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Final Reviews: Stewart Q Follow Electric Caddie

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Equipment Type: Trolley
Vendor: Stewart golf

Screenshot 2022-08-05 21.47.34.png
Ever wanted to contribute to the data MyGolfSpy collects over the course of the season?

Welcome to Testers Wanted where we recruit readers like you for objective feedback on products that roll into HQ throughout the year!

You might call it an electric push cart, caddie, or trolley. Whatever the preferred name, plenty of golfers are opting for the hands-free golfing experience offered by various manufacturers.

Stewart Golf launched its first products in the UK in 2003. Nearly two decades later, the brand claims to be the industry leader in "follow" technology.

So now, we need testers like you to assess and report back to us at MyGolfSpy.

4 TESTERS - Stewart Q Follow Electric Caddie ($2700 retail)

Contiguous 48 states only

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Greetings Spies.  My name is Bill and I reside in southwest Montana. I'm ecstatic and honored to have been selected among the thousands of who applied to test the Stewart Q Follow Electric Caddie.  A HUGE THANK YOU to the folks at Stewart Golf and MyGolfSpy for providing this great testing opportunity!!  I find these forum-based product reviews to be very informative and meaningful.  Marketing claims are "put to the test" by fellow amateur players with no strings attached.  I have used these reviews as part of my recent equipment changes and will do my best to provide you all with a meaningful review of the Stewart Q Follow Caddie.

Stewart Golf Q Follow – Stewart Golf USA

Please check out my introduction/bio here.  

So as many of you may know, through our discussions on the forum, my preferred mode of travel on the course is walking. 

18th hole at Wine Valley during this years PNW Spy Meet-up.


Unless the course does not allow walking, I rarely opt for an electric/gas cart. To be brutally honest, I just don't like bouncing around, getting in/out and traversing the fairway.  Further, many courses limit where power carts can go (i.e. 90 degree rule, off fairways altogether, and green approach areas).  I prefer the cadence that walking affords - allowing me to think about the upcoming shot (or blowing off steam from the previous shot 😊). If I want to stay in the shade of a tree line as the group makes its way down the fairway, or just mosey along enjoying the sights, I have that option. Plus, it's great exercise and helps keep me stay loose - especially on colder days. I recently upgraded from a Sun Mountain Speed Cart to a Caddy-Tek EZ-V8 (which I did an unofficial review on here). 

I've seen some of the various electric walking carts on courses and always was interested in them. At 62 years of age, I'm still in pretty good shape but will admit that some course terrain is beginning to tax the legs and lungs a wee bit.  Having a multi-mode, powered push cart seems like a great option. So when I saw the opportunity to test the Stewart Q Follow Caddie, I was really excited. From what I've read, this looks to be an industry leader in lightweight, compact design, and follow/tracker technology.

A few questions that immediately come to my mind and are of interest include;

  • battery life and how much it drops off (or not) during a round or even 27 holes
  • recharging time
  • stability on side hills
  • ability to power through heavy rough and uneven terrain
  • do I have to switch out of follow mode when walking onto the greens and tees?
  • how easy is it to drive/steer using the remote?
  • and, ultimately for me, will having the powered functionality offer a seamless transition from my many years using a simple push-cart?

If you have any specific questions or things you would like myself and other testers to investigate, please reach out to us and we'll do our best to cover them in our reviews. 


Final Review - Stewart Q Follow Golf Trolley

 First Impressions (4 of 5 stars)

Once again, I want to open this review with a HUGE Thank You to both Stewart Golf and MGS for providing us the opportunity to test/review the Stewart Q Follow Caddie.  I don't mind repeating myself in saying that these forum product reviews are of more value to me than most all other reviews I read.  In fact, now when I consider buying new golf products, I always check to see if a forum, Hit Squad, or both have been done when whittling down information leading to a buy or move on decision.

My initial impression of this product was very well engineered and excellent build craftsmanship.  The shipping box was heavy duty and packing protection top notch. The packing arrangement makes for easy removal and, perhaps as important, easy to repack (I had the opportunity to test this out with our move to AZ).  Help instructions are in the right places - isn't that so often overlooked these days. My shipment had definitely seen some rough handling, and gave the protective packaging a serious test.



Upon getting the cart out and unfolded, I was quite impressed by its look - which I would describe as quite modern, stylish, and sleek.  The "black carbon" version we received has some nice accents (wheel fenders) that give it just the right amount of "pop".



Little details like pressed-fit, sealed wheel bearings, and cooling fins on the drive motor, are not features one would see on low end products.


