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Red Rooster Sussex Golf Glove - 2023 Forum Review

Message added by GolfSpy_APH,

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A GolfSpy SAM Review of the Red Rooster Sussex Glove

No one told me when I was asked to join the Forum Staff that I’d have opportunities like this - and to be fair, we didn’t even know until Kerry and Brad at @Red Rooster Golf told us "Oh, no - we want the mod team to test these, too, so we can really put them through their paces."  Umm…Yes please!

As you’ve no doubt read by now, the testers did an absolutely killer job on their reviews, so I’m going to try (I’m really stressing “try” here, mind you - you know me - Chatty Kathy over here) to keep this as short and sweet as I can. 

First things first - I think all the testers can attest (get it?? HAHAHAHAAaaaahh I'm a horrible person. I apologize) that something that made this test truly special was getting to do a virtual fit with Kerry from Red Rooster.  He’s just…I think we both could have sat there and chatted about all-things-golf for WAY longer than we did, but it was such a cool, cool thing to get to talk through the sizes, what he thought would be best, and settle on a route to take.

Together Together.jpg

First Impressions - 10/10

There’s something rad about the box just showing up in the mail - all decked out with the RR logo.  It’s super slick, well designed, and held everything I needed, as well as a little note.  (As others have shown their box, and as my wife decided to take my box and use it to mail something back East, I have no box to show you - but trust me it looked exactly like everyone else's 🙂 )

I’d previously purchased the “Cape” from Red Rooster (after it won “Most Wanted Glove” last year), so I was fairly familiar with their sizing.  I’d also purchased a Range Rooster, as well.  Both of these, after a year, were still pretty usable - the Cape less so (had that kind of "crunchy" thing that happens to gloves after a while), but the Range Rooster was in shockingly good shape.  I let Kerry know what size I’d ordered (Medium Large (ML)) in both, and we talked through the fit.  We settled on a ML Cadet (as I have a slightly wider (read: fat) palm, as well as a standard ML, just to see which fit just right.  He did say that there was the possibility that I’d need a straight-up Medium (or cadet version), given I was kind of smack-dab in the middle of their sizing measurements.  

When the box arrived, sure enough, the ML was SLIGHTLY large (long in the fingers), so that was a no-go, but the ML Cadet was pretty close to perfect - but the closure really closed all the way (vs. half-to-3/4 closed like they suggest).  I reached out, and he said to just ship the gloves I didn’t need back and they’d get me the M-Cadet to try along with the ML-Cadet.  So that’s what I ended up with:  a M Range Rooster (because of the added flex inherent in that glove) along with a ML Cadet and a M Cadet. \

While the ML fit great the first time out, it has - after a round or two - become JUST slightly too big, whereas the M Cadet was s-n-u-g on the first try and has BARELY lost that feeling. It’s incredible. 

ML Cadet Back.jpgML Cadet Closure.jpgML Cadet Front.jpg

(ML Cadet back, closure (note that it's fully closed) and front - this is after all rounds played)

M Cadet Back.jpgM Cadet Closure.jpgM Cadet Front.jpg

(M Cadet back, closure (note that it's not fully closed, even after all rounds played), and front)

Kirkland ML Back.jpgKirkland ML Front.jpg

(Third glove, the K-Sig golf glove, for comparison's sake.  Back, front - note still how baggy this is in comparison to the RR ML)

Quick note about me.  I’m … “cheap” is the word I’m looking for.  I am, I can’t help it.  My golf budget usually has VERY little extraneous cash in it, and spending more than $20 on a glove felt gratuitous, especially when a certain warehouse store has a 4-pack for $30.   So while I did have the Cape last season,  I didn’t subscribe to their glove-every-month.  But putting this glove on, it became very apparent that - as great as the Cape was, this thing was next-level.  It’s INSANELY supple, tacky, and form-fitting in the best possible way.  

Aesthetics - 9/10

I gotta say - it’s a genuinely good-looking glove.  I don’t LOVE wearing major-OEM stuff, as I don’t have any kind of overt brand loyalty (though if someone wants to buy me a LAB hoodie, I will wear the HECK out of that thing), so wearing something that only has their icon (vs. their name everywhere in bold, italic font) - especially one that isn’t HUGELY well-known and looks rad - I’m all in on. 

RangeRooster Back.jpg

(Bold, yes, but not obnoxious.  YMMV)

It’s not a 10 because it didn’t make me look slimmer - and let’s be honest, a big guy like me needs all the help he can get looking svelte, and for some reason this glove only accentuated my previously-mentioned fat hands.  I’m kidding - I’m not sure I’ll ever give anything a 10/10 for looks (except, of course, my beloved Frying-Pan putter…oh, I love you so much - but that’s enough of that).

The Fit and Feel - 19/20

Lots of people have covered this already, so I’ll just say this is the best-constructed glove I’ve ever had on my hand, and the best-feeling.  Once you get the sizing right, it’s perfect.  

I’m only taking a point off here because it still ultimately requires trying on the glove in order to get the sizing perfect - that’s probably unfair, to be 100% honest, and their customer service to get me the glove that WAS right was incredible - again, I’m being picky.  I’ll say this:  if you’re at ALL in doubt of what size to go with, go smaller: it’s probably perfect.  Too many of us are wearing gloves that are WAY too big for us, and we have no idea.  

It’s one of the things I’m most grateful for about this test - I’ve actually learned what size glove I am (M cadet with a fine-leather glove, ML with something with less stretch).  

On The Course - 36/40

Okay - so, in the conversation with Kerry (I believe in the MGS Community Call that he so graciously joined in on), he mentioned that one of the ways he keeps his gloves lasting longer is to rotate three of them throughout the round.  The carrying case that Red Rooster sells (and that he so graciously provided) has two velcro patches on either side of it.  He suggested wearing Glove A for holes 1-3, then putting it on one of the velcro straps, and switching to Glove B for holes 4-6.  At hole 7, he puts Glove B on the other velcro strap, and pulls out Glove C for holes 7-9.  At hole 10, he goes back to Glove A, Glove B comes back on at hole 13, and then Glove C for holes 16-18.  

Top Image MGS Review.jpg

I found this to be a brilliant and easy way for me to extend the life of my gloves.  I live in SoCal, and although the temperatures have been on the cool side so far this year (I won’t say “cold” so I don’t get made fun of by the people who live in ACTUAL cold climates), I tend to sweat a lot when I play, and there’s no WORSE feeling for me than putting my glove back on when it’s all gross and wet, not to mention that it definitely has less traction that way.  So throughout the duration of the test, I switched between my gloves.  For the test, I used the M Cadet as Glove A, a warehouse-store Medium-Large glove as Glove B, and the Red Rooster ML Cadet as Glove C.  I’ve played seven rounds doing it this way, so each glove has approximately 3.5 rounds of “wear” on it.  

 M Cadet Wear Pattern.jpgML Cadet Wear Pattern (rotate).jpgKirkland ML Wear Pattern.jpg

(Wear pattern on M Cadet, ML Cadet (apologies for the turn of direction), and Kirkland ML, left-to-right)

For me, this was pretty eye-opening for a few reasons.  

