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Final Reviews: Odyssey White Hot OG Putter

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Basic Characteristics
On-Course Performance
Play it or Trade it?
Sound & Feel
Equipment Type: Putter
Vendor: Odyssey





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Testers Wanted (4) - US Only




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What is the White Hot OG? Glad you asked.

Odyssey White Hot OG brings back the iconic White Hot Putter face insert! Classic models such as the Odyssey #1 and Odyssey #7, as well as the legendary Odyssey 2-Ball model are available with the White Hot insert, along with numerous others to fit the preferred putter style of each golfer. With the most decorated putter insert of all time, comes a rich silver PVD finish on the putter head, along with a fine milling across each White Hot OG putter face. The renowned urethane cover played by countless Tour pros will undoubtedly improve the feel and touch of the putter on the golf course. Multiple shaft options are available within the Odyssey White Hot OG Putter Family, including the multi-material Stroke Lab putter shaft to ease the difficulty of making a solid putting stroke every time. Roll in more putts on the greens, and circle eagles and birdies on the scorecard with a new Odyssey White Hot OG Putter!

4 Testers - US Only (sorry INTL!)

Any OG Model is up for testing, including Stroke Lab variants

Men and Women encouraged to apply. 

Sound & Feel
Basic Characteristics
On-Course Performance
Play it or Trade it?

First let me say thank you to MGS and Callaway for giving us the readers of MGS a chance at reviewing these putters. It truly is an honor. 

A little about my game and some self reflection as it's something that I should have done much earlier to become a better golfer. Not to late to start on that I hope. My first intro into golf I was in 4th grade at a 9 hole course in AZ that has long been tore up and houses built on the land. My first tee shot went about 30 yards of what I remember being 200 yard hole, I am not positive. My second shot over water just short of the green was a pretty good one for never having played golf before. From there I began the journey which is ongoing today. 

Best putt I ever made I was at Bell Air GC in Phx. I believe it was the 17th hole, 3 tier green, cup on the bottom and of course my ball is on the top tier appox 40'.  I tap the ball and it barley makes the first lip, then over it goes. My brother who is a much better player than I and on the correct level lines up his putt and about to putt when my ball passes him rolls another 10' and plop, in the the cup it goes. I knew I made it as soon as it went over the first lip, my brother didn't think it went over. Been waiting 30 years to make another putt of that length ever since. 

I am at a 16.1 right now and trending down. Lowest I've been is 15 and at the time I thought I would it to single digits. life happens & changed that with injuries and a major shoulder surgery I am still recovering from and doing very well, I have my full swing back. 

I've always been a longer hitter of the ball at least with the guys I play with, just not the most accurate, that's changing as I am learning the game instead of just playing the game. Longest drive I ever hit 364 yards. Just caught it on the screws and a good roll.  3 years ago in March on a drizzly day in Oregon, number 12 at Langdon Farms I hit my 315 with not much roll. My avg distance is probably 270.  

My putting is avg. with a good day having 30 putts and a bad 40 plus.  Usually 2 putting everything with 2-3 3 putts per round and 1 or 2 1 putts. I am hoping with this new putter challenge/review it will get better. 

I have a trip next month to Bandon and looking forward to putting this White Hot OG #1 with a stroke lab shaft to the test. 16 guys in a Ryder cup style event with some pretty good players. 


Here are a few pictures from the unboxing of the putter. I like the colors, and the head cover is awesome. Not one of those cheap things that tear in the first rounds of use. I've done some putting on the matt shown and so far it has a nice feel, sound and roll. We shall see what happens once we actually get outside. 


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I couldn't wait to put this thing to work. I rolled 30-40 putts with this club on the first day on 8' matt inside my house. Right away I was impressed with how it felt, sounded and reacted to my putting stroke. I then hit 15- 20 with my current gamer and my interest instantly went OH OH I have a big decision coming my way.


The White OG #1 was/is smooth the ball flowed off the face and I didn't notice it jumping, skipping or skidding on the ground. The club to me looks fantastic, the colors are great mix of placement very sleek looking and pleasing to my eye.

Now to be honest my current putter I won at a raffle and was happy to use it. My wife and I went back fourth between the Ping Zing and the odyssey White Ice. Now I love the White Ice putter. It was one I personally shopped for and it took me a long time to find one I liked and quite honestly one I wanted to pay for and take the heat from my boss for spending $200 on. After we/I won the Ping putter she decided she liked my White Ice better and took my precious. Here are all 3.


Now the weather here in Oregon in the fall is unpredictable. The first couple weeks i was relegated to putting indoors which is fine, but nothing beats getting outside on real grass in the elements. 

The first opportunity I had was after work. So on a blustery day I went to the driving range for two things. Hit a bucket to keep my swing in check and get ready for a 4 day trip to Bandon and start really testing the difference between putters.  I thought I had a picture of the practice green but it looks like I deleted a few I wanted for this review.  So with that I will tell you the OH White Hot #1 performed as it did inside on the mat. 

A little on how I tested. I am a feel putter I look at the line from behind the ball and if I have time I will walk to the other side & look there as well. I usually agree with my read with rare occasion I confuse the crap out of myself  and end up going right at the hole. 

I started the test from of course 3-5 feet to feel how the #1 reacted to my limited skills. From this range not much changed from the 3 putters other than I felt the OG #1 felt smoother off the face and gave me more of a sense of confidence.  

8'-10' Putts

Now these are the ones we all need to drop to score and save a par or bogy or worse and not blow up the round and be focused on where the drink cart is and how soon it will show up. I don't know my stats but I would say somewhere in the range 25%-35% make rate. Not great but I am trying to be honest in my game in this review. With this I do have a 2 part winter project to start and work on. 

In the 8'-10' range I did notice more makes with the OG #1. The goes where I think it should and it was a matter of picking the line and speed. The club seemed to be more forgiving. Meaning with the Ping and the White Ice I had bigger misses and the OG #1 was skirting edges. Again more confidence in my putting. 

