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MGS - Yahoo Fantasy Golf 2012 (THREAD)


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I ended up with 5830 points. Curious to know who won the overall for all the groups.




Syard - if you read my post, it was JBones who won overall with spring / overall combining for a total

of 5,801 points!


Unless there is another group ??? which I am not aware of - according to my Yahoo MSG / Fantasy account -


Winter - Bogies 2,038 pts

Spring - Jbones 1,699 pts

Summer- Wdgolf 2,282 pts

Full Season - Jbones 5,801 pts



I Can't Help It If I'm Lucky...

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Sorry guys.


For the 2013 season, it would be great if someone could take over the responsibility to maintain the thread. I did a horrible job this year.


I will ping MGS and let him know that the results have been posted. Hopefully he will respond to this thread with prize info.


Thanks all for playing.


Here are the "summer" section winners


Rank Team Points

1 TurkeyLurkey**9/11** 2,312

2 Bjorns Boys 2,289

3 wdgolf 2,282

4 syard 2,266

5 Downhill Lies 2,265

6 Ozark Hacker 2,262

7 Scratch This! (JWR) 2,261

7 Inconsiderate golfers 2,261

9 Springboks 2,247

10 Chito 2,240

10 OttawaGolf 2,240

12 bogies 2,238

12 6453 4653 2,238

14 Mr 3 Wiggle 2,237

15 FalconWatch 2,234

16 Shockdocs 2,229

17 plexico 2,205

18 Josh_Ross 2,204

19 Poultergeist 2,185

20 GolfGrouch 2,180

20 Hack Squad 'n' me 2,180

22 MUDFISH 2,165

23 bc804 2,164

24 Tyk 2,162

25 Hutch 2,160

26 Jbones 2,158

27 Bcbone 2,157

28 Golfers 2,139

29 Flint_Town 2,131

30 Pitch & a Putt 2,125

31 Golfspy Dave's Big Number 2,121

32 HughR 2,119

33 SSDD 2,114

34 El Tigre 2,111

34 Bogey28 2,111

36 Will Par 2,106

37 The Birdie Bunch 2,104

38 Jeremyheslop 2,097

39 PacGirl 2,078

40 mizunopro 2,076

41 Breakin' 80 2,071

42 Tour Sauce 2,058

43 One eyed Willie 2,040

43 One eyed Willie 2,040

45 Wallup! 2,030

46 Donald wheres yer troosers 2,004

47 GoneGolfing 1,999

48 mainuh 1,995

49 Chappy's Champs 1,993

50 Holler at your Choi 1,988

51 harries heroes 1,987

52 Irish Barry's 1,986

53 Wam Bam Thank You Mame 1,974

54 Diced Carrots 1,958

55 Gunga Galunga 1,957

56 Shooter McGavin 1,942

57 bestof4 1,937


59 Stroke of Genius 1,927

60 skyline 1,916

61 golfrnut 1,912

62 Jgolf 1,866

63 G Thomas 1,855

64 Any 1,851

65 Hogan's Heroes 1,835

66 Bigtedrx 1,814

67 Playing Through 1,801

68 Capecodbeachfront 1,787

69 The People's Champ 1,775

70 twshoot67 1,747

71 Rocketballz 1,605

72 Shanks for nuthin 1,589

73 kanfan 1,499

74 Prestige Worldwide 1,497

75 apco's best 1,441

76 bergybaby 1,366

77 Rykee 1,229

78 FORE LEFT!!! 1,125

79 Show Me Your Tees 1,048

80 CaptainHook 1,005

81 The Try Hards 995

82 WoodlandsDriver 984

83 Boghammers 924

84 ND Irish 816

85 Turtlehead 743

86 Bacalhau3000 736

87 Almost a Hero 686

88 Grip It And Rip It 658

89 bochnl11 616

90 knucklefade 590

91 SecondclassheroZ 539

92 Dirty Canadian 499

93 The Flying Wedge 468

94 REDRUM 451

95 waterisbad 396

96 runpuddrun 388

97 Campbell's Kids 382

98 Worm Burner 304

99 dl33tter 302

100 Seemoreputts 248

101 808 Hackers 242

102 dream team 218

103 Red Tees 144

104 Rookieblue7 130

105 Mr. 59 124

105 ZonedN 124

105 Noonan 124

108 Judge Smails 118

109 Clebrowns85 104

110 Palu Golf 88

111 Fozzie Flopers 80

112 Team Evil Genius 78

113 R & H Orchards 70

114 Ping King 42

115 Bogey Free 38

116 tjerks 30

117 12CoastalCarolina03 20

118 Loggers 16

118 asatyss 16

120 Hoos Your Daddy? 12

120 Nkeefe's big hitters 12

120 AirMailers 12

123 OkiDrive511 8

123 walpy 8

123 My Foot Your Face 8

126 Hogan's Edge 0

126 Mike Aiello 0

126 Hanks squad 0

126 Bonds baddies 0

126 akamai 0

126 bucknuts71 0

126 lamborogers 0

126 Show me your TD's 0

126 golfwvu 0

126 Romananthany 0

126 The Blind Walruses 0

126 My Kung Fu Is Strong 0

126 Dumbo Octopus GC 0

126 Kauai Killaz 0

