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Sugar Golf Balls - 2023 Forum Review

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Testers Announced! Sugar Golf Balls


A premium 3-piece urethane golf ball. Manufactured at the same factories as the big brands you already know… sold to you at the lowest price on the market.

Designed to compete directly with Titleist ProV1 and other major 3-piece urethane tour balls. 

Manufactured to maximize your control and feel, all without sacrificing distance.

27 balls for the lowest all-in price-per-ball in its product category

Please welcome and congratulate our 5 (all new) testers!






⛳🛄 as of Oct 5, 2024 (Past WITB
Driver:  :titleist-small: GT2 with Graphite Design AD CQ - check out the Driver Shootout! 

Wood:    :titleist-small: GT2 with Graphite Design AD CQ shaft (still love my Cobra F7's)

Irons:   :titleist-small: T Series - T200 5 Iron
                                          T150 6-9 Iron                                

Wedge:  Toura Golf - A Spec 53,57 or :titleist-small: SM10 45,49,53,57 degree wedges

Putter:  Screenshot 2023-06-02 13.10.30.png LINK! Full putter shootout incoming

Balls:     Vice Pro Plus Drip (Blue/Orange)

Golf Bag: Ghost Anyday 5.0 Golf bag - Maverick colorway with MGS Logo

Other: Vortex Anarch Rangefinder, searching for electric cart, Red Rooster The Root Glove and more


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Sugar Pure Golf Ball
Official MGS Forum Review
by Phil Michel July 3 - July XX, 2023


Hello! My name is Phil, and I live in McKinney, TX, 32 miles North of downtown Dallas, moving here in 1991.  First, thanks to MyGolfSpy and Sugar for being chosen to review these golf balls! I am a first time reviewer, and I’m probably going to be one of the oldest, if not the oldest reviewer, one having the slowest swing speed of any of the testers as I will be 76 shortly. I apologize in advance for being long-winded. I probably should have been a lawyer. 🙂

I was born in Baltimore and through high school and into college, I was studying to be a Catholic Priest. I left the Seminary when I discovered that the word was “celibate” and not “celebrate”. This was in the mid-1960s, at the height of the Vietnam War, so after leaving the Seminary I enlisted in the Army to “beat the draft”. I was trained in electronics before getting my commission in Military Intelligence. I spent a total of 5 years in the Army, leaving the service after a tour of duty in Vietnam. I eventually put my electronics background to use, going to work in sales for a couple of electrical relay manufacturers, a manufacturer's rep firm, and eventually in sales management for a major Japanese semiconductor company, from which I was laid off and forced into retirement after 20 years of service in 2009.

As far as golf, my father got me started at a very young age, and I immediately fell in love with and got addicted to the sport. Taking up the game in the 1950s, emphasis was on contact and accuracy due to persimmon woods with their small heads and tiny plastic inserts and the irons back then were all blades. Since retiring in 2009, golf has become my “job”. With an understanding wife, I now play 5 days per week, weather permitting. Other than club events and occasional charitable events, my golf has always been purely recreational, though I do take the game seriously every time I step on the course. I currently have a GHIN Index of 4.8.

The only time I’ve ever played a ProV1, to which Sugar and just about every other premium ball is compared to, was when I may have found one on the course. Since I don’t use the ProV1, what will be more important for me is how it compares to those balls I do use! If it proves as long or longer than the balls I typically use, based on price, I can see myself making this my ball of choice going forward.

I don’t have access to a launch monitor, and my home course is going through a renovation project, so testing facilities are limited. My testing and review will be based almost exclusively on on-course performance. Fortunately, I do use a shot tracker, Shot Scope, so I will have some actual data I can use for comparison purposes such as club distances and possibly some data in other areas of the game. I am anxious to put these balls in play and give them a good test to see if they can help offset the continuing loss of distance I experience as I get older! My signature shows the clubs I will be using during this test:





Included in the shipment from Sugar were a tri-fold golf towel and a hat. Very much appreciated but totally unnecessary as just getting to receive and review the balls themselves is sufficient. But thank you, Sugar! The box containing the balls themselves is a perfect cube, befitting the Sugar brand. It is very sturdy, and, on one side, tells a story as to how and why Sugar Golf was created. The urethane cover and three-piece construction are mentioned as well as the fact that the balls are comprised of “enhancements that bring distance, control and feel to every golfer’s game”, without going into detail as to what those enhancements are. Upon opening the box, I was curious as to how the balls are numbered, Given the odd number of 27, I suspected, and it held, that the balls are numbered 1, 2, or 3 with 9 of each number. Each layer of balls was a different number with the top layer being all #1 balls, all the balls in the 2nd layer were #2, with #3 balls on the bottom. If someone wants to take a variety of numbered balls with them, maybe to distinguish a provisional ball or maybe because they are superstitious and only use a certain numbered ball at times, they have to pretty much dump all the balls out of the box. It might be preferable when packaged if each row of balls contained all three numbers instead of them being layered like they are.