I found the same results from 10'-15' and 15' to 20' putts. More makes and closes misses with the OG #1. The percentage is lower of course but I see that number changing. 

Now I consider lag putts from 25' and out of course trying to make putts but leave them within a tap in range out to knee knocking 3'.  

This is where I saw the biggest difference from the 3 putters I was using for this test. 



I felt I really had to hit the crap out of the ping and White Ice to get the ball to the hole. With the OG #1 it seemed like a more smooth stroke and less effort to to get and keep the ball on line. Needless to say I was feeling I knew what my decision was going to be at the end of this test. 

Nerves of steel or paper are the keys to having good and bad days on the green. This test has opened my eyes that I may not be as good a putter as I thought. 

I've got to say carrying 2 putters and playing those 2 in the same round isn't the best decision I've made. My plan was to warm up with both the OG #1 and the Ping Zing and switch ever other hole. Hind sight says I should have played 9 with one and the other 9 with the other.  I left the White Ice in my wife's bag. I forgot to put a putter back in her bag, she had to barrow one from the course she played and that ended the 3 club challenge.  

Here is what I found during round play. I was sinking more 1 putts and from further away with the OG #1. My lag putting was much better and I felt leaving more makeable putts and less 3 putts. I found myself using the OG #1 more and more. 

I played in scramble and had a hot day on the green. Part of that is from watching the other 3 guys putt and the big factor is my confidence was at a point where in my mind I couldn't miss.  I dropped a few long putts that day with the longest being 30'. Now every blind squirrel finds nut every once in while. that said during this test I have dropped more 25' putts than I have in the last 2 years combined. 

The final big test for me was my trip to Bandon and 4 days of at what I consider Golfs Disneyland. 

I was going to bring my 2 putters and go use the 1 acre practice green to my advantage. Not making excuses, I forgot the Ping Zing. So I was like ok, the OG #1 will be put through the paces and make my final decision. 

The OG #1 had its work cut out for itself as these greens are large potato chips and change by the hour being on the ocean and weather that is un-predictable. Luckily the weather was awesome for mid November. Not to windy for the most part dry very playable. 

I only hit about 30 warm up balls as I wanted to get on the green. My first impression was that these greens are quicker than where I live near Portland. It took some patience on my part and this would last all 4 rounds.

Day 1, Trails Number of putts on day one, 36. Four 1 putts along with four 3 putts, everything else was a 2 putt.  3 putted #'s 1 7,8, and 9. I'll call that just trying to figure out WTF I'm doing. The rest of the weekend was more of the same. shot 91

Day 2 we played Sheep ranch and my app wasn't picking up an it was a misting sprinkle day and the card was a mess. This is a bummer as I feel this was a good on the green for me but I don't know the total number of putts. Shot 88

Day 3 Bandon, total putts 40. part of this is due to a 4 putt on 17 where I missed clubbed and came up 120' short of the hole but still on the green. The was in the back and my you guessed it, on the front. two terrible lag putts followed by 2 decent putts for a DBL bogy 6. Shot 95. this did not feel like a big score. I do feel like I left a bunch of putts on the course, obviously, and couple of big mistakes and chunked chips makes for a big number.

Day 4 Pacific. 39 total putts. I was surprised I had that many putts. This is where the nerves kick in and instead of making a  15' putt for bird, I kick in for bog. Bad read and didn't see the brake going that much on hole 17.

I was hoping I would have done better in the putting department on this weekend.  That being said, my lag putting was very consistent. I felt I left most of the 25' plus putts within 3'. This was the case on the Bandon course. All day in a match play format I would leave the ball at the 3'-4' distance. The guy I was playing apologized for not giving me more putts. I told him not to worry about it as I was putting everything out regardless. 


To finalize this review. 

I want to apologize for the lack of pictures and videos. I guess I deleted a bunch and didn't know it until wanting to load them up. 

The Odyssey OG White Hot #1 with stroke lab shaft is a great looking putter, smooth stroke and the sound of the ball coming off the face is pleasant to my ear. 

the feel is great and you really really need to miss either way out on the toe or off the heel not have a forgiving putt. 

Lag putting to me is huge plus. As long as I am confident in my stroke the ball rolls pure online and goes where I want it to go. 

Will this club make it into my bag and be my precious. An astounding YES Yes it will. I am looking forward having this club and getting better at the 15' and in putts and carry the confidence the club exhumes to my head. 

Biggest question I have now is which cover do I use??







Looks (10 out of 10 points)

Sound & Feel (10 out of 10 points)

 Basic Characteristics (20 out of 20 points)

On-Course Performance (28 out of 30 points)

Miscellaneous (10 out of 10 points)

Play it or Trade it? (19 out of 20 points)


Total points 97 out of 100


I took 2 points off for on-course performance for the fact I had or an having a hard time getting used to such a fantastic putter.  There is no perfect marriage as most will have some sort of bump in the road. 

I also took 1 point off for play or trade. i will not trade this for anything at this point. but there is a slight chance I could go back to the Odyssey White Ice, but that is a very slight chance. 


I hope I did this putter, MGS, and everyone who reads this review justice. Its unorthodox in the writing and my mistake of pictures and video's being deleted. 

Good luck to all, may you find your mis guided shot fluffy and playable. 



Sub 70 949 D 9* HZRUDS 60G 6.5 smoke RDX shaft. 

Sub 70 949X 4 wood ALDILA ABV 65-S shaft

Sub 70 699 Pro 4-AW 

Sub 70 3 utility 19*

Callaway 56 and 58 wedge. 

OG White Hot #1 putter

Link to review
Sound & Feel
Basic Characteristics
On-Course Performance
Play it or Trade it?


