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Posts posted by edingc

  1. Just ticked over the 10 round mark for the season this week. Weather is starting to finally warm up for good, and real summer will be here soon!

    I've been having some big issues getting Arccos working properly with my Android this season, but there's enough data in there to be reasonably accurate by this point:


    Couple of things stand out to me in my quest to get into the solid single digits (currently, holding on by a thread):

    1. I need to eliminate "big" misses off the tee. I can handle a slight pull or even a big fade most of the time. I can't hit duck hooks and massive blocks. Also cannot top it off the tee box about 40 yards in front of me like I did this morning 😂.
    2. I still three-putt too often. A lot of that is being too far away from the hole with my first putt due to iffy approaches/short game. I can live with a 40 foot putt from 150 yards away, but pitching from <25 yards shouldn't also result in 40 foot putts.

    Overall, I've become a much, much better putter and my chipping has improved a lot as well. I also have added a bit of distance with my driver and although it can be cranky at times, I'm hitting it better than I ever have.

    I didn't feel like I played very well Tuesday or this morning and still walked away with an 80 and 82. To be solid single digits I need to be putting up 80s or better most of the time at my home course. I also have a 75 (new personal best) and a 78 under my belt so far this season.

    So far, the only equipment change on my horizon are my grips. Sadly, the larger butt diameter of the MMT shafts paired with the Lamkin Sonar Tours is resulting my grips being about +2 wraps, or +3 on the wedges. I've been struggling to get my grip feeling good and I think the additional size may be the reason. I'm going to experiment a little with some undersized grips to see if that helps them feel better in my hands.

    I brought my GoPro out with me last Saturday morning to record my nine hole round. It was very cold, unfortunately, and I didn't have a great day. But I captured the first three holes and cut it together into something I'm calling "Trifecta." Hopefully I can do a few more of these throughout the year. I'm not Erik Anders Lang, but it's fun cutting this together with a bit of commentary.


  2. 5 hours ago, jlukes said:

    Sleeper Clubs:  MIM Wedges

    I love my Vokey wedges, but I really think the MIM Wedges, especially the 54 and 60, could have a chance to be something special.  The WideLow grind of on the 60 really intrigues me.  I currently play 12 degrees of bounce on my 60 and the Cobra will have 6 degrees, but with a wide sole.  The MIM 60 really might have an extra gear of versatility, especially off of tighter lies, that my current 60 degree doesn't quite have.

    The wedges were, by far, the biggest surprise of #CC4. Absolutely love the versatile sole in both the 54 and 58. I've been playing around a lot with opening the face to hit some higher, softer shots around the greens and they've been awesome for that, even in the versatile grind. They've done remarkably well in every condition I've been able to throw at them.

    Today's fun condition was hard packed sand - just closed the clubface slightly and knifed right through the sand to blast it out of there. I'm not one to always put a sand shot close, but with the MIMs I at least feel like 9/10 times I'm getting it out onto the green somewhere.

  3. 13 minutes ago, ejgaudette said:

    I swear that I am not trying to reply to everything you post. But I also have smaller hands and have thought of this but have found the current MCC+4 standard to be ok size size but that butt diameter could be an issue. I know you regrip with air, but is there anyway to stretch the grip. PING offers this for their grips with tape and solvent where they add a bit more tape and pull the grip further down the shaft to thin it out a bit. Might be just enough and save some money, if not saving any time since I am sure air is faster and cleaner.

    Yeah, I'd have to use tape/solvent. Not 100 percent opposed to that (and I have all of the supplies), but it's messy. Definitely an option to try though. The wedges would be good candidates - they have even thicker butt ends and are very tough for me to feel good holding.

    Have some thinking to do.

  4. Undersized grips. 

    I have small hands to begin with, and the butt diameters of the MMT are slightly larger (.606) than previous shafts I've played. Haven't measured yet, but guessing I'm at least 1/64", if not 1/32", oversized with my .600 round Lamkin Sonars + painter's tape. Been struggling to find a good grip on the club lately, always seems to want to work into my left palm and it feels like I can't close my fingers around the shaft enough.

    Looking at Star Sidewinders as I know I could completely eliminate the tape to get the size down as much as possible. Also not terribly expensive, in stock and only six grams lighter. But 14/15 clubs x $7 is still ~$100. Might have to experiment with a few first.

  5. On 5/14/2021 at 4:39 PM, CoolWhipGolfer said:

    General question for the group.  Has anyone else noticed that when you strike this club directly in the center, you come up short on putts?  I noticed it this winter on my carpet and thought that I was just imagining things.  But the more I have practiced with it, the more it holds true.  With that being said, this still is the best putter I have ever used.  On a recent round,  I had 24 putts on my way to an 83.  Yes this putter saved the round.  Any thoughts or opinions are welcomed.  Thanks

    I haven't noticed it, either. One thing I did note in my review is that the sound changes significantly when the ball is struck more heel or toe side. My perception is that center strikes are "softer" than heel or toe. Not sure if that's what you may be picking up on? I personally do not feel like my center strikes are coming up short.

