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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/19/2022 in Posts

  1. Happy birthday to the one and only, biggest ho we know @Golfspy_CG2! Also a big Happy Birthday to @Undershooter. Have a great day fellas.
    9 points
  2. Ok. This should be the last club I buy for awhile. Mizuno T22 54°, 8° bounce, with the denim copper finish. I was going to go with the standard satin chrome finish but, I decided to get a little funky. I really dig the finish in person, especially at address. I’ll throw it in my bag for a comparison with my 56° MD3 this weekend.
    9 points
  3. Still trying to figure out the driver, but took a few good observations away from today's range session. Watch for overly closed or open shoulders at address. Don't lift the club in the backswing. Make a good turn. Be aggressive on the downswing - really accelerate through the ball with my arms/hands. The last one is a big key for me. When I'm not aggressive enough my shoulders outrace my hands and that's when the cuts/push cuts/slices come out. I crushed four or five balls to end my driver swings - nice high, straight flight. A couple one- and two-hopped the end of the range which was about 285 from where I was. We had a little wind help so I'm happy with those. I then finished my bucket with the same thought and it was fantastic! I picked out the 178 yard flag and grabbed my nine iron (normally a 160-165 club on course) and tried to hit the green with what felt like half backswings. It really made me accelerate through the ball because otherwise there was no way I could hit 170-180 yards with a nine iron.
    8 points
  4. Shankster

    Random Thread

    Offer accepted in Oregon… good news is I won’t have to worry about rocks any more. 1.9 miles from the water instead of 19 feet. Super Duper Stoked!!! Just have to decide which course I want to join…
    7 points
  5. Thanks everyone, and as already told a couple people, it's my birthday of course you know I was going to get myself a present. So the present came in the form of them being shipped today Should have them by Monday or Tuesday Details will be found in the What Did You Buy thread a bit later.
    7 points
  6. MDGolfHacker

    How'd you play?

    Well, what a trainwreck of a round for my 9 hole golf league. Driver wasn't working, irons weren't working,wedges weren't working and the putter...you guessed it...wasn't working. Needless to say, jumped out of the cart coming back to the club house and spent an hour chipping, putting and hitting the entire bag at the range to work out the issues. Apparently my body forgot some of the basics....We'll see how it goes next week. MDGolfHacker
    7 points
  7. 3 separate fitting appointments, 3 purchases, one is custom order. Stealth 10.5º Driver with Ventus Red stiff shaft. Stealth 15º fairway with Ventus Red stiff shaft. On the way: Stealth irons 4-G with Ventus blue stiff shaft. Can't wait!
    7 points
  8. edingc

    How'd you play?

    Two 18s and one nine this week. Shot 39 on the front Monday by rebounding on the final four holes or so after a shaky start. Followed that with a very, very solid 41/37 -> 78 on Tuesday. Didn't hit anything all that well, but my short game and putting were on fire. I actually started on the back and nearly finished it at even par, just missing a putt on No. 18. Fell off a bit making the turn which was frustrating. Finished this morning's 18 with a 40/41 -> 81. Hit the ball extremely well with my irons. Driver continues to be pretty squirrelly and cost me three strokes this morning. Mental mistakes (which make me so mad) cost me another two (resulting in two double bogies on the back). Short game just wasn't as good as Tuesday, but I've been putting a lot of pressure on my chipping and putting with the driver. Felt really good to hit the ball well with my irons. Just need to get the driver sorted out now.
    7 points
  9. Sluggo42

    How'd you play?

    Played this afternoon again, and hit a lot of 250-260 yd drives. Now these were really solid hits. You guys that hit 370 yarders would drive half the greens around here. Cept I’m pretty happy with 260. Score well with short irons coming in. bad news tho is the main sprinkler distribution pump just died, so they’re telling me no watering for about 2 months. This track is gunna turn into a rock. Then I’ll be hitting 300 yarders…
    7 points
  10. ... To the contrary, the MGS community wants to know where they can acquire his PEDs.
    6 points
  11. Got out to the range today, irons were great but I’m still struggling at swinging freely with the driver. My swing speed during practice swings will be at/around 107, whereas once behind the ball, it drops to below 100. Had just one swing behind the ball at 103, and it read 267 carry. Didn’t grab a photo at the time for I wanted to keep the momentum going, but I couldn’t get it back over 100 again. Below was my last swing … and TBH, they were all in the middle of the range with a slight fade, so I’ll take it. But still, need to get past the mental block of getting after it.
    6 points
  12. DStar

    How'd you play?

