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Posts posted by edingc

  1. 1 hour ago, cnosil said:

    35/40:75 today.   7 fairways, 10 greens, 29 putts.     Played pretty well with a few bad shots; 4 birdies really helped the score.   After my practice session last week using the GW for short game shots,  I put that into play today and did really well.  Definitely going to be something that I continue to do.  

    I watched the TXG video with Matt and Gareth last night and went back to the GW today for some short game work too. Worked really well.

    Nice round!

  2. - 41/39 = 80 (+8)
    - 6/15 FIR
    - 8/18 GIR
    - 32 Putts (1 3-putt, 11 2-putts, 6 1-putts)

    One of those weird rounds where the score was much better than how I played? I did chip and putt well so that helped keep the score from ballooning.

    Just not comfortable this morning standing over the ball at all. With exception to one or two shots, I pretty much blocked the ball all over the course and struck stuff poorly, including two stone-cold tops with my 4 hybrid on the front nine. Just got some lucky bounces, stayed out of the penalty areas and didn't get overly frustrated with myself. 

    I think I am rolling the club inside on the takeaway, but I just had no sensation of what a good swing should feel like today.

  3. 35 minutes ago, goaliewales14 said:

    The release for me was really something that I struggled with for the long band.  It took a lot of slow reps inside before I got it down.  I'll be curious what you think of it in the fall when you have time to work through it!

    To provide an update on mine, I have completely worked it into my warm up routine before a round.  In the warm up protocol, they have you hitting 5 shots with the bands followed by 5 shots without it.  For me, it just reminds me of the feel I need before I play.  I only do 2-3 rounds of it during the warm up before I take it off and just finish without it.  You will definitely get a few weird looks, but when you out score them, then the weird looks go away 🙂 

    Good feedback. I did mess around with it some more with really slow reps. I'm fine all the way through the swing until the very finish. My wrists turn over to the left instead of hinging up. Will be interesting to see if I can change that motion easily.

    Still loving the short band, and doing a lot of work with it. The takeaway feel is amazing, as I was a habitual arm roller in the backswing.

  4. So I had been hesitant to try out the longer full swing band. So far, the short pitch band has worked wonderfully for my irons and driver. But curiosity got the best of me today after watching the advanced protocol videos.

    Total disaster! Love the backswing and downswing feel, but the finish is just not something I'm going to try to implement without some guidance from my instructor. My issue is that I do have some release of the wrists after impact, which seems to be majorly discouraged by the band. That means the band snaps under my arms instead of staying on top.

    I'm going to continue using the pitch band for the foreseeable future, and maybe this fall when I'm back into a "changing my swing" mood, I'll examine the full swing band in more depth.

    I'm sure the PlaneMate method would be better than what I have now, but I'm playing really good golf right now and am not wanting to go chasing something totally foreign to me.

  5. 47 minutes ago, JohnSmalls said:

    I meant to ask that.  I got it on my F9 and while it is great when it is set straight...it caused some trouble when I changed the hosel settings.  Interested to see how it plays out for y'all (youse). 


    38 minutes ago, B.Boston said:

    Normally I am a logo down kind of guy. But the M5 I have has a MCC on it and the grip and shaft logos are all over the place because of the settings I have it on. Turns out it doesn’t bother me while playing as much as it does aesthetically.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I requested logo down on mine, but I forgot about the alignment with the adapter. Could always black it out with a marker, I suppose!

    I got spoiled with the Callaway adapters that move independently of the shaft orientation.

  6. 16 minutes ago, B.Boston said:

    Well nearlllllly 950 posts in so it’s probably about time some photos of actual carbony goodness was shared here. 
    A short 20 hours after leaving Cobra in Carlsbad, CA a FedEx truck backed into my driveway with the first of several packages. Today’s box of joy contained my Speedzone Driver, 5-wood, and hybrid. 

    so without further delay...








    happy in their new home for now


    also feeling Realllly good about going your length. This is only 1 mph slower than my highest speed ever. 😍



    My oh my.

    Did we make the right decision with the Sonars?

  7. 7 hours ago, JohnSmalls said:

    Testers, have you seen any movement in your baseline numbers that are surprising? 

    No, through 13 rounds now I'd say the numbers are pretty fair. My putting has come back down to Earth a bit, driver has improved a bit, but everything else is holding right around where Arccos pegged me after the first few rounds, including overall handicap.

    One of the coolest things Arccos has shown me so far is that top-to-bottom my bag is gapped very well for being almost completely DIY and built in my basement over the winter.

  8. Like @B.Boston, there is a small change to my order as well. I will be gaming C-Taper Lites in X-stiff rather than stiff due to availability, and they will be straight-in from 4-iron to 58 degree wedge.