One, the Red Rooster (both of them) still feels incredible, and given Kerry’s telling us that they’re really designed to be worn only a few rounds, I wasn’t sure what to expect.  I can 100% see these gloves lasting another 7 rounds of use this way - letting them air out for 6 holes between usage is both ingenious and clearly seems to help them last longer. 

Two, and this is why it’s not a full 40-score, the OTHER glove is doing significantly better than I believe it had any right to, and I’m guessing it’s for the same reason.  I’ve worn these gloves in the past (always too big, mind you, as a) their quality control is not nearly as good as RR and sometimes you’d get one that fit great and other times it’d be 1/4” too long in the fingers,  and b) I was buying the wrong size), and I’m not sure I’ve ever had one last almost-four rounds without turning hard.  I’m actually a bit shocked at how well it’s holding up, considering the price difference. 

To be fair, it’s not as nice an experience to slip on that glove as it is the Sussex, but … you get what you pay for.

Now, this is not a review of this other glove, merely a comparison point from a glove I use often.  

For me, and it could be purely mental, but I feel that I’ve hit my best shots wearing the Red Roosters.  There’s something about the feeling of control with the Sussex that isn’t there with the other glove - and this is reason alone to strongly consider making these a mainstay in the bag.

Something else to bring up here - I have three different kinds of grips currently in play:  a midsize “wrap” (that I absolutely love), a PXG midsize cord that I don’t love, and a standard (Crossline) grip that is…fine.  The glove felt incredible on all three, but in particular on the “wrap” as the tackiness of that grip combined with the glove made me feel SO in control - I’ll be switching to that grip exclusively on all my clubs soon. 

If you look at the above picture, you can see (I think pretty clearly) that the Range Roosters are holding up better than the Kirkland, specifically in my typical wear-spot (lower left palm), and despite a small amount of "grime", they're in remarkable shape.  

Play It or Trade it? 18/20*

This is the hardest one for me to write, as I’m of two very distinct minds here.  

The “choose the one that makes you happiest and the best golfer possible” mind says - nay, SCREAMS - to exclusively play the Sussex.  It’s beautiful, it does what it says, and it’s well made.  

The “hold on a second, you have two kids and a wife and very limited budget” mind says - begrudgingly - to take what you’ve learned about switching out gloves every three holes and play the budget glove because it’s the choice that makes logical sense while under the constraints of, you know, money.

My heart wants to play the Sussex and do away with the warehouse gloves.  But my reality-driven brain says I’m getting 90% of the benefit of the Sussex while paying almost 1/4th the price.

Total 92/100


So much for keeping it “short” 🙂

I really, really loved getting the opportunity to test these gloves out.  I tend to have an “oh, no, I couldn’t possibly play THAT” reaction a lot to things that are more expensive than I’d normally purchase with my own (very hard-earned) money, so getting to slip these on felt like a little piece of luxury.  They’re beautiful, beautifully made, and if they’re in your budget, I cannot recommend them highly enough. 

If, however, you’re like me, and you need to scrimp and save as much as possible just to get out for your next round, then maybe put these on your Christmas/Birthday list — just make sure you’re REALLY specific about what size you need ;), and in the meantime, grab a pack of gloves while you’re buying mayonnaise and batteries in bulk.  Just remember to size down a bit and swap them every so often - it’ll make a world of difference.

Incredibly grateful, again, to Kerry and Brad and the whole team at RedRoosterGolf for allowing this Schmo to put his fat little hands into their beautiful product 🙂 I’m putting it on my Christmas list right now 🙂

-GolfSpy SAM

ML Cadet Baggy.jpg

Driver - Callaway Ai Smoke Max - 9* - Draw setting; Maltby UL (Otto Phlex)
5/7 Wood - Takomo Ignis
Utility - Caley X01 Driving Iron (3 = 18*) (currently benched)
Irons (5-PW) - Caley 01T
Wedges (48, 52, 56, 60) - Indi Wedges FLX 48 / ATK 52, 56, 60
Putter - L.A.B. Directed Force 2.1 - 65*/DF3 65*
Ball - Chrome Tour Triple-Track

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Red Rooster Sussex Review by GolfSpy_BNG


First off let me thank Kerry and Brad at Red Rooster along with MyGolfSpy for the opportunity to test the Sussex glove.IMG_0959.jpeg

As I mentioned to Kerry on the video chat, I gave up wearing a glove a few years ago.  They wore out too fast and were getting expensive to continue to replace multiple times a year.  We discussed how pro golfers view gloves as a 1 round piece of equipment.  He then went on to say that he uses 3 gloves during his round and changes them every 3 holes and uses the velcro on the glove box to let them air dry before returning to the first glove to start the back 9.


First Impressions  10/10

It's hard not to be impressed by the presentation that was inside the brown shipping box.  IMG_0957.jpegInside the cool black box was 2-Sussex 1- Range Rooster and 1- Scots Silver gloves along with the glove box that clips to the bag for storage and drying.  IMG_0958.jpeg IMG_0963.jpegSince this review is for the Sussex glove I will concentrate on that one.  Red Rooster really went all out.


Aesthetics 10/10

I am a huge fan of a solid color glove with minimal ascent colors.  The all white glove with only a "RED" Rooster on the velcro closure is pure class.


The Fit and Feel 20/20

When talking with Kerry about sizing we were both pretty sure the cadet medium was gonna be right.  It was the size I had used previously so it made sense to stay with it.  When I put it on it was perfect. IMG_0965.jpegIMG_0964.jpeg Feel wise it is thin, leather, and tacky.  Everything you look for when gaming this style tour glove.  The Sussex glove itself is as high quality as any tour glove out there.


On the Course 30/40

This is a hard one for me to score.  Had I tested this glove back when I was used to always playing with a glove the score would most definitely have been higher.  

I took Kerry's advice and rotated gloves every 3 holes. I had 2 Sussex gloves and as I wanted to keep the feel fresh in my mind I went holes 7-9 and 16-18 without one.  This allowed me to judge/feel the difference between no glove and the Sussex.  I did this for about 4 rounds and could definitely tell this was the secret sauce for getting any golf glove to last longer.

Then to test the durability of the Sussex similar to how I used to play with a glove, I played with the same glove for the entire round, taking it off between shots and while putting.  I did this for roughly 5 rounds and started to notice a wear pattern developing in my palm.  This is my main wear spot and the main reason I gave up on gloves all together.IMG_0095.jpeg


Play it or Trade it 12/20

Ok this is probably a little harsh as I would have zero issues playing this glove and will most likely use it on rainy or high humidity days to help with grip.  I love the feel of the glove but I have just become so accustomed to not using one that I am going back to no glove.


Total Score 82/100

If you managed to read all that congrats.  Your attention span is clearly better than mine! HeHe

The Red Rooster Sussex Glove is everything someone wanting a tour glove could ask for.  I have zero doubt that quality is second to none.  

Thanks again to Kerry and Brad at Red Rooster and MyGolfSpy for this opportunity.





