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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/28/2024 in all areas

  1. Good Friday morning everyone! It's the last day of work for me before summer shutdown and I'm looking forward to getting it over. I always describe it as getting burnout the closer it gets and then we have some time off to come back refreshed. My job is all basically wash, rinse, and repeat so I'm looking forward to some time off to spend with the wife and play some golf. We had a great community call with Vice golf yesterday evening and I would encourage anyone who missed out to check it out once it gets posted to the forum. These guys have a passion for their product and you could tell by the way they were talking about it. I hope you all have a great day!
    22 points
  2. A good morning to all on a coolish Friday morning. Enjoying my espresso before I go and help my step daughter with her move. Maybe I’ll have another coffee first. Have a great weekend.
    21 points
  3. Good morning and happy Friday! A rainy morning here in eastern Iowa, but that isn't stopping me from getting out to the course. I've actually got a really busy day today, so I'm up and at em early. I need to take the round serious today as I have a money match tomorrow morning. If I crisper up a couple of parts of my game, I should walk out tomorrow a few dollars richer. I hope you all have a fantastic Friday!
    21 points
  4. Good morning and happy Friday everybody. One of my coworkers has the day off today so I get to go in an hour early to cover his shift which means that I will also get off work at 1:30 in the afternoon. If only the weather will cooperate today that could mean a round of golf. We shall see. Have a great day everyone.
    21 points
  5. Good morning all! Glad it's Friday and looking forward to the weekend ahead. Kids are going strawberry picking which should be fun for them. I will meet up with them later and then my wife and I are doing some yoga this evening. Tee time bright and early tomorrow before a likely family bike ride. Best of all woke up this morning to a chill in the air with temps around 50 which I love. After the early season heat wave a couple weeks ago this is such a nice change. Have a great weekend and Friday everyone!
    20 points
  6. Happy Friday everyone! SWMBO had a great day yesterday for her birthday. After this week of work, looking forward to a couple days rest for the weekend. Hope everyone has a great day!
    20 points
  7. Good morning MGSpies from a sunny cool to start gorgeous day for a golf tournament here in WNY currently sitting in the parking lot at Diamond Hawk GC with my coffee listening to Ryan Farish's Road To You on Pandora watching the presentation for the course in progress. Arrived early to provide any assistance for last minute things but probably because I'm here there's nothing outstanding at this point. Best part of yesterday was a simple NYS inspection for the prime mover and only a comment about something to keep an eye on for planning ahead maintenance wise. Golf today and tomorrow, hope golf is a part of your day
    20 points
  8. Good morning Spies! Up early-ish because I have to get to bed early tonight to make a 6 am flight to Baltimore (more Saturday work). Hoping to get in a range session around a trip to the orthopedist to get another shot in my shoulder; don't need that acting up in Scotland. Kinda reminds me of when I was a runner and I found myself engrossed in an online forum of runners who had run the Boston Marathon or were hoping to do so. For a while they banned use of the word Boston. Any reference to the capital of Massachusetts became Barcelona. I may have to find a code word for the northern half of Britain. Suggestions?
    20 points
  9. Happy birthday @Placasse61 ! Good morning spies on this on duty weekend! Hope everyone can enjoy some time off and be productive and have fun too! Will probably start my first putter build tonight, hoping to have it done through the weekend, and finishing monday! Has anyone heard from @Dead Solid Bogey ????
    20 points
  10. Good morning Spies on a TGIF morning here in the Motor City area. Up early, as I have a full day of working outdoors planned today, due to some heavy rain in the forecast for late tonight and tomorrow. @sirchunksalot Jason, enjoy your week off, relax and enjoy the time with your wife and on the course. Always good to get a break from our normal, working life routines. @Rob Person nice review on the Stix clubs. No golf for me until next week, try to miss the weekend rate increases, and slow play on the courses if possible these days. Hope your day is the best it can be, and that something fun and enjoyable is in your plans.
    20 points
  11. T minus 10 minutes until my meeting with Vice for my fitting. T minus 2 hours and 40 minutes util I head over to the golf course for a round of golf. What a great day so far. Fill you all in later on the fitting.
    19 points
  12. Good Friday morning, fellow Spies! I had an enjoyable day playing at Bear Creek Golf Course yesterday. Bear Creek has lush zsoyia fairways, bent-grass greens, and scenic views of the Ozark hills. I hope everyone has a great weekend.
    19 points
  13. Good Friday morning! Busy day getting things prepped and ready for the new venture. About to head to the course to get some practice in. @sirchunksalot you can get thru the final day! Its already halfway done for you isn't it? @Rob Person great job on the review. @Placasse61 happy Birthday For the rest, have a great day!
    19 points
  14. Good morning all. Got out early for a round this morning before I start my block of 7 duty days tomorrow. Had a great round and matched my PB of +5 gross. It was one of those rounds where it was nice and steady with no bad shots and no outstanding shots but just went really well. The approach and short game were the highlights The SG for the putting is a bit misleading as because the short game was so good I didn’t have many putts over 6 feet and had 11 putts within 3 feet. Unlikely I’ll get out though now for over a week so it was a nice to play like that before the enforced break. @sirchunksalot enjoy the break and the golf @Rob Person great final review on the Stix Still no sign of @Dead Solid Bogey Hope you all have a great weekend and for those that have to work it I share your pain
    17 points
  15. Erin B

