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Posts posted by hohjoe

  1. On 8/7/2022 at 10:16 PM, TheCanadianBogeyman said:

    But I work in public healthcare, where some people still use PAGERS! So I'm never too surprised when technology isn't where I think it should be.

    I get that about the pagers. I was in IT for years and the company I worked for last gave me a phone. The problem with a phone is that is if you have one people expect you to answer it, emergency or not.


    A pager on the other hand gets you pertinent information quickly and it's one way communication.

  2. 11 hours ago, ApachePhil said:


    Greetings from North Georgia.  Just getting back into the game and found this forum.


    1. How long have you been playing golf? What’s your handicap or normal score? I've been playing since I was a kid, but have taken 3-4 long breaks due to life events.  I haven't hit more than 500 balls in the past 6-7 years and looking to get back into the game.  So, now...in the 2 rounds I've played recently, I scored 105+.  Previously played in the 10-12 hcp range and hope to get back to that soon.
    2. What do you love about golf?  There has been no perfect game.  I enjoy being outdoors and getting exercise and striking the ball well...that one shot that motivates one to come back out the next day.

    3. What brings you to MyGolfSpy? Do you already know any other Spies?  Don't know anyone else here...seems to be a good place to get course and equipment ideas.

    4. Where are you from? What is your home course?  Born and raised in the Northwest and joined the military after high school. Currently living in Ellijay, GA.

    5. What are the best and worst things about golf in your region?  Year round golf/outdoor activities...but June-August is too damn hot!

    6. What do you do for a living?  Pilot for a Major Air Line.

    7. How’d you pick your user name?  Name given to me while I was in the military based on the aircraft I flew and part of my last name.

    Welcome. I'm a couple of hours away in Hull, GA.

  3. 8 hours ago, Kenny B said:

    Profiling.  Anyone driving at or under the speed limit... everyone else drives 10 over.  🤣

    Except in Maryland. The get people there for 2 over.

    I figured, after he pulled me over, that's what he was doing. I had the cruise set and taking a leisurely drive to the airport, it gave him something to do I guess.

  4. 1 hour ago, fixyurdivot said:

    While on my way down to AZ last week, I noticed the mileage on the Expedition was approaching an ominous number.  What are the odds this happened as I passed through Las Vegas? 😱  Full disclosure; I set the speed to match... breaking the law by 1 mph 🤣


    I got a ticket in Washington state years ago for doing 66 in a 65. I was headed to the airport from Vancouver and I think the trooper used it as an excuse to pull me over to see if I was a drug mule.


    Is that a 10 speed?

  5. 16 hours ago, kardboard.kid said:

    My son and daughter are expecting their second.  Found out she has Spina Binfida, and had to go for surgery.  They actually do a C-section, cut into the uterus and operate on the baby.  They were able to clos the opening on the spine and get mom and baby put all back together.  That was back in the beginning of June.  The cerebellum has almost returned to the proper shape of a bowtie, and she has gained almost 2 lbs.  Incredible what doctors can do today.  They will have to go back to the Cleveland Clinic at 32weeks and she will have to stay there till they take our grandaughter by C-Section ( a second time).  There may be some issues that my need further surgeries but everyone is optimistic.   This is kinda got problem and kinda not post.  🙂


    It's really amazing the doctors could do that. Best of luck to Mama and baby.

  6. 7 hours ago, Jmikecpa said:

    Been a rough 24 hours. Our Great Dane was diagnosed a few months ago with a heart condition that unfortunately cannot be treated anymore with medicine. Had to call the vet today to make her final appointment and it absolutely gutted me. Spent my entire drive from VA to NY with tears in my eyes. Spent most of last night with her and it just kills me to have to say goodbye. Today and tomorrow are just going to flat out suck. 

    Sorry for your loss. I had to put one of my Greys down three years ago today and it is a tough thing to go through.

  7. 1 hour ago, ONLYHITBOMBS said:

    If you are looking for a sun protection hat - I just got the Imperial Old Norse. I have had skin cancer 6 times and it works great at blocking the sun and the white color doesn’t show any sweat stains. It was 111 here today and it worked great. 



    I have one of those and I wet it before I play and it's a lot cooler than a regular hat.

  8. 23 hours ago, Tom the Golf Nut said:

    My wife and children (19 and 20 years old) really want to move. I know I need to consider downsizing because I have to much to maintain as I get older. The amount my real estate friend says I should get for it makes it a no brainer. But I have a great place, great views, and a low cost of living area. 

    But here is the kicker. My wife is researching homes and distances to golf courses and country clubs. I believe after 25 years she is fully trained. She really wants to move closer to her sister down near Oak Island in NC. She knows how to get me interested.. My only requirement is I need to be 45 minutes from an airport for work. I want an acre of property so I can put in an outbuilding (work shop, man cave, golf sim and stuff). 

    I guess the purging will start soon. 

    I retired at the end of 2020 and my wife, and I moved into a smaller place to be near my daughter, son-in-law, and grandkids. I’m not on a golf course, but close to one and I’m a mere 829 steps away the family. I’m in a smaller house with a workshop in the back for woodturning, my other hobby.


