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Posts posted by edingc

  1. 16 hours ago, cnosil said:

    This is something I do very consistently with my pitches, chips, and putts.  During those preshot I identify the general area I want to land the ball or the line I want the ball to roll along.   Before I swing I really focus on that landing spot or part of the hole where the ball will enter the hole.  I believe this helps me dial in the feel necessary to have the ball hit that spot.  

    When I'm playing my best, this is what I do also. I believe Adam Young refers to this as an "external focus," and his belief is that the body self-organizes to achieve the desired outcome/shot. Certainly some people may be better with "internal focuses" like a specific swing thought or position, or a combo of both.

    I believe Dr. Bob Rotella talks about this is one of his books as well. 

    Very good thread so far. Enjoying reading it.

  2. needed to post an update so soon today because this thing is really friggin' cool.

    After struggling with my irons during the past few rounds, I spent about an hour yesterday working through days 1-3 of the PlaneMate introductory protocols. This gets you to the point of starting to relax the hands and feeling the shallowing of the club. Because it was so hot outside, I was able to create just enough space in my basement to hit wiffles into some pads off the carpet.

    Around hole No. 9 during my round this morning, all of a sudden the "ghost hands" feeling showed up during my practice swings. It's such a weird, weird feeling, almost like my hands were being pulled into place by some imaginary helper. 

    On holes 9-14, I flushed almost every iron, hitting beautiful piercing push draws right on my target line with the ghost hands "helping" me out. That feeling disappeared toward the end of the round, but now I'm really excited to get back downstairs and work through days 1-3 again.

  3. Saturday

    - 40/46 = 86 (+14)
    - 8/15 FIR
    - 9/18 GIR
    - 37 Putts (2 3-putts, 15 2-putts, 1 1-putt)

    Not a lot to say about this round other than I didn't strike anything well and I let my emotions get the best of me. Although I held it together on the front, I three-putted No. 11 and then hit my tee shot OB left on No. 12 and pretty much mentally quit. I was pretty frustrated with myself after the round because looking at the card I could have easily shot an 83 had I just not quit on the round.


    - 41/39 = 80 (+8)
    - 8/15 FIR
    - 11/18 GIR
    - 36 Putts (1 3-putt, 16 2-putts, 1 1-putt)

    Much better round this morning mentally and with the swing. Still was a little off for most of the front nine, but I parred No. 9, which started a string of six-straight pars on holes 9-14. 

    I couldn't hold the back nine together perfectly, unfortunately. I hit the greenside bunker with my drive at No. 15, and my wedge bounced off the sand instead of sliding under the ball leading to overshooting the green and a bogey. Parred No. 16 after a good drive, but hit an awful drive on No. 17. Punched out perfectly into the fairway with 75 yards to go, but shanked my wedge leading to double bogey.

    After several rounds of putting reasonably well, I struggled yesterday and this morning getting speeds right. It's been so hot and humid that the greens are pretty long and soft and I just am coming up short on way too many putts. I had several good birdie opportunities today that I just didn't come close to converting. 

    I am also starting to be more mindful of nutrition and hydration during my rounds, especially in this really hot and humid weather. I've been taking a Gatorade Zero along with me, and I sip that throughout the round. I've continued eating a Quest Bar before my round, but now have been packing some peanuts for the back nine. I'm finding that I'm playing a lot better with some food in my stomach on the last couple of holes.

  4. 4 hours ago, SuperSpeed Golf said:

    @edingc the C club will be faster than the lightest club but we don’t have enough data yet to give a percentage in relation to the other SuperSpeed clubs. 

    Good to hear on the warmup! That can be very individual based on how you know what your body feels like after. Those that tend to do well with a SuperSpeed session before playing have been performing the training for quite some time already. 

    Thanks for answering my question! I've seen some good progress since adding the C club this winter.

  5. Since my last lesson I've been playing the best golf of my life, posting three rounds in the 70s at my home course, an 81 at my home course and an 84 from the tips at a different course that I only have played once before. There have been a few worse scores mixed in there (three 86s), but they were due largely to struggling with the driver off the tee. The 84 at the other course was also the result of some poor driving costing me three strokes. 

    The string of good rounds has brought my estimated handicap back down to 10.6, which is right around where I ended last season.

    I just acquired a Tour Striker PlaneMate and hope to see some more improvement in my swing from that training aid. Additionally, our clubs for the #CobraConnect challenge should be arriving soon, and I'm looking forward to getting those onto the course. While my current bag is reasonably well fit, my wedges are definitely too upright (two degrees more upright than the rest of my clubs).

    There is a lot of room for improvement with my approach shots, which currently are putting a lot of pressure on my putting. Over the last few rounds I've had an average first putt distance of 20+ feet. My lag putting is improving a lot, but it's hard not to have a three putt on the card when some first putts are from 50+ feet.

  6. 14 minutes ago, MrBandit said:

    Beautiful morning and good round.

    Its hard to get all parts of the game going but if you have 2 or 3 of them working makes the round feel much better and what could have been. then suckers you into coming back.. lol


    Hahahaha, yes that is so very true. Golfers are gluttons for punishment, some would say.

    I keep reminding myself that golf is a game of misses and that I'm going to hit bad shots. Just need to minimize the damage over the course of the entire round. 