  6. 2 hours ago, russtopherb said:

    I had to run into the office for a few hours this morning so I hit the range on the way home for a small bucket. The two balls I sent into the woods this weekend were both with my driver (as usual) so after warming up with some wedges I just worked on the big stick. One of my problems is I tend to slide forward so maintaining the feeling of hanging back helps out. Worked on that for a bit then finished up bouncing around my irons. 


    53 minutes ago, juspoole said:

    I worked on something similar today as well.  My angle of attack is awful with driver (negative 4-6 degrees).  As you can imagine it also increases my spin numbers greatly and I lose distance.  Trying to stay back and a the club to come up into the ball.  Problem is I keep drawing or pulling my tee shots when trying to do this.  

    I was on the SkyTrak so I can confirm that my spin and launch angle were both better, but direction was not.  Need to keep working on this.  Possibly get a lesson as I don't want to adjust my swing on the fly without a pga pro giving it a look.

    I love how everyone has different things to work on. I'm starting to have the opposite problem as you two and am getting stuck on my back foot. I end up hitting inside and up with an open club face (slice city) or smother hook it left with my hands trying to save it. 

    Been doing some slow motion mirror work in the basement trying to feel like I stay more centered on my backswing through looser shoulders and rotation around my head and neck. I have a tendency to pull my head off the ball a bit toward my back foot and from there I get in all sorts of trouble.

  7. All of the reading about fitting experiences is making me nostalgic!

    This is already shaping up to be a fantastic group of testers/competitors and Cobra really upped the ante with the Link and bringing in the copper-colored options. I know not everyone loves Cobra's design aesthetics, but they have really put out some good looking clubs again this year that I think can appeal to everyone.

    Early indications point to #TeamChad being a solid choice...

  8. On 5/14/2021 at 6:35 PM, gavinski91 said:

    Here's what I'm thinking:


    Of course, I might change my mind on Monday. Who knows 🤷‍♂️😂

    I'm noticing that you all will be getting the Link to try this year, that's exciting. It was hinted at last summer, but I think it was delayed just enough to not make it into #CC4. 

    Excited for you to give your thoughts on the MMT and also the Snakebites, both the actual clubs and the gapping chosen.

  9. 2 hours ago, THEZIPR23 said:


    I have collapsed more than once, so I thought I would try a different tactic and talk about it while it was happening. It was very interesting to try to understand how the mental plays with the physical. And it was way better this way than grinding over everything and in the end it not being fun. 

    Awesome round!

    I love the comment regarding collapsing. I had a similar experience to yours Sunday on the back when I was -2 on the nine with three to go. Normally I'd try to not think about the score too much, but I just told myself, "to hell with it, let's go for it" and was two lipouts on 16 and 17 away from playing the back in 34.

    Good to see you back out on the course. Bet it was awesome to do it with your buddies as well.

  10. On 5/12/2021 at 1:42 AM, ChasingScratch said:

    Video for my first few sessions this week.

    Thoughts/focus for this week are twofold:

    1) backswing cue - swing up the shaft line (video explains)

    2) shorten backswing length

    I was invited to play in a fundraiser golf tournament this Friday, so it will be another test of the changes!


    really like your backswing cue here. The way you explained it clicked in my head. When I'm playing my best golf I do the same thing. My bad habits/inside takeaway/flat+short backswing happen when I don't let my right arm off my side. 

  11. Another couple of buckets this week after my round Tuesday. Think I'm making some more progress. I love how when you start to focus on one area another problem rears its head. I figured out my long club woes are the result of me rolling my arms back inside again with my takeaway. When I really make sure my right forearm arm stays over the left on the way back (forcing my arm off of my side and getting me more upright) I hit some fantastic shots.

    I've been practicing almost exclusively with my longer clubs (3 utility, 4 iron, hybrids) because the shorter irons are more forgiving when I come too far inside on the backswing.

    Two rounds scheduled for this weekend!

  12. 4 hours ago, Golfspy_CG2 said:

    I'll do a more detailed WITB or should I say WITBS in a few days. But I couldn't wait to get this bag out, literally took it out of the box around 8:00 am and had it on a cart by 8:20 🙂

    ive heard a lot about the Vessel bags snd from first impressions the quality is excellent  

    Might be one of the best looking bags I've seen or had.   Just waiting on the RS One Lengths to show up in a couple weeks.



    RADSPEED Bag 1.jpg

    RADSPEED Bag 2.jpg




    30 minutes ago, sirchunksalot said:

    I just thought the bags the competitors got last year in Cobra Connect looked good (and they did), but I love the color combination on that one!

    Absolutely love my Cobra x Vessel bag. Gets daily use on the range.