    1st round with the Nippon Modus³ Tour 115 shafts I'm reviewing for MGS in a midweek medal yesterday. Played pretty good apart from 3 holes where I had 2 doubles & a triple bogey. Off the tee was pretty good and I was getting up & down well and putting solid. Really good distance control with the new putter, just reading a little off. Ended up with an 86, nett 71 - handicap cut -0.5 to 12.3. Highlight was the 500y par 5 4th. 3 wood to 310y, 6i to 15ft but missed the eagle by a couple of inches Edit: it was downwind a little...
    6 points
  13. Tom the Golf Nut

    Random Thread

    I had an unexpected invitation to be in a golf tournament tomorrow morning. Well if I must play during work I guess I must! Such tough decisions on a Thursday.
    5 points
  14. The MGS community demands that you get drug tested for PEDs …
    5 points
  15. ... The mistake I see many instructors as well as better players make is thinking others can accomplish what they have accomplished. Or swing the way they swing. But golf is an extremely difficult game, especially for those that did not have an athletic background. Concepts many of us take for granted that grew up playing sports are foreign to those that never played other sports. Just watch a baseball film and you will see actors pushing the ball, not throwing it because they have no idea what a kenetic chain is. Ko, Lee and Henderson are very talented athletically and there are plenty of men that will never come close to hitting a golf ball like they do. Out of shape and/or physical limitations are more the norm for the typical American than being in the same kind of shape as a LPGA Pro whose job is to be in the best shape possible. Working out is a big a part as practicing 1000's of wedges. It really is unfair to compare the two. ... I do understand your point of repeating the same flaws and expecting different results or worse, just accepting their ceiling. But it was my experience as an instructor that "rebuild" should only be attempted by a select few that have the time, the drive and most importantly the ability to rebuild their swing. Most would be much better off doing what they already do ... just do it better. Swing your swing. In other words an inside take away with an over the top weak slice can be turned into a less inside and less over the top swing that makes more soli contact and produces more of a power fade. Attempting to change something ingrained as their swing DNA just isn't very easy and can result in complete frustration for the player. There have been tour players with an inside take away and an over the top delivery and a myriad of other "flaws" that have had a good career. One of my snowbird playing partners is a retired 65 yr old ex teacher that never played any other sport. He is over weight and has a bad knee. He played knock off clubs that didn't fit him, never took a lesson and rarely broke 100. I booked a fitting for him and he ended up with a full bag of new clubs that fit him. I have made a few subtle adjustments over a 2 year period that has him making better contact and hitting better shots. He rarely completely duffs a shot now. He shot an 89 (compliments of a hole in one) but breaking 90 consistently will probably never happen for him. He is thrilled to be shooting in the mid to low 90's. I view him as the typical American golfer. To be fair he could surprise me because he listens when I give him advice (which is rare) and he really wants to improve but he will never break 80 because over weight, bad knee and lack of athletic talent will always hold him back. ... Lastly I would add that for most all of us, what we are doing and what we think/feel we are doing is almost always different. I applaud anyone attempting to get better and that includes improving their swing but without the watchful eye of someone that understands what they are trying to accomplish with their changes, it is very difficult to accomplish a swing change on your own. This is the reason there are millions of golf magazines/videos/training aids that have players spinning their wheels, better one day and worse the next. And most that play this great game will never break 80 and many will never break 90. Sure, a golfer in good shape with a good work ethic and the time to devote to golf can break 80 but they are the minority.
    5 points
  16. Happy Birthday guys!!!! I am eagerly anticipating the "what I bought myself on my birthday" post from Rob since I live my club ho life vicariously through him!!
    5 points
  17. Even with two @Golfspy_CG2 would probably not be impressed!!
    5 points
  18. What, the club? Or the self control to stop buying new clubs? On a related note @ParFore74x, how do you know when you’re done buying clubs? Asking for a friend…
    5 points
  19. CarlH

    How'd you play?