The key technology of the Stewart Q Follow is the Bluetooth follow mode. With that function selected, the cart is seeking the handheld pendant. When I first trialed this in the yard, it was without a bag on the cart, and I found the cart quite erratic.  At first, I thought it was due to not holding the pendant still (as in clipped to my belt) but, after getting the clubs aboard, the cart became quite steady.  It still makes some jerky direction changes but nothing excessive.  The bottom-line is that the follow technology works as advertised.  Soon into my third round, I began not really thinking about the cart too much and just felt confident my clubs would be within arm's reach when I got to my ball.

Personally, I found trying to hook the pendant onto my belt or pants/shorts pocket each time I selected "follow" a pain.  Upon arriving at the ball, you can stay within the "no follow" zone, and it won't attempt to move to you.  But, on a several occasions, I would just get outside that range while setting up for the shot and the cart you suddenly swivel and move towards me. What worked best for me was simply carrying the pendant in my hand as I walked to my ball, then place it on my bag, take the shot, pick up the pendant and start walking.  My testing showed the carts steering to be nearly identical whether on my belt or in my hand.  I even swung the pendant around while watching and the carts steering was hardly affected at all.


Aesthetics (5 of 5 stars)

I really like the look of the cart. As I mentioned above, it has a very modern look with just enough bling in the right places. The light grey rubber handle inserts and bag strap, the exposed carbon fiber basket-weave fenders, grey wheel rims, and red inner wheel covers blend really well. Overall, it is quite compact folded up and not as large as one might think a "battery powered" cart would be.  


The battery nest fits perfect and simply blends into the cart base for a streamline look.


The Numbers (4 of 5 stars)

Unlike the accuracy of a range finder or carry distance for clubs, this category for a bag cart is a bit challenging.  But, I will touch on a key thing that can definitely effect "one's numbers (scoring)" and that is fatigue.  I've used non-motorized golf push carts for the better part of 45 years and while their designs have evolved to make them more compact and feature rich, they still require manual labor.  As we get older, that effort becomes more and more noticeable.  On courses with significant elevation and slope changes, I've really started to notice that my stamina wanes as the holes roll along.  Add in some heat index and that just makes manual carts feel heavier with each passing yard.

The rounds I have played using the Stewart Q Follow Caddie have significantly reduced the level of fatigue I feel as compared to my manual push cart. I cannot yet equate better scoring with the Stewart Q but it stands to reason that being less fatigued over the course of a round will more likely than not help ones scoring.

On The Course (4.5 of 5 stars)

The Stewart Q Follow worked better than I expected in both manual drive and follow modes. I say better than expected because I had visions of looking back for my clubs only to see them some distance back and off-track. I used the follow mode about 90% of the time and it always kept up with me.  With the exception of it finding a pothole as it left the cart path and falling over, it never had an issue.


The first course I tested on had a really good mix of terrain. The carts paths are mostly gravel and some not so smooth.  There were plenty of bumps and lumps which did tend to knock the steering off course a bit, but the tracking technology did a very good job of making corrections.  It did get a bit jumpy at times when this happened, but nothing all that drastic. 

While the cart does well going up hills, going down steep hills isn't so good - particularly if you walk at normal pace.  What I found worked was to just walk slow and kind of guide it along close behind. On a few grades, I noted the brakes having to engage to slow travel and skid the wheels. Of course the instructions suggest using manual steering and use of the handle in these situations, but what fun is that? 🙂.

The course also had plenty of side hills and I purposely walk up the slopes and in a zig-zag manner to see how the tracking worked.  It did a good job making steering adjustments but definitely was working the two wheel motors pretty hard.  Still, I was quite impressed with its ability to keep up.

The Good, the Bad, and the In-between (3.5 of 5 stars)

The "good" points are:

  • The cart is very compact folded up which will really help those driving cars with limited trunk space.
  • It is very easy to unfold and refold once you get the sequence down.
  • Battery life is as advertised. We received the 36 hole battery and, following each of my 18 hole rounds, the app showed close to 60% remaining.
  • The battery app is easy to use and provides status whether connected to the cart or charging cords.
  • The quick dis-engage design of the rear wheels, for full manual mode, is very easy. 
  • Removing and replacing the battery is easy and the recharge time for it and the remote pendant as described in the user manual.
  • The cart adjusts well to the players walking pace.  I found this really helpful when slowing down and "helping" the cart through odd terrain.  This even works on moderate downhill grades.
  • Switching to manual/pendant steering is easy and one quickly gets the feel for how much left and right arrow is needed to make course adjustments.
  • The cart had very ample torque and climbing power.  I took it up a few quite steep inclines and it had no problem.  The two "wheelie wheels" do a great job at keeping the cart from tipping over backwards. 

