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GolfSpy SAM

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Posts posted by GolfSpy SAM

  1. I’m SO disappointed right now. UPS guy showed up right before dinner with three packages - but said, for some reason, his supervisor came onto his truck this morning and took one of the packages back - saying it “had to go back.” Huh? 

    So I currently have the 7w shaft, and the 7w and 5w heads. No 5w shaft. I had a grand plan to do the unboxing at my local range, followed by a first hit experience, but that will now have to wait until at least tomorrow. 

    I was SO looking forward to swinging them!

     Good news: the heads are really good-looking. I’ll give you a glimpse when I do the actual “official” unboxing when I have the 5-wood shaft. 


    Oh well 🙂

  2. 13 minutes ago, sl1111 said:

    Hope this doesn't get me in trouble, but here is reviews and 25 pages on THP. 



    Wedges: https://www.thehackersparadise.com/forum/index.php?threads/xcaliber-rapid-taper-wedge-shafts.8962409/

    I can put you in contact with an authorized dealer that sells them discounted. I just have to check with him before I share his info and make sure he is OK with it. I did not pay anywhere near $50 per shaft!

    No worries - I know a lot of people (myself included) are interested in these, so having a resource where others discuss them is no issue.  I have a plan to build either a full set of TS3s or TE+ in the next year, so I'd also be interested if the dealer is open to multiple parties buying, but also understand it's not something that gets advertised all that often. 

  3. 30 minutes ago, chisag said:


    ... I picked up a pair of Bomba's with my Dicks coupon but they are so short the tongue of my show rubs against my ankle just walking in my house. The back just barely covers my heel and I have a feeling on the course that margin for error could cause some rubbing there too. I looked tat the Feetures thanks to this post and then looked up others opinions and ordered 12 pair with the 20% off sale going on now. 

    ... I have been wearing the thick Thorlo's since high school but as comfortable as they are, they don't do well in the summers here when 108*-115* and above is the normal temps for 3 months. They are just not wicking enough, if at all. So with the guarantee from Feetures I took a chance. 

    I had the same issue with the Bombas - but I think it's (for me, anyway) pretty much any sock that's a "no-show" - it's so low that it tends to drive me insane.  The tongue hitting the front of my ankle and the back of the shoe rubbing against my Achilles drives me up a wall.

    I've noticed that any cotton sock, as good as it might feel, wears out REALLY quickly in the balls of my feet, especially as I tend to walk a majority of my rounds.  I'm hoping the Golf Socks hold up better than the Adidas socks I'd purchased recently that have completely worn through. 

    Let us know what you think of the Feetures when you get them - specifically curious about the longevity (which, obviously, won't be your first impression 😉 )

  4. 1 hour ago, KG221 said:

    I like the L.A.B. putters, the (DF3) fits my eye well.  I've only rolled it at GG, but it feels good and rolls good.  I feel if it works and fits my eye, I would have no problem gaming it.  

    I'm currently gaming a Scotty GoLo S.  As much as I would like to make a change, it is a costly move.  As they say, it's not the arrow, it's the archer.  Maybe getting off my ass and practicing more might save me a lot of cash..


    I mean, sure, but to play devil's advocate for a second:  have you tried STAYING on your ass and putting from the couch?  Could be a game-changer.  (Oh man, did I just invent a billion-dollar idea? "Putt from your couch! Our new, patented "couch putter" is smaller than an average putter, but with a 90-degree angle built into it so you can swing it while sitting! But wait, THERE'S MORE! Order now and we'll throw in a "Number 2" putter you can keep by the toilet, so you can always be practicing!" )

    I'm a genius.  You're all welcome.

  5. 6 hours ago, johngschulz said:

    This looks like a good time! I wasn’t particularly established going into the outing this year and it didn’t align well with some other plans.

    I’ll be keeping an eye out for next year’s event!

    I hope everyone going has a good time, can’t wait to see the pictures and hear about everyone’s rounds. Looking forward to hearing the Ace count for the trip!