IMG_0868 (2).jpg





CONTINUED....(July 13):

I played my third round with this Sugar Pure ball yesterday. As I become more familiar with how it launches/carries off the driver, and how it reacts on approach shots, my game and score are stable and predictable (see scorecard below). I pull the clubs I would expect to hit, and get the results that I expect time and time again. I have not found anything at this point that would eliminate it for consideration as my "go to", every day ball of choice. One of the things early on that has impressed me most is its durability. I have played all three rounds with the same ball, the ball on the left in the photos, every shot for 54 holes. Other than a scuff mark from an encounter with a cart path on the 16th hole of the first round, one would be hard-pressed to tell the difference between it and the one on the right that has never been hit. The ball I played may be a little duller, the Sharpie mark a little faded, but the stamping, "Sugar" and the number, look exactly the same. There is no "shredding" which often occurs from sand or wedge shots.



3rd round (2).jpg

54 sdie by side.jpg


cart path 54.jpg

The close-up of the encounter with the cart path makes it look a lot worse than what it really is!

Update 7/18

Another round in on Monday with the same ball. After 72 holes, it looks exactly like it did after 36, but I think it is time to retire it. I think any ball that can last 72 holes and show little to no damage, other than from an encounter with a cart path, would have to be called "durable". It wasn't the best ball striking day for me. Fairways were soft from rain on Sunday and from watering earlier, so not much roll on tee shots. The ball continues to impress me off the irons. Off the irons it feels soft, not mushy, and launches high for me and settles nicely on the greens. (Feel is firmer off the driver, keeping in mind feel and sound can be very subjective.) I don't put a lot of spin on the ball with my irons, so the ball flight off the irons aids in keeping roll out on the greens to a more than acceptable amount, not quite drop and stop, but very close to it.

Update 7/20

I played another round yesterday. It was the "breeziest" round so far. I was really impressed how this ball performed in the wind, both off the driver and the irons. There was no "ballooning" and I did not seem to lose as much yardage as my playing partners hitting into the wind, as the distance between my ball and theirs seemed to increase! As a result, approaches were really easy to judge. For example, the "shot of the day" was 130 yards to the pin on a par 3, 8i to 4 feet. Several other approaches, both with full shots and partial wedges, were within 10 feet or so. Very pleased with this ball! If only I had putted better! 


hole 7.GIF

Update 7/26
Another day on the course and the ball continues to impress me! One of the other testers mentioned the spin he is seeing in the short game. For me, it is the spin and performance off the irons. I even backed up, granted, not by much, but I did back up a few shorter irons shots today, something I am not accustomed to doing! I had several iron shots that were close and if I had putted better would have had more than the three birdies I recorded. Distance off the driver wasn't too shabby either. For those of you familiar with shot tracking devices like Arccos or Shot Scope, my P-AVG for the day with the driver was 237 yards under basically calm conditions. That is good for this 76 year old.


AESTHETICS (9 our of 10)
The balls are glossy, a pure white and have a somewhat “sticky” feel to them. All of those characteristics differ from the balls I normally play, the Snell MTB Black, the Callaway ERC Soft, and the Vice Pro Plus I have played in the past. None of those other balls feel or look like the Sugar ball. The Sugar brand on the ball is a rich, bold black and is written in script as opposed to block letters. I like that look. The numbering is very small so as to not take away from the brand itself. No issues with that. The dimple pattern is unlike any other ball I have played. The dimples are small and appear to be uniform. Sugar mentions nothing about the dimples on their website, not the number nor how or why the dimple pattern was chosen. I checked the USGA Conforming Ball List and the Sugar ball is listed as having 350 dimples. Not many balls have that number of dimples. In fact, for U.S. based companies, only the Oncor Elixr, Titleist Velocity and the ball from LA Golf have that same number of dimples. Of those, only the ball from LA Golf has a urethane cover and it is a 4-piece ball that sells per dozen for what the 27 Sugar balls sell for. I wonder if Sugar couldn’t talk to the benefits of their choice of dimples and how they affect performance. Is it only because that is the only dimple pattern offered by their manufacturer, or is there a specific reason for choosing 350 dimples?

I do like the alignment line being pointed at both ends instead of a “blunt” line, though it could be a little longer as I use the alignment line on the tee in addition to using it for putting. On the other hand, that smaller alignment line might be just what those who prefer to look down at an all white ball when putting prefer. Just visible within that alignment line is the model of the ball, “Pure”. Whether it is the Sugar Pure ball, or the Pure Sugar ball, either way, the overall appearance is “sweet”.

The ball accepts Sharpie marking without smearing, and that marking holds up well on the course. Other than a blemish from hitting a cart path, at the end of my first round one would be hard to discern that the ball had even been played for all 18 holes, other than a slight dimming of the Sharpie marking I applied. It still felt “sticky”, though not quite as much. Sound and feel are definitely subjective attributes. I have found the Sugar ball to be in the middle for both characteristics. It is not as firm nor “clicky” as “X” versions of balls like the Vice Pro Plus, nor is it as soft feeling as, say, the Callaway ERC Soft. It is somewhere between those two in both sound and feel. The ball seems to get "softer" going from driver to putter. It has a firmer “feel” off the driver, and feels “softer” to me off the irons. Although I prefer a softer feel off the driver, I have used firmer feeling balls in the past and it alone would not prevent me from making this my everyday gamer. In fact, I really like how the ball felt and came off the irons, more so than the driver.