Hello everyone! First a big thank you to Odyssey and MyGolfSpy for this wonderful opportunity!  I became passionate about golf 6 years ago and have worked hard to improve my game from a handicap of 20 to currently playing off a 7.1. Being from Maryland this time of year is always beautiful to get out and play with the changing of the leaves and season. The greens often play a little slower this time of year and  I also tend to play more "economic" courses so they often come with slower greens. The strength of my game is my short game around the green. I use Taylormade's MyRoundPro set to a 5 HCP baseline for my stat tracking and over my last 10 rounds my short game is a +0.65. After some recent adjustments in those same 10 rounds my putting comes through at a +0.11, which is an improvement from -1.02 last year.  The improvement comes from an adjustment of how I read putts.  You can see that improvement with my percentage of makes from 3-6-9 feet as well as my putts per round. My 3 foot putts have improved from 99.3% to 100%, my 6 foot putts have improved from 89% to 96.4%, my 9 foot putts has gone from 55.9% to 60.9% and my putts per round have decreased from 31 to 30.



As can be seen from my percentages the strength of my putting is from 9 feet and in, outside of 9 feet I really struggle with speed control which often leads to 3 putts. I putt left hand low, with a smooth tempo and like to maintain a straight-back-straight-through type stroke even though I believe it plays more as a slight arc putter stroke.  

In my bag I play an assortment of brands and clubs. Driver-Taylormade R15, 3W-Callaway X2 Hot, Irons-Mizuno MP-20 HMB, Wedges-Cleveland Zipcore (was a tester for them last year and they have taken over that place in my bag) and Putter-Tommy Armour Impact No. 3.  I have been gaming the TA #3 since being a tester in 2019, it took the place of the Odyssey Works Versa #7.  


First Impressions

In the 90s Ely Callaway asked the question, "why not try using the same materials balls are covered in?" when referring to the putter insert. From that question came the White Hot Insert, now tabbed by Odyssey as the most iconic, most played and most decorated putter insert of all time.  The insert proved to be more consistent then steel, with exceptional softness and forgiveness.  After 20 years Odyssey has brought back the White Hot Insert and paired it with a PVD finish and surface milling to add to their beauty.  Add on the Stroke Lab putter shaft, which helps to improve the golfers stroke through weight distribution and this putter has enough tech to excite even the worst of putter.


I chose the Rossie design with the stroke lab shaft because I prefer a mallet putter and am intrigued by the stroke lab putter shaft. Also Rahm has putted pretty well with it. I was not fit for the putter nor have i ever been fit for a putter, yes I know how can I call myself a spy.  First thing I saw straight out of the box is every bulls worst nightmare, RED, the candy red stroke lab putter shaft is eye popping.


The color scheme of the whole club matches perfectly with Odysseys logo, a little bit of silver and black with a splash of red. The putter cover is well made with a magnetic closure, has an old school look to it which offsets the flashy shaft.



It has a silver premium grip, feels slightly firmer and larger then my TA#3. Putter head is slightly larger than my current gamer and looks a little thicker around the edges. There also seems to be an obscure extra turn in the hosel of the shaft of the Rossie.



At address it seems to be sitting slightly open and feels heavy compared to the TA#3.  


First putt I hit, I paused and said wow, the feel off the White Hot Insert is as soft as advertised!  Now the key will be to see if that buttery feel equals better production on the golf course. The plan is to hit at least 100 putts a week on my birdie ball mat, get out to the golf course and put Rossie into play and let the strokes gained do the talking. If any fellow spies have ideas for other ways to test it out or have any questions do not hesitate to send those along.


Stage TwoOdyssey White Hot OG Rossie Stroke Lab – Official MGS Forum Review by tchat07

(2,000 words or less)


Well as they say in showbiz that’s a wrap, did we have an old star make a return or should have that star stayed in retirement? Testing for me came down to putting on my Birdie Ball mat with both the Rossie and my current gamer TA#3. I hit and kept count of the makes for 100 putts a week during the testing frame with 20 from 3 feet, 40 from 6 feet and 40 from 9 feet. I also inserted the Rossie straight into the bag and was able to get 4 rounds of golf played. All and all I hit approximately 750 putts with the Rossie over a month period, how about that for some putting practice!

Looks (7 out of 10 points) 

This category is one that I would consider to be a passing grade but nothing to put up on the fridge. First for the things I did like. Highest on my list of likes was the alignment aids on the putter face, I like the two lines on either side of the middle dash as extra help to line up over the ball properly. This also helped with my hitting out of the toe technique that I will discuss more later. I thought the lack of reflection off the putter was also good. I did also like the red stroke lab shaft, I think that color scheme is an upgrade from the previous version.  The name plate on the bottom of the club seemed a little over the top but I would not say I disliked it. Now for things I disliked, biggest thing was the bulbous putter head.  The best word that comes to mind is clunky, and that is not the word you want to have in mind while hitting delicate putts.  I also did not like the milling along the edge of the putter head, it seemed to make it look busy and felt unneeded. Finally, the complete color scheme makes sense but as time went on I wish they would have gone with a more uniform looks, such as red and black or if they wanted to go with a great color, copper.


Sound & Feel (9 out of 10 points)

We will talk about sound or lack thereof first!  My playing partner my first round said they had no idea I had hit the putt when their back was turned.  It sounds like someone having a single axe strike at a piece of wood but you are listening through two pillows.  The sound off the putter face is firm but muted, and I would consider to be a pleasant sound. The feel off the face, o the feel off the face, smoother then butter!  Obviously with an insert it should be soft but this is incredible how soft it is. You have to travel way out to the end of the toe or heel to feel anything but smooth and buttery. Even then it is more of the club twisting then it being a poor feeling off the insert.  The reason I give it a 9/10 is because it felt very hot off the putter face. Now they called it hot for a reason but it affected my comfort over short putts, I was worried about hitting it too hard, which I did a few times.

