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Posts posted by edingc

  1. On 2/28/2022 at 11:38 AM, BMart519 said:

    and still have not been able to figure out how to unlock local conditions on FS Golf.

    I just saw this part. If I understand your problem correctly, the solution is that you need an Internet connection when you open the FS Golf App and then select your radar mode and let the weather conditions update. Then you can connect to the Mevo+ from that screen and select "Local Weather" before starting your session.

    This seems to work for me on both an Android with 4G and an iOS device with only wireless connectivity.

  2. 27 minutes ago, Josh Ross said:

    I haven't missed my line once with the thing and all I've got to do is make the right read because I know with full confidence I'm putting the ball on my intended line every time.

    Agreed. Any time I'm not on line it's because of my aim and not my stroke. I haven't practiced putting a lot this winter because frankly the LAB is so simple I just haven't needed to! 

    @cnosil What specs did you order?

  3. I'm hopeful this is my final winter update before I can actually get outside on the range and course. I was able to chip and pitch quite a bit in my backyard over the past two weeks. Once this current line of snow subsides I'm convinced we've turned the corner into spring.

    I had what will be my last offseason lesson today, and it was very promising. I've been hitting the ball pretty well recently, but suffering from an overdraw/hook. My right hand was turning over too much through impact and shutting down the face. To correct, it only took a feeling like I was hitting more of a cut. It boils down to me feeling my right shoulder stay higher with an open face as the club exits left.

    I didn't warm up much, but since it was such a minor change my instructor had me try to ramp up the speed today. It was awesome to confirm the numbers I've been seeing recently on the Mevo+ at home carried over to the Trackman. I saw a couple 8 irons at 94+ MPH club with ball speeds around 128 MPH and carry at 170+. I switched to my 6 iron at the end of the lesson and finished the day with a flushed 200-yard carry. 

    The video below shows a face-on and down-the-line excerpt of swings from the lesson. Lots of good stuff in there.

    I've recently restarted speed training with the Rypstick. I have also shifted from Wayland's Big Hitters Manual to Fit for Golf's in-season power program. The FFG program is less volume than the Big Hitter's Manual. It keeps the focus on the big lifts and some medicine ball work, perfect for when I'm busier.

    I'm starting to see the results from my winter training. One benchmark I've hit recently is 170 MPH ball speed with my driver. While the consistency is still questionable, its been a huge motivator.

    I paid for my course membership this past weekend, and I expect to get over to the practice facility to purchase my range membership soon. I'm hoping the range opens within the next three weeks and my course should be shortly behind that. Hoping for an excellent year of fun and progress.

  4. On 2/21/2022 at 7:27 AM, edingc said:

    184.2. (+3.4 from two weeks ago, -1.4 from start).

    Nothing to blame but myself. Still happy to be hanging around the same weight, but also not happy with my dedication. Oh well. Onward.

    Been a bit irregular posting. I was 184.0 this morning, so down 1.6 from when I "started." 

    Going to be a better week! I can feel it.

  5. 3 hours ago, MmmmmmBuddy said:

    Can confirm.  Our budget had to be adjusted because of the substantial increase in chemical costs for this year.. That plus the increase in fuel costs mean that golf is going to get more expensive in 2022. Not something that I am looking forward to having to explain to people for the next 8 months..

    Yes, he sent a letter to members explaining why things had gone up. I usually ask for a small discount because I rarely take actual tee times (always early or after last tee time for day) and didn't even bother to ask this year. I'd be so bummed if he shut down or sold so I'm hoping others understand as well.

    1 hour ago, Lacassem said:

    Course revamps like this while not simple and may go unnoticed to many are absolutely necessary. Even better if they replant some small guys to grow over the years somewhere else.

