a big fade on command with your irons. Slice it off the tee and you have hit a house. 

    In all the times i have played, i have only seen a few times where someone has actually successfully landed on the green in 2. The one guy i remember, he is close to scratch and is a big hitter. He aims directly toward the houses on the right side, and hits a high ball that flies over the houses, over the trees and lands in the fairway. He is essentially taking the direct line towards the hole. But any low mishit is breaking windows on that line. 

    Have a couple of these - one is 420, dogleg left. Par is a great score. Another is a more pronounced dogleg to the right. Good tee shot of 220 leaves 185-200 into the green depending on where you land in the dogleg. Again, par is a great score.

    As @cnosil pointed out, more key is double-bogey avoidance. A bogey on either of these holes doesn't kill my score, but double-plus certainly will.

  7. Thanks, @ejgaudette @Lacassem @bens197 @sirchunksalot @B.Boston.

    It's been a very rewarding year of golf for me, and unfortunately (as usual) I head into the off season feeling like I'm hitting my stride and have some good potential. Last weekend I managed a solid round from the tips at a 73/137 course with four penalties. If I can get myself avoiding those penalties, I would scare 80 from 6,700-6,800 yards. That's a load of progress.

    Been a busy fall already and haven't been as active around here as I'd like, but have some more stuff to put together in this thread over the next few weeks.

  8. Just received the following in an email from FlightScope:



    Having some competition in the space seems to be pushing them along. I'm not 100 percent sure what "Fusion Tracking" entails, but I know it's available on the X3 only right now. Some sort of integration with the built-in camera, though I'm not sure what exactly it provides.

    Still, can't complain about getting a new feature. Makes me wonder if they'll eventually offer more club statistics for either free or as an upcharge package. Especially if more affordable monitors continue to hit the market.

  9. My home course has closed for the season, rain is in the forecast nearly every day, and that pretty much means I've completed 99 percent of my season.

    Although I didn't think it would happen, 2021 eclipsed my 2020 round totals:

    • 87 times out to the course, consisting of:
      • 51 18-hole rounds
      • 24 9-hole rounds
      • 4 18-hole scramble events
      • 1 9-hole personal scramble
      • 7 practice outings

    I ended up being able to play four times a week during the meat of the season, which is responsible for the increase in total outings. Another big thanks to my wife who continues to encourage/put up with my hobby, and who even tagged along for the practice rounds and played a few holes when the weather was nice in June and July. 

    My only regret about the year is that I did not play away from my home course as often as I had originally planned. But, with rising costs of gas and rounds, it didn't make much sense for me to stray away from my already paid membership. I am thankful I was able to get out with @ncwoz last weekend to enjoy one of my favorites in the area, however, and we had great weather to do so.

    Now, for my goal set back in February a few pages ago:


    As the season approaches, it seems necessary to set a simple target for the year. I've decided being a solid single-digit handicap will be my 2021 season's goal. I floated between nine and 14 throughout last season. To cement a single digit handicap, I'd need to shoot 80 or better on my home course most of the time. In 38 18-hole rounds there last season, I shot 80 or better nine times.

    I currently sit with an unofficial, self-calculated WHS handicap of 9.1. Officially, I maintain an 8.4 index through The Grint. I only played a handful of non-solo, attested rounds this season, and most of them were decent scores. At one point my unofficial handicap had dropped into the sevens, which is really good progress for me.

    I shot 80 or better 23 times out of my 51 18-hole rounds. I didn't quite reach my goal of doing that "most of the time," but got very close. Those rounds include a new career low of even par 72, 73 and 75 twice.

  10. Doesn't seem like a lot, but over the last 50 rounds my putting continues to improve:


    Additionally, I think that putting contributed a lot to the drop in my scoring average and overall handicap, which each fell pretty close to the same amount of strokes as my putts per round:



    2020 (remove the 58 - not sure what that is, and it'd be higher.)


    At my home course, improvements in putting are probably the most easily noticeable change. While my driving has improved significantly as well in the strokes gained metric, it is mostly due to distance and not accuracy. Once I'm in the trees, I'm hitting recovery shots for bogey and need to putt well to do so. I suspect that my handicap might have dropped more had I played away from my home course more often this year.

    Was the L.A.B. worth the $700? Yes, I think so. I probably could have gone with the stock shaft and saved a couple hundred dollars and been fine, however.

  11. I wanted to follow up on my experience with the L.A.B. now that I have a full season using it.

    Rudimentary stats pulled from The Grint show an improvement in putting from last year to this year. 

    Putts Per Hole (2020 - TaylorMade Spider X)


    Putts Per Hole (2021 - L.A.B. DF 2.1)


    I showed a reduction of .09 putts per hole, or 1.62 putts per 18 holes.