What is in my Ghost MGS anyday Maverick or Jones MyGolfSpy bag

Driver:   :titleist-small: GT2 with an Aretera Alpha One Blue 55/4 shaft @ 44.75” or GD VF 5s @45”

Fairway: :srixon-small: F85 3 wood with a XPhplexx Agera X @ 42.5”

 :srixon-small: F85 5 wood with a UST Elements Chrome 7F5 @ 41.5"

:titleist-small: TSR2 7 wood shaft TBD

Driving Iron: :ping-small: Rapture 2-Iron 

Irons: :callaway-logo-1: Apex TiFusion 4-PW 2* flat with PX Hazrdus Gen4 Silver 75s

Wedges:    JP Camber 48 & 55 shaft TBD

Putter: :cameron-small: 2024 Phantom 5.5 @ 34”

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On 6/17/2023 at 7:36 PM, GolfSpy SAM said:

I’ll say this:  if you’re at ALL in doubt of what size to go with, go smaller: it’s probably perfect.  Too many of us are wearing gloves that are WAY too big for us, and we have no idea.  

If anyone gets anything from these tests this is it (outside of buying a RR glove that is). I’ve already had 3 people go down in their glove size this season after being a part of this test and enlightening them on the proper fit of a glove thanks to the information from Kerry and Brad over at RR. 

@GolfSpy SAM great review! But I have one question because I couldn’t tell from reading. Are you a fan of your putter? 🤣

Current WITB:

Driver:                      image.png.ad4d66f798557c86ee934344d1a24ed2.png       Paradym 10.5 Ventus Black 6S (currently Testing AI Smoke🔹🔹🔹)

Fairway:                   image.png.3077938d887c52577470dba42554f0aa.png     ST-Z 230 3-Wood (15°) HZRDUS Smoke Black 6.0 60 Official Test

Hybrid:                    image.png.a874a9a429fd132acae64968308d6a89.png     ST-Z 230 Hybrid (19°) Ventus Blue HB-8 Official Test

Irons:                       image.png.a874a9a429fd132acae64968308d6a89.png     MP-18 MMC (4-9)

Wedges:     image.png.8641af187e8958a5ff8c3c2146b1fc7c.png  Vokey SM8 (46.10F, 50.12F, 54.14F, 58.12D)

Putter:                image.png.a85c45cc6c173613e90f345a17c689b4.png      Select Squareback 2 34.5 Ping Corded 88G PP58 grip double taped

Ball:                       image.png.c4e52864bdd9535caa79ae03a9376870.png        Pro-V1



2023 Red Rooster Sussex Glove Official Forum Test

2023 Mizuno Long Game Official Forum Test

2024 Skytrak+ Official Forum Test

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  • 2 weeks later...

Red Rooster has the Sussex available starting today.  If interested, they can be ordered here:


Also, my glove is over ten rounds in (I have lost count TBH) and still going strong.  

I am a fan.  Thanks again to RR and MGS for providing this great opportunity!

Working at getting better ... and very slowly getting there.

  •  :callaway-small: Paradym 🔹🔹🔹 Max 8* (:accra:  Shogun Blue M0 Otto-Phlex)
  •  :taylormade-small: Brnr Mini driver 13.5* (:accra: FX 3.0 140 M1 Otto-Phlex)
  • :callaway-small: Paradym X 4 and 5 Hybrids
  •  Maltby TS1 (shafts:  :kbs: Tour 120S)
  • :cleveland-small: RTX6 Zipcore 53*, and 58* mid wedges (:projectx: wedge shafts 6.5)
  • :cleveland-small: Frontline Elite 1.0
  • :redrooster: Gloves

My Official 2024 TaylorMade Qi10 Review:  https://forum.mygolfspy.com/topic/62804-taylormade-qi10-drivers-2024-forum-member-review/?do=findComment&comment=1014200

My Official 2023 Red Rooster Sussex Glove Review:  https://forum.mygolfspy.com/topic/58614-2023-mgs-forum-member-test-red-rooster-sussex-golf-glove/#comment-911042


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39 minutes ago, IndyBonzo said:

Red Rooster has the Sussex available starting today.  If interested, they can be ordered here:


Also, my glove is over ten rounds in (I have lost count TBH) and still going strong.  

I am a fan.  Thanks again to RR and MGS for providing this great opportunity!

I'm very impressed with the price point! Very comparable to other "Player's" gloves on the market and worth that price in my opinion.

Have you noticed any loss in "tackiness"? After my 3 day tournament in early June I started to notice a decrease in performance, I guess you could say? (12 rounds in total at that point). Once at that point, I started to notice the white was not as bright (obviously) and the glove itself felt like it wanted to harden up and become slick. I would think in my previous thought on golf glove durability this is barely scratching at being needed to be replaced but after learning so much from Red Rooster and this test I'm starting to feel like a new one is on the horizon soon!

Current WITB:

Driver:                      image.png.ad4d66f798557c86ee934344d1a24ed2.png       Paradym 10.5 Ventus Black 6S (currently Testing AI Smoke🔹🔹🔹)

Fairway:                   image.png.3077938d887c52577470dba42554f0aa.png     ST-Z 230 3-Wood (15°) HZRDUS Smoke Black 6.0 60 Official Test

Hybrid:                    image.png.a874a9a429fd132acae64968308d6a89.png     ST-Z 230 Hybrid (19°) Ventus Blue HB-8 Official Test

Irons:                       image.png.a874a9a429fd132acae64968308d6a89.png     MP-18 MMC (4-9)

Wedges:     image.png.8641af187e8958a5ff8c3c2146b1fc7c.png  Vokey SM8 (46.10F, 50.12F, 54.14F, 58.12D)

Putter:                image.png.a85c45cc6c173613e90f345a17c689b4.png      Select Squareback 2 34.5 Ping Corded 88G PP58 grip double taped

Ball:                       image.png.c4e52864bdd9535caa79ae03a9376870.png        Pro-V1



2023 Red Rooster Sussex Glove Official Forum Test

2023 Mizuno Long Game Official Forum Test

2024 Skytrak+ Official Forum Test

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6 minutes ago, Swood1994 said:

I'm very impressed with the price point! Very comparable to other "Player's" gloves on the market and worth that price in my opinion.

Have you noticed any loss in "tackiness"? After my 3 day tournament in early June I started to notice a decrease in performance, I guess you could say? (12 rounds in total at that point). Once at that point, I started to notice the white was not as bright (obviously) and the glove itself felt like it wanted to harden up and become slick. I would think in my previous thought on golf glove durability this is barely scratching at being needed to be replaced but after learning so much from Red Rooster and this test I'm starting to feel like a new one is on the horizon soon!

Good questions, @Swood1994.  I would say there is a little loss of tackiness, but not enough to affect performance significantly.  Clubs are not slipping and I don't question the grip at all, and I do not have any slickness or stiffness in the glove.  I will say that the glove has stretched out some, which I would expect given the tight fit of it originally.  I, too, am due for a new one soon because I do love the new feel.  But I don't think I have ever had another "premium" glove last this many rounds without developing a hole in the thumb pad.  

Working at getting better ... and very slowly getting there.