    The Good Morning Thread

    TGIF! Not much going on today. I’m taking the day off from golf as a rest day before the weekend. I’m playing the VGA this weekend and have two rounds at Collindale in Fort Collins CO. https://www.fcgov.com/collindale/ Sunday is our state championship. I’m not expecting to win, I just want a good showing. I’m thinking about not competing after this season because I’ve found I enjoy golf more playing casually. Not a bad thing if you ask me. I’ll still play in scrambles and the club championships but really want to just enjoy golfing. I’m probably gonna stay on the VGA but only for the camaraderie. Anyway, hope you all have a great day and here’s to the weekend!
    17 points
  16. Happy Friday all! it was the best of league, it was the worst of league Pured my 6 iron on both par 3s. Also lost a season high 3 balls
    17 points
  17. Morning all! Going to be a beautiful day that’s for sure! Have the coffee going and reading along on here. Have to run some errands before work, but otherwise not much going on. Going to take my time with the day and try to enjoy it. Have a great day everyone!
    17 points
  18. Good Friday morning Spies! Hope this finds everyone making or beginning plans for a nice weekend! All I can say is it will be a hot one here! Have my new wedges in possession and played them yesterday right out of the wrapper. What a difference! definitely have some work to do with short game but the new gap wedge is just what the Dr ordered! Happy birthday @Placasse61! Nice job on the Stix review @Rob Person! Well, SWMBO is reminding me that it is my day to cook breakfast, so I guess I'd better get ready or face the "Wrath of Kong" for a few hours for not catering to her wishes... Everyone have a great day and stay safe!
    16 points
  19. jbern

