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Posts posted by edingc

  1. I've been really focusing on my setup this offseason and am realizing the root cause of some of my longstanding issues.

    A constant fight for me has been to stop my right shoulder from "coming under" on the downswing. I tend to raise my left shoulder and the right shoulder comes down at the start of the backswing, which leads to a lot of side bend and throws my club path way out right. If my timing is good I hit big draws, but if I'm a little off I end up either shanking it or hitting blocks. 

    The realization that hit me the other day is that my initial backswing move with my lower body was not doing me any favors. My initial takeaway ended up with me having a slight sway and putting almost all of my pressure onto my trail toes at the top of the backswing. This not only limited my hip and shoulder turn, it caused me to push off my toes at the start of the downswing. That would make me early extend, drop the shoulder, expose the hosel, etc. in order to not come over the top.

    A few weeks ago I found I was hitting the ball much better with the feeling of the right heel staying on the ground through impact. And, after cutting a tennis ball in half to emulate the Force Pedals, I found putting them under right trail heel and front toes improved my impact even more. Both the trail heel thought and the DIY Force Pedal had me rotating a little better so that I would get my pressure more evenly spread out on my right foot and not just in the toes.

    The biggest difference is felt in hitting chips and pitches. When I'm doing it right on these types of shots, it's a crazy difference. 

    Feeling really good today. Can't tell you how many practice swings I've taken with a plastic coat hanger on my breaks just to try to cement this feel in.

  2. 11 minutes ago, Headhammer said:

    Meh, you churn out some very delectable dishes! Being a good cook is all about how much time & sous cheffing your willing to do for a meal. Most young people with busy jobs and kids don't have the time. Being semi-retired, and just me and the mrs., allows me to spend a couple hours/days working on a meal. 

    I love cooking but even without kids it's tough! Getting home at 5 and then needing dinner ready by 5:45 so that we both have time to workout, do projects, practice, etc. is fairly limiting.

    Always enjoy seeing what everyone is cooking around here. 🍳

  3. On 12/17/2021 at 9:00 AM, fixyurdivot said:

    Ok, I've read all the final reviews... great job spies 👍.  I now have a question for all the testers or anyone who has a Rapsodo LM.  You each just received $2500 towards the purchase of a PLM; what system would you purchase and why (asking for a friend)? 

    You can get a pretty good setup for $2,500 if you catch the Mevo+ sales. $1,800 for the Mevo+ leaves you $700 to get your net and hitting mat.

    That's as bare bones as you can get with quality data indoors and outdoors, I think. And, for an additional $1,000 you'll soon be able to add club head data as well.

    My one warning about the Mevo+ is that it's very finicky with setup (tilt angle, specifically) and being radar you have to have not only the minimum space, but also ensure the space is interference free (i.e. nothing that will screw with the radar).

  4. 17 hours ago, ncwoz said:

    Lol don't mean tight in a literal sense, it's looking super good!! And showing some serious speed along with it!

    Haha, funny you mention this. Been fighting urges to guide the club instead of swinging it - really just getting too tight in my hands, wrists and shoulders. Today I went back out there and focused more on being loose and saw a slight uptick in speed up to 97.6 average over 14 swings.

    I do have a power leak as the clubs get longer though. Not sure if that's just from indoor swing syndrome or if I'm just too tight there too. Will be interesting to get out in the spring and see!

  5. 1 hour ago, Vegan_Golfer_PNW said:

    Man that is some serious speed. Wow. I’d kill to have my 6i carry that much. I’m stuck at 175ish, maybe 180 with my speed training

    Thanks. That one specifically was probably a low spin flier. Over 11 shots, averaged 4,300 spin. Would hope to see closer to 5,000 off grass. 

    Mostly interested in swing and ball speeds. Over those 11 shots, averaged 95.4 MPH club speed and 134.4 ball speed. 

    Some small progress this off-season there. I'm not positive my swing speed has increased too much, but my ball striking has improved a lot.

  6. 11 hours ago, Shankster said:

    Ladies and Gentlemen…

    I just finished up my last exam with a 98% for my undergraduate degree.  Baring a complete failure of the last writing assignment I should end up with an A.  

    This has been a long, tiring, stressful, enjoyable, wonderful, and rewarding experience.  Something I thought I would never accomplish in life, but here I am, on the Dean’s list and graduating with a 4.0 GPA.

    Mora of the story, it’s never too late, and you’re never too old to do things that you have been putting off.