  •  :callaway-small: Paradym 🔹🔹🔹 Max 8* (:accra:  Shogun Blue M0 Otto-Phlex)
  •  :taylormade-small: Brnr Mini driver 13.5* (:accra: FX 3.0 140 M1 Otto-Phlex)
  • :callaway-small: Paradym X 4 and 5 Hybrids
  •  Maltby TS1 (shafts:  :kbs: Tour 120S)
  • :cleveland-small: RTX6 Zipcore 53*, and 58* mid wedges (:projectx: wedge shafts 6.5)
  • :cleveland-small: Frontline Elite 1.0
  • :redrooster: Gloves

My Official 2024 TaylorMade Qi10 Review:  https://forum.mygolfspy.com/topic/62804-taylormade-qi10-drivers-2024-forum-member-review/?do=findComment&comment=1014200

My Official 2023 Red Rooster Sussex Glove Review:  https://forum.mygolfspy.com/topic/58614-2023-mgs-forum-member-test-red-rooster-sussex-golf-glove/#comment-911042


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Finished up a round (14 total) on the medium Sussex. It was 92° and humid. I decided to try a first for me and rotate 2 gloves every 3 holes. I’m not a big sweater so that why I didn’t do 3 in rotation. It worked really well and the Sussex has held up nicelyIMG_4149.jpeg.957165eb22b5cfdab44e5fce97267842.jpeg

Current WITB:

Driver:                      image.png.ad4d66f798557c86ee934344d1a24ed2.png       Paradym 10.5 Ventus Black 6S (currently Testing AI Smoke🔹🔹🔹)

Fairway:                   image.png.3077938d887c52577470dba42554f0aa.png     ST-Z 230 3-Wood (15°) HZRDUS Smoke Black 6.0 60 Official Test

Hybrid:                    image.png.a874a9a429fd132acae64968308d6a89.png     ST-Z 230 Hybrid (19°) Ventus Blue HB-8 Official Test

Irons:                       image.png.a874a9a429fd132acae64968308d6a89.png     MP-18 MMC (4-9)

Wedges:     image.png.8641af187e8958a5ff8c3c2146b1fc7c.png  Vokey SM8 (46.10F, 50.12F, 54.14F, 58.12D)

Putter:                image.png.a85c45cc6c173613e90f345a17c689b4.png      Select Squareback 2 34.5 Ping Corded 88G PP58 grip double taped

Ball:                       image.png.c4e52864bdd9535caa79ae03a9376870.png        Pro-V1



2023 Red Rooster Sussex Glove Official Forum Test

2023 Mizuno Long Game Official Forum Test

2024 Skytrak+ Official Forum Test

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On 6/28/2023 at 9:19 AM, Swood1994 said:

I'm very impressed with the price point! Very comparable to other "Player's" gloves on the market and worth that price in my opinion.

Have you noticed any loss in "tackiness"? After my 3 day tournament in early June I started to notice a decrease in performance, I guess you could say? (12 rounds in total at that point). Once at that point, I started to notice the white was not as bright (obviously) and the glove itself felt like it wanted to harden up and become slick. I would think in my previous thought on golf glove durability this is barely scratching at being needed to be replaced but after learning so much from Red Rooster and this test I'm starting to feel like a new one is on the horizon soon!

I'll jump in on this question as well. 


I did not notice a difference in thickness. I had roughly 12 rounds in with 1st RR Sussex glove before I got a hole in the palm. Tackiness seemed to be the same as it was when new. Color wise it was dirty and that's on me as I tend to grab stuff off the ground with my glove on. The glove held its shape and didn't feel like it was drying out to me at all. I will say I was surprised it lasted that long. I out gloves through he ringer with how many shots I take in a round (90+ reccently). 

I have been using another brand after the first Sussex glove wore out and have gone thru 2 gloves. To me it seems the cost is worth it.  I've been waiting for them to come out with the Sussex so I can buy it.

Sub 70 949 D 9* HZRUDS 60G 6.5 smoke RDX shaft. 

Sub 70 949X 4 wood ALDILA ABV 65-S shaft

Sub 70 699 Pro 4-AW 

Sub 70 3 utility 19*

Callaway 56 and 58 wedge. 

OG White Hot #1 putter

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  • 1 month later...

Red Rooster Sussex Review - BOS edition

IMG_4195.jpeg IMG_4822.jpeg

First, thank you to @Red Rooster Golf and Kerry for including the forum staff on this review.  It was great to talk to you and learn both about Red Rooster and the goals and intention of the Sussex Glove.  On top of that, as you'll read below, I found a great glove to add to my arsenal going forward.

Second, sorry for taking so long!  But I wanted to get a good amount of play with each glove to put it through the ringer.


First Impressions - 10/10

My Sussex gloves were delivered with an unboxing experience that rivals many premium brand experiences.  It was truly a white glove experience.  Ok sorry, bad Dad Joke #1 of this review.

The packaging was simple and well designed without a lot of wasted space.  The personalized note is always a nice touch.

The positive first impressions continued when I actually tried on the glove for the first time.  In discussions with Kerry, I learned that the target of the Sussex is very much in line with the Titleist Players line of gloves.  You may have seen this post if you follow Red Rooster on Instagram (and if you don’t, Shame on you!😞

IMG_4198.jpeg IMG_5068.png


Aesthetics - 10/10

Classy, Clean, Simple.  The stitching is clean, and the logo is crisp.  No unnecessary branding, nothing flashy, no contrast colored middle fingers.  It’s everything I want a glove to be, and nothing I don’t.  Call me crazy, but I don’t want my golf glove to be the highlight of my golfing attire.  It should just be there to help me keep a better grip on the club.

IMG_5990.jpeg IMG_4199.jpeg

The Fit and Feel - 20/20

It would probably be fair to suggest that Red Rooster is a little OCD when it comes to fit.  10 sizes, for each hand.  No one-size-fits-most approach here, they want this to be the best fitting glove you’ve ever worn.  And if Kerry is to be believed (and he should) You, Sir or Ma’am reading this, likely need to size down for a proper fit.

Now, I am not one of those folks, I was already basically in as small a size as they come… Cadet Small.  Go ahead, make your jokes. Anyway, I’ve always liked a good tight fit. Really, more jokes?  The Sussex is just about perfect in that respect, the fingers are all snug and tight, but I could even use it a bit tighter through the palm.  I guess I sort of need a Super Small, or Xtra Small, or something.  But that’s not really the issue, out of the box it fits as well as my gamer, the Titleist Players.

The leather is soft, supple, and smooth.  There’s no doubt it is a premium offering.  It feels on par with the Titleist Players which was 100% my preferred glove to date.


On The Course - 35/40

I have less to say here than I thought I would, which in hindsight I think is a compliment to the Red Rooster Sussex.  It does its job really well.  I never took a swing and thought “man the glove let me down there.”  It was comfortable and secure.

Perhaps this will be the biggest compliment I can give.  I had played a round with the Sussex and wanted to start my comparisons with the Titleist Players so I decided to play a round with the Players.  It took me until the 6th hole before I realized I had grabbed the Sussex again.  I swapped out and finished the round with the Players and would not have been able to tell you the difference.

So why am I deducting 5 points?  I think it stretches out a little sooner than the Players does, which surprised me as talking with Kerry I was anticipating it would stretch a little less.  As you can see below the stretching is pretty equal on the top of the hand and fingers between the two but the Sussex has a bit more in the palm.  I’ll need to swap that one out sooner than the Titleist, but maybe just by a few rounds.

