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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/10/2019 in Posts

  1. After work twilight #2 of the year. On/off rains made the conditions kinda rough. Got 17 holes in though! Skipped ahead of some foursome that was taking too long. Sent from my Pixel 3 using MyGolfSpy mobile app
    6 points
  2. Rickp

    How'd you play?

    Thanks, I’m being really patient which is not a trait of mine. Surgery February 4th and then PT. Doc told me to please LISTEN[emoji16] to the Post Op. I’ll do that cause the War Dept is on my case. Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
    6 points
  3. null

    jlukes' Swing Overhaul

    Lesson #2 I had my second lesson today and it was nice to see my work I did throughout the week payoff. Again, we focused on the lower body: straightening that left leg through ground force and getting that left hip behind me. My coach was very pleased with the results he was seeing already and wanted me to continue to focus on the lower body. (Lesson 1 on the right, today's lesson on the left) One thing, he said, would come with more time is that my left leg would straighten even earlier in the swing. He said that my left leg should be fully extended by the time I reach impact. It was clear that while left hip was rotating and my left leg was straitening, that it was still happening passively and not driving my downswing. In order to demonstrate what he was talking about, he put my side by side with Lydia Ko. Lydia does a great job of rotating and posting up on her left leg so that she is fully posted up before she reaches the ball and then she can just rotate around that leg through impact. The one thing we talked about at the end of the lesson was taking this move to the next level, which is the slight squat to begin the downswing so I can really load up and push of the ground the get extra club head speed. My swing is already pretty fast, but it is inefficient, so once I start rotating correctly AND start using the ground forces to my advantage, he expects my clubhead speed to make a nice jump. Over the next week I will be working on the same drills I have been, while adding the slight squat the the beginning of the downswing. If I do get to the range to hit balls, I will simply work on the movement and the feelings - while not hitting balls at more than 80% speed, in order to make sure I stay properly sequenced. I absolutely love the direction these lessons are taking me in. I am hitting the ball in the center of the clubface now rather than off the bottom groove and the wear patter on my 7 iron from this lesson proves it. I have yet to hit any balls on a launch monitor yet, but I am really excited to see what happens to my distances. When you combine more clubhead speed, more centered strike location, and optimized dynamic loft, it can only lead to good things!
    5 points
  4. Looking past the clubhouse to the 18th green and 17th across the water. The Golf Club at Echo Falls 3.5” from a hole in one today... Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
    5 points
  5. Jmikecpa

    Happy thread

    So today my wife sends me a text after looking though my son's school work. As part of his creative writing class he had to write a retirement speech. Insights into a 12 year olds mind that made me chuckle a bit... He retired after a career as a marine biologist after spending his grad school years caddying for his father on the PGA Tour Champions. He discovered a shark and named it Cabinet Mouth because it opens and closes like a cabinet. He married a woman named Kate that he met in Philly when he went for Nick Foles Street dedication. Less than a year after marriage they had a little girl, and a year later they had triplets. Two boys and a girl...the boys were Rocco and Jamie. Obviously he is a huge Eagles fan and more importantly is a Nick Foles fan that dates back to his first stint with the Eagles. I at least have a grandkid named after me and with an Italian family we were bound to have at least one grandchild named Rocco. As a bonus apparently I decided to forgo this executive thing and play some pro golf, in his mind I am better than I actually am. Made my day after a brutal work day in the office and gave me a few laughs.
    5 points
  6. $10 gallons of milk, million-dollar teardown houses, and never free shipping - this is my reward! Personally, I take it for granted during the week amidst the chaos of real life. Being on the golf course puts everything back in perspective for me. I could live somewhere infinitely cheaper, but this is where I belong!
    4 points
  7. No3PuttLaLa

    How'd you play?