I also think I might prefer a ball that spins a little more off the driver as, for me, this ball was a little lower launching than others I play. I an attributing that to “spin”, but I could be wrong. Spin off the irons was very acceptable, balls typically stopping within a stride of its ball mark no matter the iron used. The ball reacted well on short shots around the green with me almost chipping in a couple and generally leaving tap-ins or very make-able short putts. I am not a high spin player and found the ball extremely easy to control on those delicate shots with no real learning curve required. I use milled faced putters and found that I left more putts short than normal. As I became adjusted to this, my speed and distance control became better. I found no difference in cover hardness when I tried sticking a pin in it vs the Snell MTB Black.

Again, here is how a ball played 72 holes (on the left) looked compared to new, and how an encounter with a cart path affected the ball.

side 2.jpg

cart path 2.jpg

The Numbers (18 out of 20)

Comparing a similar number of rounds on the same courses, the "numbers" were very close. First, the Shot Scope club distance numbers from June using mostly the Snell MTB Black, followed by the numbers from July using the Sugar Pure ball:



In many cases, the numbers were practically identical and any variances were either due to a better or worse swing on a given day, or weather (breezier or not) or course conditions (fairways mowed/not mowed, watered/dry). 

On approaches, again, the numbers were very close, June first followed by July:

June approach.JPG

july approach.JPG

On The Course (18 out of 20)

Here, too, I rated the Sugar Pure 18 out of 20. Off the tee, compared to the month before with the Snell MTB Black, there was only a 3 yard difference in distance, the Sugar being the shorter of the two. That is not significant enough to make a real difference. On the other hand, the Sugar produced a higher percentage of fairways hit, 67% compared to 58% with the Snell.

On approaches, I was extremely pleased with performance as most irons shots, regardless of which club hit, stopped within a stride, and I even backed up, though slightly, a couple of full short iron shots, something I am not accustomed to do with other balls.

I found ball flight off the driver a little lower than other balls, but noticed no difference off the irons compared to the other balls I've used.

Around the green, the ball was easy to control though I do not use a lot of spin nor play those little "hop and stop" type shots. Run out from chips and "bump and runs" was consistent and predictable.

As I mentioned earlier, I found the ball a little softer coming off the putter, no "click" to it, even though I use milled putters, no inserts.

The Good, the bad, the In-between (18 out of 20)

Since I do not play the ProV1 ball, I cannot confirm or deny the claims that this ball compares favorably to the Titleist. What I can say is that is performs as good as, if not better, than the balls I am used to playing, mostly the Snell MTB Black, the Callaway ERC Soft and, occasionally, the Vice Pro Plus. I can also say that the Sugar ball is probably one of the most durable balls I have played as even the small scrape from a cart path encounter did not affect its play-ability. I do take issue with the layering of the numbers of the ball in the box, but that is one of the few things I can find any fault with. Lastly, the price is almost unbeatable, certainly compared to other DTC companies. You can come close to the price buying from others, but you have to spend at least twice the amount of money to get it, having to typically buy 5 dozen, compared to only having to buy one box of 27 from Sugar to get the same or better price.

Play it or Trade it (18 out of 20)

I'm stuck on 18 out of 20. I'm not 100% sure it will be my gamer, though I can find little fault with this ball, other than a slight preference for a softer feeling ball off the driver, but that is me. Those with higher swing speeds may not even notice the firmness. That is a personal preference and, assuming that results were comparable with a softer feel, I would give the ball a perfect 20 out of 20 based on cost and performance. 


If you want an extremely durable ball, at a price that is as good as or better than you can get from any other DTC company without breaking the bank and having to buy 5 dozen at a time, you cannot beat this ball! It may not outperform others, but it is every bit as good, with the exception of durability where it excels as it is probably the most durable urethane ball I've ever played! I found them to be, from one ball in play to the next, very consistent which attests to the quality control they mention on their website, where they also mention the core and cover though fail to discuss the dimple pattern and why a 350 dimple pattern is used since so few other balls use it.

If you are not happy with the current ball you are playing, or are looking for similar performance but at a great price, this ball is well worth trying! I think most will be pleased with its performance.

Final Score: 89 out of 100

I'll be happy to answer any questions.

Edited by PhilM75072

In my TaylorMade Supreme Golf Bag:
Driver:  PXG Gen 6 0311 10.5° with Motore X F3 R Shaft 45"
3W:  Callaway 3W Mavrik Max w/ UST Helium Black 4F2
5W: Callaway Epic Flash (+1/N) w/ Project X Evenflow Green R Flex
Hybrid:  Callaway Big Bertha 4H (+1/N) w/ UST Recoil 760 ES F2
Irons: Callaway Apex CF19 with UST Recoil F2 shafts
Wedges: Callaway MD5 54° and 58° with KBS steel shafts.
Putter:  Seemore Original FGP Mallet or Toulon Portland
Ball:  Currently Bridgestone Tour B RX Mindset

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Official MyGolfSpy Review of Sugar Golf Balls

Hello! My name is David Leonard and I am very excited to be a part of this test. When the test was announced, I spent a good amount of time on Sugar’s website and was impressed with what I saw — to the point that I almost placed an order, but decided to wait until the testers were announced, which worked out better than I could have imagined!