    Local course that’s struggled for years is doing this. Removing a lot of overgrown trees, I counted 58 trees when I played in the fall that they tagged. Can’t wait to play there!

    sounds like you’re in the same realm as us potentially for open, I’m guessing about 4 weeks. Early season 🙏

    We had a great winter for removing trees, much better than last. Between tree removal and additional overseeding and aeration I think it's going to be in the best shape I've ever seen it in this season.

    I'm guessing last week of March or early April if all holds the course. I don't start playing more often until May. And this year I'm hoping to jam more rounds into the Memorial Day to July 4 window when morning light is most conducive to playing.

  6. Bought my 2022 membership this morning! I've been texting with the owner and he said they were able to take out 33 trees over the winter, all bigger than about 18-24" in diameter. Several holes are "unrecognizable," according to him.

    That's wonderful news as there were several holes that just couldn't be played the way they were supposed to be because of overgrown trees, let alone a few tee boxes that were choked out of sunlight. I can't wait to see the changes. He's probably 3-4 weeks out from opening yet as he tends to wait until the grass has started growing, unlike some other courses around here (some of which are open this weekend, already).

    Downside is that membership went up $200 as his costs are way up. He said some fertilizer is up 300 percent from last season. Not much can be done to avoid that, I guess. I still will play enough to make it worth it, but my practice facility membership and the course dues went up a total of $275 over last year. Practice facility itself is up $275 since 2019. Crazy!

  7. Hit for about 90 minutes last night in the garage again. Decent enough results, but took a few swings to get back into feeling right. I played a sim round with my brother-in-law on Tuesday and started to slip into some bad habits already.

    With irons, I really need to feel a big hip turn and then a high finish to keep me from shutting the face down through impact. I don't think I'm actually finishing much higher. I'm sure it's more feel/intent than anything else. When I get it right I can consistently get 2-4 degrees in-to-out with a face-to-path of -1 to -2, so almost ideal.

    I also hit about 35 balls with my gamer driver for the first time in a while, trying to find the success I had at the end of last season. Took about 20 balls to find the right swing. Started out feeling too much left in the swing, which was leading to pull-fades. Then went to try to feel more right, which was leading to overdraws and hooks. Finally got a nice feel of hands going more right but, like with the irons, feeling less hands in the release. I combined that with feeling really wide in the backswing. That got me hitting a bunch of nice ones around 165-168 ball speed with good height, accuracy and distance. 

    Still have a ways to go, but I am starting to see more balls finish in the 50 yard margin with the driver. This also very much illustrates my left hooky miss.


    Very excited to get out on the course here hopefully soon!

  8. 31 minutes ago, DiscipleofPenick said:

    Something that seemed off to me was the grip options. Not for lacking, but cost. Selecting any option other than the PXG grip was a $30 upcharge. I consider that excessive for grips that are under $10.

    I actually have my brother-in-law's 0211 driver right now as I just regripped it with a Tour Velvet 360 for him. The PXG/Lamkin Z5 was not his favorite. Easy enough to fix.

    He has the 10.5 degree 0211 with the Evenflow Riptide CB 6.0. I've swung it once and liked it. Looks nice down at the ball. I think you'll end up liking yours as well! Thanks for doing the unofficial review.

  9. Couple of things have caught my eye over the past few weeks:

    • Callaway Apex 21 4 Hybrid - Can currently grab one for ~$170 delivered and taxed in "Like New" condition from CPO. I have the Epic Flash hybrid and love it, would only be looking to change for change's sake. And maybe the hope the Apex might be a little less draw-biased.
    • PXG irons, specifically the Gen3 0311Ps and 0311Ts. Pricing is very hard to compete with, but if I want to stick with graphite I'd be looking at either needing to pull my MMTs (which is a PITA) or purchase Recoils or new MMTs. At that point I could get into Apex Pro 21s with MMT from the factory for about the same price.

    I've just been so incredibly happy with gapping over my winter work that I haven't been comfortable with pulling the trigger on something before the season starts. I don't feel like anything in my bag is particularly holding me back.

