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Posts posted by edingc

  1. 16 minutes ago, Tyler86 said:

    Big enough for rain gear right?

    I had to think about what I had in it:

    Side pockets hold rain jacket, extra box of balls and rain hood for the bag. I am able to keep two spare gloves (rain set + extra leather), first aid kit, and plenty of balls and tees. Rangefinder pocket is a nice plus, I pull my rangefinder out and put in my push cart during rounds, so my wallet and keys go in the rangefinder pouch during rounds. Felt lined valuables pocket that I don't really use.

    I've been very happy with the bag overall.

  2. Just shy of 6 feet tall. Standing on a 1.75" stance mat. Don't think I get that close to the rafters. I did several tests and the only way I could hit anything would be to completely let go of the club with one hand or swing basically upward. The snippet from a driver swing kind of shows where my club head gets to (although it's cut off from the frame). About even in height to the opener which sits probably 8 inches down from the ceiling. 



  3. I have the 2020 Sync model. I push cart the majority of my rounds and it has about 100 rounds on it now. So far it has held up well. It fits well on my CaddyTek cart. I like that it is very lightweight, definitely lighter than the C130 model. The insulated pocket is big enough to hold a 32oz Gatorade Zero and keep it cold for the majority of my morning rounds.

    The C130 definitely has more storage. There really isn't all that much room in the side pockets on the Sync. The ball pocket is quite large, however.

  4. 1 hour ago, golfish! said:

    @edingc How high is your garage? I don't have enough clearance to hit drives inside. I mean swinging slowly I can keep it under the rafters but at full speed I am afraid if I raise up even the slightest I will smack the rafters. 

    It's 10 feet to the rafters. I feel like my garage is a unicorn because I'm in the city but lucked out with the perfect area for hitting balls.

    It took a bit to swing freely, but after 100 or so balls I got used to it. I don't think I've actually gotten too close to anything.

  5. 1 hour ago, ZMendle10 said:

    Been following this topic for a while and my dozen of Pro V1 RCT's arrived last week. Anyone seeing any issues with durability at all? I'm guessing that I got around 1,500 shots in on one ball before it cracked on me. The cover also got torn up pretty quickly and knowing this I haven't been using it with my wedges to keep it from getting beaten up quicker. Not sure if this is a me problem or a ball problem.

    I would say 1,500 shots sounds about right. It took me over a month of hitting a single ball to crack my first one. I now rotate between two of them and have not had another crack on me yet. I have hit a lot of drives as well.

    I can't speak too much to the cover durability because occasionally mine hit the concrete floor in my garage which scuffs them up pretty good. I did notice that one of the two balls would more frequently cause elevated spin readings for a while, but that seems to have resolved itself. My hypothesis to explain that is the reflective pattern was altered by the cover damage.

    Still, worth the money to me versus the metallic dots because the balls are lasting much longer. It only took less than 200 shots with my two dotted balls to crack them.

  6. I've gone through several different grips in the past few years:

    • Lamkin Crossline
    • Star Sidewinder
    • Lamkin Sonar
    • Lamkin Sonar Tour
    • Various one offs - MCC Align, MCC+4, MCC, Tour Velvet

    Currently on the Lamkin Sonar Tours with two additional wraps under the right hand. I think my next set of grips will be the new Pure Combos. 

    The grip on the Sonar Tours is aggressive but not as aggressive as a cord. Grip is good in all conditions but extremely wet. Only complaint is that I've worn the texture off of them where my "trigger" finger on my right hand lands.

  7. 7 minutes ago, Lacassem said:

    This is the one I would be looking at if I wasn’t already content with my setup. This driver aesthetically is a lock and load for me.

    can’t wait to see more and more information on this years lines!


    4 minutes ago, russtopherb said:

    Yah, red/black combos always get me excited.

    That price though... eh not so much. But that's me.

    Yeah, the colors are drawing me in. It looks really, really sharp. The Ping G410 with this color combo was one of my favorites.

  8. We're in the middle of a decent blizzard today, so I decided to work from home. Pulled the car out of the garage at lunch and wanted to focus on driver setup and ball position. I've been struggling with low launching hooks and through trial and error narrowed it down to having the ball too far back in my stance. On Saturday I put the ball really far forward and increased my AoA to something like +4 and launch to 14+ but that came at the expense of ball speed as my dynamic loft got all screwed up.