    I drove the ball very well today. Irons and fairway metals did their job. My usual issues with short pitches/chips, but my putting today was horrendous! Putting is typically my strength, but today it cost me far too many strokes. Not sure why. Just one of those days, I guess. After a couple of weeks with my Callaway Rogue ST driver and 4 wood, I have to say that it was a very good purchase. I'm definitely getting better distances and dispersion with both clubs! (Previous driver was Ping G400Max and prior 4 wood was a Tailor-made M4.)
    5 points
  20. Shankster

    Random Thread

    My time in Washington was some of the best days. It is just amazing out there. Clean crisp air, mountain and sea views… can’t beat it. We are really looking forward to it.
    5 points
  21. Did I buy something again? Picked up a Fujikura Ventus TR 5-S.
    5 points
  22. The Bushnell has died. I decided to try something cheaper this go round as $500+ dollars has gotten old every 3 years. That is how long my last 2 Bushnell's lasted. Precision Pro NX9 Slope Golf Rangefinder with Slope from Amazon for $242 total cost including tax. They are on sale at the website for $249 but I checked Amazon and they were $239 and then I noticed an 11% off coupon bringing the cost down to $227. Here's the link if you are interested https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07PP9Y76B/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1
    5 points
  23. Picked up an orange whip at Play It Again for $60 on my way to Costco. I really need to stop “poking my head in to see what’s new” every time I’m within a county mile of the store . I will say, there are few things more satisfying than deep cleaning a dirty item. The top of the whip was obviously due for a scrub but the grip gave off a serious amount of grey goo. Yuck!
    5 points
  24. From an ageless classic ... (... Or: is that me, talking about my golf game?)
    4 points
  25. I bought this used through a golfing buddy that purchased the SkyTrak for his garage. And honestly, I really do like it ... no regrets in buying it from him. Its has simple, straight-fwd data and its main purpose/focus is the Smash Factor data. It's relatively spot-on with its data output compared to that of the SkyTrak.
    4 points
  26. tommc23

    Random Thread

    Goonies is great! I actually saw a guy who looked just like sloth in person nice guy hard not to laugh when you think hey you guys and are trying to take care of their family member congrats
    4 points
  27. It is really hard to swing full speed and not worry about where the ball is going to feel that speed while hitting a ball. I know it was a struggle for myself as well until I started some Super Speed training and then it got a bit easier. Keep trying the speed will come, and then its bombs away
    4 points
  28. I have seen it done different ways, but I always thought it made sense to start with the hardest handicap hole and go as far as needed rather than start at 18 and go backwards.
    4 points
  29. Happy Birthday to more fellow May spys @Golfspy_CG2 and @Undershooter!! I would say, "Hope you get your birthday wish". But I'm sure that Rob has already ordered his wish along with many more wishes... after all the year is still young!!
    4 points
  30. 4 points
  31. I actually have no idea. I just keep telling myself that I don’t need any more clubs and then I find myself buying another one. Even today, I had a voicemail on my phone that this wedge was in so I swung by the store to pick it up and still found myself looking at other clubs for a good 15 minutes. My bag is full, pretty much everything is new within the last year, and I still look and sometimes buy more.
    4 points
  32. That is something that dreams are made of.
    4 points
  33. I'm going bat shat crazy with the Cleveland Launcher XL line. If you look down at my signature you can see what I'm talking bout. I have an awesome Callaway Rogue ST driver that I am in LOVE with. Love it like a hot mule chomping on an ice cold melon. I'm hitting bombs with the Cally and reaching places on my golf course I have never been off the tee. I mean straight too.... Sooooooo why am I lusting over the fat gal known as the Cleveland XL Launcher. She's got a butt bigger than a pregnant sow however I'd love to hit it ..... Hmmmmmmm help me Lawd!
    4 points
  34. Peter: He slimed me. Ray: That's great! Actual, physical contact. Peter: I feel so funky!
    4 points
  35. I must have hit over 500 putts today while watching the PGA. figure out that the ball was creeping up to far in my stance and leading to inconsistent strike. Much purer roll now that I moved it back closer to center
    3 points
  36. It is a great drill, I have always felt that when I take a shorter back swing and then try to get to max speed, the contact is great. Personally trying to do something similar even with my full swing. I can tend to have the arms overrun and get too long. Taking a shorter back swing with a bit better width is just as fast but so much more consistent. Maybe not John Rahm short but that's the feel.
    3 points
  37. I thought long and hard (that's what she said) about entitling this one "Getoffmylawn's Swing Odyssey" but that would be yet another third-person self-absorbed post, so I digress. But, I've been giving a lot of thought lately to how one balances the need and desire for lessons from professionals with the need to dig it out of the dirt and game what swing works for you. Some background on me...as many of you know, I've been taking lessons from GolfTec for a while. I thought I had only taken 8-10, but looking back through my account, I've actually taken 15 in total, and I've gotten better. I came to GolfTec a 13 handicap, and here's what I looked like at impact: As you can see, I'm very folded up at impact and there is a lot of forward sway. Now, I'm a 6 handicap, with obvious room for improvement, but I'm also in a better position at impact: That compression sleeve on my right elbow kind of obscures the fact that I'm less folded up and have my arms much more extended, and I'm not sliding nearly as much. So, why the post? Because GolfTec in particular, and a lot of other coaches, seem to have a tendency to want to fit you into a mold of what should be happening and maybe don't do the best job of working with the nuances of your particular swing. My very last lesson from GolfTec, right before winter, I came to my coach hitting a lot of blocks, and the diagnosis was that I was sliding forward too much and not staying behind the ball, and that I needed to use more hands/arms to release the club. That last part about hands and arms has had a serious negative impact on my swing...for a while now I've gotten very scoopy and was making impact with my wrist in extension, resulting in some cuts, high ball flight, and a loss of distance. 2 weeks ago on the range, I basically said "screw it" and resolved to get back into a more bowed Rahm-like wrist position at impact, and the net result has been great...I've regained about 10 yards of distance, a lower ball flight, and can hit the draw when I need it. So, what's the lesson learned? Obviously, lessons have value, but when is it time to swing your swing?
    3 points
  38. Hahahaha. I checked the wind numbers, 7 MPH helping wind with gusts up to 20 MPH. I wasn't pin high with all of them, and several came up a good 10 yards short. Not to mention the range balls don't spin a bit which sometimes make them act like flier lies. I probably would be insane to try to hit a 9 iron 170+ on the course. In all seriousness though, my contact got so much better with the aggressive/acceleration focus. Pretty sure @chisag was talking about deceleration chunks the other day and that's what got me thinking about it. When I get too timid on the downswing I just don't hit the ball very well. And it happens all too often on the course.
    3 points
  39. 3 points
  40. edingc