    That being said, I keep saying I wanted to do a Club Champion fitting mid-summer, but I'm thinking I may need to schedule one earlier to scratch the itch. I'm too well gapped out right to justify blind buying as it took me a while to get my current setup just right.

  10. 21 hours ago, THEZIPR23 said:

    Saturday morning 2/26/22 #4 Madera Golf & Country Club 201 yards front right pin position into a slight breeze 4 iron starts 2 yards left of flag and starts falling right. As the ball continues to fall towards the hole I say "Oh just go in", I had just text my wife on the 3rd hole that this was going to be a laugh at myself round. I just started a series of lessons and the first round with a grip change and the golf club feels like a complete foreign object in my hand. Ended up being one of my worst rounds in 5 years. But back to the above, ball is still tracking and as it continues to fall this thing has a REAL chance of getting close. Balls hits the ground 6" right of the hole takes a bounce. And guess what that thing did....giphy.gif

    THAT MUTHA WENT IN!!!!!! I AM NO LONGER ACELESS!!!! (I still mourn for of all of you on this thread).


    Side Note: My son for about 10 years straight once he figured out that I had never had a hole in one would ask me after every round, and I mean every round if I made one. He is 16 now so he stopped asking after every round but he still asks every once in a while. So as I am driving up to the green I face time him and walk to the hole to get the ball out with him on. It was a pretty cool moment. However with all the excitement and the call I took ZERO pictures 🤣. Hence the quoted photo of the same hole and almost the same exact shot except this one WENT IN!!!!

    Congratulations! That's really awesome. 

  11. 18 hours ago, Tom the Golf Nut said:

    I'm usually the first one off in the morning. If I find a ball, I know it wasn't in play thus a found ball. However if it has someone's name on it, if I see him I'll give it to him or leave it on the pro shop desk. But for the most part I don’t find many balls with personalized markings on them. I'm not a ball hunter but sometimes our grounds crew finds them while mowing, grading bunkers, and such and they leave them by the side of the green for whoever wants them. 


    27 minutes ago, GolfSpy_BOS said:

    I’m 100% a ball snob too… but I throw them in a ziplock and label them “crap balls” to give to my brother or one of my friends learning the game.  

    As a usually first off person I'm in the same boat with finding balls. Last year I got so many that I stopped picking them up altogether at times because my cart and my bag were both full at different points of the year.

    My general rule is that urethane balls get saved for practice and anything else gets left unless it's in really good shape or colored. My course owner once told me colored balls sell extremely well out of his "gently used" barrel he has in the clubhouse. Once I get a handful of colored ones saved up I go in and dump them in his stock. Sure enough, next time I go in to the clubhouse the colored ones are usually gone.

  12. IMG_29112021_093516_(1280_x_960_pixel).jpg.6ca39eec0fd9facd8dcbcbef943fe371.jpg

    Titleist ProV1x RCT Golf Balls – Unofficial MGS Forum Review by edingc

    Feb. 26, 2022

    We're getting closer to spring here in Michigan, and so my testing of the Titleist ProV1x RCT golf balls is hopefully coming to an end soon! With exception to a few trips to my garage where I didn't bother to bring the RCTs out, the balls have been getting a ton of use since they arrived in November.

    Since I purchased these balls specifically for use indoors using my FlightScope Mevo+ radar unit, my review is based solely on the balls' usefulness in my particular setup. In my garage, the Mevo+ is set on indoor mode at 17-18 degrees tilt. I have 12-13 feet of ball flight from tee to netting, and the Mevo+ is positioned eight feet behind my Fiberbuilt FlightDeck.

    Almost all of my hitting is done on the FlightScope range through the FSGolf app.

    General Impressions - 4/5 Stars

    Minus the RCT logo on the side of the ball, these look and feel identical to the regular ProV1x. It is my understanding these are legal for use on course as well, though the price of them would be prohibitive.