The "bad" points are:

  • The handle is a bit on the flimsy side.  On several holes with moderate contours around the greens and tees, I dis-engaged the rear wheels from the motor and pushed the cart.  I found the amount of flexing in the handle a little concerning.  When using my current cart, I sometimes will give it a pretty hefty shove going over curbs. I would be concerned about this handle holding up under similar situations. To be fair, maybe it will sustain way more flexure and stress than I think... but it just made me nervous.
  • Storage is pretty much non-existent. I found myself really missing the mesh cargo net bag, storage tray, and zippered storage pocket on my current Caddy-Tek cart. For me, this was a big negative that affected scoring.

The "In-between" points are:

  • The cart folded is a bit heavy and I could see this maybe being an issue for older folks (even more so for women) lifting in/out of car trunks.
  • It seems the "glide stop" mode should be the default.  The carts stops quite abruptly if this mode is not on, and I should think most users will want this on... so why not make it the default?
  • The cart does work fine with lighter than optimum weight bags, but the tradeoff is that the cart tends to pop wheelies a bit more when starting off and when following up steeper inclines.

Play it or Trade it? (4 of 5 stars)

To be brutally honest, I'm on the fence on this one.  I walked one of my (new to me) courses today using my cart and was taking note of all the uneven surface changes I went through moving from greens to tees.  Most of the cart paths stand several inches higher than the ground and I could see myself having to do quite a bit of "helping" the Stewart Q cart through this - whether in follow or manual steering.  Staying on the concrete paths would be a solution but there are a good many more direct/shorter paths through packed gravel that the walking folks use. I need to get a few rounds in with it on the courses here to make this final decision.  I do think it will help reduce fatigue, especially on hot days, and that is a BIG incentive. While my Caddy-Tek cart is quite light and easy to push, I still feel it towards the end of rounds.  I'm definitely going to put the Stewart Q through more paces and testing here and see how it works out.

One factor I'm interested in is battery life and and adverse effects of use and storage in hot climates - like Arizona hot in summer months. They recommend charging at near room temps, which is fine and doable, but what about use and storage in a garage that's near 100F?

I'm quite sure I would not have spent the MSRP for this cart.  I had previously looked at battery powered, manual steer units and opted not to invest the $700 to $1000 for some of those. I do think the build quality and technology are excellent, and the follow mode a really helpful feature, but the price seems a bit high IMO.


In a nutshell, the Stewart Q Follow Caddie is the real deal and does what it was designed to do.  With the exceptions noted above and two key design aspects (weak handle and virtually no storage), the cart manual and follow steering modes work very well. It works well over moderately uneven terrain; gravel paths, over tree roots, and low curbs (say up to an inch).  Straight out of the box, the cart is assembled and, with the help of fantastic instructions, requires only a few base and handle movements to be ready to load your bag and head off to the tee.  After the round is done, the fold and store sequence is very easy and surprisingly compact.  It is a little on the heavy side and could be an issue for some lifting into and out of deep trunks. 

The ability to quickly disengage both the rear wheels is great in the event of either the cart or pendant batteries running out, a system malfunction, or forgetting to bring the pendant with you (which I nearly did 😬 ). With the wheels disengaged, the cart feels very much like any other push cart.  It rolls along fine but keep in mind the weight of the battery will require expending a few more calories.  It's also worth noting that the handle is no where near as rigid as most carts and tends to twist/flex a bit if pushing forward over curbs, cart paths, etc.  There are other reviews on this product where handles breaking have happened - so just something to consider and remember when using.

It seems to work well with various golf bags.  I used my Sun Mountain Four 5 kickstand bag and it had no issues.  Stewart Golf does recommend using a bit heavier bags to minimize "wheelies" during drive motor starts, but I did not find that an issue.  While perhaps not optimum, it's nice to know the cart can be used with a pretty wide range of bags.

The $2699 to $3099 MSRP (depending on options) is pretty high as compared to other battery powered, manual pendant steer carts.  Because I'm not real familiar with the competing products, I won't try and justify the cost of this product except to say I think the Stewart Q Follow is a top-shelf product with respect to engineering and build quality.  