    Shown across all 18 hole rounds from last and this season:

    Putts Per Round (2020 - TaylorMade Spider X)


    Putts Per Round (2021 - L.A.B. DF 2.1)


    I know putts per round is a finicky statistic. But I like seeing more rounds without three putts (the purple in the charts above). For reference, in 2021 I hit 43.8 percent of greens during my 18 holes rounds. In 2020, I hit 40.8 percent. So to see a reduction in total putts while hitting slightly more greens in regulation is a big positive for me.

    Statistics aside, the L.A.B. will not be leaving my bag anytime soon. I'm sure some of this success can be attributed to practicing more during the off season on my EXPUTT simulator, but overall I feel very confident with the L.A.B. in my hands. 

    The putter has held up well. There is a small wear mark on the lower part of the Stability Shaft from bag chatter, but otherwise the club is in pristine shape (I always put the head cover back on). The head cover is in rough shape, however, as the piping is all peeling off and the magnet on one side has worked itself loose inside. My experience is that most putter head covers don't last long as they get lots of use. I can always order a new one or keep rocking this "well used" specimen.

  12. With my season nearing its end, I've updated the main post with my final thoughts on the AutoFlex and also have posted them below.

    Final Review: Dumina AutoFlex SF505X Driver Shaft - Oct. 8, 2021

    I've had the pleasure of playing the AutoFlex 505X for the majority of the season. Currently, I have about 25 rounds on its final configuration (more on that later). I still would not classify driver as the most reliable part of my game, but there is something special about this pink and black shaft.

    Looks - 4/5 Stars

    The pink/black combo isn't going to be mistaken for any other shaft. I assume most love it or hate it. If I'm being nit picky the font selection is not my favorite. The serif lettering of SF505 screams "Times New Roman."

    If I wanted to drop some (more) cash, a custom blacked out or pink/black driver head would look nice with the shaft.

    Feel - 5/5 Stars

    As advertised, the AutoFlex feels very whippy everywhere but on the downswing. After months of swinging it, going back to any other driver shaft is an odd feeling. I let my brother-in-law try it a few weeks ago at the range. He handed it back to me after one swing.

    Despite the feel, I've had no issue determining where the ball is striking the club face. Keeping with the whip analogy, there seems to be a very linear release of energy through the ball with no defined bend point.

    Basic Characteristics - 5/5 Stars

    I've mentioned the most obvious characteristic of the AutoFlex already - it's very light and whippy feeling at address. So much so that the shaft almost feels brittle. I've had no issues with durability so far. 

    • Trajectory - The AutoFlex produces a towering trajectory on my best swings. Good shots are a slight draw or fade depending on the day. I am playing my Callaway Epic Max LS head at 8 degrees and have no issues launching the ball. 
    • Accuracy - Arccos shows I have retained about the same accuracy throughout the season with and without the AutoFlex. On good swings the AutoFlex is extremely accurate. On less than ideal swings it seems to help limit damage. Worries about the flexibility of the shaft and its effects on accuracy are unfounded.
    • Distance - The AutoFlex is an absolute bomber when paired up with the correct head. My Arccos Smart Distance has increased to 288 yards recently. I also hit a career best 320-yard drive this season with a little wind help with the 505X in the bag. 

    Getting the correct fit is important. I started my adventure by pairing the AutoFlex with a standard Callaway Mavrik head. I did not have great success, and I was considering selling the AutoFlex midway through the season. Only after purchasing a Callaway Max LS head, and subsequently removing five grams of weight from the head, did I start to reap the benefits of the AutoFlex. This combination produces high, tight baby push draws when I'm swinging my best.

    On-Course Performance - 5/5 Stars

    Rather than repeat myself, the short summary of the AutoFlex's on-course performance is that I maintained roughly the same level of control, added 20-plus yards to my Arccos Smart Distance and hit more 300-plus yard drives in the past two months than I had in the previous two seasons of playing. 

    My home course is generously listed at about 6,200 yards from the back tees. I usually hit driver on 10 holes. Since switching to the AutoFlex, I have partial wedges into most of the par 4s, and I reached the shortest par 5 this season going driver/8-iron. When I'm playing well I scare par. That is a huge improvement from last season when my best days sniffed 80.

    Miscellaneous - 1/5 Stars

    "Cody, how could you rate everything else so well and this category so poorly?"

    Don't be dumb like me. Please don't buy this shaft without swinging it first or getting a proper fitting. If that's not a possibility (which is probably the case), please prepare to tinker with different weights and heads. This turns an already expensive experiment into something even more expensive.

    In my case, I tried two different weights in the Mavrik head before giving up. A used Epic Max LS set me back another $400 mid-season. I still needed to drop the weight some more to get everything working for my swing. I have over $1,000 invested in this shaft/head combination.

    Writing the last sentence makes me a little sick to my stomach.