    I'm deducting one star for the price of the golf balls, which carry a decent premium from the standard Titleist tour-level balls. Currently, Titleist has the indoor radar-trackable ball market cornered. Unless another manufacturer chooses to invest in this niche segment, I don't know that the price is a deterrent to purchasing, especially since most indoor golfers have already sunk at least $2,000 into their setups.

    Durability - 5/5 Stars

    I've logged thousands of shots using the RCTs this winter. I ordered the RCTs after cracking three metallic-dotted balls within 200 shots each a few days after setting up my hitting area for the off season. In the time I've had the RCTs, I've cracked three total. I estimate each of the cracked balls sustained well over 1,500 strikes, including at least 200 driver swings each. 

    Obviously, as the number of strikes goes up, the cover does start to degrade a bit. It is accelerated in my garage because the balls sometime contact the bare concrete. But that is of no fault to Titleist.

    Functionality - 3.5/5 Stars

    Indoor golf is definitely not perfect, especially with the cheaper Mevo+ radar. I'd estimate the Mevo+ is extremely accurate in the mid-irons, but I think it struggles with high ball speeds and in high launch scenarios (i.e. longer clubs and wedges).

    The RCTs performed admirably with the Mevo+ and helped improved the consistency of readings throughout my bag. When the RCTs were new, the overall data and the ball spin readings of the Mevo+ felt spot on with the strikes.

    I'm a lower spin player, and combined with the Fiberbuilt mat my measured spin was a little lower than I'd like to see on the course. It will be interesting to compare distances and numbers once I get back outside.

    I mentioned above that the readings with the RCTs were very good when the balls were newer. I noticed the readings became more erratic as the cover sustained damage. I'd get more shots with 10,000+ measured spin and more estimated (italicized) readings. My hypothesis is that the metal implanted just below the cover also becomes damaged and reduces the Mevo+'s ability to correctly measure the spin.

    My favorite part of the RCTs is not needing to use a metallic dot. Not only do balls last a lot longer when you spread the strikes randomly, it is much faster to simply put a ball on the mat rather than needing to perfectly align a small dot. Additionally, in my setup I found the dots to be especially finicky.

    Overall Rating - 4/5 Stars

    Not much to say here other than the balls are an expensive, but seemingly necessary investment to get the best numbers out of the Mevo+ indoors. I gave one to my instructor to test with his Trackman and have so far used five myself, leaving me with two new sleeves left. If I can make it through a winter using less than three sleeves of golf balls they are definitely worth the price. I imagine I will buy another dozen at the beginning of next off season as well.

  13. 11 hours ago, GolfSpy_CS said:

    I was going to ask if anyone had tried this yet.  I would hope that it would be more accurate than the PRGR or Blue Speed Radar.  The PRGR is within 1 MPH on ball speed compared to TrackMan every single time.  Obviously carry difference is a bit hit or miss, and it measures clubhead speed faster (closer to Quad than Trackman).  But if Flightscope can do this accurately, which I don't see why it wouldn't be, that would be huge for speed training. 


    9 hours ago, GolfSpy MPR said:

    I'll try to set it up tomorrow with the blue radar; hopefully, I can run both at the same time without interference. From what I've read online, the blue radar tends to read a bit fast, so if the Mevo is coming in consistently ~5mph under the blue radar, I'd take that as a good sign.

    After seeing @GolfSpy MPR's post yesterday, I actually went out and tried the new swing speed feature myself with both my Rypstick and an old 45" TaylorMade Bubble driver I keep laying around in my basement. I also have the blue radar to compare.

    Initial reports would be that the blue radar is probably 5-8 or maybe even 10 MPH faster than the Mevo+ depending on the swing. I feel that they both have their sensitivities that can effect the speeds shown. The Mevo+ really seemed to read the most "correct" when I maintained 8 feet distance. The blue radar tends to be very touchy about angle and where the club is swinging in it's radar field. 