    Anyway, today I placed the ball even with the outside of my front shoulder and also lofted my driver back up to 9 degrees. Dispersion was incredibly better today. Launch angle was still a little low (around 10 degrees) on most shots, but almost everything would have been in play on the course. AoA also stabilized between 0 and +2.


    I did manage to get my launch angle up closer to 14 on a few shots and they were excellent, 270+ carry. Realistically, I'd just like to see my peak height get above 100 as right now it can be as low as about 70-75 on my lowest launches.

  9. Playing with a couple of different feels over the past few days. Focusing more on the 60/60/100 drill/feel from Chris Ryan which is a good feel for me to go back to when I start getting too much sway in my swing. Combining that with some thoughts and feels of getting taller in the backswing from a recent Larry Cheung video:

    I don't actually get taller, but it keeps me from falling in toward the ball when getting a full backswing.

    Results have been pretty positive. Ball speeds have continued to rise and I have now cracked 130 MPH ball speed with the 8 iron, which is more than I'd expected to do coming into the winter. 

    Also playing around with ball position, especially with the longer clubs. I've been struggling with a lack of launch on my longer irons and driver, with some big draws or hooks. Playing the ball quite a bit forward seems to be helping quite a bit. I was able to get my driver launch angle up or 14 degrees (previously had been struggling with sub-10 degree launch despite a positive AoA) and with my 5 iron I was able to get some better carry distance once I hit 90 feet or so of peak height.

  10. 16 hours ago, JFish350 said:


    I am liking into Keto. My biggest issue is/will be breakfast. I'm up early and not wanting to mess the kitchen up then clean it before I leave at 5:30am. What kind of suggestions would a world renowned foodie as yourself have for keto breakfast ideas? 

    Never was a breakfast fan, so for a long time I'd just skip it. 

    I do tend to eat something now, but usually it's something like a few slices of cheese and deli meat. On weekends I occasionally make sausage patties with cheese or even steak and eggs.

    If you're really in a time crunch Quest bars make a decent breakfast, too, or protein shakes.

    My one suggestion if you're just starting out on keto is to keep it simple. Meat/vegetable. After almost 10 years of keto, I've learned simple is much better for us than complicated. 

  11. Bought the "Big Hitters Manual" and the follow-up program "Big Hitters 2" from William Wayland/Powering Through Performance Center. Sixteen weeks of programming to get me from today to basically the start of my golf season in mid-April.

    I was looking for something that was a little more focused on heavy compound movements than what I've had in previous "golf specific" programming. The TPI stuff I was given by Sarah from Rypstick was a little too focused on stretching and light weights and not strength. I like a lot of the Fit For Golf stuff, but wanted to try something different. The Big Hitters stuff seems to fit the bill, nice mix of compound movements and explosive exercises.

    I had 90 percent of all of the needed items in my home gym, but did just order a trap bar for deadlifts, a landmine attachment and an exercise ball as well. Pretty soon I'm going to have more equipment than my actual gym... 🤣.

  12. 1 hour ago, golfish! said:

    You have 21 feet of space from the Mevo unit to the net? I must have missed the original post somewhere but are you in your garage or basement? Texas does not have basements lol so no luck for me. Also, turns out the new friend has a Skytrak so no RCT sleeve for him!

    Correct, 21 feet between the Mevo+ and the target. Eight feet from Mevo+ to ball. I'm lucky to have a 26 foot wide garage.

  13. 6 hours ago, Getoffmylawn said:

    Great, now I’m going to feel damn guilty if you ever post about feeling tired with a few holes to go…. 🤣

    Nope. You were 100 percent correct about overtraining. I hadn't yet reached the heaviest weights yet. Now that I'm working closer to my 1RMs, I can't overdo the cardio. Plus, I like the explosiveness of the sprints. More athletic movement than jogging.

  14. It's time for an end of the year progress update post.

    Per @Getoffmylawn's thoughts on my previous update, during the last month I dropped the jogging and replaced it with some sprinting to warm up, before doing some explosive medicine ball exercises from Fit for Golf and stretching/mobility work three days a week. While I've continued to lift, my leg is still not 100 percent and it has hindered my progress in squats and deadlifts. My bench press and rows have improved.