    Here’s some sparkling apple cider to celebrate. 🥂 

    4.0! Well done, sir.

    Feels good, doesn't it? Congratulations!

    Everyone on here has been so nice this week.

  7. 22 minutes ago, Getoffmylawn said:

    Been a while since I posted here...still at it my friends!  I just started Level 3 SuperSpeed training this week, which I'll post progress of after I've got a few weeks under my belt.  I'll also post the workouts...still plenty of heavy deadlifts, squats, and weighted sled work paired with jumps, sprints, and med ball work.

    This offseason I've got two main swing keys to really iron out...forward hip sway and re-hinging the club.  After a stretch of consistent low 70s golf, I ended the season on a whimper of low to barely breaking 80's, largely due to consistently blocking shots and with a loss of distance.  The culprit...sliding forward too much out of an ill-advised desire to cover the ball, and a focus too much on using the body to control the club face and not releasing the club through impact.  Below is a GolfTec lesson image wherein we identified the culprit and the fixes.  (Bad on the left, good on the right.)


    I'm thinking about buying a Power Fan to work on the wrist hinging part, but I already have plenty of training aids and Orange Whip and the PlaneMate each have protocols that offer to address this.  As far as the sway, I basically need to get into the thought of staying more centered and posting up and turning, rather than sliding forward.  A Nebraska offseason in the basement awaits to try and drill these fixes home!  I'll probably get on a sim a couple times a month to see how I'm doing progress wise.

    IIRC, you bought the Force Pedals, too. Have you used them? My limited use of a tennis ball cut in half has seemingly done wonders for my pivot and staying more centered throughout the swing.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Getoffmylawn said:

    Yeah, tracking, I actually have the C Club and do the traditional overspeed training on Monday and Friday, C Club on Wednesday.  I was just looking to understand when Cody said no weight and two weight what that was comparable too in SuperSpeed...this helps.  Thanks.

    Best I can tell:

    • No weight = SuperSpeed Green 
    • One weight = SuperSpeed Blue 
    • Two weights = SuperSpeed Red 

    I suspect they are not perfect matches as I've always been slightly faster with the Rypstick than I was with my DIY SuperSpeed sticks. That being said, I'm not positive my DIY sticks were perfect matches to the real SuperSpeed sticks.

    I have not tried the counterweighted or three weight options. Neither of the first two Rypstick protocols have those configurations in them.

  9. 11 hours ago, CWebb said:

    Anyone know if you can change the grip on the Rypstick? 

    I would assume it is possible. My suggestion would be to drill out the hole in the grip end cap larger before putting it on the shaft, so that the counterweight can still thread through.

    Ryp Golf is very responsive to email so I'm sure you could ask them as well.

  10. 35 minutes ago, Shapotomous said:

    Major congratulations!!  

    At this point I'd only get a masters degree if playing golf was central to the thesis!!  😁

    Thanks! My employer paid for the degree so it made sense to finish one. I

    32 minutes ago, Syks7 said:

    Congrats!  It's been a bit but I remember the feeling.  Now you can just have periodic nightmares about scrambling to finish a paper/project instead of actually scrambling to finish a paper/project.  Totally not something I ever did in grad school....  😉

    What is your masters in?

    Thankfully, doing it one class at a time wasn't too much of a workload to handle, but it was crazy at times, especially if work was busy also.

    Applied Computer Science with an emphasis in cybersecurity is my degree. My final project was creating an automated and distributed set of honeypots from which I collected attack data from and summarized.

  11. @cnosil - Are you still using these?

    I finally got around to cutting a tennis ball in half last night and the results were pretty cool! I don't think I could hit balls with the balls under my feet, but I took a few practice swings to get the feel. Then I removed the balls and replicated that feel in a full swing. I wasn't hitting balls but had my radar with me and saw quite the jump from before using the balls under my feet.

  12. On Sunday I finished up getting the 699 Pro 5 and 6 iron heads on my MMTs. Having gone through building the set last winter, my second time around was much simpler. Reamed the BB&F Co. ferrules before putting them on and had the heat gun ready to coax them up the shaft a little easier. Trimmed the brass shims down a bit as well and that helped, though the 5 iron didn't need one at all.

    Unfortunately, my Golfworks Scotchbrite ferrule belt literally disintegrated onto the ferrule and now I have to get some fine sandpaper to clean it up. Not really sure what happened there. 

