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Posts posted by GrumpyGolf

  1. On 7/11/2022 at 3:57 PM, GrumpyGolf said:

    Looking to keep the streak of finishing in the middle in tact. 
    @Golfspy_CG2 I read the mystery box as - 
    Wilson D9 Forged Excellent Condition


    ... and after day 1, where am I?  Right smack dab in the middle.  122 out of 316. 

    Not only that, but I pick Rory and he goes on a spree of breaking hands and trying to break ancient shrines to the game.

    Oh well, hopefully my round tomorrow will be good.🤷🏼‍♂️

  2. On 7/2/2022 at 8:30 AM, cnosil said:

    1965 - Year of Snake

    Open Winner - Peter Thompson (his 5th)

    Irons - Dunlop/Maxfli  (haven't found model yet)

    1967 - Year of the Ram

    Open Winner - Roberto di Vicenzo (his only Major but he was the first Major winner from South America - Argentina)

    Irons - Dunlop - Maxfli (note this is when Maxfli was also considered a model for Dunlop - Dunlop later sold Maxfli to TaylorMade)

    NOTE: I learned all of this today by doing a deep dive and for that I can say thanks MGS!! 😁

  3. 20 minutes ago, fozcycle said:

    Got home yesterday from a round at my club…..only to find that the par 5 #14 hole did not register anything.  So I set about adding the shots.  SS missed an entire hole in the middle of my round!

    Never missed an entire hole.  I have missed shots more than I would like, but never an entire hole.  My biggest problem lately has been when I am looking at the round afterwards, it has me putting from 65+ yrds off the green and then one putting from a foot.  That happened on three holes on my last round.

  4. 37 minutes ago, fixyurdivot said:

    PNW Spy Meet-up | Round 8 | Timberstone GC | Caldwell, ID 

    Today I met up with @GrumpyGolf(Wayne) for a round at Timberstone.  We had a single join us and we had near perfect weather - though a little hot on the final stretch. This is a really nice course, well maintained, and a very reasonably price.  It's a little off the beat and track but not too bad.  My only negative score goes to them not having pin flags with logo's.... what's up with that? 😉

    I carded a 44/41 with some local course knowledge help from both Wayne & Kevin.  There are some hidden trouble spots to navigate around.  I'm not sure what to make of the rather unique bunkers; other than hitting one of those railroad ties could yield some unexpected ball position. We had a great time and Wayne is ready for the 5th Annual PNW Spy Meet-up and willing to schedule a Boise area itinerary 👍.



    Tomorrow is my final round of this whirlwind trip; Blackfoot ID's local municipal along the Snake River.  9 rounds (9 1/2 if I throw in the 9 hole Pasco exec) in 10 days... piece of cake 🤪.

    Thanks @fixyurdivot for a great time today.  I enjoyed it and meeting up with you was a blast.  Hopefully Kevin will join up on MSG since we seemed to be recruiting him pretty hard 🤣 We'll see.

    Looking forward to next time and I am willing to be the host next year here in Boise.

  5. 8 hours ago, Thin2win said:

    One more note for the trip, @fixyurdivot

    Is a monster.  other than Galena where they laughed at him,  he walked every round of this event.  Some of the courses were easier then others,  but Wine Valley was over 6 miles,  almost 90 degrees out and very hilly. 


    Yes!  This!   Even after all of the golf he has played over the last week and he still had the stamina to walk Timberstone with me today!  Beast is a very apt term.

    I will let @fixyurdivot post the pics from today as he was taking them from jump today.  I played pretty good for where I am at this point in my journey back but not as well as him.  I do have to take a little humble brag about out driving him on most holes but not all of them since I did my fair share of slices and hooks off the tee while he kept them up the middle for the most part.

    Hearing Bill's stories from the PNW Meetup for this year, I can say I am jealous for this year and honestly looking forward to next year and have already began figuring out the courses we can play here in the Boise area.  I know that Timberstone and BanBury are the two musts, so now I am beginning to weed out the rest of them so that everyone can see the diversity of courses around here.

    Thanks for posting all the pics from the trip and looking forward to next year.

  6. 52 minutes ago, Getoffmylawn said:

    Haven’t really shared here but my younger sister has been fighting cancer and we got a phone call a couple days ago…she’s going to lose the fight.  She’s now in hospice, weeks maybe months left.  34 years old.

