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Posts posted by edingc

  1. 9 minutes ago, Tiftaaft said:

    I just noticed that the suggested setup has the ball position +/- 6" left of center to the unit (which is where the camera is...).  I may me lining the target line (ball) up with the center of the unit... I'll have to check. 

    I know the latest software update has the ball hitting area shaded in red when you go to the target alignment screen. I'd just make sure the ball is inside that area.

    9 minutes ago, Tiftaaft said:

    Also, in your garage setup, what do you use for tilt angle?  I have been using the plastic template (12 degrees, I think). 

    I originally found the most success with 17 degrees, but the latest revision of the FS Golf app recommends 12 degrees, which was the default with the plastic template included for E6. I've gone to 12 degrees, can't say I've noticed much difference.

    I have noticed the FS Golf app does a fair bit of normalization when the ball is identified in the app as a range ball. I accidentally left range ball set on the other night and was wondering why my 8 iron carry was so long. I switched back to "standard ball" and I shaved about 10 yards and carry felt much more realistic.

  2. On 4/14/2022 at 10:14 AM, WaffleHouseTour said:

    To cross pollinate a couple of threads... since you upgraded to the ProPack - did you notice any difference with you RCT balls in capturing spin rather than estimating?  That thread you started didn't mention (I apologize if I missed it) if/when you upgraded to the ProPack.  I thought for some reason it was all done pre-upgrade.  Just curious if the upgrade does a better job with the RCT balls.  Kinda suprised there hasn't been something put out by Flightscope on that. 

    I haven't noticed any difference with the RCTs pre-/post- Pro Pack purchase. The thing with the RCTs is that as the cover gets damaged, the number of actual spin reads go down. This is largely my fault as my setup can result in balls hitting concrete occasionally.

    48 minutes ago, Tiftaaft said:

    Wondering if anyone has experienced ball flight path inconsistencies with the Mevo+PP?   My setup is in my carport, with a net hanging across the carport frame.  I have 20+ feet or so of runway to hit balls, so I have my Mevo set at 8' and the remaining distance to the net from the mat.  What I have noticed is all my shots give me fade flight (slightly outside in path, with a slightly open club face)... on the range yesterday (and verified with the top tracer setup at the range) my ball flight was a draw to straight... occasionally a straight push, but never a consistent fade.  I am thinking it is the positioning I have the unit in my home setup, and have recalibrated the settings a few times, and even tweaked the positioning on the unit.  But to get a "straight" ball flight, I have to aim noticeably left of my target line... and even then, it is called a "Pull" in the metrics.  Like I said, I am most likely positioning the unit incorrectly... so any suggestions would be helpful and greatly appreciated. 

    To me it seems the Mevo+ algorithm can overexaggerate draws/fades a little bit, but still a draw is a draw and a fade is a fade. 

    The only thing I can think of offhand is to make sure that your target line and ball hitting position are what you think they are in the carport. I tend to aim to the right of my intended target in my garage. Not sure why, it just happens. If I'm really focusing on the path numbers I will be sure to lay down an alignment rod in front of the ball so that I have a visual cue of where my face really needs to be pointing to match up with the Mevo+'s aim line.

  3. 33 minutes ago, fixyurdivot said:

    Thanks again.  I just stumbled onto @edingc's review on two Ignite PwrAdapt styles he gamed and described (with photos) the failure of the sole and cleats 😬.  I also found a thread on Hackers Paradise talking about issues with cleat mounts failing. It sounds like Puma made design changes but since the pair I'm looking at are new, old stock, maybe I should move on?  I don't think I'm overly tough on shoes, but I do walk a lot.  Too bad as these are nice looking...hmmm 🤔.

    In fairness to Puma, the replacement DISC laceless set is still going strong and is primarily my range/stay in the trunk pair of cleats. They're "waterproof" but not as waterproof as I need them to be. I also have a set of laced ones that I won on MGS and they don't really see much use anymore because they are a pain to get on and off. Those are the ones that have worn through in the heel, which is probably the result of them being about 1/2 size too big for me (they do seem to run long).

    For actual on course use I'm almost always on New Balance Striker v2s, but if it's dry the Pumas occasionally make an appearance.