    But, overall I was pretty happy with the Mevo+. It was a little tough because my lawn is still frozen and I didn't have golf shoes on, so I was slipping quite a bit. But I saw my "light" dominant Rypstick speeds touch 130 (on the blue radar they top out around 138-141) and with two weights in I topped 120 once.

    With the driver I moved to my concrete patio. On Monday I recorded a couple of swings at 124 MPH on the blue radar, last night my best was just shy of 117 on the Mevo+. Of course, it was 50 degrees on Monday and like 20 degrees last night, so I'm sure that may be impacting things as well. Totally plausible that the blue radar is more accurate than I think.

  14. 1 hour ago, blackngold_blood said:

    It was definitely different. Ball speed wasn’t quite as high as I’m used to but I was in work clothes with no warmup. Super high launch and higher spin with the Cally Mavrik head but it felt really good. I would definitely require low loft and a low spin head to make it work. 

    Really excited about the data from the Full Swing simulator. 

    I couldn't get the Mavrik to cooperate with my AutoFlex. But yes, you are correct: Epic Max LS at 8 degrees seems to love the AF.

    1 hour ago, cnosil said:

    Putters......thinking it is time to add another putter and a LAB putter might be high up on the list. 

    I wish the MEZZ model had been out when I bought my LAB, but overall it's been a great purchase for my game.

  15. 2 hours ago, Getoffmylawn said:

    So, after much deliberation, penny pinching, and a little bit of spouse fear, I took the plunge and bought the Stack System.

    From the beginning of January through mid-February I'd been plugging along on the revised/new SuperSpeed protocols, with Wednesday being the SuperSpeed C protocols.

    Monday & Friday Level 3 progress looks like this:


    While there is a discernible but slow uptick in the trendline, overall part of the reason for going to the Stack was the impression of a bit a training plateau.  My peak Max Out speed with the green stick was 134, 3 mph slower than level 2, and at the start of this protocol I maxed out at 128...my past workout with this protocol I maxed out at 129.  Granted, energy levels will vary and the overall trendline is more important.  And, my shoulder issues aren't helping.  But, I generally felt like I would do well with a change.

    Kind of a similar story with the C Club:


    I hit 140 a couple times with the C Club, but that's 4 mph off of my Level 2 peak, and again, the trendline is increasing slightly but not quite as aggressively as I'd like.

    Overall, I'm not knocking SuperSpeed.  As compared to my starting speeds way back at Level 1, I've seen a 16-17 mph jump across the green, red, and blue sticks.  But, there's a lot about the Stack System that appeals to me, namely the adaptive AI and the tailored vs one-size-fits all training plan.  I intend to post a more in-depth comparison/unofficial review in the future once I have more experience with the Stack.

    So, I'm off and running on a new training plan!  I like where I'm starting off so far:


    I'm rooting for you to break through your plateau. When it happens, I'll be that much closer to pulling the trigger on the Stack System.

  16. 10 minutes ago, Tiftaaft said:

    Great looking swing E!  I would be interested to see your swing from the front too.  I'm curious how your weight shifts in the backswing and downswing... Not to provide comments, but to learn for myself.  

    Thanks! Unfortunately with my current setup I don't have room for a face-on camera angle (the garage wall is right there). But hopefully I'll be out on the driving range by the end of March!

    As far as specific thoughts to my pressure shift, this video from Matt Blois/Larry Cheung resonated with me this week:

    One of the things I struggle with is a proper turn on the backswing and my focus this offseason has just been working on setup and figuring on what works best for my physical limitations. My tendency is to sway and get a bunch of false turn, which obviously not great.

    For me specifically, my right hip has a very below average amount of internal rotation, while my left hip has a greater than average amount of external rotation. I've always flared my feet slightly, but recently have been adopting a stance where my left (lead) foot is very close to square while my right (trail) foot is closer to 35-45 degrees at times.