I have been playing golf since I received my first set of junior Wilson clubs in second grade and haven’t looked back since! Doing some quick math, that means I have been golfing for almost 30 years. I currently live in Fairfax, VA with my wife and two girls (7 and 4) which is roughly 15 miles outside of Washington D.C. I currently play in a weekly league at a Par 3 course which has really highlighted the weaknesses in my game (approach and short game). My oldest is currently taking lessons and I look forward to weekends where my girls and I can go golfing!


In my long golf career I have played almost every brand and model of golf ball imaginable. I currently am playing the Vice Pro Drip golf ball and have nothing but good things to say. My plan for testing the Sugar balls revolves around playing my regular league rounds as well as the practice time in the short game area and on the putting green where I will put Sugar head-to-head with Vice. I also have a number of random golf balls in my home office where I take time in conference calls to get some putting practice in -- win-win! I do not have access to launch monitors or other technology to support this review, so it will largely be subjective but where possible I will be playing the two balls back-to-back on the same shots to get instant feedback and comparisons.


Unboxing: (10 out of 10) 

Unfortunately, I was traveling when the shipments from Sugar arrived, so I am a little behind in my impressions and my review but with multiple rounds and testing opportunities planned in the near future! I was not expecting to receive anything more than a cube of golf balls after being selected as a tester. I was pleasantly surprised to see shipping emails for not only golf balls but also a Sugar branded hat and towel. For these to stay in my bag, the performance simply needs to be as good or better than my current gamer ball. 

The hat is what I would call a shallow structured hat with a velcro adjustable strap and curved brim. It is made out of a performance like material and is very light. The towel is a tri-fold waffle towel with a carabiner to attach to a bag. I prefer a carabiner attachment for ease of on/off the bag throughout the round. While not the subject of this test, they were nice surprises.


On to the golf balls.. I try to do my part to reduce my carbon footprint -- I walk the majority of my rounds, I look for opportunities to reduce single-serve packaging, etc. So, the packaging of the Sugar golf balls was, in my opinion, very thoughtful. Unlike other brands where you would have a box that contained 4 sleeves of 3 golf balls, we received one cube of balls stacked neatly 3 wide, 3 across and 3 deep for a total of 27 golf balls.


The cover on the Sugar golf balls feels a little "tacky" which is inline with my new Vice golf balls that I purchased earlier this year. They have a premium look and feel with no noticeable blemishes on any of the balls with the lettering/markings/numbering. I am looking forward get these out on the course and practice areas!

First Impressions: (9 out of 10) 

I haven't had an opportunity to play a round yet -- round scheduled for Friday July 14! But I do work from home a number of days a week, so on long conference calls when I do not have to be presenting or sitting on camera in front of my computer, I practice my putting. Which serves a double purpose this week to get acclimated to my new L.A.B. Golf MEZZ.1 MAX!


In my office I have a mixed bag of golf balls for practice -- Titleist AVX, Volvik VIVID, Callaway Superhot, Vice Pro and now Sugar Pure. In this very limited practice environment the two things that jump out to me are the sound and feel of each golf ball. The Sugar ball is a more muted or softer sound while maintaining good roll and feel. The Volvik balls are much more "clicky/clacky" and roll is much more dependent on good contact (even with the LAB putter). I would put the Sugar ball on par with the Vice and Titleist balls while ahead of Callaway and far ahead of Volvik.


Aesthetics (10 out of 10) 

I have to say, I am a huge fan of the aesthetics of these golf balls. The white cover is bright, the lettering is sharp and the numbering is in a unique location that I really enjoy. These balls get "bonus points" for the cursive writing (very reminiscent of Titleist) and the alignment mark on the reverse side. I am a huge fan of a white golf ball (I prefer to think this makes me a traditionalist) and these have that classic look when standing over preparing to make a swing.

After playing a number of rounds with these golf balls, the cover has held up remarkably well! Only slight scuffing when hitting trees or cart paths which is to be expected for any golf ball. Most of the time, I just have to wipe off grass stains, dirt marks and mud from the golf balls and they look brand new.

The Numbers (18 out of 20) 

I don't have access to Arccos/Shotschope or launch monitor data, so here is where I will talk through my practice routine.

I was able to get out to the course a couple of hours before my weekly league round to hit the putting green and chipping area where I was able to put Sugar and Vice head to head in more "real world" scenarios. This was my first time to the course with my LAB MEZZ.1 MAX so I was very curious to get the putting green and practice. My local course has a fairly large putting green with 8-10 holes. I typically do a sort of zig-zag practice focusing on puts greater than 15 feet (I can practice less than 10 feet at home on my "office putting green" aka carpet) since my approach shots tend to leave much to be desired.

Feedback and feel were even better on the course than they were at home! I loved the way the ball felt coming off the putter face and the roll was so pure. Distance control was also better than I had hoped and anything over 15 feet was an easy two-putt.


Moving over to the chipping area, I was once again impressed with the feel and feedback of the Sugar golf balls. I do not have a great short game but it is something that I have been working on lately and the Sugar balls did not disappoint. I noticed that they seemed to "release" a little less than my Vice Pro balls when playing more of a "pitch" or "bump and run" type shot around the green. My only takeaway here was that the balls were actually generating more backspin than the Vice Pro balls.