Basic Characteristics (18 out of 20 points)

As I mentioned before I hit a lot of practice putts to get myself acquainted in the quickest way possible while having a little bit of a competition with the TA#3. At first I felt much more comfortable with the TA#3 but as time went on it was the Rossie that had me comfortable.  Below is a breakdown of how the competition went:






3 ft





6 ft





9 ft





What is extremely interesting is the numbers were very close but it was infrequent that I had the same numbers in a single session. Most of the missed putts came from burnt edges right or left, I feel Rossie is a little open at address which played the role in many of those burnt edges. Distance control was very difficult with how hot the ball felt off the face, this was evident during practice and at the course.  The path of the stroke was great with the problem coming from me personally. The clubface was somewhat forgiving, it is obviously great out of the center, slightly out of the toe takes a little off and slightly out of the heel a little heavier. Far right and far left on the clubface leads to a twisting feeling but is still able to maintain a similar distance.  Plays nicely from all surfaces, one area I would not advise to play from is off the green when the ball is wet or with bits of grass/mud.  Practiced once with a morning dew after a fresh cutting and it really affected the ability to have any feel.

On-Course Performance (26 out of 30 points)

Was able to play 4 times with Rossie on the course and I kept stats via Taylormade myRoundPro. My best round was my last with a strokes gained of +0.34. Overall through those 4 rounds I had a strokes gained of -0.82 with an average of 31 putts per round. The struggle came outside of 15 feet which is very typical for me. I did find this very surprising because I felt with how hot the face was I would see an improvement from farther away.  Due to the hot face I certainly did not feel comfortable over pressure putts, especially short pressure putts. I started using the technique of hitting more toward the toe to add more feel and deaden the speed. As I spoke about before I was pleased with the alignment aids on the putter head which gave me a lot of comfort whenever lining up my putts.  I felt this was exactly the type of quality I would expect from Odyssey.



Miscellaneous (7 out of 10 points)

Now for a bit of the things that don't matter from a performance stance but affect how we feel about the club.  The head cover was class, exactly the type you would find with a premium level putter cover.  The grip was also premium material but did feel a bit firm or stiff, I could see a golfer with arthritis finding it unforgiving.  Really weird thing I felt about Rossie was that she felt heavier then my TA#3 but in fact they both weighed exactly the same.  Lastly, what took away a lot of points was how difficult it was to pick up the ball with the back of the putter. I really appreciate that ability and is something that is important to me when looking for a putter.



Play it or Trade it? (17 out of 20 points)

Do I play it or trade it, I think I will continue to test it.  I like the alignment aids better then my current gamer.  I like the wonderful feeling I get from the softness off the insert.  I do not like how hot it comes off the putter face. I also do not like the feeling of it being open at address or the bulbous look behind the ball. I also do not like the lack of ease for picking up the ball up with the back of the club. The largest piece that makes me want to continue testing is that there is not a definitive performance difference between Rossie and TA#3.  If I had a big tournament coming up I would take the TA#3 because I feel I can control the speed better and would perform better under pressure.  I believe this putter would be best for those who are incremental with their putting stroke. By that I mean they know how far they want to go back for a specific distance, control speed less by feel and more by length of stroke. Something that I must iterate and should come as no surprise for someone who is a Spy, is how important it is to get fitted!  


Odyssey set a standard with the white hot insert, they went into the vault and brought it back out. Any questions about whether the feel remains softer then butter have been answered. Easily one of the best feeling putters I have ever hit. When they call it hot they are not kidding, the ball jumps off this putter face.  A premium grip and a premium head cover speak to the quality that Odyssey brings to their putters. If you go with the stroke lab shaft I hope your game is as loud as the candy red shaft! Love the alignment aids on the putter head, giving you confidence you have aligned exactly the way you need to cash in on those big putts.  There were pieces that I was not a fan of, the shape of the putter head and how it sat at address.  The results on the course and during practice were inconclusive compared to a 2-time winner of MGS Most Wanted.  Odyssey White Hot OG putters are top notch putters and one that I think everyone should test out.

Final Score: (84 out of 100 points)

Link to review
Sound & Feel
Basic Characteristics
On-Course Performance
Play it or Trade it?

Odyssey White Hot OG putter 


I want to say thank you to MyGolfSpy and Odyssey for trusting me to give a review of the Odyssey White Hot OG 2 Ball Putter. This is an amazing opportunity to try out an iconic piece of golf history that’s been brought back for it's 20th anniversary and see if the icon can still roll them true.


I’m not going to go into a deep dive on my game, but since it’s been a while that I initially introduced myself in a review I want to give you a brief overview of who I am, how my game is, and mostly talk about my putting.

My name is Jason and I play most of my rounds at Chatata Valley Golf Course in Cleveland TN. It’s a fairly open course with most of the hazards being high grass and an occasional group of trees.


The greens are usually fast but not too tricky. I’m playing at a 25.7 handicap that’s mostly inhibited by my driving and approach play. Compared to my handicap, I’m a fairly decent putter with a handicap of 17.

I’m more of a weekend warrior golfer, as my work schedule historically hasn’t been too accommodating to my golf addiction. I’m working on my swing at the moment and haven’t played as much, but with the cooler weather and less people on the course we’re coming up on my favorite time of the year to get out there. I’ve been playing the game for 28 years and it took a while before I became obsessed with it.  I fell in love with the game after becoming active in the forum where I discovered all the technical aspects and artistry of the game. It can be both one of the most frustrating and most wonderful of games from shot to shot.

My bag consists of a Callaway Epic Flash Sub Zero driver, Cobra F9 fairways (3, 5), Cobra F8 irons, and Vokey wedges (52, 56, 60).



My current gamer is an Odyssey White Ice Sabertooth my wife bought me around 10 years ago. I had played with one my cousin used to have and fell in love with it. Before that, I played with a Ping B60 that was given to me by my ex father-in-law in the late 90’s. I’m not one to change out my putter too often and I find a mallet style compliments my attempt at a SBST putting stroke. I would say I have a smooth putting tempo.

Confidence on the greens is one of my strong suits, I believe I’m going to make every short putt and have loads of faith in my ability to lag anything over 10 feet into a makeable range. My misses are mostly short and I do have a tendency to pull them left. I try to die the ball at the hole because I find that running one 8 feet past can kill a round.

What’s it going to take to knock the Sabertooth out of the bag? I’m looking for better distance control on the longer putts and wanting to see if a combination of the 2 Ball alignment and the Stroke Lab shaft have me starting more balls on a consistent line.