Here is The Sussex vs the Titleist after about equal play:

IMG_5989.jpeg IMG_5995.jpeg

dirt aside, there's not much too it.  I have to close the Sussex a but more than the Titleist to get a tight fit, but the fingers are still nice and tight.  The palm is a little more stretched, which is better seen in this photo:



Play It or Trade it? 15/20

I would and will 110% play these again.  I think the quality, performance, and value is there with the leaders in the premium glove space.  I’m not sure that I’m ready to jump on the subscription service for gloves model, as I usually just buy 2-3 at the start of the season, but if I play more golf like I want to, maybe that would be a good option for me down the road.  I know that at one point during the OEM shortages and global shipping issues with Covid I had a difficult time finding a good fitting glove.  I’ll be looking back to The Sussex when it’s time to order again.  It would be more of a slam dunk if it were cheaper than the Titleist Players, which jumps around the price of the Sussex online.  So I’d likely take whichever one is cheaper at the time I ordered, which is probably supposed to be the appeal of the subscription model.


Overall Total 90/100

TL;DR - The Red Rooster Sussex is a premium leather glove with a pure classic design and tremendous feel.  Yup, I stole borrowed that directly from Jamie as he summed it up perfectly.  If you’re in the market for a new glove, and are tired of causing premature wear from your ill-fitting crusty old glove, go over to Red Rooster, take the fit test, and get some proper performance golf gloves to try.  You won’t be disappointed!


:taylormade-small: Qi10 - Terra Forza White | :cobra-small: Speedzone 5-wood - Ventus Blue 8S | :ping-small: G430 3-Hybrid - Kai'li White 80s

:edel-golf-1: SMS Pro 4-PW - Steelfiber i110S | :taylormade-small: MG3 Raw Black 50.09, 54.11, 58.11 - DG TI S200

:L.A.B.: Mezz Max | :titelist-small: Pro V1x | Vortex Blade | Ghost Maverick Black Ops - Forum Edition | :CaddyTek: CaddyLite EZ v8


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  • GolfSpy_APH changed the title to Red Rooster Sussex Golf Glove - 2023 Forum Review
  • 2 weeks later...

It’s been a while since this thread has been updated. Unfortunately I don’t have a good one.. The glove case unthreaded and broke.. I will reach out to RR support to see if they cover this.



Current WITB:

Driver:                      image.png.ad4d66f798557c86ee934344d1a24ed2.png       Paradym 10.5 Ventus Black 6S (currently Testing AI Smoke🔹🔹🔹)

Fairway:                   image.png.3077938d887c52577470dba42554f0aa.png     ST-Z 230 3-Wood (15°) HZRDUS Smoke Black 6.0 60 Official Test

Hybrid:                    image.png.a874a9a429fd132acae64968308d6a89.png     ST-Z 230 Hybrid (19°) Ventus Blue HB-8 Official Test

Irons:                       image.png.a874a9a429fd132acae64968308d6a89.png     MP-18 MMC (4-9)

Wedges:     image.png.8641af187e8958a5ff8c3c2146b1fc7c.png  Vokey SM8 (46.10F, 50.12F, 54.14F, 58.12D)

Putter:                image.png.a85c45cc6c173613e90f345a17c689b4.png      Select Squareback 2 34.5 Ping Corded 88G PP58 grip double taped

Ball:                       image.png.c4e52864bdd9535caa79ae03a9376870.png        Pro-V1



2023 Red Rooster Sussex Glove Official Forum Test

2023 Mizuno Long Game Official Forum Test

2024 Skytrak+ Official Forum Test

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kerry and the team at Red Rooster have master class customer service. I reached out with my broken glove case and got a replacement within a few days. Awesome!

Current WITB:

Driver:                      image.png.ad4d66f798557c86ee934344d1a24ed2.png       Paradym 10.5 Ventus Black 6S (currently Testing AI Smoke🔹🔹🔹)

Fairway:                   image.png.3077938d887c52577470dba42554f0aa.png     ST-Z 230 3-Wood (15°) HZRDUS Smoke Black 6.0 60 Official Test

Hybrid:                    image.png.a874a9a429fd132acae64968308d6a89.png     ST-Z 230 Hybrid (19°) Ventus Blue HB-8 Official Test

Irons:                       image.png.a874a9a429fd132acae64968308d6a89.png     MP-18 MMC (4-9)

Wedges:     image.png.8641af187e8958a5ff8c3c2146b1fc7c.png  Vokey SM8 (46.10F, 50.12F, 54.14F, 58.12D)

Putter:                image.png.a85c45cc6c173613e90f345a17c689b4.png      Select Squareback 2 34.5 Ping Corded 88G PP58 grip double taped

Ball:                       image.png.c4e52864bdd9535caa79ae03a9376870.png        Pro-V1



2023 Red Rooster Sussex Glove Official Forum Test

2023 Mizuno Long Game Official Forum Test

2024 Skytrak+ Official Forum Test

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  • 2 months later...

Anyone else dive into the Sussex glove after these reviews?

⛳🛄 as of Oct 5, 2024 (Past WITB
Driver:  :titleist-small: GT2 with Graphite Design AD CQ - check out the Driver Shootout! 

Wood:    :titleist-small: GT2 with Graphite Design AD CQ shaft (still love my Cobra F7's)

Irons:   :titleist-small: T Series - T200 5 Iron
                                          T150 6-9 Iron                                

Wedge:  Toura Golf - A Spec 53,57 or :titleist-small: SM10 45,49,53,57 degree wedges

Putter:  Screenshot 2023-06-02 13.10.30.png LINK! Full putter shootout incoming

Balls:     Vice Pro Plus Drip (Blue/Orange)

Golf Bag: Ghost Anyday 5.0 Golf bag - Maverick colorway with MGS Logo

Other: Vortex Anarch Rangefinder, searching for electric cart, Red Rooster The Root Glove and more


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  • 3 months later...

Still gaming the Sussex and loving it.  Soft yet durable it is still my go to when not wearing the MGS Forum Red Rooster glove.  


Working at getting better ... and very slowly getting there.

  •  :callaway-small: Paradym 🔹🔹🔹 Max 8* (:accra:  Shogun Blue M0 Otto-Phlex)
  •  :taylormade-small: Brnr Mini driver 13.5* (:accra: FX 3.0 140 M1 Otto-Phlex)
  • :callaway-small: Paradym X 4 and 5 Hybrids
  •  Maltby TS1 (shafts:  :kbs: Tour 120S)
  • :cleveland-small: RTX6 Zipcore 53*, and 58* mid wedges (:projectx: wedge shafts 6.5)
  • :cleveland-small: Frontline Elite 1.0
  • :redrooster: Gloves

My Official 2024 TaylorMade Qi10 Review:  https://forum.mygolfspy.com/topic/62804-taylormade-qi10-drivers-2024-forum-member-review/?do=findComment&comment=1014200

My Official 2023 Red Rooster Sussex Glove Review:  https://forum.mygolfspy.com/topic/58614-2023-mgs-forum-member-test-red-rooster-sussex-golf-glove/#comment-911042


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  • 2 weeks later...

Played my first round with The Root this evening. I definitely liked it, enjoyed the more premium feel. My initial concern with an XL being too small, seems to be fading. It started to loosen up a bit to where I could fully strap it after a few holes. I kinda wish I would have ordered an XL with my second order, but we'll how the XXL fares. Looking forward to more rounds!