  4. This offseason is lasting a lot longer than I wanted. Our weather has not been cooperative in the least bit between cold temperatures and a ton of rain. I finally played my first round last weekend, and just yesterday I was finally able to get on the range. It's going to be another week at least before my course opens, it's just too wet.

    I took some face-on video of my 7 iron for the first time in a while yesterday:

    Lots of good things here, especially compared to last season.



    I still wouldn't mind seeing a little bit more tilt at setup. I think it would help me to make a better turn and get a little more behind the ball. Left hand grip is slightly stronger which helps a lot.



    You can kind of see that I'm less "rigid" than last year. Trying to feel more loose or free flowing in my movements. Also do a better job of keeping the club in front of me starting back.

    Top of Backswing


    All of those takeaway feels lead to a more complete and athletic top of backswing position. This is where I've likely picked up speed with my 7 iron, which according to Mevo+ can top out around 98-100 MPH when fully warm and going at it.



    Huge improvement here. Starting down without sliding forward. Probably the result of a better turn (less sway) and just the focus I've put on this area over the offseason. You can also tell based on my hands/wrists that the face is a bit stronger coming into impact.



    Bingo! Because I'm not sliding forward I can post up and deliver a descending blow to the ball. No more scooping like in last year's frame.



  5. I'll post two from Saturday's round. Both pars, given the conditions (30s and blustery), I'm happy.


    Into the wind on No. 7, middled a 4 hybrid from the tee that pushed just into the right rough. Approach shot wasn't very good (was a hair away from a shank), but a nice two putt from 30 feet on a tough green. 

    No. 16 only had a crosswind to deal with, thankfully, and hit a nice little cut that again just barely rolled into the right rough. Best drive of the day and very happy with the distance as both myself and the ball had been out in the temps for over two hours at this point. Played a low wedge into the green (not a good shot, came up very short of hole), hit a meh first putt but sunk a 7 footer to save the par. This hole is quite long from the back and narrow so a par is a good score on a nice day and a great score in the conditions we were playing in.

  6. I don't have a drill per say, but one thing my instructor has mentioned is to just simplify things when stuff starts going awry. If you're hitting the toe, try hitting the heel, etc. 

    That being said, I'm in a very similar situation, having gone from 20+ to ~7 to ~9 depending on if I string a few rounds together. I don't know if scratch is in my future because of where I play (both region - weather - and course - weak rating and slope), but I'd love to get to a five this season. To do so I'd need to shoot +3 or better 8/20 rounds at my home course after only doing that four times last season in total.

    I've come to terms that there is never going to be a moment where I'm not needing to make some change in a feel or focus to play my best. I had always hoped I'd get to a point where the swing would just be "natural," and I'd just go out and play, but for me I need to be very conscious of things or else it falls apart very quickly. Now, a lot of that is just making sure the fundamentals are good, but I'm never without some sort of thought. Some days are more autopilot than others, but there's always a thought.

    Not sure if that helps, but I definitely feel as though I'm in the same boat.

  7. 39 minutes ago, GolfSpy_BOS said:

    I tried and played with a Ventus in my driver for most of a season but found the less expensive Motore X f3 to be a better fit for my swing.

    **Cough** AutoFlex vs. an $89, brand new, Motore X F1. Thank you Cobra for offering it as the stock shaft. Even came with a brand new Arccos sensor. 😀

  8. My course will not be open for at least another 10 or so days, depending on weather, and the range hasn't opened yet, either. Starting to go a bit stir crazy! 

    But, it's been nice enough the last two days to get out to the putting green, practice bunker and today I was even able to hit some pitches off some very soggy turf around the pitching green. It's all good practice for me anyway since my course is likely to be pretty wet most of the early season. I'm guessing it will be like 2019 when it wasn't fully dry until July or so.

    Focus lately has been getting more of an athletic posture for every shot, including putts. More of a direct hinge from the waist with some anterior pelvic tilt feeling. Gets my pressure more toward the front of the feet without being in the toes, which seems to help me turn a bit better and gives me a lot more room on the downswing. 