    Played for my Cousin's birthday today. Pouring rain and 10-15 mph winds. Conditions were shitty at best but it sure as hell beat working. I ended up shooting 45 42. No great, but was pleasantly surprised at my end score because I felt like I was playing much worse. We walked the first 9 holes but once we got to 9 the rain came on full force. So we opted for a cart on the back. My cousin ended up shooting 55 44.
    4 points
  8. null

    Pics from the course

    ::messages STUDque about adding a middle finger emoticon::
    3 points
  9. That's awesome stuff J! one of the many benefits of this site is great stuff like this!
    3 points
  10. Here's another DIY option you can make with common hand tools. Its a 3 in 1 design. I drilled out a piece of 3/4" diameter threaded rod and epoxy'd it to a steel driver shaft. I add nuts to the threaded rod to adjust between light , medium, and heavy sticks. Shaft Length is 44 inch with a midsize tour velvet grip. Weight of shaft and grip were around 181g. I cut the thread bar to a length (approx. 2") to make up the extra weight to get me to the light speed stick weight of 255g. Adding one nut gets me to 303g which is about 13g more than the medium weight stick. Adding another nut for a total of two nuts gets me to around 353g which is 2g lighter than the heavy stick. Nuts spin off and on quick so switching from different weights shouldn't be a problem. I could probably shave another nut down to get me exact for the medium weight but I think I'm good for now. Training starts once I get around to shoveling some snow off the deck...lol.
    3 points
  11. Handicap finished the year at 1.8. I have been trying to get to scratch so I purchased a year subscription to shot by shot strokes gained tracking program to see where I was bleeding strokes. It converts your strokes gained number into a handicap for you. Driving: 3 handicap Short game: 3 handicap Putting: Scratch Approach: NINE handicap it was clear to me that my iron game was holding me back. I really wanted to try something that would help....and this just may be the ticket. I got the 4-PW. I am going to the fitter on Monday to see if they need to be bent 2 degrees flat like my irons. I already catch grief for the ugly putter that I use....,why not catch some flak for my irons as well?
    3 points
  12. Ok. I am a low handicapper and I have always wondered about game improvement clubs; however, I have always been leary because of the lack of spin that they create. I saw the Cleveland Launcher HB won the category for SGI. I saw Mark Crossfields review. I read this post from start to finish. Yet, I was hesitant to buy them as an experiment to see if they could help a low handicapper. Then, I realized that with my rewards program through our office credit card, I could get this set for FREE. That is my kind of price. Lol. So, I just unboxed them and proceeded to test them on my Skytrak at home against my Mizuno JPX 850 forged irons. Yeah....the Mizunos feel a little more like butter when I hit them....but I can get over that if my iron play improves. I am a club longer with the HBs. I am not sure if the lofts are jacked or not....so that may not be a good comparison. Spin was about 300 rpm less with the HBs....but the HBs flew higher and had very similar stopping power to my Mizunos. The BIGGEST thing I noticed.....about one out of every ten swings for me will be a little on the dicey side....is that I am BLOWN away by the forgiveness of the HBs compared to the Mizunos. I hit one on the heel which felt like it should go nowhere. It flew about five yards shorter than my standard ball with just a baby fade on it that ended up four yards off line. I am looking forward to getting these out on my Florida trip in March. I will keep everyone updated. These could be a game changer......
    3 points
  13. They were really good guys and I feel very honest. They asked what my top priority was and I told them scoring. That is why we ended up keeping things as is. They said they get guys that only care about distance or looks. They don’t judge, they try to get you what you ask for. Frankly after shaft testing I settled in on the steel fiber i80 which is 10 grams lighter than what I game so if those where in the launchers distance would have been very similar. They also said the Rogue was like my 5 irons. They had never had anyone in that had Launchers and they were surprised at the spin numbers these put up. Best of the bunch by far. Sent from my iPad using MyGolfSpy
    3 points
  14. GB13

    Whats your best joke?

