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Site Maintenance - June 17 6pm EST to 6am EST (Planned)


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Posts posted by CarlH

  1. From the USGA Rules of Golf definitions:  

    Line of Play

    The line where the player intends his or her ball to go after a stroke, including the area on that line that is a reasonable distance up above the ground and on either side of that line.

    The line of play is not necessarily a straight line between two points (for example, it may be a curved line based on where the player intends the ball to go).

  2. On 7/30/2021 at 7:37 AM, Golf2Much said:

    Both of us then had different drills.  My golf partner's was to pronate more and mine to try to gain more club head speed. 

    Just curious if she gave you any specific drills that you might be able to share (short of speed stick training) to gain club head speed.  Obviously not asking for any trademark drills, but those we might find available to the general public (golf sites, you tube, etc)

  3. I do plumb with my putter as an assist to my overall green read.  It's not my holy grail determining factor, but it is part of my routine that I've executed for many years.  I am generally a fairly good putter, not because I read the line well, but that I get the speed close and leave myself an easy 2nd putt when I miss.  Speed is far more important than line, IMO.

  4. 33 minutes ago, Shankster said:

    I like it.  It will have to be when the weather is at the absolute worst.  We can pretend we are on the shores of Scotland… or, we could plan it when it is absolutely beautiful out… 

    Goal 1 upon getting there is to at least go play one of the courses.  I have a few picked out on my “Oregon Trail” drive on the way.  But, I may get vetoed so we can go back to Yellowstone, which is perfectly fine with me as long as Beth Dutton is not there… haha.

    Bandon rates are cheapest in January/Feb timeframe.  It's a crap shoot as to weather conditions, but....last time I played there, we had 2 days scheduled....1st day was decent but windy.  2nd day was raining (got a rain check) and it was snowing on the drive home to Medford.

  5. 1 hour ago, golfinnut said:

    You ever get that feeling of quitting the game??  For whatever reason.  Well I've hit that brick wall right now.  I have lost the desire to play.  My game has gone the way of the Dodo Bird & it's been a complete sh*tshow the last 3 rounds.  Literally to the point where I gave up & didn't play any more, skipped a few holes trying to get my bearings & figure out my swing.  Of course, it didn't help.  I felt embarrassed for the guys that had to watch my game those few days.  I show no signs of my previous ability ... I literally look like I just picked up the game & decided to come out & give it a try on the course.  

    Anyone else go thru this?  

    I'm going through a tough period with my game as we speak.  This former (and by former, I mean recent) single digit handicapper (7) is struggling to shoot in the mid to high 80s right now, and have been for awhile.  I recently moved to a new course that is completely different than my prior experiences.  The turf (dormant but beginning to show signs of life) is tight and beneath that the soil is wet, almost to the point of mud.  The slightest error in your stroke and you're eating mud, the ball barely advances forward and you're standing there wondering what just happened.  The course is also a bit longer than my previous course and at a lower elevation.  I'm not hitting greens in regulation frequently enough and that issue with my wedges digging into the mud becomes a real problem.  While I do go practice chipping and pitching often, the conditions in the practice area do not represent the playing area that well.  It does show that my technique is sound, but obviously my head gets in the way on the course and I find myself worrying about chunking the mud and then I start coming out of the shot and thinning it.  

    But, I digress.....the bottom line is that I know that course conditions will improve and with improved conditions, I expect to return to previous skill levels with my wedge, will get longer tee shots (not getting any roll out this time of year), and my scores will lower.  So, what I'm telling you is to keep working through whatever is ailing you.  Seek counsel from your pro or fellow playing partners, as needed.  Things will get better.

    Best to you!

  6. As @jlukes pointed out, compression socks are the only socks that will help with circulation.  I have some edema and circulation issues and can attest that they definitely help (more for my legs than my feet, but they kind of go hand in hand).  When I choose not to wear compressions socks, which is more often than I should, I wear Bombas performance socks.  They have good cushion and nice arch support (they are foot specific and marked L and R).  A bit on the higher price end, but they will outlast the cheaper socks and most sports socks like Adidas and Nike.

  7. My game continues to be in the tank, as it has been all winter on the new course.  Putted very poorly today, as well as having trouble with the sand traps (wet, compacted).  The course is playing wet, so we're not getting much (if any) roll from our drives--pretty much get what you hit.  As a result, I'm struggling reaching the greens in regulation.  Couple that with being spooked at hitting the wedges out of the tight, but wet turf and it's a disaster.  I'm not striking the ball all that poorly, but the other aspects of my game have me pretty much snake bitten.  (Putting is normally good, but today was abysmal!). 

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