    I was a little scared to get on the scale this morning after the holidays. While I didn't eat awfully, I didn't eat well, either. I was very relieved to see I've still within the same +/- 2 pounds of 180. I do hope to clean that up a bit heading into the new year.

    I have pretty much cut out the Rypstick training, instead opting to hit more balls during my training sessions in the garage. It's not that I don't like the Rypstick, but given my limited time availability in the garage, it's a necessary casualty.

    Overall, I'm pleased with the progress I am making. I am a little disappointed with my progress with squats and deadlifts, specifically, but I'd rather let the leg heal and not risk messing with my actual golf season.

    I debated about getting another lesson before the new year, but I've been making pretty good progress on my own the last few weeks. I plan to get another in January to check in and get me through to spring.

    I'm beginning to see a lot better dispersion in my shot patterns, which tells me I'm making progress. For example, here are nine shots from this morning with my 7 iron:


    Over those nine shots I averaged 95.9 MPH club speed (0.8 MPH deviation) and 131.5 MPH ball speed (2 MPH deviation). I have slowly seen increased ball speeds as the winter has progressed.

    With all that being said, I did an impromptu gapping chart based on my Mevo+ data. These are all off-the-deck, full swing yardages pretty much in the center of the dispersion pattern, and I'm happy to see I have pretty good spacing throughout the bag. There's definitely some compression between the longer irons and the utility, but they do serve different purposes. It will be interesting to see how these compare to my numbers when I can actually get outside again in the spring:

    • 2 Hybrid @ 16 Degrees - 237 yards
    • 4 Hybrid @ 20 Degrees - 225 yards
    • 4 Utility @ 21.5 Degrees - 210 yards
    • 5 Iron - ??? (Haven't hit it yet this offseason, still waiting on a shaft extension...) 
    • 6 Iron - 200 yards
    • 7 Iron - 189 yards
    • 8 Iron - 176 yards
    • 9 Iron - 161 yards
    • PW - 147 yards
    • GW - 137 yards
    • 54 - 124 yards
    • 58 - 112 yards
  15. Been kind of a disappointing week so far. We're on a week break for the holidays and after all of the Christmas happenings my wife and I both came down with something nasty on Sunday. Tested, not COVID, but it knocked me out for three days. I was really hoping to hit lots of balls on the Mevo+ this week but finally was able to get out there this morning for a short session.

    Last practice on Saturday had lots of balls out of the toe. I have been trying to get a better turn, but on Saturday I realized I had a lot of "false turn" going on. I'd feel like I was making a full turn, but in reality I was getting disconnected and coming really out-to-in.

    I don't recall where I read it, but I started playing with the idea of my hands trying to get to my right shoulder and that really is helping me turn more and stay connected. Had some really good results this morning. In doing mirror work it seems to get me to the same place as the Faldo drill, which my instructor had me working on this past spring.

    Feels like continued progress. Next thing to work on is a better setup, especially with my longer clubs. I tend to lack secondary tilt, which leads to smother hooks and low trajectory shots. When I try to add secondary tilt, I instead tend to side bend too much, which gets pressure too much into my right side at setup which leads to getting stuck and hitting blocks or thin shots. Need to really focus more on a "K" setup where I get the tilt but through a bit of hip bump and not actual bending of my spine.

  16. On 12/28/2021 at 2:31 PM, MGrand said:

    RCT on TrackMan - Unofficial Review

    Thanks for starting this thread.  My ProV1x RCTs arrived last week and I finally got to use them for an indoor TrackMan session last night. Very similar impression as others have had regarding durability, but thought I'd share feedback from how the spin data was showing up on a TrackMan in an indoor session. Below are my initial (and purely anecdotal) takeaways from my first time hitting the RCTs.

    Regarding durability:
    I was hitting with a friend for around two hours and we used the same RCT ball the entire time (although we did go back and forth with the RCT and a regular ProV1x to compare); after all of those shots the ball held up great with barely any signs of use.  Not a surprise from a Titleist, but still was happy to see it, especially since this included hitting some full shots with a 60*.

    Regarding spin:
    I can only recall seeing one italicized spin rate (meaning estimated) with the RCT and that was a super wild shot that rhymes with "thank" from the guy I was hitting with.  I did notice when we went back and forth between the RCT and the regular ProV1x that the majority of the shots with the regular ball did have italicized spin rates, so that was promising.