Here you can see the dispersion of my last group of chipping, the closest ball to the pin is a Sugar but so is the farthest away. Also by far my best grouping of the practice round!

I did take a couple of points away owing to the fact that, on average, my performance was just a little better with the Vice balls. Was it just comfort with the Vice balls and a learning curve with Sugar? Or was it actual performance differences? Time will tell when I get on the course!

On The Course (19 out of 20) 

After the warmup it was time for my round! This was the first round that I had been able to play in just about 4 weeks due to vacations, travel and scheduling conflicts. So, I was a little rusty and hit the range for a quick warm-up bucket after putting and chipping practice. My league plays weekly on a Par3 course and I try to get rounds in on "full length" courses whenever possible.

My experience thus far with Sugar golf balls has been overwhelmingly positive and I was really looking forward to getting out on the course! As you can see in the clouds/background of my picture below mother nature had other plans and put our round on hold after the first hole. After a 45 minute rain delay, we were ready to get back out there. I did not shoot my best of the season, but I am chalking it up to my not playing in a month as opposed to the change in golf ball. For this round, I played both the Sugar and the Vice Pro from most locations (thank you to my group members for indulging me) to get head-to-head comparisons.

In terms of overall on-course performance, there were definitely differences between Sugar and Vice. My trajectory tends to be higher with a softer landings and that was still true for both, but I found the landings softer with Sugar. I did not have the best round and only hit one green-in-regulation. There are 3 holes on the front 9 that are in the 120 and under yardage from the white tees, so I typically hit one of my wedges into these greens -- one of these was my GIR and the other 2 actually landed on the green and spun off the front. I have never  produced that amount of backspin before especially from the tee. This reinforces what I saw on the chipping green, that I am producing noticeably more backspin with Sugar than not only my current gamer but also any golf ball that I have used before.


Since my last update I have played multiple more rounds with the Sugar balls being my primary golf ball of choice. With shooting my lowest league round ever -- I shot a One Over (+1) round of 28 (my league plays a par 3 course) owing in large part to the confidence inspiring green-holding power of the Sugar golf balls. I did follow-up the 28 with a less than stellar 34 on the back nine, but I am blaming it on the heat index of 115.


The only point I took away from the on course performance of these golf balls is due to the slight learning curve of adapting your game to account for the extra backspin. Before Sugar, I would play for a good amount of roll-out into greens no matter which club I hit. Now, I am adjusting for significantly less roll-out and often expecting the ball to back-up or stop at point of impact.


As you can see in the above photo, the ball stopped right next to the point of impact on the green which in this case, left me with a 50 foot put for birdie.

The Good, the Bad, the Inbetween (19 out of 20) 

Given the performance that I have been experiencing in the last couple of weeks, it is very easy for me to give these Sugar golf balls a high score in this miscellaneous category. The only point I took away was due to lack of name recognition. When talking to other golfers on league night I would talk to them about the Sugar balls that I was testing and they were all interested in hearing my experience, but almost all of them made a comment to the effect of "Sugar? Never heard of them. I play XYZ." This is usually my cue to elaborate on the benefits (cost, eco-conscious packaging, backspin, etc.) and some are interested, but it's hard to most folks to understand that $70 for 27 golf balls (~$2.60 per ball) is actually significantly cheaper than $55 for 12 Titleist Pro V1 (~$4,58 per ball).

I have talked previously about the looks and aesthetics of the golf ball but it bears bringing it up again -- these are very attractive golf balls. I really like the modern update to the number placement. 

Play it or Trade It? (20 out of 20) 

After playing some of the best golf of my life while testing these golf balls, I think it is clear that these balls are here to stay in my bag. The more I play with these golf balls, the more confident I get and by extension the more fun I have while playing -- which is an often overlooked part of this sport/hobby! 

I would recommend Sugar golf balls to every type of golfer, but the high-handicap golfer might not get as much out of these golf balls as the scratch to mid-handicap golfer. The extra backspin that I, and other, reviewers have experienced might be frustrating for golfers who struggle to hit greens and then have to watch as the ball spins off the front of the green (been there, done that as part of my learning curve).

I will definitely be placing an order for another cube of Sugar Pure golf balls when I either lose enough of these or give enough away to others to try (easy to do when selected for this test!). 


Sugar Golf makes a premium golf ball at a very budget friendly price with eco-friendly packaging and classic looks.

The sound, feel and performance rival any golf ball that I have ever played and Sugar are the first golf balls that made me adjust my own game based on the performance of the golf ball.