    This gets me in a position where I can turn my hips pretty freely. Now, reviewing the video I can see that I'm closed to target quite a bit, which definitely could explain my overdraws as well.

  17. Been working with longer clubs trying to better test/cement swing changes. Still struggling with my path getting a little too in-to-out with a shut clubface. This particular one was better. Watching video I noticed on the worst ones I get a little too inside with the club in the takeaway which is then draw/hook city if I hit it well.

    Lots of good things to be happy about in this swing, however. Amazing to go back and watch stuff from when I joined MGS versus now.


  18. We've been above freezing and soggy, which has cleared the snow off my back patio and part of the back yard for the time being. I managed to hit about a tube and a half of chips/pitches last night before the cold/darkness got to me. Really decent results for the first time not hitting indoors since like November. Really was just working on staying connected and had some good results. Only lost one ball to the snow when I smoked a flop shot well past my target.

    It was nice hitting to an actual target again and not just a net, even if only for chips. If this weather keeps it up, I might start to see a few courses open up in 2-3 weeks time.

  19. Locally, we've lost four that I can recall over the past three years and another is closing soon. Two closed up right before COVID, one closed during 2020 and another closed after the 2020 season. Another just sold out this past offseason and 2022 will be its last season. I believe all five have been or will be developed into subdivisions.

    Michigan obviously has/had a glut of courses compared to many areas, but the "affordable" and beginner-friendly ones are getting tougher to find. One of those that closed before 2020 was a favorite of my college roommate and mine. It was something like $12 for nine holes with a cart, and each time you went around they'd charge you less and less. I think we did 27 or 36 holes once, by the last time we went around they charged us like $2. It wasn't a nice course by any means but golf is golf! Another was a well-maintained par 60 executive that was great for people learning the game.

    It takes a ton of work to maintain these courses and most of these closures are just from people who were tired of the hours and scraping by financially, unfortunately. The one that is closing soon has been doing great business but the owners want to retire and no one in their family wants to run it as a course. Naturally, it's worth a ton more as developable land than as a course.

    I worry about my course. Thankfully the owner is mid-30s and seems to love what he does. It is also not particularly valuable land (literal farmland not that close to anything huge) at the moment, but that can change as more people seem to be building mansions in the middle of no where around here.

    It's getting tougher to swallow watching these courses close because many rounds around here are now $50+ with a cart. A course I grew up near (and has now unfortunately been featured multiple times by the friggin' Fried Egg) is up to $48 to walk on a peak season weekend.

  20. Not too much new to add as I haven't hit the AutoFlex much this winter. I haven't wanted to risk hitting driver when it's super cold in my garage for sake of safety for both head and shaft.

    However, yesterday afternoon it was warm enough to get out and hit for a while. My Mevo+ recently received the newest updates and they added acceleration profiles to the software. Apparently, a linear pattern approaching impact (pink line) indicates a shaft that is stable. If the line hooked up at the end then the shaft may be deflecting too much coming into impact.


    The slight bump in acceleration heading into impact is interesting because I don't see that with my irons. I will have to swap shafts back to the Rogue White to see what I see there.

    For what it's worth, this is still the 505X and yesterday my average swing speed reported by Mevo+ over 54 drivers was 113 MPH with a max of 116 MPH. If this chart is any indication, the 505X holds up well.

  21. On 2/14/2022 at 8:29 AM, edingc said:


    Was a rough weekend for me overall and didn't bother stepping on the scale this morning. Back at it today.

    184.2. (+3.4 from two weeks ago, -1.4 from start).

    Nothing to blame but myself. Still happy to be hanging around the same weight, but also not happy with my dedication. Oh well. Onward.

  22. 1 hour ago, bens197 said:

    So a quick (not really) review and (not so) brief story on the 223...