  7. Well, if I drive the ball like I did today more often, the PlaneMate has already paid for itself.

    I mentioned above about the feeling of the hips coming through the swing. I took that swing thought and feel from the PlaneMate to the course this morning and that really helped me control the driver. I had been getting stuck onto my right side and that led to a either weak push/slices or overcooked draws to the left. During my round yesterday I lost two balls left and one right. In other words - driving was awful.

    This morning was completely different. I rotated a lot better and hit some really nice drives. I did lose one ball to the left and one just to the right, but overall it was a very, very good driving day for me.




  8. On 6/13/2020 at 12:59 PM, pozzit said:

    Got in the 50* TSW yesterday got it built up and here it looks fantastic love the shape. Here is it with the TS-1 PW(right) for an idea of blending. Looking forward to getting out and trying this thing.20200613_114555.jpg20200613_114736.jpg20200613_115029.jpg

    Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

    That's a great picture of the leading edge. Thanks! I like my M-Series+ wedges, but they are a bit too upright. These may need to join my PTMs since I can have them bent a little flat without issue.

  9. So my PlaneMate came in tonight, and I did the day one protocol.

    This is a very cool training aid. In the immediate future, I see this really helping with getting "through" shots with the hips. The band really pulls your trail hip through the swing.

    My miss right now is a spin out pull, where the hips pretty much stall out and the shoulders come across the ball slightly. For me, it leads to balls that start straight or left of target and overdraw to the left. 

    I'm probably going to take my time with the introduction protocols and do each day multiple times before moving on.

    I will say the ghost hands feeling after removing the PlaneMate is one of the weirdest feelings I've ever experienced.

  10. 14 minutes ago, Kenny B said:

    Nice looking course.  Are there sucker pins on small greens?  🤔


    9 minutes ago, Lacassem said:

    They’re all sucker pins 😂

    Probably true. 

    Just seemed like every pin today was guarded by a bunker or perched on a shelf. Granted, my home course has very large round greens without any trouble in front of them. So everything seemed like a tough pin placement in comparison.

  11. 23 hours ago, RollingGreens said:

    Wanted to pose a question to testers using the super speed training system, is anyone experiencing an increasing in low back pain or any other joint related pathology since beginning the training protocols? I am a physical therapist and am interested in learning more about protocols and how I can apply it to my patients in the future

    I'll chime in on this, too, though I'm not an official tester. 

    I haven't had any pain resulting directly from use of the sticks, but as I'm getting older I'm finding that swinging all out really causes some soreness in my upper and lower back the next day. This happens whether I'm using the sticks or hitting a bunch of drivers at the range, however, so like I said above, it's not just the sticks.

    I think next offseason I need to work more on my upper back to allow it to support more of these swings. Deadlifts, rows, etc.

    In the past two seasons I've also tweaked some muscles in my upper back (rhombus/trap? - both sides), but that happened with regular golf swings. Last year I did have to take a break from the protocols for about a month though while I let it rest. I was at least still able to golf.

    Otherwise, I've split the tip of my right middle finger a few times, but that's the result of my right ring finger being crooked (baseball injury) and rubbing against the middle finger during the swing. 

  12. 11 hours ago, twyatt700 said:

    I would do it at the extended plateau. Also keep in mind that dry swings/range speed takes longer to translate to the course. At least it did for me. There is a memory our body has and I think off the tee takes the longest translate. I tend to swing softer on the course to ensure the accuracy given I play on a lot of wooden/tight courses. I think if you keep at it you’ll see a big improvement in the overall game. @ChasingSratch is spit on those. I switched shafts to a x and was about 10-15 yard farther.

    Added the bold for emphasis because I'm finally seeing the speed increases transfer to the course and it's been something like 16 months since I did my first SuperSpeed workout.

    I do suspect that if you have a pretty reliable swing, the results will translate faster. I've been taking lessons since November and that has dramatically helped my confidence level, which in turn lets me feel a little more freedom in my swing to increase the speed.


  13. 34 minutes ago, GolfSpy MPR said:

    Interesting observation about the course. The biggest concern up here each year is obviously the greens. Six months of snow cover is hard on greens, but our course's crew did great prep work and the greens came through the winter well.

    There were areas of fairway that died, though, and they've been working to get grass sprouting there. Creative film work kept those out of the video 🙂

    But you can see, if you check the video, that nearly all the rough around the fairway is dead. There was an incident a couple weeks back: the weed killer was the wrong formula, and it has essentially killed most of the grass off the fairway of our course. Not ideal, obviously, but it's been re-seeded, and perhaps long-term it'll end up being a plus.

    I noticed the rough but didn't think anything of it. I was more impressed with the condition of the fairways. Where I play the fairways are very spotty and uneven. Yours looks so lush comparatively!

    Hopefully over-seeding the rough does help in the longer term. 

  14. - 43/43 = 86 (+14)
    - 5/15 FIR
    - 6/18 GIR (1 birdie)
    - 34 Putts (4 3-putts, 9 2-putts, 4 1-putts, 1 chip-in)

    Had to come back to Earth sometime, I suppose. I couldn't find my balance in my swing today and didn't strike the ball well with anything. Lots of thin toes, and then when I tried to correct it, I started getting chunky.

    Still, I could have putted better if I hadn't lost my focus a few times. Two drops for balls lost/unplayable as well. Just need to clean that kind of stuff up. 

    Chipped in on 18 from back of the green, decent break running downhill. Was a nice end to the round, at least!

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