    Not about me at all but this already a stressful time; we’re mid-move and won’t have keys to our new place until 23 July…our stuff is in storage and we’re in and out of hotels in the interim.  Can’t really get a workout in, golf rounds are few and far between, no speed training…my options to deal with the stress are limited.

    We are actually in Cape Cod right now for a couple beach days; should be a nice distraction.

    Cancer SUCKS no two ways about it. Keep up the good fight and don't let this period of time define what made your sister special.  Take care and remember your spy family has your six. Peace.

  7. My hearing aids have a tinnitus setting to help mask it.  Doesn't make it go away, but gives me something else to occupy my mind.  Before I got the hearing aids, since I was already hard of hearing, there would be times when all I could hear was the train whistle in my right ear and the crickets in my left. In case you are wondering, having two different sounds for the tinnitus is something that will drive you bat$#!/ crazy.

  8. 1 hour ago, Sluggo42 said:

    I guess I need to request one … is there a list of badges somewhere that one can request from?

    You can request a link from the MODs, I looked at it a while ago and can't find the link.  Just shoot one of them a message and they will get back to you.

  9. I am pro tech and don't think that we rely on it too much, however, I also think that if you want to be a "good" golfer, you need to be able to figure out the yardage manually.  I don't think that it is asking too much of the courses to mark the 150 and 100 yard center of green points either via a sprinkler head, a post, or even a shrubbery on the side of the fairway, it may cost a little in the planning budget, but it would eliminate some, definitely not all, slow players.  When I stopped playing back in the early 00s, range finders were still frowned upon by the purists. Since coming back into the golf kingdom fold I have noticed that everyone has a range finder, a GPS, a smart watch, or something, and even the carts have built-in monitors with up to date distance for pin location.  I like having the info at arms length and once I am dialed back in on my club distances, I see it as making me believe more in my club selection so I am not standing over the ball debating between two different clubs.

    Now that said, when the day comes and we have a Jetson's like scene where your hitting a remote controlled ball with a remote controlled jet powered club that is retrieved by a robot, then we can talk about being too reliant on technology.😁

  10. 1 minute ago, GaDawg said:

    I needed a hat the size of a 55 gal drum with a built in A/C the last two days. I played both days here in Ga. with temps around 96-97 along with this crazy humidity.

    I just need a 55 gallon drum hat for my humongous head.  I hate trying to put on baseball caps cause they never fit unless it is fitted for my head and not one with straps.🎩

  11. 28 minutes ago, chisag said:


    ... That reminds me of working as a Lifeguard at Myrtle Beach back in '72. Worked all summer with no days off so one day ran into the next and after a few weeks it was hard to keep track of what day it was. But Saturdays and Sundays followed a pattern with a bunch of Lilly white people on Saturday and a bunch of bright red people on Sunday. ☀️🦞  I tried to warn them once I understood the pattern but they didn't need some 19yr old telling them how to spend their vacation! 

    Yeah, as a hotel lifeguard in FL back in the 80's.  I would work weekends during from Nov thru April and all the Pasties and Lilies would make their annual migration from the cold confines of the north down to the land of Mickey for their winter retreat or their winter migration.  You could always tell the new arrivals by their pasty or lily white skin as they would come down to the pool to relax before the attraction trips began.  We would tell them all to please put on some skin protection but they would do one of two things.  The first group would say they don't need any, its December and only in the high 70s plus they never burn. They would look like lobsters by the time they went in.  The second group were the sun worshippers and instead of putting on sun block they would put sun tan lotion (or as we called it sun burn lotion) and they would just burn faster, kinds like putting oil in a skillet and turning up the heat.  Do you know how miserable it is to have to strap into a ride when it is pressing against your burn shoulders?

  12. 4 hours ago, blackngold_blood said:

    Figure only half that count since the rest can’t read directions and missed rule #2 lol

    Careful, you wouldn't want to incur the wrath of this guy VVV like I did for suggesting that there may be unqualified entries 🤣

    On 6/14/2022 at 12:01 PM, Golfspy_CG2 said:

    You know all 130,000 registered user names?  Wow!!  you are good 😉



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