    "Sixty is the worst age to be," said the 60-year-old. "You always feel like you have to pee. And most of the time, you stand at the toilet and nothing comes out!" "Ah, that's nothin'," said the 70-year-old. "When you're seventy, you can't even crap anymore. You take laxatives, then you sit on the toilet all day and nothin' comes out!" "Actually," said the 80-year-old, "80 is the worst age of all!" "Do you have trouble peeing too?" asked the 60-year-old. "No, not really. I pee every morning at 6:00. I pee like a racehorse on a flat rock; no problem at all." "Do you have trouble crapping?" asked the 70-year-old. "No, I crap every morning at 6:30." With great exasperation, the 60-year-old said, "Let me get this straight. You pee every morning at 6:00 and crap every morning at 6:30. So what's so tough about being 80?" "I don't wake up until 7:00!"
    3 points
  15. Hey fellow spies. Last summer I submitted course reviews from my competitive league season down here in the Tampa area. As I am preparing again for the start of the season in March, I will plan to do the course reviews again here, as well as summarizing my prep and performance. When the league schedule is posted I will list the courses, then as each play week concludes I'll do my course review and my best sports analyst impression to report on that week's play. I'll try to include a few more pictures this season as well, we play some pretty nice courses. The league has about 45 members, uses a full handicap stroke play format with each week's field set at 32-36 players split between two flights.. League points are earned for weekly placement, and there are options for skins and close-to-pin. There are three majors on the schedule worth double points, one of which is a two-day event, and another week set aside for a two-man team event. The season concludes a Top-20 invitational, then a Ryder Cup style event with teams selected by two team captains from first the top 20 finishers, then captains picks from the rest of the field. Since I finished 25th last year, my goal for the season is to crack the Top-20 and earn a playing spot in the invitational and an invite to the Cup event. What have I done to prepare so far? Lessons for one thing, though I'm not certain the teacher/student dynamic is working well because I sometimes struggle to translate his input into something I can feel in my swing. I was lucky enough to be selected for the Odyssey EXO putter test, and my putting has been improving since. Since I'm now one year away from Champions Tour eligibility, I got a set of the SuperSpeed Training system to at least try to maintain what club speed I've got left, if not improve a bit. I hope you all enjoy reading about the journey, and I welcome any/all input and encouragement. Cheers for now.
    2 points
  16. That place is just about in my backyard and I have never played it. Based on the people on the course that has six hour round written all over it.
    2 points
  17. I am going to club Champion on the 18th for a driver fitting. I have the TS2 but If I am optimized. Going to try a boat load of shafts, as well as the TS3 and Cobra F9 heads
    2 points
  18. Chief is my office buddy when I work from home. He always supports my golf game! Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
    2 points
  19. You really have a great understanding of your game for someone so new to the game. You definitely don't want to carry a club if it is not benefiting you. There are a number of things that could be playing into your issues with gapping at the top. It could be a fitting issue, it could be a swing issue, or it could be a combination of both. Assuming that you won't be getting a professional fitting anytime soon, then you are best to not carry clubs that you won't use. Now just because that will then give you an extra club at the bottom of your bag doesn't mean you should carry one. I think a 54 and 60 are perfect for your skill level. As you play more, you will learn what types of shots you hit around the green and then you can determine if you need to change up your wedge setup. Since you are relatively new to the game, I would suggest find a teaching pro in your area and getting some lessons, especially before you develop some bad habits. A lot of teaching pros also do fittings, so as your swing progresses you will be able to ask them about how your bag setup is hurting or helping you and how you could potentially fit some of the new gaps that might develop if you start hitting the ball further or hitting your woods and long irons more consistently.
    2 points
  20. Royal Kunia "country club" It's a public course and twilight with cart is $35 bucks. We had to skip one hole to get around some jackasses but other than that, and some off/on showers, it was great as usual.
    2 points
  21. Agreed. Very helpful. As you can tell, I'm still tinkering. This is the first time I've seriously committed to playing golf better and also the first time I heavily researched anything before buying. I started last summer with a low-spin, unforgiving driver (Adams Super LS) and irons that were a little too much for my skill set (Nike CCIs). Truthfully bought both because of their looks and name rather than for their fit to my game. It is correct I still do not have something between my 3W and 4 iron. Not sure what the best play is there yet. I really struggle with hybrids, so I've considered a 5W in that spot. Until I improve and get a little more distance out of my driver (a great shot for me right now is 225 carry, but generally sit between 92-94 MPH driver speed with closer to 210 carry), I start running into gapping issues at the top of my bag with the 3W/5W/hybrid/4 iron all coming pretty close to each other. I play a lot of shorter courses and par 3s with my in-laws, who are in their 60s and don't hit the ball very far. So, up until now I've rarely had a need for too many clubs at the top or bottom of the bag. Generally, for the past two golfing seasons it was a 5-PW off the tee, a 56* to chip if I missed the green, and then the putter. I played a short par 36 last weekend and did not use the 3W once, opting for the driver, 4 iron or 5 iron off the tee, depending on the distance I wanted to play in. I really do think I will eventually want to add that 5W, or perhaps a driving iron (hah!) if I ever get my ball striking where is should be. And because of that, I think I am going to go ahead and start with the 54* and 60*. They are at least reasonable in price, so should I change my mind I can also order another one and swap them myself. Worst case I end up with a wide variety to choose from based on the course.
    2 points
  22. I'm with you. That would have made for an extremely frustrating day on the golf course!
    2 points
  23. That's exactly what i have in my bag - GP=48, then 52,56 and 60. With a difference in the bounce between the 56 and 60.
    2 points
  24. The wilson c300s are extremely strong lofted, so with a gap wedge 48* he might be able to only fit in two more wedges in his bag. I did notice that he doesn't have anything between his 3W and 4i so he could potentially have another wedge if he doesn't need a 5W or 3H. Assuming he is going to add another club at the top of his bag and his gap wedge is 48*, a 54 and 60 solution would be fine if it covers the yardages he wants to play. Another option would be to go 52 (bent to 53) and 58.
    2 points
  25. Hmm. Dix Hills is nearby me, and I've occasionally played there. Happy to say I missed that day. Sorry johnsmalls
    2 points
  26. I love my Vokey D grind for just the reason you mentioned - it's great on greenside rough. It's also great in medium to soft sand My 54 has the S grind which has more trail edge relief so it does a bit better from former conditions. You need to think about what types of shots you play, and from where, with each club so you can make sure you fit them into your needs
    2 points
  27. Keep in mind (and i'm still learning this myself) that I understand that there generally should be 4* between wedges. Since you have that 48* gapper already, consider filling in the remainder of the bag with a 52*, 56* & 60* (if needed). I'm am not a total authority on this at all, but based on my own set, I'd think that you may have too much of a gap between your current 48* club and a 54*. I'm pretty sure I would. Again, just something to consider as "generic" advise. cheers!
    2 points
  28. I too have fallen under the TS bug, I went to Club Champion about a month ago and fell in love once fitted properly. My overall game is decent, but driving always gets me in trouble and I tend to have around 2 penalty shots per round due to bad driving. With the TS3 and the right shaft, my dispersion both horizontal and vertical were fantastic. Excited for the winter to retreat and bring more 45* and warmer days.
    2 points
  29. JohnSmalls