Driver:            :cobra-small: Aerojet 9* | Hzrdus Black Gen 4
Fairway:         :ping-small: G410 3W 13* | Alta CB 65
Hybrid:           :titleist-small: TS2 18* | Tensei AV Blue 70 S
Hybrid:           :ping-small: iCrossover 20* | Kai'li White 80
Irons:              :taylormade-small: P790 5-PW | DG S300
Wedges:         :titleist-small: Vokey SM9 | 52, 56, 60 | DG S200
Putter:            :L.A.B.: Link.1 | Accra x LAB

--- LAB Golf Link.1 Review ---

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Hoping this is the only negative post for RR as I really like the feel of the Root. But…after only three rounds played and a little range time in the garage, my first one had a blowout before my round today. 

Going to reach out to RR and see what they say. All my gloves are Medium but the next round coming later this spring is ML. Hoping this was caused by the fit being a little too snug maybe? Anyone else have a blowout like this? 

Driver:  cobralogo.png.60692cdc05482efd83e68664e010b95f.png Aerojet LS, Ventus Velocore+ Blue Shaft - 6S
4 Wood:  callaway.png.e65d398fb0327017a369499fc6126064.png Rogue ST Max 16.5, Tensei White Shaft - 7S
Utility Iron: mizunopro.png.90cc4fb9895830e28063d9a5be416145.png Fli Hi 3-iron, HAZARDOUS Smoke Black Shaft - S
Irons:  mizuno.png.f0e7b21135cb6273b3c1430866904467.png JPX 921 Tour 4-P, Project X Shafts - Stiff 125g
Wedges: cleveland.png.f21f4d2361520fdf1bbd9d515a2f11e6.png 52º, 56º, 60º
Putter:  odyssey.png.58c727e37eb7efda62bce4f7b8881bd9.png Ai-One 7 T CH, 34"
Preferred Ball: srixon.png.f177578dda27a20ef80a0a8b1ae96e3b.png Z-Star Diamond
Pushcart: bagboy.jpg.0dda53b5175958e1b5686f22b90af744.jpg Nitron
Rangefinder: bushnell.jpg.c51debd06066fa243dea7f14d69a8dba.jpg Pro X3+

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9 hours ago, Preeway said:

Going to reach out to RR and see what they say. All my gloves are Medium but the next round coming later this spring is ML. Hoping this was caused by the fit being a little too snug maybe? Anyone else have a blowout like this?

I’m going on a season and a half of the Sussex and haven’t had a blowout. I can’t speak to the roof yet. But plan to put the MGS branded root in play this season. I would definitely call Kerry just to see what might have caused it. Their customer service is Tier 1!

Current WITB:

Driver:                      image.png.ad4d66f798557c86ee934344d1a24ed2.png       Paradym 10.5 Ventus Black 6S (currently Testing AI Smoke🔹🔹🔹)

Fairway:                   image.png.3077938d887c52577470dba42554f0aa.png     ST-Z 230 3-Wood (15°) HZRDUS Smoke Black 6.0 60 Official Test

Hybrid:                    image.png.a874a9a429fd132acae64968308d6a89.png     ST-Z 230 Hybrid (19°) Ventus Blue HB-8 Official Test

Irons:                       image.png.a874a9a429fd132acae64968308d6a89.png     MP-18 MMC (4-9)

Wedges:     image.png.8641af187e8958a5ff8c3c2146b1fc7c.png  Vokey SM8 (46.10F, 50.12F, 54.14F, 58.12D)

Putter:                image.png.a85c45cc6c173613e90f345a17c689b4.png      Select Squareback 2 34.5 Ping Corded 88G PP58 grip double taped

Ball:                       image.png.c4e52864bdd9535caa79ae03a9376870.png        Pro-V1



2023 Red Rooster Sussex Glove Official Forum Test

2023 Mizuno Long Game Official Forum Test

2024 Skytrak+ Official Forum Test

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13 hours ago, Preeway said:

Hoping this is the only negative post for RR as I really like the feel of the Root. But…after only three rounds played and a little range time in the garage, my first one had a blowout before my round today. 

Going to reach out to RR and see what they say. All my gloves are Medium but the next round coming later this spring is ML. Hoping this was caused by the fit being a little too snug maybe? Anyone else have a blowout like this? 

Wow! I sure hope people are not going to torch you for this or that and I am sure RR can help you out with what this is showing. From my perspective - there is a ton of wear on the thumb and in the pad of the palm. The glove is super dirty/dark.

The wear in the thumb would indicate to me that you are regripping, or doing something where you are moving that thumb relative to the grip - if you think about that connection, there would be zero wear if there was no movement.

The heel pad of the palm could be a few things, regripping or you are holding the club way off the knob of the grip - meaning the knob of the grip hits there and is wearing that spot. To me the fingers look short and too big.

I enclosed three pictures of gloves that I have in use right now. I hate white gloves because they will show dirt too easily IMO - yes I am showing a couple.  I am in the process of transitioning to RR gloves over the last year and trying out many styles and sizes - I have learned a lot with Kerry and Brad's help. Side note: how crazy is that that you get to talk to the owners 🙂 

I used to regrip a lot and would wear out the thumb and the heel pad of my palm. I messed with my grips and my grip and feel I am in a in a better place and my grips last longer

I am sure RR will get you going in the right direction.




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9 minutes ago, ajlacombe said:

Wow! I sure hope people are not going to torch you for this or that and I am sure RR can help you out with what this is showing. From my perspective - there is a ton of wear on the thumb and in the pad of the palm. The glove is super dirty/dark.

The wear in the thumb would indicate to me that you are regripping, or doing something where you are moving that thumb relative to the grip - if you think about that connection, there would be zero wear if there was no movement.

The heel pad of the palm could be a few things, regripping or you are holding the club way off the knob of the grip - meaning the knob of the grip hits there and is wearing that spot. To me the fingers look short and too big.

I enclosed three pictures of gloves that I have in use right now. I hate white gloves because they will show dirt too easily IMO - yes I am showing a couple.  I am in the process of transitioning to RR gloves over the last year and trying out many styles and sizes - I have learned a lot with Kerry and Brad's help. Side note: how crazy is that that you get to talk to the owners 🙂 

I used to regrip a lot and would wear out the thumb and the heel pad of my palm. I messed with my grips and my grip and feel I am in a in a better place and my grips last longer

I am sure RR will get you going in the right direction.




My post is in no way a slight on RR. They are a quality company and I’ll be a long term customer. More curious if this was an anomaly or if it happened to others. Not sure what you mean by regripping. I don’t grip my clubs with the butt in my palm. I noticed the excessive wear on the thumb and palm after my first round. Most gloves last several months during my peak playing which means 10+ rounds and a lot of range balls. Like I said, I’ll see what Brad and Kerry have to offer. Could have just been an anomaly. 