    I found a few range balls plugged in the short game area so I did get to hit a few full swing irons and hybrids yesterday out on to the range to end my session. Some good, some bad hooks (normal), but my last hybrid from a tee was pured. Felt great to hit and see ball flight for the first time since October. Just need to the weather to cooperate now!

  9. 2 hours ago, BMart519 said:

    I experimented with setting the unit on the ground below the level of my hitting platform and adjusted tee height in the software. It noticeably made AoA more negative.

    This is my setup as well. In fairness, my hitting platform is 1.75 inches while the closest option in the settings is 2 inches. That may be responsible for a small amount of variance in AoA readings. But during my Trackman fitting I was 3-5 down at most with the mid irons, and less with the Cobra Utility.

    2 hours ago, BMart519 said:

    With these noticeable errors I have less confidence to invest another $1000 in the pro package to add in more club data that isn't very accurate.

    From my estimation, path and face angle are close, certainly accurate enough for my liking.

    2 hours ago, BMart519 said:

    E6 range does and seems better for driver. 

    Yes, whatever algorithm E6 uses for driver seems much more realistic than the FS Range algorithm. I should have tried the E6 range yesterday when I switched to driver as a comparison. I'll remember that for next time.

    2 hours ago, BMart519 said:

    I use the apps strictly on an iPhone as one of the main selling features was iOS compatibility with no subscription fees. The need to enter your login information each time, the fact the unit can never connect to my phone on the first attempt, and other small aspects of the software is very clunky so I have never bothered to even try playing sim golf rounds this winter (I don't intend to putt). If an engineer who works with computers all day can't be bothered with the software, I can't imagine less tech savvy people would enjoy it. Not to mention the battery and charging issues. 

    I know you've mentioned this before and I unfortunately cannot replicate your issues with an iPhone 7. Which in itself is troublesome as I've read similar experiences on different forums. I am not prompted to login each time. Software is definitely clunky, however. The last update fixed the slow connection times and that seems OK again. The E6 software seemed to work OK, however after about an hour of play the iPhone 7 starts to stutter occasionally as the phone heats up a bit rendering the graphics. My battery life has decreased a bit since new, but I didn't have the same charging issues you had and I've run it completely out of battery several times.

    On that note, I've also noticed when the battery reaches it's "low" state, the readings tend to get more erratic as well.

    2 hours ago, BMart519 said:

    For ease of use and setup time I still default to my voice caddie SC200 to capture swing speed info when training with the Stack and also measuring ball speed as a proxy for strike quality with a given club. I know it is less accurate with estimated spin but I get 20-50% estimated spin reads on MEVO anyway and the SC200 does a temperature and pressure calibration for elevation at startup. 

    My experience so far doesn't have me running to another platform just yet, but I was thinking the other day I should start saving for the GC3 or whatever it's equivalent will be in 2-3 years. I think a camera-based system would be better for my setup anyway.

  10. We're heading into mid-April, and we've still not had great weather for golf. As my range has not opened yet for the season, I've been using the Mevo+ indoors longer than I would have assumed I would. (The range opened March 21 last year...)

    I feel like I'm seeing more of the limitations with the Mevo+ indoors, especially after having a fitting on Trackman a few weeks ago. But overall the Mevo+ (and the Pro Pack) have been an excellent purchase. My bullet-pointed review of the Mevo+ as an indoor unit (which I would consider to be its most likely use) would be as follows:

    • Excels at mid-irons.
    • Wedges and short irons are likely overestimated in distance due to spin reading too low.
    • Flight characteristics of ball speeds >= 150 MPH seem erratic. Largely due to spin. But I've also noticed well-struck drivers occasionally read extremely low ball speeds despite high swing speeds. So it's either misreading the speed of the club (which seem to be in line with my Trackman fitting) or missing the ball somewhat.
    • Driver flight is extremely erratic depending on spin read. Very common for me to see drives take massive right or left turns. I know driver is not my strong suit but I did not have a single shot like that on Trackman during my fitting.
    • Certain readings just seem "off" at times. Today I had angle of attack readings for a 4 utility reading near -8 degrees but my swings were just fine. I had drivers that read +5-+6 AoA but launched at only ~10 degrees. Nothing like that on my Trackman fitting a few weeks ago. 
  11. On 4/9/2022 at 1:47 PM, cksurfdude said:

    ..just catching up on older posts, and maybe a moot point now that it's Spring, but .. suggestion: maybe try turning your hitting mat 90 degrees so you have a little more room on it to stand back from the ball..?