Final Score (95 out of 100)

Edited by DRLEONARD58


 Takkomo.png.2fd3ccfadfdb71195da27b04616ac6c5.png Takomo IGNIS Driver 10.5* (1* strong) with HZRDUS Smoke Black 60g 5.5 shaft

 Takkomo.png.2fd3ccfadfdb71195da27b04616ac6c5.png Takomo IGNIS 5 Wood with HZRDUS Smoke Black 60g 5.5 shaft

Untitled2.png.80d892461ed08eaa7fe955b28995d7e9.png Ping G430 22* Hybrid with HZRDUS Smoke Red 80g 6.0 shaft

Untitled.png.5ecdabcbb4b233d7651619da934c3a6a.png Srixon ZX5 Mk II 5-PW with KBS Tour Light R shafts

Edison.png.1b14460d57753ae667327c0f7d3399a9.png Edison 2.0 Wedges 51° 55° 59° with KBS Tour 110 R shafts

 image.png.a072db0e36674771c57e6581a9a7be30.png L.A.B. Golf MEZZ.1 MAX with LAB x Accra shaft

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22 minutes ago, GolfSpy_APH said:

Testers Announced! Sugar Golf Balls


A premium 3-piece urethane golf ball. Manufactured at the same factories as the big brands you already know… sold to you at the lowest price on the market.

Designed to compete directly with Titleist ProV1 and other major 3-piece urethane tour balls. 

Manufactured to maximize your control and feel, all without sacrificing distance.

27 balls for the lowest all-in price-per-ball in its product category

Please welcome and congratulate our 5 (all new) testers!







***Sugar Golf is offering a special discount code for all those in the US who registered for this Member Test by offering 15% off a one time purchase using code: MGS2023

This code is good now through July 15th, 2023***

Check out the bottom of the above quoted text for an exclusive Sugar Golf offer to MGS Forum Members!

⛳🛄 as of Oct 5, 2024 (Past WITB
Driver:  :titleist-small: GT2 with Graphite Design AD CQ - check out the Driver Shootout! 

Wood:    :titleist-small: GT2 with Graphite Design AD CQ shaft (still love my Cobra F7's)

Irons:   :titleist-small: T Series - T200 5 Iron
                                          T150 6-9 Iron                                

Wedge:  Toura Golf - A Spec 53,57 or :titleist-small: SM10 45,49,53,57 degree wedges

Putter:  Screenshot 2023-06-02 13.10.30.png LINK! Full putter shootout incoming

Balls:     Vice Pro Plus Drip (Blue/Orange)

Golf Bag: Ghost Anyday 5.0 Golf bag - Maverick colorway with MGS Logo

Other: Vortex Anarch Rangefinder, searching for electric cart, Red Rooster The Root Glove and more


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looking forward to providing sarcastic if hopefully useful actual info

Driver - Sim2Max 10.5° (set at 9*) UST Helium shaft

3W - StealthHL 16.5°

3h - Sim2max 19°

irons - Sim2OS kbsmax85mt steel shafts reg flex 5i-Aw

wedgies - Jaws MD5 52°-10° (Bounce) S Grind

                  Jaws MD5 56°-12° (Bounce) W Grind

Putter - Mizuno OMOI Type II

VENTUS Velocore+ review

Stack Referral code

Final Sugar "Pure" Golf Balls Review

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Congrats testers! Hope they perform well for you!

In my Vessel-removebg-preview.png.afd31301c874ee24a33a6c5f06f4ab98.png Lux XV Cart Bag:
Driver: Cobra RADSPEED XB PTC 10.5°
Fairway: Callaway Paradym 3HL 16.5°
Utility: Callaway Apex UW 19°
4 Hybrid: Cobra KING LTDx 21°
Irons: New Level 480-TC (Thanks to MGS for allowing me to test these!)
Wedges: Edison Golf 2.0 49°, 53°, 57°
Putter: L.A.B. Golf DF3 34"/67°
Ball: Maxfli Tour (Thanks to MGS for allowing me to test these!)

Check out my Official MGS Reviews Below!
:skycaddie: LX5 Watch - Link Here!

MaxFli.png.395dd0dca3a12529f636728b3e66a134.png Tour and TourX Golf Balls - Link Here!

image.png.28a3be9c497202cfc8176faecf8777ad.png Approach S70 Watch - Link Here!

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Congratulations to all! want to read more about these.

Playing one length clubs in Canada 

Driver - :cobra-small:Radspeed, 9°  (soon to be replace by :titleist-small: TSR2 thanks to 2023 MyGolfSpy PGA Championship Pool Sponsored by Titleist TSR Woods)
3 Wood - :cobra-small:LTDx, Aldila Rogue Silver 70-S
5 Wood - :cobra-small:LTDx, Fujikura Motore X F3 6-S
Hybrid - , :cobra-small:19° Tensei AV Raw Blue 75-S
Irons - :cobra-small:Speedzone One length 5-GW, 
Wedges - :cobra-small:King One 56° & 60°, 
Putter -   :mizuno-small:Mcraft II
Ball -   :vice:pro

Bag  :motocaddy:Pro series

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Congratulations to all testers. Looking forward to your reviews. Hope your tests are conducted in different weather conditions to get an accurate assessment of the characteristics of this ball…

:callaway-small: Jaws 58 wedge

:callaway-small:Paradym 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, P, AW, GW

:callaway-small: Paradym 3wood, 5wood, 7wood and Driver

:odyssey-small: White hot OG Seven putter

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Congrats to those chosen - should be interesting to hear if the balls are really as good as advertised or if this is a “sugar”-coated marketing campaign…

WITB?:ping-small:  G400 SFT w/Aldila NXT GEN NVS 55 Aflex ; :ping-small: G410 3w; :ping-small: G400 3h(19), 4h(22), 5h(26) - stock Ping Alta CB R-Flex; :edel-golf-1:SMS 6i, 7i - KBS TourLIte 95 R-Flex; Maltby TS1 8i-9i-PW w/Apollo Acculite 85 R flex; INDI FLX-S wedges (50, 54, 58) w/Recoil graphite shafts -R-Flex and :odyssey-small: AI-One 7T BD Milled (aka Millie), ball choice tends to be Pro-V1 or simliar 3pc urethane balls. 

