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Posts posted by PlaidJacket

  1. 10 hours ago, revkev said:

    My desire was not to disrespect Korn but to respect Ben Hogan.

    I'm sorry but I don't get this entire topic? can someone clue me in?

  2. I suppose I'm the outcast around here. I like Azinger. I think he'll perhaps be around the golf booth for a long time. As for the rest of the telecast I enjoyed it. Sure I could nit pit but whats the point. Overall Fox has improved quite a bit. Personally I don't think I missed a thing. Great Open and a great Champion in Woodland.

  3. 15 minutes ago, ED13 said:

    How many men want to be told they should play further up?  Egos can be easily bruised.

    None that I know of. But it's funny.... a few years ago I made the decision that I needed to make the long overdue decision to move a tee so to speak. I was consistently playing longer approaches than a lot of guys I normally played with. I was at a disadvantage to them and the course and they loved it. Then one day when I finally moved up they bitched and groaned because now I was with them in the fairway off the tee. Their advantage evaporated. Truth be told... they have also lost distance and a few of them have moved up as well. Funny how that works sometimes. LOL

  4. I just had this exact discussion yesterday with a young man at my office. He's smitten with the golf bug. Basically I advised him to play the tees that fits your distances. My method says to use your driver as a starting point meaning; what is your average distance off the tee? And I'm not talking about a straight line drive. Many players especially less skilled players have severe slices or hooks. This shortens your distance off the tee. If you're one of those and you typically find your drives right for example - and you measure it at 200 yards (or less!) as opposed to 250; then you should be playing up a tee. Doesn't matter that your buddy normally hits his driver reasonably straight in the fairway and is 250+ yards. He's a better player and you are at a disadvantage against him and perhaps more importantly the course. Yeah sure, occasionally you might lace one down the middle 250+ yards. But that's not your "real" distance. It's your Lucky or occasional distance. By the logic below I think you should move back to 7,000 and end your quest to Single Digit Handicap. You'll be there tomorrow. 😎

    15 hours ago, GolfSpy MPR said:

    In fact, over my last 8 rounds at my home course, I've been averaging closer to 21.6 over. So there's a strong argument that I played better with an additional 300–400 yards to navigate.


  5. I'm one of those guys that gave up on cotton golf shirts. I'm old school in many ways. Several years back when so called performance shirts came out I hated them initially and only wanted my normal cotton shirt. The first few I bought I gave away to guy. Now days they out performed cotton IMO. Cooler, no stains, no wrinkles, don't fade, lighter weight, don't shrink, don't absorb sweat it seems, don't get clammy feeling, etc, etc. I don't like pants and shorts made from the material. For those items I still prefer cotton.

  6. On 6/11/2019 at 6:38 AM, perseveringgolfer said:

    Sorry for the long post but thought it worth sharing as I haven't changed driver in a very long time.

    Can't say I blame you. As many around here know; until about 2 months ago I'd been playing a 2014 SLDR. I just couldn't find any reason to ditch it. And I tried a couple of times. However, I'm now playing the new Exotics EXS and to date it's been a very good upgrade.

  7. On 6/4/2019 at 7:12 PM, 03trdblack said:

    I did spine align the shaft with the N+ settin

    Huh. I didn't even think about that when I swapped the adaptor to the Fujikura shaft. Maybe I should have. I'm playing my 10.5* EXS in the ++ position. I guess I've gotten used to the sound - which to me is more noticeable on off center strikes. Shots dead in the screws sound just fine to me. Over all I'm please with my setup. Playing tomorrow and Sunday. 2 competitive matches so I'm looking forward to more good results.

    I'm disappointed that ShotMaker is out of business. I really enjoyed playing it in my SLDR. It also affected the sound a bit too.

  8. On 6/4/2019 at 9:21 AM, ZJBogey2 said:

    And to echo what @03trdblack said about the club face sitting slightly closed at address, I thought I was in my head with my grip/alignment, but eventually realized this to be the case. It took a little adjusting for me to get use to, but ultimately I think it has helped me with my club head being more squared at address.

    I had to go get mine and take another look. Yeah... I see what you mean. In a static position flat on the floor it's slightly closed. I've never really paid much attention. When I grip the club - any club at address I've always regripped and squared the face. Especially with drivers. Not so much irons unless I'm wanting to manipulate the shot pattern some way.

  9. I used to say that I wanted to only wear some type of actual golf shoe. But starting this spring I decided to try a non-golf shoe and see how things work out. So, I purchased a pair of Sketchers (can't recall the model) shoes which I guess could be considered a comfortable walking-athletic type shoe. I love them! I've had absolutely no problem at all playing golf in them. These have a relatively flat sole and on dray grass they work just fine. Wet grass? Can't say. I've enjoyed these shoes so much I purchased a second pair to keep in reserve. I may never wear "real" golf shoes again.

  10. I'm not that much of an art fan per se'. I certainly have zero artistic ability and can barely draw a stick figure. Of course I've seen many different types of art work in my lifetime. Some of it was amazing quite frankly - wondering how can someone actually make a painting that looks so real. Others times I see what I'd call pure crap. None the less I appreciate some art or "art forms" if for no other reason than appreciating someones talent. Walking around in a museum looking at paintings on a wall isn't my thing really. However, if you are one who can paint-draw or create beautiful things I say more power to ya. Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder.

  11. I've been following and watching a lot of this myself. I'm a WWII buff of sorts and watch a lot of documentaries, etc. My Dad was a B-17 bombardier. I have several color maps he and his crew used while making their bombing runs over France. They're really interesting to see. They had drawn lines on the maps with red grease pencils showing their bombing routes into and back out of France at that time. I have a few others where the routes are over Germany. KaBoom Baby! 🇺🇸

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