    Play it or Trade it? - 5/5 Stars

    I found the holy grail combo for my swing and don't plan on tinkering with this particular setup anytime soon. At this point, continued practice will do me more good than trying to chase down another driver combination. 


    The mystical AutoFlex seemed to make a big difference in my game this season. Is it worth $800? I still don't know. But what I do know is that it's working for me right now, and I have no plans to make any changes in driver for quite some time.

    Final Score - 4/5 Stars

  13. 1 hour ago, cksurfdude said:

    If you're interested in the 2019 non-X (3 pc) Tour Yellow they're clearing them out at Dick's / Golf Galaxy .. 2 dozen for $45.

    Sadly, I didn't get along very well with the 2021 Tours, so I went back to my trusty MTB-Xs. Not sure if I'd have had the same experience with the 2019 models, but I didn't want to take the risk.

    I still think I'll grab two dozen yellow Tour X next summer if they are available. They are a really good ball for me.

  14. Was shocked to find MTB-X Optic Yellow and no more two dozen limit on Snell's website this morning. I hadn't checked in a few weeks. So, I scooped up five dozen to add to the remaining two dozen in my basement for next season. Price isn't quite as good as it once was, and there's shipping now, but altogether with tax they came out to $34.55/dozen. Still tough to beat. 

    I wanted to give the yellow Maxfli Tour X's a shot following my great success during my review of them, but they still have not come in stock. 

    Since I was on a mini spending spree, I hopped over to Costco and grabbed eight more Kirkland gloves. Again, pricing has increased slightly, but at $7.51/each delivered I can't buy a better glove anywhere else.

  15. On 10/1/2021 at 4:30 PM, Chip Strokes said:

    my wedge game has been AWFUL lately. lots of chunks and scooping balls that land well short from 80-120 yards lately. 

    hit a few buckets of wedges today aimed at the 100yd flag. i usually play that shot with a 3/4 swing 56*. here are a few swings.

    second one is a touch fat but still flew the number. if anyone sees anything worth noting here, i’m all ears. 

    shoutout to my wife for the camera work and my son for the commentary 😂


    IMG_8821.MOV 26.84 MB · 6 downloads

    You've gotten some really good advice already, but this is also something I struggle with. For me, what feels like 50/50 isn't 50/50 and more like 40/60 to my backside. It could be the angle, but it almost looks like you have something similar going on at address:


    Echoing what @RickyBobby_PR mentioned, I find too much weight back causes "false turn" and then I get stuck back there with no option but to chunk it/scoop and early extend to get the club through.

    One thing that is helpful for me is to feel a little bit more of my front hip bumping toward the target at address. That sets my weight forward a bit more and really helps with the scooped wedges.

    Chris Ryan's 60/60/100 drill might also be a good feeling to practice with for a bit, even if only on partial wedge swings.

  16. 6 hours ago, rbsiedsc said:

    What radar is everyone using? Gonna getting into speed training and want something dependable that won’t break the bank. I don’t need a launch monitor unless that would be the most dependable 

    I have the Sports Sensors one that SuperSpeed originally packaged with their sticks a few years back. I think the PRGR is the most popular option now, certainly better than the Sports Sensors one if you want more reliable numbers on the range. 

  17. Haven't played into almost two weeks, and life has kind of got in the way so haven't had much to add around the forums.

    Weather has been very nice this week so I've at least been able to continue range work at lunch. This week has been kind of a struggle as I'm starting to overdo the changes from my last lesson. In an effort to get "more left" on the downswing I had started to let my shoulders open too much at address. I also had started to get to steep on the backswing by picking the club up and getting disconnected from my turn. That combo led to the dreaded shanks/early extension a few sessions ago and pretty much ruined my confidence for a few days.

    Had a much better session today focusing on the feeling of my right arm staying extended in the backswing for as long as possible. Led to a much better and fuller turn. Combined with making sure my shoulders were square at address, I hit a bunch of better balls today. I've been focusing on hitting the 5 iron lately as it's the longest off the deck iron I carry and had great results.

    Finished off my session toying with dropping my right foot back a bit for chips and pitches. Seemed to really help me with my consistency. Might have to play around with that more here heading into the off season. 

  18. 20 hours ago, dlow206 said:

    Forgot to note, when regripping with an air compressor, you need to pay more attention to the butt size of the shaft. If the grip core size is larger than the shaft butt OD, then its not going to work well unless you add a few layers of single sided tape (painters tape, masking tape, etc). 

    Not only that, some grips still move a bit even if they seem to be a tight fit. AFAIK, only Pure and Star suggest using their grips without solvent/tape.

    Each one of my Sonar Tours have a little bit of twist in them at this point, the worst being on my 54 wedge. Doesn't bother me other than the logo isn't perfectly aligned anymore.

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