First Impressions

I’m going to start this part of the review with an apology. I tried making an unboxing video and due to poor lighting, it was terrible. That also means I didn’t get any photos of how well it was packaged and I’m sorry about that. It did come in secured very well in a brown box, secured in by a long piece of cardboard that held it in place nicely. The head was shrink wrapped to keep it from picking up any scratches and the putter was in perfect condition when it arrived.



I really like the headcover I received with the putter. You can tell from the feel of the leather, the thickness overall, and the fleece lining it’ll protect the head from dings in the bag. I love the magnetic closure that’ll make it easy to use. Plus, the black and white color scheme with red accents looks nice!




There’s some milling on the face around the White Hot insert and underneath the alignment aid that give it a real premium look.



It looks good to my eye at address, I was iffy about the 2 Ball alignment at first because I’m used to putters with a line. After hitting some putts with it, I can see why some players like it. It does a good job of framing the ball and seems to be an instinctual way to align on the green.




Let’s get down to the reason this test appealed strongly to me: the Stroke Lab shaft and the return of White Hot. The shaft looks phenomenal!




Looks don’t sink putts, but it does inspire confidence. Odyssey claims that the shaft helps control tempo and length of stroke by removing 40 grams of weight and redistributing it to the head and grip. The urethane White Hot insert returning is also a big reason, its reputation for feel is appealing to me.

Odyssey has always been a brand of putters I’ve gravitated to, their reputation is stellar and they have a heavy presence on tour.

I chose the 2 Ball for my preference of a SBST putting style and forgiveness. My specs are 34 inches long and standard loft and lie. It’s an inch shorter than my gamer, I’ve always felt I needed something shorter due to having to grip down closer to the shaft with the Sabertooth.

I invite you to follow along with me and my fellow testers put the range of Odyssey White Hot OG putters to the test and see if they might be able to help you on the greens. This should be fun.


Official Member Review Odyssey White Hot OG Putter Stage 2

By sirchunksalot

I would like to say thank you again to MyGolfSpy and Odyssey for the opportunity to test and review the Odyssey White Hot OG 2 Ball Putter. The big question is “can 20 year old technology still be relevant in today’s game?”, let’s dig in to the review and find out.


The last few weeks have been a great learning experience for me. I’ve never done a review on a putter and to be honest, I was intimidated just a tiny bit. Most of you reading this are leaps and bounds ahead of me as far as knowledge of golf equipment go. I’ve enjoyed digging into what Odyssey claims with this line of equipment and being able to test if their claims are true, or if they’re just marketing nostalgia.

I’ve been able to do a mixture of testing over the last month, from PuttOut work at home, using the 2 Ball during my last 5 rounds, and performing simulated rounds on the putting green. I have had fun testing to see if the White Hot insert lives up to its feel reputation, how the 2 Ball alignment works for me, and whether the Stroke Lab shaft is worth the price of the upgrade.

Looks 10/10

What can I say? Odyssey has hit a home run when it comes to the revival of the White Hot lineup. I’ll start out by saying that what they call their “rich silver PVD finish” looks premium. The muted silver top paired with the white 2 Ball alignment at address inspires confidence in this golfer. I’ve played and practiced in bright sunlight and the lack of glare at address is so pleasing to my eyes.


The milling around the insert and on what I’m going to call the bottom shelf adds a premium touch to this putter.


The graphics on the bottom of the head are understated and perfect for the style of head I’m testing. The addition of a weight at the rear of the putter head looks good and gives me a feeling that Odyssey has been able to pack some forgiveness into this putter.


I wasn’t sure how the red of the Stroke Lab shaft would appeal to me, but once I had it in hand, I love it. It really pops with the whole design and makes for one good looking club.

The biggest surprise for me has been the grip. I was expecting the DFX gray, which on the website is the stock grip. Opening the box and seeing a predominantly gray grip with black, white, and red accents was delightful. I originally planned on removing the stock option, but after seeing and using this grip, it has me second guessing that decision.


Sound and Feel 9/10

One of the big selling points of the White Hot insert is how well regarded the sound and feel are. Let me tell you, it doesn’t disappoint. The sound of the urethane insert hitting the golf ball is just so pure.

Here's the 2 Ball:

Comparing to the Sabertooth:


The 2 Ball has a nice, crisp sound that lets you know you’ve hit the sweet spot. It’s confidence inspiring whether you’re standing over a tap in or a lag putt. For a softer insert, it sounds solid with a nice moderate click that lets you know it’s a good strike. It also gives good feedback on those hits off the heel and toe where it’s just a bit more muted.

I am going to deduct a point due to the test I ran with sound dampening headphones because I didn’t receive the amount of feedback through the putter and into my hands compared with the Sabertooth.


Basic Characteristics 17/20

One of the biggest things I love about this putter is the ability to hit my aim point. I’ve spent a lot of evenings working on my stroke at home on the PuttOut mat. From each distance, I was consistently hitting shots I would consider to be holed putts. I wasn’t always able to get the perfect putt, but they would have been drained if I was hitting to a hole. The balance of the Stroke Lab Shaft has my putting stroke feeling like it’s the most stable it’s ever been. Its performance hitting shots the length of a metal ruler is also very impressive.

The head is very forgiving on mis-hits. Between hitting off center on course and running tests intentionally striking the toe and heel, I found some loss of distance and accuracy but it wasn’t bad enough to really criticize. I love the fact that the revival of the White Hot line included a weight placed back in the head to increase MOI.


Distance control on short to mid range shots is easy. I ran tests on the PuttOut from 6 feet and attempted to get the ball to die between each marker. On average, it took 9 attempts to land it within the 6 marks.

My biggest issue with distance control was with longer putts. I’ll go more into detail in the performance part of the review, but I left myself with way too many second putts with over 10 feet remaining. Another area that gave me problems was severe downhill shots. I just haven’t yet figured out the right amount of speed to keep the ball from running out too far. I think it might have something to do with the additional head weight compared to my gamer (355 to 340 grams), although the overall weight is close.


