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The KURE guarantees 6 strokes off your game

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The Kure Total Putting Solution Guarantees To Drop 6 Strokes Off Your Game



Improve your aim, alignment, squaring the putter face at impact and create great rhythm

NORCROSS, Ga. - Solid Golf, LLC has invented THE KURE, Your Total Putting Solution, a breakthrough, lightweight, portable training device that provides the four basic fundamental of putting while training golfers to make straight and consistent putts.


Practice isn't practice unless the player is practicing properly. THE KURE identifies and allows golfers to correct any flaws in the four fundamentals. THE KURE trains golfers how to make straight putts and breaking putts begin to fall with regularity dropping up to six strokes a round.


Most top instructors agree that even on big sweeping putts, a golfer must pick a spot on the green, align the putter properly, aim at the spot and stroke the ball. After 11 years of research,


THE KURE confirms that fact. THE KURE trains golfers to get to the spot by squaring the putter face to the target line at impact. This is one of the hardest putting principles to master, but THE KURE makes it become easy and natural.


THE KURE is endorsed by six-time PGA Major Champion and CBS golf analyst, Nick Faldo who is also the spokesperson in an infomercial for THE KURE currently airing on The Golf Channel throughout the month of May.


"THE KURE uses 21st century technology to literally train your brain to perfect the four key fundamentals to great putting; aim, alignment, returning the putter face to square at impact and a great rhythm," said Faldo. "Using THE KURE for just seven minutes, you will learn what proper aim, alignment, squaring the putter face and a rhythmic stroke actually look and feel like. THE KURE is the only training aid that addresses all four key elements to great putting and provides you with instant feedback on all of them."


THE KURE works on any style of putter, indoors or out and helps golfers of all ages and skill levels. Using Solid Golf's patented Active Telemetry Technologyâ„¢ on the transmitter and the receiver, THE KURE's internal computers provide visual feedback to confirm when your putting stroke is correct. Once learned, this information can be recalled and repeated effortlessly, time and time again -- leading to more holed putts, lower golf scores and ultimately, more fun playing the game.


"One of the things that I find common with all good putters is their ability to aim the putter correctly said Mike Shannon, PGA Teaching Professional and Putting Instructor at Sea Island Golf Learning Center and Putting Instructor to 20 Top Golfers in the World. "The aim of the putter is the cornerstone of a good putting game. If a player can't aim the putter, then it doesn't matter how good the stroke is there's a good chance that the putt is going to miss. After using THE KURE for just two strokes I knew that it was the best putting aid I'd seen, and I knew immediately it was the product to help improve the putting of every one of my students."


A key feature of THE KURE is the ability to change the aperture settings based on the skill level of the player. As the golfer's skill improves, he/she can adjust the aperture setting from beginner to amateur and then to professional. At beginner level, the beam that is transmitted into the receiver is wider and easier. As the golfer's skill progresses, the aperture can be closed and the beam becomes more narrow and difficult.


THE KURE retails for $199 and comes complete with transmitter, receiver, instruction manual, hard shell traveling case and a bonus instructional DVD featuring Sir Nick Faldo and Mike Shannon. For more information or to order, call at 888-952-PUTT or visit them online at http://www.kureputting.com.


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$199 for the set-up.

Seems like sound physics/science. Does seem like the attachment will change the swing weight of the putter and effect distance control/feel.

For me, I would like to try one though because I know that I miss putts because I think that I am on line but actually off.

$200 just seems a little expensive to take the risk. Could be a great thing for a play group to go in on though...


This could also be used with the aimpoint charts to truly know that you are aiming at the point that the chart tells you to aim at.

Volvo Intorqueo

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6 shots does seem a bit overboard, especially for better players.


$200 is way over my "I'll give it a shot" limit. If there was a money back guarantee, maybe (it does say guaranteed in a number of places on the site, but I didn't see anything in writing that said money back with some type of time limit).


I do like the idea, though I agree with Sactown about the device affecting the swingweight of the putter. I guess they would say that this device should be used for, say, 10 minutes to work on alignment and aim, and then you could take it off to work on distance and making putts.


Overall, I'd love to give it a try, this is a putting tutor that could give me feedback without giving me too many things to think about (like telling me my path is 1* shut and the face is 2* open and I should do X Y and Z....), but ultimately the price is a deal breaker.

Follow me on Twitter: @MattSaternus

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Although not quite as "elegant" this product would appear to give the same reults for considerably less -



I really think that if one could figure out a way to mount one of those inexpensive laser pointers that you will see at convenience stores, etc., you could accomplish the same thing.


All you would need to do is put a black target behind the cup to make sure that the laser was pointed in the right direction.



I Can't Help It If I'm Lucky...

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I just watched Sactown's video, and they said that the device on the putter could be offline as much as 20* and the light will still go one. At first I thought, great! so I don't have to be dead accurate and fiddle turning my hands fractions of a degree for an hour for every putt. Then I thought, hmmmm, 20* is enough to miss a 10 foot putt my like 3 feet, so what good does that really do you?

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