Driver:  cobralogo.png.60692cdc05482efd83e68664e010b95f.png Aerojet LS, Ventus Velocore+ Blue Shaft - 6S
4 Wood:  callaway.png.e65d398fb0327017a369499fc6126064.png Rogue ST Max 16.5, Tensei White Shaft - 7S
Utility Iron: mizunopro.png.90cc4fb9895830e28063d9a5be416145.png Fli Hi 3-iron, HAZARDOUS Smoke Black Shaft - S
Irons:  mizuno.png.f0e7b21135cb6273b3c1430866904467.png JPX 921 Tour 4-P, Project X Shafts - Stiff 125g
Wedges: cleveland.png.f21f4d2361520fdf1bbd9d515a2f11e6.png 52º, 56º, 60º
Putter:  odyssey.png.58c727e37eb7efda62bce4f7b8881bd9.png Ai-One 7 T CH, 34"
Preferred Ball: srixon.png.f177578dda27a20ef80a0a8b1ae96e3b.png Z-Star Diamond
Pushcart: bagboy.jpg.0dda53b5175958e1b5686f22b90af744.jpg Nitron
Rangefinder: bushnell.jpg.c51debd06066fa243dea7f14d69a8dba.jpg Pro X3+

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2 minutes ago, Preeway said:

My post is in no way a slight on RR. They are a quality company and I’ll be a long term customer. More curious if this was an anomaly or if it happened to others. Not sure what you mean by regripping. I don’t grip my clubs with the butt in my palm. I noticed the excessive wear on the thumb and palm after my first round. Most gloves last several months during my peak playing which means 10+ rounds and a lot of range balls. Like I said, I’ll see what Brad and Kerry have to offer. Could have just been an anomaly. 

You aren't alone, I've been having a similar experience with Red Rooster leather gloves. Had a blowout quickly as well, the feel is great like you're saying, but for my grip/sweaty hands they aren't holding up. Thought Range Roosters might fare better for me, but they seem to get more soaked and fit looser.

That being said, absolutely zero complaints about the Rain Rooster, awesome glove and fits the best of the ones I've tried.

Driver : :callaway-small:GBB Epic, 10.5° loft, autoFlex Dream7, SF405x flex (44.75")
3-Wood: :callaway-small:Rogue ST LS, 15° loft, MCA TENSEI AV Blue 65g, Reg flex (42.25", tipped 0.5")
3-Hybrid: :srixon-small: Z H85, 19° loft, :projectx: HZRDUS Black 85g, 5.5 flex
Irons: :titleist-small: T350 5i & T200 6i-GW, 23°-48° lofts, Nippon Modus3 120g, Stiff flex (+0.5”, 1° upright)
Wedges: :Sub70: JB Forged Raw 54° & 58° lofts, Nippon Modus3 120g, Reg flex (+0.5/0.25", 0.5° upright)
Putter: :ping-small: DS72 C, 35”, PP60 grip

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4 minutes ago, Preeway said:

My post is in no way a slight on RR. They are a quality company and I’ll be a long term customer. More curious if this was an anomaly or if it happened to others. Not sure what you mean by regripping. I don’t grip my clubs with the butt in my palm. I noticed the excessive wear on the thumb and palm after my first round. Most gloves last several months during my peak playing which means 10+ rounds and a lot of range balls. Like I said, I’ll see what Brad and Kerry have to offer. Could have just been an anomaly. 

We have seen this with a few gloves and reached out to them about it. If you send a message they will replace it all issues. 

⛳🛄 as of Oct 5, 2024 (Past WITB
Driver:  :titleist-small: GT2 with Graphite Design AD CQ - check out the Driver Shootout! 

Wood:    :titleist-small: GT2 with Graphite Design AD CQ shaft (still love my Cobra F7's)

Irons:   :titleist-small: T Series - T200 5 Iron
                                          T150 6-9 Iron                                

Wedge:  Toura Golf - A Spec 53,57 or :titleist-small: SM10 45,49,53,57 degree wedges

Putter:  Screenshot 2023-06-02 13.10.30.png LINK! Full putter shootout incoming

Balls:     Vice Pro Plus Drip (Blue/Orange)

Golf Bag: Ghost Anyday 5.0 Golf bag - Maverick colorway with MGS Logo

Other: Vortex Anarch Rangefinder, searching for electric cart, Red Rooster The Root Glove and more


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Maybe this has something to do with the Root? Haven’t tried the other models yet. I have one of my Roots to my son to try and so far he isn’t having any problems. 

Driver:  cobralogo.png.60692cdc05482efd83e68664e010b95f.png Aerojet LS, Ventus Velocore+ Blue Shaft - 6S
4 Wood:  callaway.png.e65d398fb0327017a369499fc6126064.png Rogue ST Max 16.5, Tensei White Shaft - 7S
Utility Iron: mizunopro.png.90cc4fb9895830e28063d9a5be416145.png Fli Hi 3-iron, HAZARDOUS Smoke Black Shaft - S
Irons:  mizuno.png.f0e7b21135cb6273b3c1430866904467.png JPX 921 Tour 4-P, Project X Shafts - Stiff 125g
Wedges: cleveland.png.f21f4d2361520fdf1bbd9d515a2f11e6.png 52º, 56º, 60º
Putter:  odyssey.png.58c727e37eb7efda62bce4f7b8881bd9.png Ai-One 7 T CH, 34"
Preferred Ball: srixon.png.f177578dda27a20ef80a0a8b1ae96e3b.png Z-Star Diamond
Pushcart: bagboy.jpg.0dda53b5175958e1b5686f22b90af744.jpg Nitron
Rangefinder: bushnell.jpg.c51debd06066fa243dea7f14d69a8dba.jpg Pro X3+

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2 minutes ago, GolfSpy_APH said:

We have seen this with a few gloves and reached out to them about it. If you send a message they will replace it all issues. 

Thanks. The palm felt thinner than my Mizuno glove I luckily had as a backup in my bag. I’ll share back after I get in touch with them. 

Driver:  cobralogo.png.60692cdc05482efd83e68664e010b95f.png Aerojet LS, Ventus Velocore+ Blue Shaft - 6S
4 Wood:  callaway.png.e65d398fb0327017a369499fc6126064.png Rogue ST Max 16.5, Tensei White Shaft - 7S
Utility Iron: mizunopro.png.90cc4fb9895830e28063d9a5be416145.png Fli Hi 3-iron, HAZARDOUS Smoke Black Shaft - S
Irons:  mizuno.png.f0e7b21135cb6273b3c1430866904467.png JPX 921 Tour 4-P, Project X Shafts - Stiff 125g
Wedges: cleveland.png.f21f4d2361520fdf1bbd9d515a2f11e6.png 52º, 56º, 60º
Putter:  odyssey.png.58c727e37eb7efda62bce4f7b8881bd9.png Ai-One 7 T CH, 34"
Preferred Ball: srixon.png.f177578dda27a20ef80a0a8b1ae96e3b.png Z-Star Diamond
Pushcart: bagboy.jpg.0dda53b5175958e1b5686f22b90af744.jpg Nitron
Rangefinder: bushnell.jpg.c51debd06066fa243dea7f14d69a8dba.jpg Pro X3+

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I’m not saying this is what you are doing @Preeway as you are a far better player than I, but I blew out a RR glove quickly for precisely the reason highlighted in the email.  I was gripping the club too far down the club with the shaft end against the palm.   This will definitely cause the wear and tear.  

Working at getting better ... and very slowly getting there.