    Moving required downsizing after being in a place for 20+ years and it was tough. It was for me anyway. I went through what I had and separated what I had to keep, then went through what I had to keep two or three times until I had less and less stuff. I still miss some things, power tools mainly, but I can’t say I miss much.


    Best of luck downsizing, it’s a tough task, but sounds like it will be worth it.

  9. 6 hours ago, Lacassem said:

    My understanding is that regardless the epipen is the same unless its child vs adult (only different is dosage). I have also been taught that regardless if you have an epi ready to use it as anything will help.

    The child and adult versions are the same except for the dosage amount. But, a doctor has to prescribe an Epipen.

    I've been stung since I started carrying an Epipen, though not in the torso or chest. I won't use it just because of a sting, only if my throat starts to swell and blocks my airway.

  10. 17 hours ago, tommc23 said:

    The problem is people don’t use them right or at the right time. They are supposed to be used to for respiratory problems not just for swelling in an extremity. My mom hit herself with one years ago because her hand was swollen but no other issues. Any bite above the nipple line which would cause swelling would definitely cause have some respiratory issues so I definitely think that would suck.

    I carry the Epipen just for swelling and respiratory issues.


    My doc said if I ever needed to use it to lay down, hopefully somewhere somewhat soft, and jab myself. I've carried the Epipen for 20+ years and only once did I have to get ready to stick myself and thankfully I did not have to use it.

  11. 22 hours ago, tony@CIC said:

    I carry Benadryl. in my golf bag. Got stung on my lip once - swelled up like someone slammed me with their fist. .Note I also carry a liquid analgesic product (forgot the brand) in my Florida bag for those pesky fire ants.   

    I've used Benadryl for fire ant bites, but Benadryl won't do anything for me for bee\wasps stings. I swell immediately. My doc said if I get stung anywhere from the sternum to the top of the head to be prepared to use the Epipen.

  12. 7 hours ago, Shankster said:

    If you have never been stung in the ear by a yellow jacket… you are one lucky SOB.  Probably the absolute worst ear pain/headache I’ve ever had in my life.


    Welcome home to Michigan… 🤦🏼‍♂️

    I've never been stung in the ear by a yellow jacket, and that's gotta hurt. But I was stung in the foot and ended up in the ER. Now I carry an Epipen and I keep three in my golf bag.


    So, Einstein is taking his morning stroll around heaven and meets someone, and asks aren’t you new here? And the guy replies yes, I am. Einstein asked what he did before on earth and the guy said he was a nuclear physicist. Einstein said that sounds like a very interesting job we will have to discuss it over lunch one day.

    The next day on his morning stroll Einstein meets someone else new and asked what that person did. The person replies he ran the nuclear medicine wing at John Hopkins hospital. Einstein said I’d love to hear all about your job and what was involved, we can discuss it over lunch one day.

    One the next stroll Einstein meets another new person and asked what he did for a job previously. The guy said he drove a garbage truck for the city for 32 years. Einstein said ROLL TIDE!







  14. 12 hours ago, Kenny B said:

    I do the same.  If I wear a wide brimmed hat, and the wind suddenly comes up, I swap the hat for a baseball type hat.

    I have a couple of Tilley bucket hats with the strings that can easily be stuffed anywhere.  My favorite sun hat is a Dorfman Pacific Soaker hat that I keep wet the entire round; it doesn't have strings, but they have models that do.



    I have one of those in green.


  15. 56 minutes ago, Tom the Golf Nut said:

    I... What do you do with those annoying strings that some of the hats have? I don't think I would like anything hanging down or cinching anything up to my chin. 

    I take them off. If it's really windy I wear a baseball hat. The brim on a bucket hat is like one big wing in the wind.

  16. 19 hours ago, Joel C said:

    Had my first major issue yesterday where no matter what I did I could not get the course I was playing to transfer to my watch.  At first I could not get any courses to transfer.  Eventually I was able to get the "Cattail" course to transfer, problem is that I was playing "Devils Claw" course at Whirlwind here in PHX (they have two 18 hole courses)   Typically, the courses show up and and I can quickly transfer after I download from garmin app, if they dont show up I just do a hard restart on my watch and then the course shows up.   Any one else have similar issues recently?    Hopefully, this is just a one time issue, but it was pretty annoying.   I kept looking at watch all round only to see the time...LOL.  Made me realize just how much I it for use to for distances when I am playing.  

    I have a Fenix 6 and I've had that problem. I've also had to to a hard reset on the watch a few times because the GPS wouldn't locate or recognize my home course.


    If I play a new course I've learned to download the course to my watch, not my phone, before I head to the course, because if I don't have the course loaded the watch has issues locating where I am.

  17. 13 hours ago, GaDawg said:

    I needed a hat the size of a 55 gal drum with a built in A/C the last two days. I played both days here in Ga. with temps around 96-97 along with this crazy humidity.

    I played early Monday and it was fine. I played late Wednesday and it was HOT here in GA. I usually walk my home course, but Wednesday I took a cart. I figured out last year 90 degrees is my limit for walking. I wet my hat when I could and it helps keep me cool.

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