    I really was looking to get into the 223 but wanted to be sure it was THE best iron of the sample.  We started with the Mizuno shaft optimizer while hitting a 921 tour head.  A few swings later and the suggested batch were: 

    1) Dynamic Gold X100

    2) Project X 6.5

    3) $ Taper X

    I have no experience with 2 or 3 and plenty with the DG, and quite honestly I wasn't very surprised.  My tempo and swing really match up well with the Dynamic Gold.  At this stage however, I really want a club that feels better as long as it performs...

    So that was our starting point.  My fitter knew what I was playing and has known me for 20 years so we have a good basis of my game and how I play.  Irons have always been my achilles heel and of all the parts of my game, an iron fitting is something I need to help close that gap.

    I hit a half dozen shots with my PTx Pro 7 iron to establish a baseline.  From there we had several heads to work with.

    Mizuno Pro 223

    Mizuno Pro 225

    Mizuno JPX Tour 921

    Srixon ZX7

    Callaway X Forged UT

    First priority was shaft.  The DG was what I'd come to known, solid, not remarkably responsive and steady.  Pretty much the pair of daily dad shoes you wear around the house, for grocery shopping and staring at your house from the front lawn.

    The $ Taper was harsh.  Perhaps I don't have the chops for this shaft but it just did not mesh with me.  Shorter in distance, thin and abrasive feel and quite honestly just not something I loved.  My presumption is this is more for a strong and aggressive tempo player who wants something more solid with a lower priority on feel.

    The Project X was the biggest disappointment.  It wasn't harsh, just very meh.  I was actually thinking this could be a winner from the optimizer and help me bring spin down a little bit.  Not so much.  It felt awful and didn't really rock my world.

    A couple shafts down was the Modus 115 in an X.  I took one swing and it was the perfect harmony.  The performance of the DG with the feel I am accustomed to.  The feel was great, gross weight was nice but the numbers were spot on.  

    The photo below has my numbers compared between DG and Modus.  We prioritized what was important for my game and the data was supported by feel and results.  

    From that point we agreed the Modus was THE shaft.  Now it was time to figure out which head to proceed with.  Took several swings with each and each had their own positives and negatives.  The 223 had the looks and the feel and gave me that confirmation bias I was looking for...but I wanted to be sure.

    225...Not what I hoped for.  Numbers were not better, not longer and quite honestly did not feel great.  My intention going into this was a 4 & 5 with the 225 and the 6-P would be 223.

    Mizuno JPX Tour 921...Good, just not better than the 223.

    Srixon ZX7...LOOKS phenomenal. A nice throwback to the older days with squared edges and clean looks.  The design team did a phenomenal job with these irons on first glance. They fell short for me with feel and performance.  Quite honestly, it doesn't feel amazing and the numbers were slightly below the 223 in performance.  I could easily game these but they were not better than the 223's.  

    Callaway X Forged UT...dude.  This was a random shot in the dark.  I am not a Callaway guy and haven't thought much of playing them.  We put them in a Modus 120 X and I gave a few swings.  A more rounded profile that Callaway is known for yet a very pleasant club to look at.  Feel...pure love.  Absolutely phenomenal.  If I were swinging blind, I would have a difficult time differentiating between the UT and the 223.  For anyone who is a Callaway fan and hasn't given these a shot in the past year, you should.  I had to stop and take break to reset because these were serious contenders.  When we got back into it, my bad swings were still better with the 223...and after 45 minutes of swinging for the first time this season, there were some bad swings and they were more prevalent with the Callaway.

    After one hour of swings, it was clear that the Mizuno Pro 223 was a better club than what I already have in my bag.  

    So they're on order...Mizuno Pro 223 4-PW, Nippon Modus 115 X with Lamkin ST Hybrid Calibrate grips.

    Should be here in 3-4 weeks.

    Thanks for hanging around...the photo is the difference between DG and Modus shafts with the 223 head.  


    Thanks for sharing your experience! Those Modus numbers look great.

    The 223s have been on my must try list as well. 

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