The 2 Ball is a good performer from any lie on or around the green. During my first round, I sank an 18 footer from off the green and had a couple of other shots like this I was able to get close. I’ll usually hit a wedge from the fringe, but I’m starting to rethink that strategy.

On Course Performance 25/30

Ok guys, now we’re on the the part of the review where the rubber meets the road. Looks and feel play a big part in what equipment we use, but performance is king. I kept stats during my round and had a strokes gained calculator to see where my performance was at. I separated the numbers into blocks of 0-8 feet, 9-15, 16-22, and 23+ feet and compared to a putting handicap of 17.

0-8 feet: +1.0

9-15: +2.99

16-22: +1.74

23+: -1.26

Total strokes gained: +4.47

The scoring in this section was difficult for me. On one hand, I’m gaining 4.47 strokes a round with the Odyssey, It should be a no brainer to give it a perfect score. To be honest, I don’t hit a lot of greens and my proximity to the hole is due to having a chip shot left into the green. My average proximity during this test is 14.98 feet, while a tour pro averaged 18 feet 10 inches in 2021 from 50-100 yards. I average 107 feet for all approaches and 36 feet on the shots that hit the green. I said all that to say this, I do weigh longer putts as important so that’s a big reason for the 5 point deduction.

What impresses me about the 2 Ball is the fact I’m gaining 5.73 strokes from 0-22 feet. That’s big. I’ve always held Odyssey as a manufacturer in high regard and this test just solidifies my confidence in them.

One thing I was hesitant about was the 2 Ball alignment. I’ve always used a line on my putter to aim and was worried that something different would mess with my aim. The 2 Ball is instinctual and gives me loads of confidence that I have a chance if the pressure mounts.

Miscellaneous 9/10

When I received the putter, the first thing I noticed is how well it came packaged. It was secured tightly in the box using pieces of cardboard to hold it in place. I knew before I got a good look at it that it would be pristine once it was unwrapped.

The headcover is nice, it’s fairly thick and softly lined to protect the club from dings in the bag. The upgrade from the standard grip was a nice touch and I’ll continue to use it for the foreseeable future.

The only ding I can give this putter is the fact you can’t pick up a ball from the green without bending over. I know it’s part of the design, but it’s nice just to be able to scoop up a ball and flick it into your hand.

Play it or trade it 20/20

It’s solidly in the bag, I’ve had my best round on the green in my life with it and even during the worst rounds with it, it’s performed better than the Sabertooth. I thought coming into this test it would have a hard time replacing the putter I’ve used for the last 8+ years, it didn’t take long to prove me wrong.

I think anyone who likes a face balanced mallet should give this a roll. I would highly recommend they try it out with the option of a Stroke Lab shaft because it feels easier to control the face. It’s worth the upgrade, in my opinion.


Can 20 year old technology still compete in modern times? Odyssey took a chance with one of their most iconic clubs and reintroduced a retro putter with modern touches. The Stroke Lab shaft shaves weight from the traditional steel shaft and redistributes that weight into the head and grip in order to make the putting stroke smoother. The addition of a weight low and toward the rear of the had to make the club more forgiving is a nice touch.

Performance wise, I’m gaining strokes on the green and feel confident that I have a chance to make every putt. Having a round where I was draining everything I was hitting seems to have that effect. The alignment has me starting more balls on line and if the read is right, watch out.

It’s not all roses, I do have some issues with anything over 23 feet and severe downhill putts. I believe those issues can be resolved over time. It’s only been in the bag over a month and I feel we’re still in the “getting to know you phase”, but it’s impressed me so far. I can’t wait to see how it performs this winter and look forward to any time I can use it.

Overall score 90/100


Link to review
Sound & Feel
Basic Characteristics
On-Course Performance
Play it or Trade it?

Before I begin, I want to give a big thank you to both MGS and Callaway for continuing to provide testing opportunities amidst the Supply Chain Crisis we are experiencing. When I'm not moonlighting as a tester here, my day job is a Supply Chain Consultant and it's been a hectic few months working with different clients to deploy solutions to accelerate and integrate their Supply Chain and Production technologies. Needless to say, I know that unlike potentially in years past these putters definitely would have ended up in the hands of a customer if they weren't in ours, so thank you again. Ok now on to the fun stuff:

This is my 3rd test (2nd club test: see my Ben Hogan Hybrid Review), and my first involving one of the big 4 OEMs. I'm a 5.5 handicap from Atlanta, Ga. I was down to a 3.8 at the end of last season, but this year work has been significantly busier and I haven't been able to get the practice or rounds in that I got last year. My game mainly consists of a consistent in play drive albeit usually between 255-270 with consistent mid-iron play and the strongest part of my game is by far my putting. This is why I was so excited to test a putter that has such rave reviews both from users and tested well in the Most Wanted. I currently game a spider mini from 2017 35" in length. My putting game is rock solid within 10 feet. I currently gain 7.1 Strokes compared to other ~6 handicaps from within 10 feet according to my Arccos dashboard. I struggle with mid-range putts and I'm more likely to 3 putt from 20 feet than I am from 50 currently which is needless to say frustrating. I'm hoping that if the testing goes well that the white-hot insert can potentially help me get a more consistent pace on those mid-length putts.

I'll start with the unboxing and specs. I am testing the OG #7 as I've always loved that head shape. I remember playing with the original version of this in the local Edwin Watts as a kid comparing it to the Ping Craz-E (what kid doesn't want a crazy putter). I got the #7 in 35" length and set to 1 degree flat with the stroke lab shaft. Like all testing, I was waiting anxiously following the live tracker on UPS for the putter to get in. 




I love the look of this putter from head to toe. The headcover is a little too early 2000s for me, but I rarely keep an OEM headcover in my bag. Currently my putter headcover is a Cherokee Town and Country Club cover, so I quickly replaced the headcover. The Silver pistol grip is another great touch that seamlessly transitions into the red stroke lab shaft.