    Knowing myself, I'll take the "under" no matter what number anyone throws out 😉

  6. 5 hours ago, JFS2 said:

    I learned of Feetures a few months ago.  I bough the Elite LC (less cushion) and the Elite MC (more cushion).  So far, I have played 4-5 rounds in each.  They are wonderful.  The toe line is higher up the sock so you never feel it.  The rear of the sock comes up slightly above the back of the shoe and never sinks down.  Net result is you do not have to adjust your socks during the round. Lots and lots of colors and patterns.  The have a lifetime guarantee.  As I read it, you can send them in anytime if they somehow fail and get a new pair free.  Best socks for golf or tennis shoes I have ever worn.  However, until now, I have always just bought a bundle of socks from Costco.   

    I saw these yesterday and agree they look fantastic!

  7. 1 hour ago, jbern said:

    Yes, I thought the same thing when I read @GolfSpy SAM's 26 putt comment! 26 putts is awesome, even for poor approach days! Very impressive performance! Sounds like the switch from the DF2.1 to DF3 is very smooth!

    It’s 100% been seamless so far. I won’t be parting with the 2.1, though - might wall-hang it in a place of honor (on the wall above my headboard with a spotlight, like a piece of art?), or just rotate with the 3.0 🙂

    Like this, only not as classy. I’m sure my wife will love it. 

  8. 6 minutes ago, fezzerino said:

    How long have you had them, and how many washes have they gone through? 

    they look fantastic, but I worry about the durability of the rubber nibs..

    2 months, wearing them for 5 rounds so far, but also as an every day athletic sock, so (guesstimate here) 8 washes? So far holding up incredibly well. 

    After buying them, I found out the guys who make them are the sons of the guy who owns/runs Galway Bay - seems like the quality has rubbed off. Super impressed with them so far. 

  9. I got advertised on social media for "Golf Socks" (clever title), and I took advantage of a coupon code, and took a shot and ordered 6 pairs, and have to say, they're AWESOME.  There are little rubber nubs on the bottom of the sock that seem to really promote stability, and I find that the socks don't ride down my ankles at ALL (something that drives me insane for most socks), so my Achilles isn't exposed for the back of my golf shoe to rub mid-round.  They're not cheap, but they're VERY well made, and so far I'm really digging them.  (link to the six-pack bundle below)


  10. Date 05/17/2024
    Course Name Encino Golf Course
    Gross Score 82
    Course Handicap 7
    Gross Strokes over/under par 10
    Net Score to Par 3
    Net Score 75
    Net Birdies or better
    Longest Drive

    Encino Golf Course, Blue Tees, (Course HCI 7)

    Rating: 69.9

    Slope: 113

    Alright, so this is a weird one for me.  Decided to spend the hour-ish I had before the round started doing some chipping work, and forego my typical small bucket of balls.  My thinking was that if I could get my rhythm's good to go with the chips and pitches, that rhythm would translate to my other swings. 

    Cut to the first tee, where I promptly push-slice my drive 100 yards right, settling nicely behind all the trees on the course.  Sigh. 

    Took a few holes, but finally got driver working (actually drove the ball pretty well after that, all things considered).  My chipping around the green continues to be the thing that saves my rounds - I had 10 1-putts, with a total of 50-feet of putts made in those 10 holes (had a 10' and an 8' putt, everything else was 6' and in), and no 3-putts, and ended up posting a +10.  

    Considering I started +5 through the first 4 holes, I'll definitely take it. 🙂

    Anyway, the DF3 continues its stellar breaking in period - I put some genuinely great rolls on some long putts that scared the hole on multiple holes, and managed to make all the come-backers, so speed control is getting dialed in.  

    The BAD news is, I think this is the last chance I'll have to get out until I leave for the Outing, which means...there's about 2 weeks for my game to go sideways, with no way for me to find out until I tee it up at Royal New Kent, lol. 

    Apologies for not having any pictures this week - was more focused on trying to get the V5 (ShotScope) watch working during the round - it missed a TON of shots throughout the round, and I only figured out that if I put the tag near (or on) the watch, it would recognize it easily.  You're not supposed to have to do that, but I was happy to have it recognize the tag at all, and it honestly wasn't that big of a deal, but having to go back in and edit the round after the fact is never my favorite thing.  Hopefully next time out it works a lot seamlessly. 

    I know we don't really keep track of it anymore, but one actual birdie, three total net birdies, and a long drive of 290-ish (the second shot was one that the watch missed, but I remember thinking "dag, that's a 290 drive!" right before topping my 3-wood another 120 yards...sigh. 


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