126 somervillegolfers 0

126 3 Putt 0

126 Kingslohr 0

126 The Great Spyman 0



Here are the overall winners


Rank Team Points

1 syard 5,830

2 OttawaGolf 5,806

3 Jbones 5,801

4 Chito 5,738

5 Bjorns Boys 5,737

6 wdgolf 5,711

7 plexico 5,688

8 Scratch This! (JWR) 5,672

9 TurkeyLurkey**9/11** 5,646

10 Ozark Hacker 5,644

11 GolfGrouch 5,640

12 SSDD 5,621

13 Flint_Town 5,613

14 Shockdocs 5,603

15 bogies 5,589

16 Josh_Ross 5,561

17 FalconWatch 5,558

18 6453 4653 5,516

19 Downhill Lies 5,507

20 Inconsiderate golfers 5,500

21 Springboks 5,499

22 Poultergeist 5,457

23 One eyed Willie 5,453

23 One eyed Willie 5,453

25 HughR 5,432

26 MUDFISH 5,406

27 bestof4 5,404

28 Hutch 5,388

29 Wam Bam Thank You Mame 5,383

30 The Birdie Bunch 5,376

31 Pitch & a Putt 5,372

32 El Tigre 5,349

33 mizunopro 5,346

33 Will Par 5,346

35 Breakin' 80 5,335

36 Golfspy Dave's Big Number 5,326

37 Bcbone 5,312

38 Donald wheres yer troosers 5,310

39 mainuh 5,309

40 PacGirl 5,270

41 skyline 5,252

42 Golfers 5,251

43 Tour Sauce 5,248

44 bc804 5,229

45 Stroke of Genius 5,185

46 Tyk 5,168

47 Mr 3 Wiggle 5,165

48 Shooter McGavin 5,163

49 Irish Barry's 5,137


51 Holler at your Choi 5,117

52 Diced Carrots 5,094

53 Bogey28 5,088

54 Chappy's Champs 5,051

55 G Thomas 5,012

56 Hogan's Heroes 5,003

57 Jeremyheslop 4,994

58 Bigtedrx 4,958

59 Jgolf 4,881

60 golfrnut 4,875

61 harries heroes 4,870

61 Hack Squad 'n' me 4,870

63 Playing Through 4,799

64 Wallup! 4,797

65 GoneGolfing 4,736

66 The People's Champ 4,690

67 Gunga Galunga 4,679

68 twshoot67 4,653

69 Prestige Worldwide 4,652

69 Rocketballz 4,652

71 kanfan 4,515

72 Capecodbeachfront 4,507

73 FORE LEFT!!! 4,386

74 WoodlandsDriver 4,257

75 Any 4,239

76 Shanks for nuthin 4,172

77 The Try Hards 4,115

78 apco's best 4,053

79 Boghammers 4,020

80 Show Me Your Tees 3,911

81 bergybaby 3,893

82 CaptainHook 3,609

83 Grip It And Rip It 3,390

84 Turtlehead 3,335

85 Bacalhau3000 3,134

86 The Flying Wedge 3,126

87 Rykee 3,068

88 bochnl11 3,050

89 Campbell's Kids 3,026

90 knucklefade 2,942

91 ND Irish 2,904

92 Almost a Hero 2,830

93 Dirty Canadian 2,608

94 SecondclassheroZ 2,466

95 REDRUM 2,260

96 waterisbad 2,253

97 runpuddrun 2,252

98 dl33tter 2,208

99 Worm Burner 1,995

100 Judge Smails 1,874

101 808 Hackers 1,742

102 Seemoreputts 1,646

103 Clebrowns85 1,631

104 Red Tees 1,520

105 The Blind Walruses 1,514

106 Ping King 1,498

107 ZonedN 1,477

108 tjerks 1,475

109 Bogey Free 1,473

110 R & H Orchards 1,432

111 Loggers 1,389

112 somervillegolfers 1,359

113 Hoos Your Daddy? 1,343

114 Kingslohr 1,316

115 Bonds baddies 1,248

116 My Kung Fu Is Strong 1,240

117 Mr. 59 1,227

118 asatyss 1,211

119 The Great Spyman 1,210

120 Hogan's Edge 1,188

121 12CoastalCarolina03 1,183

122 Team Evil Genius 1,181

123 Fozzie Flopers 1,146

124 Romananthany 1,143

125 Noonan 1,141

126 Nkeefe's big hitters 1,118

127 Rookieblue7 1,116

128 Palu Golf 1,114

129 3 Putt 1,095

130 Kauai Killaz 1,071

131 My Foot Your Face 1,057

132 AirMailers 1,055

133 golfwvu 1,037

134 Show me your TD's 1,028

135 lamborogers 1,010

136 Hanks squad 962

137 walpy 938

138 OkiDrive511 844

139 dream team 779

140 akamai 0

140 bucknuts71 0

140 Mike Aiello 0

140 Dumbo Octopus GC 0

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Congrats to all the winners of the "2012 MyGolfSpy Fantasy Golf" season. Hope you guys enjoyed the season this year. One of these days if I can find time I am going to try and play with you guys.


All winners please contact me by email contact @ mygolfspy.com to claim your prizes.


Please include the following information:




Contact Number:

PayPal Address:


I will be awarding prizes to the TOP 5 players, they are listed below:

Rank Team Points

1 syard 5,830

2 OttawaGolf 5,806

3 Jbones 5,801

4 Chito 5,738

5 Bjorns Boys 5,737


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