After rolling 40 putts on my perfect practice putting mat from a variety of lengths, I missed 3 of 40 putts. I typically miss ~5-7 when putting with my current Spider Mini. The feel off the face was just pure and true. The morning after the putter arrived, I flew to Scottsdale for a bachelor party. On Friday, we played a round at Troon North and I played with the #7. I had 1 3-putt and didn't miss a single putt inside of 10 feet en route to a 77 (par 71). The 1 3 putt was more situational than an indictment on the putter. I ended up on a plateau about 20 feet past the cup and had to put straight down a hill left myself with about 12 feet left back up the hill. 

Some rain is pushing through the Southeast the next couple of days, but I'm going to continue to grind over some practice putts and have a few rounds planned for the next 2 weeks to test this even further. Come back for a more detailed analysis of the putter and to see if it can kick my putter of 4 1/2 years out of the bag!


Looks (9 out of 10)

I completely understand why the #7 head shape outlasted the WhiteHot putters originally and made a comeback with the reboot. Kevin Kisner still uses the #7 head shape and that + our below average driving distances are about the only things our golf games have in common. It's a comfortable head shape to line up and keeping the ball centered at the start by utilizing the prongs on the back. The standard pistol grip is definitely a great look too. 

The only reason I docked 1 point off the looks is that I prefer a single line on the center of the top of the putter face but as you can see below the #7 currently has 3 dots. If this was a single line it would've been a 10/10 for looks.IMG_0010.jpg.b534f16a03dccb40fafc0d12f903cae8.jpg

Sound and Feel (10 out of 10)

I wasn't sure about the white hot face sound during my first few practice sessions as it really is an extremely quiet face. I'm very much a feel putter, so feel and sound on mishits is really how I react and adjusting my lines during the round. After a few practice sessions and 9 holes, I noticed I became a little more focused on my line and stroke instead of how the ball was reacting. I started to notice my first putts were much more consistently ending up in the leather and just having tap ins for especially those mid range (10-30ft) putts that I previously struggled with. 

I've come to love the sound off the face, but it definitely takes some adjusting especially coming over from the Taylormade face which is a lot louder and firmer at impact. I would recommend getting a few 100 putts in during practice before playing a round. It will teach you a lot about the putter and the minute difference in the sound and feel on mishits.

Basic Characteristics (17 out of 20)

Normally when I'm testing a putter, I like to be able to test the putter from a variety of lengths and different sloping putts. Unfortunately (since my wife hasn't let me install a full putting green in our basement) the first week I had the putter the weather in Atlanta was really rough so I was putting purely on my perfect practice putting mat. I have a drill where I start from 2 ft away and take 5 putts and go back every 6 inches if I make 5 in a row. If I miss any, I go back to the beginning and start over. During my first time running this drill, I was able to complete the drill with the #7 without having to go back to the beginning. Having both strong accuracy and distance control from the beginning was the key component to me having confidence with the putter to begin.

Another drill I ran was one hand putting to test the stability of the face. This is really where I began to notice the stroke lab difference compared to the SpiderMini. The face stayed consistently straight through impact.

On-Course Performance (30 out of 30)

There is truly no better feeling than walking up to a green and knowing that you've got confidence in what's in your hand. My first round with the putter I had 1, 3 putt en route to a 6 over, 77, and during my second round at the Mclemore I had 2, 3 putts. I loved the putter feel through both rounds and you can see below that it performed extremely well. I played a scramble last weekend with friends and I anchored our putting crew, so I didn't often have many putts that mattered because the first guy would get the putt to within 2 putt range and then I would go for the make. Even on slower greens the putter continued to perform well.


Miscellaneous (6 out of 10)

Everything about this putter screams attention to detail and thoughtfulness. Bringing back a classic with modern milling and an upgraded multimaterial shaft. It really is hard to find something to complain about, but honestly the headcover is just hideous. I'm a huge fan of retro looks and I know that's what they were trying to go for, but it just missed the mark completely. I instantly replaced the headcover as soon as I started testing the putter. Also, I'd love to see the putter grip be all red or black instead of gray. It would blend better into the shaft if it were a different color.


Play it or Trade it (19 out of 20)

Anyone in the market for a 2017 Taylormade SpiderMini 35"? I'll be reselling it for best offer.* 

*Shipping not included

Really though this putter surpassed my expectations in almost every way I could've asked it to. It has eliminated my biggest struggle in dealing with mid range putts. It'll be staying in my bag no questions asked and I'm ready to take my buddies for free lunch on Saturday am using this weapon.

Final (91 out of 100)

I'd highly recommend getting fitted for any putter you try out. Check out the new MGS article on getting fitted for your putter. When you're testing out options, I'd highly recommend the White Hot line and specifically the #7. It's an amazing club that Odyssey has brought back in the right way. Reinventing a classic is a dangerous line to toe, but wow has Odyssey really done it this time.


:taylormade-small: Qi10, Kai'ali White 6-X

:cobra-small: RadSpeed 14, Motore X F1 60 Stiff

:taylormade-small: Sim2 3 Hybrid and 4 Hybrid

:mizuno-small: JPX 921 Hot Metal Pro, 5-PW, Nippon Modus 105

:taylormade-small: MG3 50, 54, 58, SB - Black

:bettinardi-small: Queen B #6

Vice Golf Pro Plus


Currently Testing: T Squared TS-912 Putter 


Link to review


Thanks to MGS and Callaway for this opportunity! Excited to be able to test the #7 out! I consider putting my strongest part of my game (average ~30 putts per round with ~1 3 putt a round), so it will take a lot for the white hot to make it into my bag. I believe it's up to the challenge though. Feel free to start throwing out tests you'd like to see or questions you want answered during the testing process!

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I am sooo looking forward to this test. Thank you to everyone for keeping MGS at the top of our lists for product reviews, thoughts and different idea’s on how we play the game. Without this vast ocean of players of all skill levels and experience non of us would have a chance for these opportunities. Thank you MGS and thank you Callaway for giving me the chance to test White Hot OG #1 with stroke lab shaft.  I am a blade guy so this perfect. I will pit it against my current Karsten Ping Zing and White Ice, shhhh don’t tell my wife I am steeling her putter she stole from me. I 2 putt most everything with 2-3 three puts per round mixed in with 1-2 one putts. really just depends on my chipping that day or lie or if I just got lucky coming out of the woods.  