    Next thing will be to pull the grips and measure the butt end of the 5 iron and order a shaft extension. I'm about 3/8" short due to the bottom bore to ground measurement on the 699 Pros being different than the 699s. The 6 iron is only a 1/4" short, and I'm deciding whether I want to just slice 1/4" off everything else to match (still would need 1/8" extension on the 5 iron). I hit the 6 iron Sunday and was striping it, so I'm not concerned about dropping 1/4".

    Final winter item will be to pull all of the grips and add a couple additional wraps of painter's tape beneath the right hand. I'll blow them back on and hopefully straighten them out again.

  13. 3 minutes ago, golfish! said:

    @edingc hmm maybe it gas something to do with my set up as well. I haven't had a chance to redo the setup and test but I do have a lot of metallic objects near the garmin unit when hitting and the base is below the level of the hitting mat (though not sure how this would affect it since the unit sits on a tripod above the ground anyway). Maybe the special radar reflective coating inside the RCT balls is bouncing a lot of waves back and its being reflected again by the metallic objects near the unit? I am also hitting parallel to the garage door which is mostly wood as well.  I have no drywall in my garage. 

    I played with my Mevo+ setup this weekend and focused on setting the tilt to 17 degrees (which is what I found as recommended online). Height and launch seemed better. I found a Google Sheet from one of the golf sim forums and used that to confirm launch angle with where the ball what hitting on my net. It's definitely close. Carry and, best I can tell, shape seems about right again too.

    That being said, since getting the latest 0.19 firmware for Mevo+ last week, I seem to be having more estimated spin readings with the RCT balls than I did prior. That's completely anecdotal with no concrete numbers or evidence.

    I think it's safe to say they are a good partner with the Mevo+ but they don't magically eliminate all misreads/non-reads. In some cases I'd rather have an estimated read because 12,000+ RPM mid-irons are unusable shots.

    I know of one other person who is using the Mevo+ and RCT balls locally, and I've heard they have been really solid for him as well. He does not have the same swing speed as I do, however. I also heard back from my instructor and he was not impressed with the RCT as he didn't see any improvement in his readings on his Mevo+ indoors or his Trackman. But I didn't talk to him in person and only through text message, so I'm going to ask more questions next time I see him in person.

  14. 23 minutes ago, Vegan_Golfer_PNW said:

    GLWS. I am very tempted at that price point to get into graphite. How do the shafts play? I’m a kbs tour guy  


    Honestly, I don't know. I bought this set for pieces to complete what I needed for my gamer set and am selling what's left! I just got these in last weekend and didn't hit them.

    I don't have any specifics on the shaft. Given it's Sub70's stock graphite choice, I would assume mid/mid, but I really am just guessing.

  15. Sub70 699 (5-6)/699 Pro (7-PW) Combo Set, Project X 6.0 Graphite Shafts, Lamkin Crossline Midsize Grips

    I have a used, but in very good shape, combination set of Sub70 699 (5-6)/699 Pro (7-PW) irons for sale. The clubs have the Sub70-branded Project X 6.0 graphite shafts and midsize Lamkin Crossline grips. Grips have plenty of life left on them, in my opinion.

    Lengths are all +1/4" from Sub70 standard, except the 699 5-6 irons which are +1/2" from the Sub70 standard. The 5-9 irons are between D2-D3 swingweight (measured on my cheap Golfworks scale) while the pitching wedge is between D3-D4.

    Please note the shaft graphics are set facing up at address (which I believe is normal for graphite shafted Sub70 clubs - I've seen others like this as well).

    Measurements are taken with a 60 degree lie angle and measured to the end of the dome of the grip cap.

    • 5 iron - 39"
    • 6 iron - 38.5"
    • 7 iron - 37.75"
    • 8 iron - 37.25"
    • 9 iron - 36.75"
    • PW - 36.25"









  16. Speed day today. Rypstick workout followed by balls into the net, focusing on maxing out speed and ball speed. I love focusing on ball speeds because the strike usually has to be pretty good to put up good numbers.

    My swing is really starting to feel like it's coming together. I talked about it last week, but I made a change with my hands higher at address. Watching video I'm now starting to return the club to the ball on the downswing on a similar plane as I took it back. Previously, my hands were so low at address that I raised the handle a ton through impact, which was a huge timing move. 

    Set new personal best ball speeds with the 7 iron and driver, finally breaking through a huge wall at 170 MPH ball speed that I've been trying to hit for almost a year at this point.


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