    Shouldn't be too big of a deal, the fitter I worked with said I could easily be in X-stiff CTLs, but I hit the regular stiffs so well that we didn't try changing flexes. There is a difference of 5 grams in uncut weight between the two flexes (110 grams vs. 115 grams).

    Sounds like we should have clubs in hand shortly! 

  9. 5 minutes ago, juspoole said:

    I'm with you - I did already get consent from the wife for the skytrak.  I'm leaning towards the net return pro with impact screen for ease since I will have to take it up and down in the garage pretty often.

    I have a decent mat, well section, I just bought an 11" by 30" section of the country club elite reel feel.  Was able to get that for $35 bucks and has been well worth it.

    What are you using for a stance mat? I actually have the same exact section of CCE mat. I bought some foam interlocking tiles from Menards a while ago that I intended on layering together as a stance mat, but I think they would be too squishy. The CCE strip is like 1.75 inches thick so that's been causing me some issues trying to design a platform for it. 

    The Net Return Pro looks great but it's probably too much money for me right now. Like I mentioned, I bought 12 feet of industrial curtain track and rollers last year, so my plan is to buy two 10'x15' sections of impact netting from Amazon (less than $150 combined) and have them hooked to that with some overlap. I will have to put hooks in the ceiling to connect the "tails" to the ceiling at an angle on each end to so that I can have some shank protection. I think with the roller track I could roll everything to one side and bungee cord it out of the way.

  10. I priced out a mat, impact screen and some netting for my garage. Last year, I bought some industrial curtain track but never got around to buying a net to hit into.

    Last winter, I spent $400 at the heated range. It's a 50+ mile round trip from my house, so I spent a bunch more time and gas also. If I can get a decent mat and net, I might be about to convince the wife that a SkyTrak is necessary.

  11. 2 hours ago, sirchunksalot said:

    I just ordered the Planemate and am about to look the protocols over on their website. I'll have plenty of time to memorize them since the estimated delivery date is the 24th. Just couldn't bring myself to pay $50 for 2nd day air. I'm excited to see what it's all about. 

    If it's like mine, it will come from China directly through BoxC Logistics. You can track the USPS number through their site to see status in customs. It took something like 10-12 days to get mine.

    I'm excited for you. The improvement on my driver from just a few times working with the PlaneMate (dry swings, mind you) has more than returned my investment. 

    I'm too scared to graduate to the long band, so I've just been doing the introduction protocols for the past two weeks.

  12. 6 hours ago, B.Boston said:

    I mayyyyy need to make some adjustments to my #COBRACONNECT Challenge 4 order due to shaft availability. emoji51.pngemoji51.pngemoji51.png


    Thinking about shafts comparable to the Modus 120 and modus wedge 125. emoji854.png



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Yeah, I've been scrambling a bit today also with trying to find a comparable replacement shaft.

    Fingers crossed we both pick good alternatives!

  13. 1 hour ago, JohnSmalls said:

    What clubs are you expecting to lose their place in your bags to the new cobra sticks?

    Driver, fairway and wedges, most likely.

    Having correctly fit wedges hopefully does a number for my woeful game from 75 and in. Right now I have wedges that are way too upright and with shafts I don't particularly love.

    I don't hit my fairway wood at all right now, so my goal is to make that club a weapon from the tee on shorter holes, and maybe see if I can learn to hit it from the deck on longer par 5s.

    Irons could be a toss up. We'll see how well I get along with the scoring irons, since my current Maltby PTMs are not quite as chunky. Looking at the lofts, I could play a split set with 4-7 Cobras and 7-GW Maltby PTMs pretty seamlessly.

    Driver, well, because it's friggin' awesome looking. Also looking forward to the Rogue Silver because I'm sick of the telephone pole that is the HZRDUS Yellow in my Epic Flash.

  14. 59 minutes ago, Lacassem said:

    Piggy back question with meme. 
    Of the clubs in the bag right now are there any you think will be staying after testing? I know @B.Boston has the 5 wood that’s going to be tough to beat but any others?


    As I alluded to above, it might be tough to pull the F8 4 hybrid out of my bag permanently.

    OOOOORRRRR... does that mean I need a SpeedZone 4 hybrid now? 🤣

    My mind is already thinking about what the SpeedZone 4 Iron might be like with a graphite shaft. Driving iron monster!

  15. 4 hours ago, MaxEntropy said:

    As a Level 1 blog post is being prepared for the entire group, I thought I’d summarize my experience so far. I am just over 2 weeks into the Level 2 protocol, which adds kneeling swings. Below are some thoughts and data on my journey, so far.

    To recap, I started this program with a max driver speed of 102 (min was 93, mean was 96, median was 94). Although I am tracking my progress for every type of swing, both dominant and non-dominant, to keep things shorter, I won’t show them all. If anyone is interest, let me know and I can post and discuss.

    Since this is about driver swing speed, we’ll start there.