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Congrats testers!


Driver: :titleist-small: GT3 9|Tour AD-UB 6S (testing in progress)

Fairways: :titleist-small: GT2 15 & 18|Tour AD-UB 7S (testing in progress) |:cobra-small: Aerojet Max 7|Kai'Li White 70X

Hybrid: :cobra-small: King TEC 3H|MCA MMT 85g Stiff

Irons: :cobra-small: Aerojet 6-GW|KBS $-taper Lite Stiff

Wedges: :titleist-small: Vokey SM10 52.12F|56.12D|True Temper Vokey Wedge Flex

Putter: :scotty-cameron-1: Super Select Newport 2.0

Ball: :maxfli: Tour & :titleist-small: ProV1


Titleist GT Long Game Test (Link Here)

Cobra 50th Anniversary Member Special Challenge (link here)

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Congrats. to this group of testers.

Looking forward to the comments, thoughts, and reviews.

Driver & Fairway: :titleist-small: Titleist GT2 8 degree - :Fuji: Ventus TR Red & :titleist-small: TSR3 15 - :projectx: Hzrdus Black Gen 4 

Hybrid: :titleist-small: TSR2 21 degree - :projectx: Hzrdus Black Gen 4

Irons: :titleist-small: Titleist T200 3G (4) & T150 - (5-G) - :Nippon: Modus 105

Wedges: :vokey-small: Vokey SM9 54, and 58

Putter: :cameron-small: Cameron Phantom X 5 

Ball: :titleist-small: Pro V1 & :maxfli: Maxfli Tour

Link to Motocaddy M7 w/Remote Trolley & Bag Review


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Thank you all! Really excited for the opportunity! Will be posting up my intro soon.

Driver : :callaway-small:GBB Epic, 10.5° loft, autoFlex Dream7, SF405x flex (44.75")
3-Wood: :callaway-small:Rogue ST LS, 15° loft, MCA TENSEI AV Blue 65g, Reg flex (42.25", tipped 0.5")
3-Hybrid: :srixon-small: Z H85, 19° loft, :projectx: HZRDUS Black 85g, 5.5 flex
Irons: :titleist-small: T350 5i & T200 6i-GW, 23°-48° lofts, Nippon Modus3 120g, Stiff flex (+0.5”, 1° upright)
Wedges: :Sub70: JB Forged Raw 54° & 58° lofts, Nippon Modus3 120g, Reg flex (+0.5/0.25", 0.5° upright)
Putter: :ping-small: DS72 C, 35”, PP60 grip

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Congrats Testers! I will be following this one keenly, as a value alternative to a ProV1 is always worth considering. Now the fun begins!


D: :titleist-small: GT-2 10° w/ GD Tour AD-UB 6s

3W: :titleist-small: GT-3 15 Tensei Black 75 X

3h: :ping-small: G430 18° Tour 2.0/Stiff

7W: :callaway-small: 21° Rogue ST Max LinQ 7X

4i:mizuno-small: Pro 225 with Project X io 6.0

6i-PW:  :mizuno-small: Pro 225 with Recoil 110 f4

50,54° & 58°: :vokey-small: SM-10

P:   :L.A.B.: Link.1

Ball:  :vice: Pro Plus Drip

Bag:  Ghost MGS Anyday 14 way

"And so, we beat on, boats against the current, borne ceaselessly into the past." - Fitzgerald

” The woods are lovely, dark and deep,   

But I have promises to keep,   

And miles to go before I sleep,   

And miles to go before I sleep. - Frost

"That you are here—that life exists and identity,

That the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse." - Whitman

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Congratulations testers!! Looking forward to your results!

Titleist T200 Irons - 5i thru Gap Wedge - Stiff AMT Black

Callaway PARADYM X 9.0 with Hazrdous X Black 6.0 Stiff Shaft

Fairway Woods:  Callaway Maverick 3W & RazrX Black 5W - Stiff Flex

Rescue:  Apex 4 (22 degree )- Recoil 75H stiff flex 

Wedges: Titleist SM8 - 54 (D Grind) wedge flex; SM8 58(M grind) wedge flex

Putter: Scotty Cameron Phantom X5.5

Ball: Titleist ProV1

Handicap: 0

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Congratulations to the ALL NEW 5 testers! Curious to see what the feedback will be for these Sugar balls. 

PXG 0811x Gen 4 9 degree driver

Exotic 3,4,5 hybrid

Sub70 699 6-AW for itons

Kirkland wedges 56 & 60

Scotty Cameron Studio 1.5 putter

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Congratulations testers! I love the script on these balls. Hopefully they perform for you!