    The Good Morning Thread

    Good morning! I was able to squeeze in a quick walking 9 holes yesterday afternoon between meetings! I don't have golf planned for today because some family is coming to visit, but I do have a round scheduled for tomorrow! Today, outside of work, is going to be preparing the house and outdoors for family coming to visit for a few days. It's great to have them here, but SWMBO likes the house to be clutter free, spot free, dust free, like something out of Home & Garden magazine whenever they come. Usually our house looks more like an episode of hoarders, so I've got a lot of work ahead of me today ! Have a good day everyone!
    16 points
  20. Final.Stix review posted!
    16 points
  21. Good morning Spies, Uppa with a Cuppa. Happy Friday. It's a beautiful morning in CNY. Sunny and in the 50s which is a nice change. I'm sorry I missed the Vice Community Call yesterday. But with the DF3 Test drawing to a conclusion I wanted to get another putter test session on the books to expand the data pool. I have a morning run on tap, a lawn to mow and church golf league tonight. I bought tickets to the air show in Binghamton, NY for July 7th. The Blue Angels will be showing. I last saw them on Lake Washington many years ago. I will break out the camera and hope for better skies this time. @Rob Person well done on the Stix review. @Placasse61 happy birthday. I hope golf can be included today whether it be on the course or in the form of gifts. Wishing all a wonderful day!
    15 points
  22. TGIF friends!! Those of you stuck in an office .. sorry .. those of you WFH .. also sorry .. but hang in there, it's only a few hours until Happy Hour!! I may take it relatively easy today, although that plan usually doesn't always come through .. maybe just a little weeding in back where it's really needed. Just gotta be smart and cover up - part of that is poison ivy and I'm sensitive to it... Almost dosed myself the beginning of the week trimming some overgrown stuff .. then started pulling vines growing under the fence into my yard - and I was wearing shorts and did get two very small spots, one on each leg, which are so far contained. Anyway...... Hope you have a great day and a better happy hour!!!
    15 points
  23. It's almost to the halfway point, I got through the worst part and that was getting out of bed.
    15 points
  24. Good morning fellow spies and happy Friday! Rain forecasted throughout the day today, but the weekend looks like it should be pretty nice. My wife's new Paradym Ai Smoke Max Fast irons came in this week, and man alive are they great looking sticks. I will get some photos on here soon, but really nice looking clubs. Can't wait to be able to get out together so she can try them. She did get to hit the Aerojet Max driver Monday and was striking it well. Not too much planned to my knowledge for the weekend, hoping to maybe get on the range with the family and then get them out on the course to play a bit. I will just play the role of caddie as I have played quite a bit this week and between my wife and I, one of us almost needs to not play a hole to keep the boys wrangled in lol. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
    14 points
  25. Good morning spies! Happy Friday to all on a beautiful day in Chicago. Went to the PGA Tour Superstore last night to pick up my regripped irons and get some sim practice in. New grips feel great and so does the swing. All I could ask for going into a golf-filled weekend. Before leaving the store, I decided I wanted to try and find a new pair of navy golf shorts (don't love my current pair). Found a pair on the discount rack, tried them on, fit perfect. Bought them instantly and returned home only to realize... I'm fairly certain these are women's shorts no belt loops, they fasten on the opposite side, and have a bit of elastic in the waistband. But hey, they were 60% off and fit me great. Also you definitely can't tell unless you saw the tag inside, so I'm keeping them! My brother-in-law @Swood1994 arrives early tomorrow morning for our voyage to Erin Hills Sunday. Will be tidying up the house today and getting everything ready for a a great weekend ahead. Hope everyone has a great Friday and a great weekend!
    14 points
  26. Happy Friday Spies! Not much to do today besides finishing my class discussion. I always save it for last since I am able to take all that I have learned from the week and blurt it out into 200 words. I've been having trouble sleeping since we got the new California King Mattress, still getting used to it. I fall asleep easy enough but find myself waking up every few hours so it's probably just my body thinking "it's too nice for you" Anyways, I hope you all have a great kick start to the weekend!
    14 points
  27. Morning spies! Happy Friday!! The community call yesterday was really interesting. I will be very interested to see how these new Vice clubs score compared to other DTC brands. I was able to get to the range yesterday during lunch and launch a few. Felt really good hitting wedges and even driver. Go figure. Now if I could just replicate all of that on the course, I would be a much lower handicap. Hope everyone has a great weekend and gets to play some golf. I know I’ll be trying to get in a round this weekend. Cheers!
    13 points
  28. Good Morning everyone! Nice sunny day today after two days of wind. I walked 9 holes on Wednesday while my wife played in the Ladies league; first time walking in over two months!! Had 4 bogies which is not bad on our front nine par 37. My brother-in-law came over from Seattle yesterday and we have a round scheduled for 10am. @JFish350 Glad your surgery went well. Take it easy; don’t rush it. @Placasse61 Happy Birthday; enjoy a nice round!! Remember everyone...
    12 points
  29. Preeway