    Whats your best joke?

    A buddy sent me this earlier. Enjoy!
    2 points
  30. null

    jlukes' Swing Overhaul

    Yup it really is a completely different movement. I have been doing squat and rotate drills all week just while standing in my living room without a club in my hand. Just thinking about the lower body movement and left him firing up and back. Heading to my next lesson in about an hour. Really excited to see what's going on and what's next
    2 points
  31. Jmikecpa

    Happy thread

    I have already been told by SWMBO that I can’t torture him with this...ever. Unfortunately for her I never listen. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  32. No3PuttLaLa

    How'd you play?

    It’s the truth! Weather showed just some light rain sporadically but we ended up getting steady rain for a while. Weekend is mid 50s and sunny though! Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
    2 points
  33. Kenny B

    How'd you play?

    My BIL lives in Seattle and he says you play in the rain or you don't play much. Glad I'm on the dry side. Rained last night, but nice today; maybe a little sprinkle tonight but no rain for the next week. And THEN I'm off to Phoenix!!!!!
    2 points
  34. That is an awesome email from a quality and high integrity fitter. You know how they say, you can make numbers say whatever you want. I'm sure he could have presented a case for the Rogues and more distance. But he gave you an honest assesment even though it meant no sale. I bet I know where you will go for a driver fitting/purchase !! Make sure and let us know how that fitting goes.
    2 points
  35. Wedgie

    College Football

    My Kansas Jayhawks would be the perfect fit. For us, not him unfortunately. Sent from my iPad using MyGolfSpy
    2 points
  36. Wedgie

    Got Problems?