    Although there are some peaks and valleys and Level 1 ended poorly, my “after” driver speed is mostly unchanged. I would argue the before speed is what matters since it is the swing that gets taken to the golf course. It did not take long to get to the point that “before” nearly matched “after” with a couple occasions where it exceeded it. As a former higher-speed player, I am wondering if the process of “remembering” speed happens quicker than “retraining” for speed?

    How does all this translate to the course? When I filter my Arccos rounds to everything before starting the SS training, here are my Driver stats.


    When I filter to only the driver data since I started SuperSpeed:


    A smart distance increase of 13 yards is more than a full club less on second shots, while the high end of my range could mean the difference between a gap wedge and a 8 iron. That difference is huge and could easily translate to dramatic improvements in my game, assuming I can figure out how keep the ball in play. If we assume the speed increases also translate to irons, it could be even more beneficial. Here is an example from a few weeks ago that perfectly illustrates the point:


    Prior to this drive, the shortest club I ever recall hitting into that green was an 8 iron. Usually it is a 6 or 7 iron. Ignore the 3-putt. 🤬

    If you have been following along, you know that almost all of us reported some initial issues with ball-striking/accuracy that appear to have been a by-product of the protocols. I know for me, I developed more of a habit of high flares to the right. This type of shot is my “big miss” anyway, but it happened more often than normal early on. I also topped more tee balls than is typical for me – yes, I do it more than I'd care to admit, but I did it a lot more often in my first few rounds while doing the training. Lately, my ball striking has returned to its normal levels of inconsistency and I’ve figured out what I need to do to keep the ball in play (executing is a different issue, of course), so hopefully those issues are now behind me. Will they resurface with the next jump in speed that is expected? Who knows, but I hope not. There is also the question of tempo. @SuperSpeed Golf has suggested we not worry about tempo and chase the fastest possible swings by including a fast backswing. I have found that when I adopt a “tempo-be-damned” attitude, I tend to end up with slower swings – there are times I can feel I’m fighting myself as I approach the top of my backswing .As someone who struggles with tempo and tends to get quick, I will have to make a concerted effort to focus on good tempo on the course. Over the last few weeks, I have been able to effectively control it, aside from some bad swings.

    One other item that has been an unintended benefit for me – the health of my back. For the past 5 years, or so, there has been near constant discomfort/dull pain in my right-side sacroiliac area. I have gone to chiropractors, done a variety of stretches, and started going to the gym regularly with some relief, but there is tightness or degrees of pain after every round of golf. The degrees range from “hey I’m kind of sore” to “holy crap, I’m struggling to get out of my car.” Fortunately, the latter is rare. As I reported in the thread recently, my back feels better than it has in years. I assume it is a combination of the dynamic warm-up and the protocols, but I finally feel like I am able to make a full turn and follow-through without fear of feeling any pain. I’m no medical expert and don’t want to suggest this will help with your back pain, I’m simply reporting my experience, anecdotal as it might be.

    Just for the sake of completeness, here are a few charts of the green, blue, and red sticks, both right- and left-handed.




    I find it a little odd that the green and red sticks have been mostly flat and very consistent (right-handed) while there is a lot more variation in the blue stick. Just an observation as I can offer no reason for it to be so. If anyone has any ideas, I'd love to hear them.

    TL;DR Summary – SuperSpeed works for me. Proof is in the on-course data.

    Fire away with any questions/suggestions you may have.


    This is great! So awesome to see it carry out onto the course, and to hear that your back is feeling good!

  16. On 7/5/2020 at 12:58 PM, B.Boston said:

    Great stuff Cody!

    Is this one where you need to be hitting balls to make it most of the trainer?

    I feel like I could benefit from an aid like this too!

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    I have not hit real balls with it yet, just wiffles in the backyard. Although some of the protocols are just movements only, I would think you would want something to hit just to give you that feeling of what you're supposed to be doing. It's still totally possible to shank with the PlaneMate on (definitely have done it!).

    During my lunch break today I watched and moved through days 4-5 of the introductory protocols, which gets you to shaft standing straight up in the backswing, and as a result, longer pitch/full shots. I think this is probably where I should stay for the next week or two. When everything clicks, there is some crazy pop in the swing. 

    I did get ahead of myself and watched a driver advanced protocol, and tried it, and I see why I struggle so much with the driver. I control the face with my hands, which was insanely evident when the PlaneMate band kept snapping beneath my forearms. Ironically, getting to the "right" position is exactly where my coach wanted me to get to during my last lesson, so it's cool to see how I will be able to integrate the PlaneMate into my already existing improvement plan.

    This is obviously an expensive training aid, but for about the cost of two lessons I think it's worth it. The gentle reminders that it provides are as good as having a coach pulling you into the correct positions. My takeaway is already so much more consistent because of working with PlaneMate for the past few days.


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