    The Good Morning Thread

    Good morning gents. Another round this afternoon is scheduled and hoping to improve by a couple shots over yesterday. Busy day with kids sports and packing up for the family vacay to the Lake of the Ozarks. @David Leighton Reid, I’m playing Bear Creek as well next Wednesday. Really enjoy that course. Hope everyone has a great day ahead.
    11 points
  30. Really good question! Just checked and his last post was one week ago, in here. Hope this doesn't mean his medico situation took a bad turn.... And hopefully it's not something else like.. (a) the cartel is holding him hostage for random or .. even worse .. (b) The She Being is holding him captive at home...... @Dead Solid Bogey if you're reading this hope you're ok and give us an update? ... Separately - @Byrnzee hey a deal is a deal! And @Swood1994 no checking out Byrnzee's butt in his new figure-flattering shorts
    11 points
  31. Good luck!
    11 points
  32. When I saw Taylormade had released the Tiger Woods grind MG4 wedges in raw (under the tour only releases) I couldn’t resist. I have been gaming and enjoying the MG3 TW 56* wedge, so the chance to get the full Tiger spec wedge with the new MG4 face couldn’t be missed. Full Tiger spec includes the S400 shaft he apparently plays (not the same as the standard MG3 was and I think the MG4) and the cord grip he uses. Well it arrived today. Here are a couple of photos showing the difference in finish and coloring compared to the MG3 TW. I threw on a new grip (Golf Pride tour velvet midsize Plus4 with extra wraps of tape) and put it straight in the bag. The MG4 face feels really rough and grippy. It really does rip the ball. First time I used it on course (league night tonight) I played a firm, low punchy chip and the ball ripped and came to a prompt halt on the green. Quicker than I’d expected! It will take take a little getting used to as it does feel different, but I really like how it plays and feels so far. hopefully the diagonal micro grooves/ridges on the face last longer than some reports suggested early on. I also have a new gap wedge (50*) on its way. I ordered the same KBS x-stiff shaft I game in my irons as it’s mostly a full swing club. Looking forward to that arriving!
    11 points
  33. rkj427

    How'd you play?

    managed to get out and play a round today, and actually played well tee to green, more so on the back 9 than the front. Had numerous looks at potential birdies but putting let me down. Only had 36 total putts in a score of 80, and only 1 green 3 putted for bogey, but I left so many short within 6" - 18" it was frustrating. Green speed at this course much slower than the practice green I use to practice on, but I should have been able to adjust, just really did not, and that is on me. Hit 11 of 14 fairways, and 2 of 4 greens on the par 3's. Had 11 of 18 GIR, with those missed either a touch too long, or just off the sides of the greens. Here is a cool picture, number 10 green, I am about 12" in 2 on this 400-yard par 4, and 2 putted for par. Naturally, left the first putt about a foot short.
    11 points
  34. Good morning spies! Looking for my third sub 80 round this week with the Wild Bunch. But, it is going to be hot. Yeah I know, it is always hot in Mesa Arizona... One of the claims of the Claw gloves I am testing is you can toss them in the washing machine. So I did that. The glove came out looking and feeling fantastic. I was shocked to say the least. I am going to use that glove again today and see if the washing affected the silicone in any way. Hope everyone has a great Friday. Carpe Diem!
    10 points
  35. It's still morning for me in Oregon. My surgery went good and I am surprisingly feeling better than I thought I would. I'm 24 hours post op, and pretty sure I am feeling good due to my wife keeping me on schedule with meds. That all said, I no longer have the tingling going down my legs which is a huge plus. Told my wife to hide my clubs as I don't want the temptation to pick one up. I have a putting green in the back yard, so that is going to be a tough one not grab a putter. Someone posted about getting side tracked with posts, articles, reviews, etc.etc. I've done the same thing and sure I will for the next month. Have a great day all.
    10 points
  36. Jim Shaw