  •  :callaway-small: Paradym 🔹🔹🔹 Max 8* (:accra:  Shogun Blue M0 Otto-Phlex)
  •  :taylormade-small: Brnr Mini driver 13.5* (:accra: FX 3.0 140 M1 Otto-Phlex)
  • :callaway-small: Paradym X 4 and 5 Hybrids
  •  Maltby TS1 (shafts:  :kbs: Tour 120S)
  • :cleveland-small: RTX6 Zipcore 53*, and 58* mid wedges (:projectx: wedge shafts 6.5)
  • :cleveland-small: Frontline Elite 1.0
  • :redrooster: Gloves

My Official 2024 TaylorMade Qi10 Review:  https://forum.mygolfspy.com/topic/62804-taylormade-qi10-drivers-2024-forum-member-review/?do=findComment&comment=1014200

My Official 2023 Red Rooster Sussex Glove Review:  https://forum.mygolfspy.com/topic/58614-2023-mgs-forum-member-test-red-rooster-sussex-golf-glove/#comment-911042


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Here is my normal grip. 

IMG_0738.jpeg.ab7df8d8c040b56439a0e4ac4d3f7458.jpegI suppose you could I grip a tad to far into the palm but I’ve never had a problem with gloves before. 

This is my Mizuno glove that’s seen probably 5 rounds so far. 

Driver:  cobralogo.png.60692cdc05482efd83e68664e010b95f.png Aerojet LS, Ventus Velocore+ Blue Shaft - 6S
4 Wood:  callaway.png.e65d398fb0327017a369499fc6126064.png Rogue ST Max 16.5, Tensei White Shaft - 7S
Utility Iron: mizunopro.png.90cc4fb9895830e28063d9a5be416145.png Fli Hi 3-iron, HAZARDOUS Smoke Black Shaft - S
Irons:  mizuno.png.f0e7b21135cb6273b3c1430866904467.png JPX 921 Tour 4-P, Project X Shafts - Stiff 125g
Wedges: cleveland.png.f21f4d2361520fdf1bbd9d515a2f11e6.png 52º, 56º, 60º
Putter:  odyssey.png.58c727e37eb7efda62bce4f7b8881bd9.png Ai-One 7 T CH, 34"
Preferred Ball: srixon.png.f177578dda27a20ef80a0a8b1ae96e3b.png Z-Star Diamond
Pushcart: bagboy.jpg.0dda53b5175958e1b5686f22b90af744.jpg Nitron
Rangefinder: bushnell.jpg.c51debd06066fa243dea7f14d69a8dba.jpg Pro X3+

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I will be anxious to hear what the dark coloration is caused by (other than from the grip). Your grip looks fine - maybe a tad toward the grip cap but not excessively so.

BTW - that coloration is why I do not like white grips. I use Pure grips so I can not get the back coloration.

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13 minutes ago, ajlacombe said:

I will be anxious to hear what the dark coloration is caused by (other than from the grip). Your grip looks fine - maybe a tad toward the grip cap but not excessively so.

BTW - that coloration is why I do not like white grips. I use Pure grips so I can not get the back coloration.

I know the coloration is caused by the grip. These grips are about 18 months and 75 rounds (plus range time) worn. New grips are coming soon. 

Driver:  cobralogo.png.60692cdc05482efd83e68664e010b95f.png Aerojet LS, Ventus Velocore+ Blue Shaft - 6S
4 Wood:  callaway.png.e65d398fb0327017a369499fc6126064.png Rogue ST Max 16.5, Tensei White Shaft - 7S
Utility Iron: mizunopro.png.90cc4fb9895830e28063d9a5be416145.png Fli Hi 3-iron, HAZARDOUS Smoke Black Shaft - S
Irons:  mizuno.png.f0e7b21135cb6273b3c1430866904467.png JPX 921 Tour 4-P, Project X Shafts - Stiff 125g
Wedges: cleveland.png.f21f4d2361520fdf1bbd9d515a2f11e6.png 52º, 56º, 60º
Putter:  odyssey.png.58c727e37eb7efda62bce4f7b8881bd9.png Ai-One 7 T CH, 34"
Preferred Ball: srixon.png.f177578dda27a20ef80a0a8b1ae96e3b.png Z-Star Diamond
Pushcart: bagboy.jpg.0dda53b5175958e1b5686f22b90af744.jpg Nitron
Rangefinder: bushnell.jpg.c51debd06066fa243dea7f14d69a8dba.jpg Pro X3+

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  • 2 weeks later...

I’ve always believed a company shouldn’t be judged by whether or not their products ever have problems but rather how the company responds when they have a problem with a product. Red Rooster is an amazing company. I just received a replacement glove for the torn MGS branded glove. IMG_0820.jpeg.ad74fc77b743dfd11ed92c52239f8ae5.jpeg

After some back forth over email I decided on the Cape as a replacement and they gave me a great discount on a Range Rooster as well. Their commitment to a quality product and equally as much, customer service, has me cemented as a customer for life. 

Driver:  cobralogo.png.60692cdc05482efd83e68664e010b95f.png Aerojet LS, Ventus Velocore+ Blue Shaft - 6S
4 Wood:  callaway.png.e65d398fb0327017a369499fc6126064.png Rogue ST Max 16.5, Tensei White Shaft - 7S
Utility Iron: mizunopro.png.90cc4fb9895830e28063d9a5be416145.png Fli Hi 3-iron, HAZARDOUS Smoke Black Shaft - S
Irons:  mizuno.png.f0e7b21135cb6273b3c1430866904467.png JPX 921 Tour 4-P, Project X Shafts - Stiff 125g
Wedges: cleveland.png.f21f4d2361520fdf1bbd9d515a2f11e6.png 52º, 56º, 60º
Putter:  odyssey.png.58c727e37eb7efda62bce4f7b8881bd9.png Ai-One 7 T CH, 34"
Preferred Ball: srixon.png.f177578dda27a20ef80a0a8b1ae96e3b.png Z-Star Diamond
Pushcart: bagboy.jpg.0dda53b5175958e1b5686f22b90af744.jpg Nitron
Rangefinder: bushnell.jpg.c51debd06066fa243dea7f14d69a8dba.jpg Pro X3+

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just a quick update.  I played 18 with a new Sussex glove yesterday, and post-round the glove looked and felt fantastic.  It feels very soft and tacky.  I am definitely a devotee, and I don't see that changing.

This is after hole 18:


Working at getting better ... and very slowly getting there.

  •  :callaway-small: Paradym 🔹🔹🔹 Max 8* (:accra:  Shogun Blue M0 Otto-Phlex)
  •  :taylormade-small: Brnr Mini driver 13.5* (:accra: FX 3.0 140 M1 Otto-Phlex)
  • :callaway-small: Paradym X 4 and 5 Hybrids
  •  Maltby TS1 (shafts:  :kbs: Tour 120S)
  • :cleveland-small: RTX6 Zipcore 53*, and 58* mid wedges (:projectx: wedge shafts 6.5)
  • :cleveland-small: Frontline Elite 1.0
  • :redrooster: Gloves

My Official 2024 TaylorMade Qi10 Review:  https://forum.mygolfspy.com/topic/62804-taylormade-qi10-drivers-2024-forum-member-review/?do=findComment&comment=1014200

My Official 2023 Red Rooster Sussex Glove Review:  https://forum.mygolfspy.com/topic/58614-2023-mgs-forum-member-test-red-rooster-sussex-golf-glove/#comment-911042


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