WITB (link to detailed post here):

Driver:  Cobragolflogo.png.602fb363b272aeca0ae57ab591da02de.png LTDx 9* (ProjectX BlueSmoke Stiff)

Fairway metals:  TITLEIST_logo_15px.png.86858562876473681822bdce0336ecd4.png 3W TSR2 14.25* (ProjectX BlueSmoke Stiff) | PXG_Logo.png.e8b8454bf242754d2326ecb0a719cd30.png 5W Gen4 0341XF (Mitsubishi Tensei Blue 75 S)

Hybrid: PXG_Logo.png.e8b8454bf242754d2326ecb0a719cd30.png4H Gen4 0317XF (Mitsubishi Tensei Blue 75HY S)

Irons:   Sub70.png.5f7ea5565c2690f7d237f327e2e5238a.png 659 CB 5-AW (Project X Rifle 6.0)

Wedges:   Sub70.png.5f7ea5565c2690f7d237f327e2e5238a.png 286 54* & 58* (KBS Tour 120 S)

Putter: LABLogo_25px.png.d348c70a35f07dfed1742feb45210a2f.png DF3 OFFICIAL MEMBER REVIEW HERE ‘24

Ball:   Vice_logo.png.282566e7be35424dbb3a5d3359e6385f.png pro drip: red & blue | MAXFLI_logo_15px.png.137df4bf59bf3628d99abc6ca08fd43f.png Tour S

Pushcart:  clicgear_logo.png.5569d627daa35e79384784c8a4e886f4.png 4.0 | '23 MGS Clicgear 4.0 Pushcart Tester | Link here

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My introduction is up, it is a pleasure to get to meet everyone here and share a bit about me. I spent about 4 hours yesterday testing the Sugar Golf Ball and then played a round of golf with 2 balls, 1 Sugar and 1 ProV1. I shot a 34 with one of the balls and a 35 with the other... can't wait to tell you all about my first impressions and day 1 of my testing! 

Edited by tbarnes80
Weird duplicate content

TaylorMade Stealth Plus 9Deg, Project X HZRDUS Smoke Black RDX

TaylorMade SIM2 3 Wood 15 Deg

TaylorMade SIM2 Rescue - 3 19 Deg

Callaway Rogue ST Pro 4-PW

Vokey SM9 Wedges 48, 52, and 58 Deg

Scotty Cameron Studio Select Newport 1.5 ( Still have my Fastback No. 1, it is in time out for a bit!)

All carried around in a customized Ping Hoofer Carry bag!

Check out my YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/@maddenbarnes

My swing in slo-mo:

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Introduction posted up! Had a delay on shipping, but looks like they'll arrive this afternoon.

Driver : :callaway-small:GBB Epic, 10.5° loft, autoFlex Dream7, SF405x flex (44.75")
3-Wood: :callaway-small:Rogue ST LS, 15° loft, MCA TENSEI AV Blue 65g, Reg flex (42.25", tipped 0.5")
3-Hybrid: :srixon-small: Z H85, 19° loft, :projectx: HZRDUS Black 85g, 5.5 flex
Irons: :titleist-small: T350 5i & T200 6i-GW, 23°-48° lofts, Nippon Modus3 120g, Stiff flex (+0.5”, 1° upright)
Wedges: :Sub70: JB Forged Raw 54° & 58° lofts, Nippon Modus3 120g, Reg flex (+0.5/0.25", 0.5° upright)
Putter: :ping-small: DS72 C, 35”, PP60 grip

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Congratulations to the testers.  Curious to see how these balls preform.

:callaway-small: Mavrik Driver

:callaway-small: Mavrik Three wood

:taylormade-small: M2 Hybrids 3, 4 & 5

:taylormade-small: R7 irons 5 - AW

Volkey sand wedge

David Musty putter


Retired educator who loves this game.  It is challenging and a game of integrity.

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Balls and swag have arrived! Will update my post with first impressions over the weekend. 


Driver : :callaway-small:GBB Epic, 10.5° loft, autoFlex Dream7, SF405x flex (44.75")
3-Wood: :callaway-small:Rogue ST LS, 15° loft, MCA TENSEI AV Blue 65g, Reg flex (42.25", tipped 0.5")
3-Hybrid: :srixon-small: Z H85, 19° loft, :projectx: HZRDUS Black 85g, 5.5 flex
Irons: :titleist-small: T350 5i & T200 6i-GW, 23°-48° lofts, Nippon Modus3 120g, Stiff flex (+0.5”, 1° upright)
Wedges: :Sub70: JB Forged Raw 54° & 58° lofts, Nippon Modus3 120g, Reg flex (+0.5/0.25", 0.5° upright)
Putter: :ping-small: DS72 C, 35”, PP60 grip

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Now that the forum is once again showing up for me... updated with my unboxing.  With bonus cat pics... no seriously its totally relevant. 

Driver - Sim2Max 10.5° (set at 9*) UST Helium shaft

3W - StealthHL 16.5°

3h - Sim2max 19°

irons - Sim2OS kbsmax85mt steel shafts reg flex 5i-Aw

wedgies - Jaws MD5 52°-10° (Bounce) S Grind

                  Jaws MD5 56°-12° (Bounce) W Grind

Putter - Mizuno OMOI Type II

VENTUS Velocore+ review

Stack Referral code

Final Sugar "Pure" Golf Balls Review

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