    The camera is creating a bit of an optical illusion because the mat is 4'x'4 square. I normally have a Fiberbuilt Flightdeck hitting area for full shots. Sometimes I hit wedges off the square mat since it's less forgiving.

    Probably really stems back to just getting too much in my heels and being in close. Focus lately has been to get more athletic in my posture with space.

  12. 4 hours ago, mynerds said:
    • Would you recommend a different large fitter (e.g. TrueSpec, GolfTec, PGA Superstore, Cool Clubs) to avoid the pushy business model of CC or is that just the nature of the beast?

    I have not used any of those other places so I cannot comment on the experience at them. I don't think Club Champion is a bad place to be fit at all, but it is clear they are making most of their money from the build process post-fitting.

    4 hours ago, mynerds said:
    1. Do you have any advice for a relatively inexperienced player on narrowing club head and shafts prior to the fitting? I expect that game improvement or super game improvement irons will work best for me so a fancy shaft seems about as helpful as a turbo on a minivan. Is that enough to keep things on track or do I need to further narrow down to specific brands to try?

    Do you have a local golf shop that does launch monitor fittings? If you are just trying to figure out what's best for you without going off the deep end with shaft and head choices, I bet they would be a good place to start. One of our local shops has a Trackman fitting area and they are reasonably priced (something like ~$80-90 for an iron fitting). I've been through a fitting with them before. They start you on the Mizuno shaft optimizer to get a few recommendations and then go from there. 

    Sounds like the biggest thing for you is just getting a chance to try a bunch of different stuff without breaking the bank. You could certainly walk into Club Champion and say I want to test stock, no upcharge shafts only, but that's not really the goal of their environment in my opinion.

  13. 1 hour ago, Getoffmylawn said:

    Sorry if you posted it and I missed it:  what Steelfiber did you order?  I’ve got the 95s in my irons, 110s in my wedges.

    Stiff i125s. Also grabbed (2) KBS Hi-Rev 125s for the wedges and bought a used MIM 50 degree gap which came with the Hi-Rev already. 

    Ferrules showed up yesterday, grips will be here Saturday, but the shafts haven't shipped yet. Was hoping to have them by the weekend to cut/assemble, but looks like I may be starting my season with the Sub70s for a few rounds.

  14. 1 hour ago, MWGolf23 said:

    @edingc Just sent you a comment on another post, checked out this and I'm guessing you are in West Michigan like me with Jake at CC and formerly MH! Nice review! I have some gift cards for CC that I need to redeem. Never have been there before and appreciate the review, nice job. Would you say Jake is the best there? Also, who's your coach and how do you like them? What have they helped with the most? I've never had lessons and am maybe testing the waters and researching some around here. Nice chatting with a fellow West Michigander.

    Jake is the store manager. I think they have three fitters in total including him, but I'm not sure on the backgrounds of the other two. I felt most comfortable going with Jake (third fitting with him now), so that's why I scheduled with him.

    I'll shoot you a PM with some of the other info you asked about.

  15. 1 hour ago, MWGolf23 said:

    Are you referring to the Swing Speed Radar? I feel like something changed with mine and cannot get accurate readings. It seems to be 10-15mph off compared to Trackman. I feel like it used to work pretty accurately 2 years ago, but now I can't seem to get an accurate reading. I believe I've had it in the correct setting and the recommended placement. I've looked at the online forums and YouTube videos. Curious what your settings and placement looks like.

    Yes, that's the one I have.

    I don't hit balls with it ever, but do use it to track driver swings without a ball and the SuperSpeed (in my case Rypstick) swings. Typically I have it setup like the following depending on what I'm doing:


    I have noticed funky readings if the batteries are starting to die. Might try swapping for a fresh set? Otherwise, I just turn it on in golf mode and have it fully extended. It at least shows trends, which is really all I care about.

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