  13. 23 minutes ago, Brian A said:

    That was my concern when picking clubs out that it was too big of a gap in clubs, but I thought about it and I have a 48* gap wedge now and a 52* and 56* and I rarely use my 52* unless greens are really soft and I need more roll. I figured if I can hit the bug tour off tee straighter I can make up more strokes than with a 52*

    I like that kind of thinking. Your setup looks killer. Looking forward to the actual competition getting going.

  14. 6 hours ago, gavinski91 said:

    @edingc I'm thinking about going with the Mitsubishi MMT Hybrid 80 shaft in my 4-hybrid. Since you play it, and you also opted for the Aldila Rogue Silver in last year's Cobra Connect Challenge, I'd love to hear your thoughts on the MMT 80 and how it compares to the UST Recoil 480 ESX (the other hybrid shaft I'm considering).

    I think they are both great shafts, both mid-mid types which should be good for you in a hybrid. Both look really sharp in the bag as well. I don't think you can go wrong either way. I can't give a direct comparison because the flexes were different (I played the 480 in stiff while going to TX in the MMT), but I might give the 480 a slight edge if you like a more "active" feeling. The MMTs to me are very linear in the way they release, and I don't feel a pronounced kick point in them.

    And, FWIW, I had the Rogue Silver in both my driver and 3 wood last year. It's a good shaft, especially if you need to kill a little spin.

  15. 17 minutes ago, B.Boston said:

    Sounds like my round off the tee last time out!  Something about the early season and wanting to crush them all is a bad mix for me.

    6 1-putts with 3 lip-outs sounds like you are getting dangerous with the LAB putter man!  I also seem to do better on quicker greens.  Keep it up!  

    Yeah, I think today was just a perfect storm culminating from the last two weeks. I haven't been able to get out to play due to the temps in the morning, so I probably got a little too anxious with wanting to kill the ball down the middle like a did a few weeks ago. I did hit one great one (275 into the wind on No. 9 that led to a pretty stress-free par), but otherwise it just didn't work for me today.

    The putter is fantastic - I two-putted for par on two of the par 3s from outside of 50 feet, birdied No. 1 from 10 feet and saved par on No. 8 from 15 feet going downhill. It helps that these greens are much newer than my home course and they don't have all of the subtle breaks from 50-plus years of wear and tear. If the putt looks straight, it's likely straight!

  16. 13 minutes ago, Getoffmylawn said:

    MIssing all over the place from the tee, or the same kind of right and more right miss over and over?

    Missing both ways, unfortunately. I tend miss more to the left than the right. I wish I could just drop down to the Super Hybrid and solve the problem, but I was left going left most of the day with it.

    Been working with my coach on it - I like to drop my rear shoulder to start the downswing which gets me coming way underneath and inside. If I hang back I go right (or drop kick it with irons/hybrids), if I get to my front side more I go left. Throw in some toe hooks when I don't do either of the above but don't rotate very well. Frustrating game!

    Although, to be fair, I've never played this course from the back before and on a few holes I just flat out took the wrong line which put me in bad positions for my second shot. 

    Score tends to go as my driver goes, although it seems like during rounds where my driver is good my putting is poor. Round and round it goes... 😂

  17. 1 hour ago, jlukes said:

    Yeah it is pretty much a tour only thing.  Trottie from Taylormade had a video on bending woods and hybrids and it is EXTREMLY delicate.  Another option would be to use a left handed loft sleeve - moving it into the draw setting with a LH sleeve on a RH club would actually make the head flatter.

    I think @B.Boston suggested a slightly longer hosel on the hybrids to facilitate tweaking lie and loft during our post-mortem call last year, but I suppose that's a pretty small market.

    I don't believe any of us carried the 7 wood last year, will be interesting to see how it works out for you if that's the route you go. 

  18. 13 hours ago, cnosil said:

    Self diagnosing your swing is very difficult and then you have to find the right fix for that problem.    I had a lesson yesterday and we worked through a lot of things to try and fix a toe strike.   We tweaked the backswing, hip turn, and a few other things.  My problem after quite a bit of diagnosis and reviewing launch monitor numbers is that I have a flying right elbow.  The elbow separation causes a myriad of compensations to try and fix make an effective swing.    getting someone to look at your swing is always a good idea.  

    The biggest thing I try to take away from my lessons is the "why." Why is this change working? What did that change do to my other match ups to fix my problems? It's been really helpful for me because when things start to go off the rails, so to speak, I can step back and say, "What is my issue and what can I do to fix it?" 

    Certainly no substitute to continuing lessons, but lately I've gone much longer between lessons than I did at the start of them and overall it's always just minor tweaks at this point. 

  19. 31 minutes ago, Lacassem said:

    GoPro Definitly works. Is that just the regular sound or do you have a mic with it? I was debating getting one to just plug into the iPhone (videos the other day were so windy and it wasn’t even that bad out)

    Fingers crossed for the pup

    That was with the built-in microphone. I've contemplated getting an external microphone, but the sound has been so good with the GoPro mic that I haven't bothered. 

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