    I wear progressive lenses and cannot golf with them at all. I can see well enough to play but couldn't read the scorecard, bought a talking gps cuz I couldn't see my phone and the ball at address looked fuzzy. Went to the eye doctor yesterday and Essilor makes a golf specific progressive lens. Pricey but whatever. Instead of magnification on the bottom you get distance. It is a 4 zone lens that people swear by. Giving them a try and will update once I get them in 3 weeks.
    2 points
  37. Went to True Spec and this will serve as my 6 month update: Grant, Thank you for coming into our studio this afternoon. I hope you enjoyed the experience of a True Spec iron fitting and felt like we identified beyond a shadow of a doubt your Cleveland Launcher HB irons were the best overall solution for what you're looking for at this stage in your game. While you originally had some concerns about the lie angles of your current irons, the GC Quad report (attached) show that you're consistently delivering a neutral lie angle at impact. Additionally, you were hoping to find a setup that was more forgiving, and while certain combinations changed the dynamics of the ball flight, I feel confident that the numbers you're producing are optimal for your swing signature. Sure, the Callaway Rogue Irons gave you 3 more mph of ball speed, but they also launched 4 degrees lower and had a whopping 8.5-9.0 degrees lower dynamic loft at impact. While they fly almost 10 yards farther, they are coming in so shallow (38-39 degrees) with about 600 rpm of spin less that you won't have any luck stopping the ball coming into the green. The best combination of forgiveness, launch, speed, and consistency was achieved using your Cleveland gamers. Best of all, you got them from MyGolfSpy!! I'm really interested to have you back and get fit for a Driver. The XXIO line is notoriously very easy to hit, so I'm up for the challenge of trying to beat it and find a more permanent solution for your tee ball. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to me. Bunch of new gear is coming out soon so next time you're in we should have some new toys! Thanks, SF True Spec Golf Shaun Fagan Master Club Fitter 413-454-2726 TrueSpecGolf.com The guys there were great and I would highly recommend them to anyone. I’m sure I will build a relationship with them as I round out other parts of my bag. I can provide monitor data if anyone is still paying attention to this thread. Sent from my iPad using MyGolfSpy
    2 points
  38. Picked up the Scotty Hawaii cover at yesterday’s release. Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
    2 points
  39. A little in round action Eagle Putt that I missed but made birdie. Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
    2 points
  40. I’m just waiting patiently for all the new drivers to come out. Once that happens I’m going to try them all. Sent from my iPad using MyGolfSpy
    1 point
  41. Number one on my list is getting my swing in order. After a ton of research etc I know what I want to work on when I get the chance. As for equipment, here's my wish list: 1) Ping G400 Max, OR, whatever new driver turns out to work best for me. 2) Launch Monitor/simulator/home swing station. I cannot hit the range/course nearly as much as I'd like to, it would be nice to have a spot to swing when time permits. Plus having some digital feedback would rule :).
    1 point
  42. Welcome to team Shot Scope Ok some quick answers.. Yes it should sort itself out and the p average will get better It's includes the putt from 30 feet in the shots to finish I think on approach shots it's success if you hit the green, on short game success is if you get up and down (I think) Par 3 tee shots are tee shots not approach shots so not included in the approach stats Check out the website for the instructions for the firmware updates, you should also get instructions with the monthly emails from Shot Scope. Any issues go to the support team and they will help. When in round overview you can then go hole by hole to see your shots Hope that helped
    1 point
  43. I'm no marketing MBA (but how hard is it, really??) but this seems a great strategy for a smaller brand. Sign up & comers with incentive laden contracts, and hope one or two hit big! The money you're paying them they've earned back for the brand in multiples.
    1 point
  44. #7 Emerald Bay, Destin, FL Sent from my iPad using MyGolfSpy
    1 point
  45. fixyurdivot

    Flat Tires

    I try but to be honest these stickers are tough to spot. Slime also makes a tube protector, but the few reviews I'm now finding aren't favorable.
    1 point
  46. Ronoc

    Your Top Training Aids

    Just got a PuttOut training tool from the kids as a Christmas gift and can’t wait to use it on a consistent basis. Tried it a few times in between family stuff over the holidays. Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
    1 point
  47. revkev

    Pics from the course

    Played Bayou with 00sportsman and a couple of my friends today. Had a great time. We all got Bayou’d a few times. I’m not telling whose ball this was. :) Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
    1 point
  48. yungkory

    Pics from the course

    Annual Christmas lunch and golf outing for our company at Oahu Country Club. Off and on rain, 2-club wind, and the difficulty of the course just kicks my butt every year. Beautiful though! Sent from my Pixel 3 using MyGolfSpy mobile app
    1 point
  49. I've used launch monitors, swing bytes, tiba putts alignment rods but I do like the simplicity of the Skilz yellow ball. I'll take a few hacks before a round just to warm up and it is great to stretch out before a round. Really helps sometimes when you are stiff or just need to get things going.
    1 point
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