Congrats to the other testers and hope we can fulfill this honor and make it the best review to date. BIG shoes to fill I know. 

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23 minutes ago, sirchunksalot said:

Sorry for the late reply, I've been off work today and been running around with my wife. 

Thank you MyGolfSpy and Odyssey/Callaway for the honor of testing the Odyssey 2 Ball Putter in the White Hot line. It's a face balanced beauty that feels so good when you roll one. I was able to get down to DSG today and hit a couple of quick putts with it and sunk both of them. I also picked up a new SuperStroke grip that I'll be using after giving the stock grip a go. I would post a picture of it, but I left it in the car that my sister-in-law just took off in.

I'm really excited to get the chance to see if this blast from the past has still got it. 

I've always been a fan of the two-ball look, I just don't putt well with them.

...That White Hot OG Rossie though... that shape and I have some history!  

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12 minutes ago, B.Boston said:

I've always been a fan of the two-ball look, I just don't putt well with them.

...That White Hot OG Rossie though... that shape and I have some history!  

The Rossie is the only one I haven't gotten to see in person. They had the #1, #7, and 2 Ball down there today and I was sad not to see it. 

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5 minutes ago, sirchunksalot said:

The Rossie is the only one I haven't gotten to see in person. They had the #1, #7, and 2 Ball down there today and I was sad not to see it. 

I was in a Golf Store last week and the new Odyssey Line was there but NO LH.  No spoiler here.

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1 hour ago, sirchunksalot said:

Sorry for the late reply, I've been off work today and been running around with my wife. 

Thank you MyGolfSpy and Odyssey/Callaway for the honor of testing the Odyssey 2 Ball Putter in the White Hot line. It's a face balanced beauty that feels so good when you roll one. I was able to get down to DSG today and hit a couple of quick putts with it and sunk both of them. I also picked up a new SuperStroke grip that I'll be using after giving the stock grip a go. I would post a picture of it, but I left it in the car that my sister-in-law just took off in.

I'm really excited to get the chance to see if this blast from the past has still got it. 

Edit: I realized I forgot to mention mine will also be coming with the Stroke Lab shaft, I guess I was so excited to reply that I forgot that little detail. 

I also got the grip out of the car and took some photos. 20211011_183600-01.jpeg.3b42f949e59c599ca15b73aeb33100b9.jpeg20211011_183609-01.jpeg.07c2fc7c18439b07247a0c6be01b685c.jpeg

Went with the camo? Bold look. I thought I was going out of the book when I bought the flat gray for my last grip change. 

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2 minutes ago, TCUFrog said:

Went with the camo? Bold look. I thought I was going out of the book when I bought the flat gray for my last grip change. 

Yeah...I kind of have a thing for camo. I think it's the Southeast Tennessee in me and the fact I used to deer hunt. Plus, it kind of matches the theme of my bag.20210604_175049-01.jpeg.e41403b8eebc54e742b887e2c849f62f.jpeg

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2 minutes ago, sirchunksalot said:

Yeah...I kind of have a thing for camo. I think it's the Southeast Tennessee in me and the fact I used to deer hunt. Plus, it kind of matches the theme of my bag.20210604_175049-01.jpeg.e41403b8eebc54e742b887e2c849f62f.jpeg

Love it. Got to stay on brand

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Very excited and fortunate to be testing this beauty! I'll be Rahming it with the Rossie! I said it during the signup phase but could this be the one to take the TA#3 out of my bag. Been the steadiest club in my bag since it went in during testing a few years ago!

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1 hour ago, sirchunksalot said:

Sorry for the late reply, I've been off work today and been running around with my wife. 

Thank you MyGolfSpy and Odyssey/Callaway for the honor of testing the Odyssey 2 Ball Putter in the White Hot line. It's a face balanced beauty that feels so good when you roll one. I was able to get down to DSG today and hit a couple of quick putts with it and sunk both of them. I also picked up a new SuperStroke grip that I'll be using after giving the stock grip a go. I would post a picture of it, but I left it in the car that my sister-in-law just took off in.

I'm really excited to get the chance to see if this blast from the past has still got it. 

Edit: I realized I forgot to mention mine will also be coming with the Stroke Lab shaft, I guess I was so excited to reply that I forgot that little detail. 

I also got the grip out of the car and took some photos. 20211011_183600-01.jpeg.3b42f949e59c599ca15b73aeb33100b9.jpeg20211011_183609-01.jpeg.07c2fc7c18439b07247a0c6be01b685c.jpeg

Nice looking Grip. I may need to look into these. 

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Nopeeeeeee. This is the one club I am not touching, testing, or even considering trading. I love my Odyssey White Hot Pro 2.0 black and do not want her to turn on me if I test her newer, younger, prettier cousin. 

That being said, I'm definitely excited to hear the results from this test. 

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16 hours ago, sirchunksalot said:

These are some of the best feeling putters I've ever had the pleasure to roll. This is another great testing opportunity from MyGolfSpy and Odyssey. Good luck everyone, this should be a great review!

Yep! There's a reason I prefer my old White Hot Pro 2.0 over a lot of newer putters I've tried.

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7 minutes ago, MNUte said:

Yep! There's a reason I prefer my old White Hot Pro 2.0 over a lot of newer putters I've tried.

I can't agree with you more, I'm gaming an Odyssey White Ice Sabertooth I've had at least 7 years. Just haven't been able to find anything to knock it out of the bag. 

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I have gone through multiple Odyssey 1 wides throughout the years dating back to the Versa. The inserts make a huge difference. These new/old models look great and I love the stroke lab shafts. 🤞

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Definitely an awesome opportunity, hope I'm picked, good luck all!

Definitely an awesome opportunity, hope I'm picked, good luck all!

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