    The Good Morning Thread

    Here I am working with my granddaughter, June 28 2019... unfortunately she didn't stick with the game but I wanted to introduce them to it anyway...
    9 points
  37. Friday has arrived, so today is a remote work day. I'm basically just going to be catching up on my Six Sigma class. Supposed to have an exam and a project deliverable due today so it might be a little busy but at least I won't have to be interrupted with Teams meetings all day long. We've been struggling with getting our son to eat anything other than his go to foods and it seems we are getting closer to the point where he's going to have to choose to try new food or not eat at all. He was our NICU baby so he's been spoiled by his grandparents but now he's 7 and won't eat hardly anything. It's been a struggle to find restaurants when we go on family trips sometimes because my wife, daughter, and I are the type to want to try places and foods we can't get at home, and he's the opposite. It gets old having to pick restaurants based on who has chicken nuggets or pizza on their menu. It's also annoying to make a separate meal for him,especially the occasional time when my daughter will fight us on having to try a new vegetable or something all we hear is, "Well why do I have to try it if he won't eat anything?" I mean... She's not wrong.
    9 points
  38. Morning MyGolfSpy Nation, Just hanging out then hitting the course for a quick 18 today, Started working on my homemade Swing speed club, had an old shaft and found a few metal spacers at work that are pretty heavy. I was able to thread a bolt into the end of the shaft securing it on the inside and out with some golf club epoxy. now I just got to find a couple nuts and bolts to be able to add or remove the additional weights. What you all think so far? See below MyGolfSpy Nation - HITTEM Straight!
    9 points
  39. Jim Shaw

    The Good Morning Thread

    I saw a video clip once and the mom was running around screaming "make it look like no-one lives here"
    9 points
  40. Chas c

    How'd you play?

    My best friend was in town for work today so we both dropped off early to play some golf! My driver and I are not quite on friendly terms at the moment, but I’m quickly becoming best friends with my pitching wedge. Dropped an absolute bomb on this green, had to break out the shovel to fix the pitch mark! Shot about 100 which is not bad considering I’m still slicing half my drives into the water, but i have time to hit the ramge this weekend and get the kinks worked out.
    9 points
  41. Dweed

    How'd you play?

    I gave up my "how'd you play" time today to take the grandboys to opening day of the LPGA Dow Invitational in Midland, MI at the Midland Country Club. A beautiful day for sure. Saw some great play by some strong players. What we saw is that Lexi T still has a lot of great shots in her. Plus others as well. Watching them shoot helped impress the boys as to just how good those gals are. It was well worth losing a little me time in the process.
    9 points
  42. what were the symptoms? Glad you are feeling better...
    9 points
  43. First day I feel normal again after getting COVID! This new strain is a bad one..... take care fellow spies. Sorry I was quiet for 2 weeks but I was down for the count.
    9 points
  44. Dang! Now that's a group!
    8 points
  45. Linksoul is running a 50% off sale. I took advantage of the sale code: OURCODE I ordered a new polo shirt.
    8 points
  46. Got out today, I’m either shooting a 77 or a 78. Talk about consistency. Front 9 was weird. Had a lady with us and she started cackling on the 3rd hole right in my backswing. Couldn’t get rid of the wicked witch of the west. (She was a nice lady, but a beginner. I actually helped her improve her swing) It just stuck with me. Back 9 was better. Loving the SeeMore putter. Anyway, shortened a driver to 44.5 and absolutely loved it. I took a ventus velocore 6regular, tipped it an inch and took off the top to 44.5. Works like a champ! Feels like a stiff shaft now. I have to make a decision to shorten every driver shaft to 44.5. Oh choices. But I was hitting the sweet spot constantly on my driver. Didn’t lose any distance at all. More to come on this project…. Looking forward to the Nebraska trip with @Preeway @cksurfdude @BallsLeon and I hope we can make it an annual event. Maybe next year we can grow it. Game on!!! Hope you all have a great evening! Wyo out!!!
    8 points
  47. Another fabulous call and I think the second one with at least one of them, the architecture of the room they work in reminds me so much of time I have spent in Europe on various military assignments, it's just so different than on this side of the pond. Thanks for another great job of hosting the call Jamie @GolfSpy_APH and taking that time so late in your evening
    8 points
  48. Glad to hear you are feeling better.
    8 points
  49. Fantastic news. Smart move to have your wife hide the clubs! LOL Prayers for a full and speedy recovery!
    8 points
  50. chisag

    The Good Morning Thread

    ... I should have mentioned that, so thanks for adding it. The road hazard warranty is why they repair and rotate tires that came on my car. I had a Michelin tire that came with my G80, split from a sharp object and they gave me 80% credit for the life left in the tire. A very pleasant surprise since I didn't buy it from them.
    8 points


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