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Testers Wanted: ExPutt! ×


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Posts posted by CarlH

  1. This thread reminds me of my submarine days when we'd sit around telling tall tales.  No sooner than one guy told a wild story, the next guy would say "Sh**, that's nothing; one time......." and tell an even taller tale.  Not saying these stories are far fetched, at all....love'm!  Keep 'em coming!

  2. 2 come to mind:  The first is similar to the OP.  I hit my driver so thin that it struck the stone tee marker on the tees just forward of ours.  All four of us in my group were swiveling our heads looking for where the ball might have deflected.  What seemed like a full minute later (but obviously was mere seconds), we hear the ball bouncing on the road some 50-75 yards behind us.

    The second is similar but with much better results.  On a par 3 over a pond, I hit a thin 8 iron that went low and was pond-ward bound.  The pond had a fountain feature that wasn't working at the time.  The ball bounced off the metal ring and up the hill onto the green, leaving me an 8 foot putt for birdie.  I drained it for the skin much to the shouts of displeasure from my playing partners.

    Wildest one that I ever witnessed came from a 20 something handicap player who hit his tee shot on a par 3 into the tree to the left of the green.  The ball responded like a pinball, ricocheting off 3 or 4 limbs until it fell to the ground on the green and rolled into the cup for his first HIO!  

  3. 2 hours ago, DaveP043 said:

    So its a fair question, when someone plays his personal choice of different tees, how does he post his scores for handicap?   In my view, the only right thing to do under the rules is not to post.

    My regular group has decided that this month, because of the very wet course and winter golf anyway, we would play 2 holes on each 9 from the tees forward of our regular tees.  The discussion came up about handicap posting and I suggested (and it was agreed upon) that we do NOT post our scores to GHIN, but we do continue to track the points earned from play since we're all playing the same.  (Group accumulates points over the year based on gross scores on Saturday events to determine the top 20 players for a RYDER CUP format weekend).  I have no problem with anyone playing hybrid tees, but if there is no established slope/rating assigned, posting to GHIN for competitive handicap calculations should be avoided.  Now, if one doesn't compete in handicap tournaments and only wants a base line handicap for informative info, fine and dandy, do as you see fit.  JMO.

  4. 6 hours ago, ole gray said:

    All you traditionalist don't get ya panties in a wad when I say I'm thinking of yet another SGI type iron. Hell I'm 72 years old, lost some swing speed and love forgiveness in my irons.  I don't give a rats arse about beautiful irons that are only good for making my bag look hawt. I want something I can kick butt on the golf course with.  Irons that will make this unpredictable game more enjoyable and  keep my cussing down to a minimum. Soooooo I have the new 2023 Taylormade Stealth HD irons on my radar.  I haven't bagged a set of Taylormade irons since the RBZ model that I tested for another forum.  That's been quite a few years back.  I'll be scheduling a fitting in the near future so we'll see how that shakes out. 

    More people should get their ego out of the way and find the gear that helps them play better golf and have more fun doing it!  Good on ya!  

    6 hours ago, ole gray said:

    All you traditionalist don't get ya panties in a wad when I say I'm thinking of yet another SGI type iron. Hell I'm 72 years old, lost some swing speed and love forgiveness in my irons.  I don't give a rats arse about beautiful irons that are only good for making my bag look hawt. I want something I can kick butt on the golf course with.  Irons that will make this unpredictable game more enjoyable and  keep my cussing down to a minimum. Soooooo I have the new 2023 Taylormade Stealth HD irons on my radar.  I haven't bagged a set of Taylormade irons since the RBZ model that I tested for another forum.  That's been quite a few years back.  I'll be scheduling a fitting in the near future so we'll see how that shakes out. 

    More people should get their ego out of the way and find the gear that helps them play better golf and have more fun doing it!  Good on ya!  

  5. 9 hours ago, chisag said:


    ... Com'on Doug you are starting to sound like Party Pooper Dave. 😳  Most of the higher index Am's I play with will take a "mulligan" on the first hole and first hole only. I compare it to moving ball out of a divot. While I take pride in the challenge most I play with just move to out. 

    ahhhhh yes...the old Breakfast Ball on #1 tee box.  

    I agree with you on the divot challenge.  It's fun to complain about the lie then hit it on the green 🙂

  6. I played with the Mezz Max, Mezz, and DF 2.1 for quite a bit when I was at a PGASS in Plano last month.  I'd heard such great things about all of the L.A.B. line that I was very interested in trying them out.  True to the hype, they felt great in the hand, albeit a bit awkward looking.  I went back and forth between all 3 models and came to the conclusion that I really liked the DF.  With a leap of faith, I placed my order for a custom build with L.A.B. DF 2.1, including a stability shaft.  Closing my eyes at the cost, I pressed enter.  It is enroute to my house as I type and it is expected to arrive Thursday.  I can't wait to hear the comments from my playing buds about the ugly, oversized, branding iron I call a putter.

  7. 1 hour ago, NC Golfer said:

    Thanks, for sharing. The first doctor I saw wanted to do surgery. I guess I should have not gone to a surgeon not wanting to do surgery as a first option. I am hoping the DO doc will connect me a good PT to get back on track. They do have a golf related PT, that will be a bonus. 

    Contrary to popular belief, orthopedic surgeons don't immediately jump to surgery without reason.  What did he diagnose?


  8. 1 hour ago, NC Golfer said:

    Anyone rehab a knee after surgery or just one that is tweaked and healed with exercises? Trying to go the non-surgical route for a chronic tweaked trail knee. Going to the doctor next week. Likely, PT after that. Just getting prepared. In the past, have been told I have tight hips, which maybe leading to over use of the knee in the golf swing. That's another piece of this to play pain free.

    I've had both knees replaced (arthritis was the issue for me).  Extensive rehab is required after knee replacement.  Knee replacement aside, exercise and stretching of the joints (knees, hips, feet, arms) is never a bad idea.  I recommend finding a good plan for exercising those hip and knee joints and doing so on a regular basis, regardless.

  9. 12 hours ago, Golf2Much said:

    Good luck with yours! 

    It's funny, people look at it and laugh at the design.  Then they see it in action on the course and have to give it a try.  Yesterday, one of my golfing buddies saw it at the practice green before our round and chuckled about the shape.  I told him to give it a try.  He proceeded to sink his first three 12-15 ft. putts.  I quickly took the putter back because I knew if he sunk the fourth, I'd never see that putter again!

    I didn't find it too hard on the eyes.  I was able to test out the DF, the MEZZ and the MEZZ MAX at a PGASS and liked the DF better overall.  I actually found the MEZZ line to be the uglier of the 2.  But, I'm sure that I'll get plenty of comments about how big and ugly the putter is from my "buds" and hopefully be able to smile as they hand me their money 🙂  It's supposed to ship the first week of Feb and I'm looking forward to getting it on the greens so I can get a feel for rolling it and put it in action.

  10. 2 hours ago, TBS said:

    Shotscope had a report that the majority of golfers will always miss the green short. I have always factored that into my club selection. I want a club that I comfortably carry the front of the green. 

    I take a similar approach, but carry it a bit further....if the pin is in the middle, I take enough club to land between the pin and the back of the green.  If the pin is in front, I take enough club to hit the middle of the green.  If the pin is back, I plan on taking enough club to reach the back of the green but not go over.  Obviously, going long over the green is often trouble, but falling short is also trouble (green side bunkers, false fronts, etc)...middle of the green is always good.  🙂 

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