    How'd you play?

    Thanks. I'm very close. But it's been consistent and my short game has improved a ton. Did manage to bomb a perfect one leading to a par to finish today's round. Nice high baby draw up the hill. Something to build on heading into the next round.
    3 points
  41. It's getting down to crunch time to play with the stalwart PNW MGS crew in our annual outing. I need to have commitments by the end of next week. After that, the tee times that we don't use will be turned back to the courses. Players committed so far for the outing June 23-26: Kenny B and Martha (all days) @Thin2win (all days) @fixyurdivot (all days) @gavinski91 (June 23-25) and brother (June 23 only) Again, the courses are: June 23 Apple Tree GC in Yakima June 24 Canyon Lakes GC in Kennewick June 25 Wine Valley GC in Walla Walla June 26 Wildhorse GC in Pendleton OR If I have missed anyone, or if someone wishes to play on any or all days, please let me know ASAP.
    3 points
  42. I broke my rule again today… I took a video of my full swing. Here I thought I was steep but I’m super flat in the backswing with a slight steepening move in the downswing… but it works, and works well. Not changing a dang thing!
    3 points
  43. Yes! Found it! I wasn’t imagining things @Kenny B
    3 points
  44. I won't be able to make it this year. Caught friggen covid over the weekend and out of work for at least this week and just as important not getting anything done around the house. Sorry fellas I was looking forward to meeting you guys in person.
    3 points
  45. MattWillGolf

    How'd you play?

    When it comes to hitting breakfast, I’m definitely a plus handicap. Hood luck with your surgery.
    3 points
  46. ncwoz

    How'd you play?

    I wish I'd gotten a better look at how far they each rolled out, because most of my other drives for the day were more in line with my typical - something in the 290-310ish range depending on wind and elevation. And yeah it was! The 3rd green is the highest point on the property, with severe drop-offs and deep bunkers surrounding it. I had a ~60 yard wedge shot to be on in 3, and the wind carried it off to the right side of the green and proceeded to push it about 40 yards away haha. It really forces you to strike it pure when it's blowing like that.
    3 points
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