    With all the clubs the spin on solid shots was right where I would expect it to be.  We also definitely saw the spin pick up on strikes lower on the face and saw the spin drop off when struck higher on the face, etc.  Overall, I was very impressed and can't wait to get back on the TrackMan to keep practicing and testing either tonight or later this week.

    Thanks for adding this, since Trackman is the intended use. 

    I have been happy with the RCT performance overall. Way better than using stickers.

  17. I finally broke the first RCT ball from my box yesterday morning during my practice session. I was in the process of testing the E6 range vs. Flightscope range and couldn't figure out why the E6 range ball speeds went way down. I checked the ball and noticed it had finally split. New ball went in and the numbers looked much better.

    I am impressed that there did not seem to be a ball speed drop off until the moment the ball actually cracked.

    Driver spin reads still tend to be estimated, but the new ball resolved a lot of my misreads with mid irons. My hypothesis there is that the cover damage on my original RCT was affecting the radar bounce back off the markers.

    I don't think the ball is to blame for the driver. For whatever it's worth, in my particular setup the Mevo+ seems to struggle with hybrids and driver. While the ball speeds and carry seem OK with the hybrids, club speed does not line up with my irons. Spin estimation/read is hit or miss. Driver ball speeds are pretty erratic and spin is rarely measured. I think some of it is indoor swing syndrome, but again, none of the numbers fall in line with the rest of the bag. It will be interesting to get outdoors in the spring and see what kind of differences I see between my practice indoors vs. out.

  18. 14 minutes ago, RollingGreens said:

    Do you feel that what is being captured is accurate even though it’s not an estimated value? I wonder if anyone who has the update on the mevo has noticed any improvements in spin captured with the RCT balls even though it’s not a main reason to upgrade 

    I think the captured spin is pretty good. There are a few low-spin fliers every now and then, but for example, my 7 iron spins somewhere around 5,500-5,600 off the Fiberbuilt on a good, measured strike. That's maybe a touch lower than I'd hope for on course, but with the height I get it's very playable.

    The Mevo+ tends to overestimate spin when it doesn't measure it, unfortunately. Since the latest firmware update they've cut the estimated spin on the driver and longer clubs a bit, but it's still higher than I'd expect (and higher than on measured spin shots). For example, it's not uncommon for the Mevo+ to estimate spin at 3,000+ on the driver when a measured spin rate for a similar shot shape might be somewhere around 2,400.

  19. I'm still using the original ball I started my testing with back in November. The RCTs get a big positive mark in the durability category. I have not seen a significant reduction in ball speeds or anything like that.

    As the cover has worn, and since the FlightScope firmware update, the estimated reads have gone up significantly, however. For example, from Sunday's session:

    • Driver - 6/63 (9.5%) Balls captured Actual Spin
    • 2 Hybrid - 2/7 (28.6%) Balls captured Actual Spin
    • 4 Hybrid - 0/7 (0%) Balls captured Actual Spin
    • 4 Utility - 6/18 (33.3%) Balls captured Actual Spin
    • 6 Iron - 6/14 (42.9%) Balls captured Actual Spin
    • 7 Iron - 5/8 (62.5%) Balls captured Actual Spin
    • 9 Iron - 3/5 (60%) Balls captured Actual Spin
    • Full 54 Wedge - 12/18 (66.6%) Balls captured Actual Spin
    • Partial 54 Wedge - 3/14 (21.4%) Balls captured Actual Spin

    Sunday's session was with the Mevo+ set 8 feet behind the ball on the concrete, on indoors mode, with about 13 feet of flight. Mevo+ was set to 18 degree tilt angle, and the ball height parameter was set to 2 inches since the Fiberbuilt Flightdeck I use is about 2 inches above the Mevo+. These settings seem to get accurate peak height and direction, but the lack of spin is a little concerning.

    There does seem to be a cutoff at about 140 MPH ball speed where spin seems to be significantly more difficult for the Mevo+ to read. That's right between my 4 utility and 4 hybrid.

    A good test will be for me to use a new RCT the next time out and pick a similar selection of clubs. Hoping to get out there sometime Thursday for another session.

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