I think the bottom-line is that if you really love to walk but are finding doing so with a manual push cart too taxing, and you want a high end, quality built cart with state-of-art follow mode feature, the Stewart Q Follow should definitely be on your list.  I must say that the follow mode is quite cool.  Simply walking from shot to shot with "Stewey" tagging along and having your clubs there when you get to the ball could be habit forming.

Thank you for reading this review.  Be sure to check out the "comments" section with the many posts we testers made chronicling our experiences using this product.  Also, check in periodically as myself and the other testers will be adding more findings in the comments section as we get more experience using the product.  

Final Score (25 out of 30 stars)


:ping-small: G410 Plus, 9 Degree Driver 

:ping-small: G400 SFT, 16 Degree 3w

:ping-small: G400 SFT, 19 Degree 5w

:srixon-small:  ZX5 Irons 4-AW 

:ping-small: Glide 2.0 56 Degree SW   (removed from double secret probation 😍)

:EVNROLL: ER5v Putter  (Official Review)

:odyssey-small: AI-One Milled Seven T CH (Official Review)





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Pretesting Placeholder

MyGolfSpy Official Review

Stewart Q Follow By sirchunksalot

Here's a link to my pre-testing review:



Stewart Q Follow Final Review

It’s been a fun walk these past few weeks testing the Stewart Q Follow. I’ve had a great time putting this trolley through its paces on the course and around the house. As someone who just started walking, I can say it brings a special enjoyment to the game being able to walk the course and soak in all it has to offer instead of zipping along in a cart. Thank you Stewart Golf and MyGolfSpy for allowing me to be a tester of such a fine product.

First Impressions 5/5 stars

Pulling the Stewart out of the box, I was immediately impressed with how good it looks. It was folded up compactly and felt sturdy. Opening it up was a breeze, push a couple of buttons and it was ready to go. I’m ashamed to admit this, but closing it back up the first time took a minute because I didn’t see the button on the bottom of the handle you have to push to fold it back up.


My first experience navigating it was just pure fun. I placed my bag on it and ran it through my yard and the neighbors yard. The remote fit nicely in my hand and it didn’t take long for me to get the hang of controlling it.

Aesthetics 5/5 stars

This is one good looking golf cart. It has a minimalistic design that is still able to draw the attention of onlookers on the course.  


The carbon looking fenders contrast nicely against the matte black color of the rest of the Stewart. There is also a section of carbon below the handle near where it folds sporting a “Q” logo. They also added a nice touch to the button on the frame of the handle by adding the British flag to it.



It's well designed to fold compactly and fits well into the trunk of my VW Jetta along with my bag, leaving room to spare for my work boots, golf shoes, golf balls, and any extras I choose to have in there.


The Numbers 3.5/5 Stars

This is going to be an unorthodox portion of this review and I would like to give @GolfSpy_BOS the credit for coming up with the idea for this part. The push/electric cart isn’t a typical forum review where we can give hard data on how a club improves your game.

I was able to play a round with @Tom the Golf Nut and compare the Stewart to the MotoCaddy. We had a race down one fairway where the MotoCaddy took home the prize due to its quick acceleration. At its top end, the Stewart was able to keep a respectable pace but couldn’t catch up.


Also during that round, I noticed smoother, quieter turning and better downhill braking from the MotoCaddy.

Comparing the Stewart to my push cart, I noticed a drastic increase to my stamina during and after my rounds. It was really evident after the round with Tom where I woke up at 3:30, drove 157 miles, walked a hilly course, and drove back home. I still had energy and was not passing out when I walked through the door at home. On a typical work day where I wake up at the same time I’m usually fighting to stay awake on the 25 mile drive home.

I also saw better scoring and play on all but one round during the testing period. I blame myself for that outlier, I lost focus and my game suffered from my mental lapse.

Rounds are more enjoyable being able to take in the sights and sound of the course compared to rushing along in a cart. Maneuvering the trolley let me focus on something other than my game and kept me from dwelling on bad shots.

On the Course 5 of 5 Stars

The Stewart did everything you would ask for during a round. It carried my clubs and kept them secure, even in some less than desirable places. I took it up hills, down hills, into the woods, and through a gully on my course where it had no business being without incident. It did turn over on me once on a steep side hill, scuffing the handle, but it’s not designed for those and was totally the fault of the driver.

I love follow mode and think it’s the defining characteristic of the cart. It allowed me to simply stroll along the fairway with both hands free and let me take the opportunity to drink water and film without having to worry about manning the remote.

The Q Follow also garnered quite a bit of attention from fellow golfers. I received a lot of comments and some questions that allowed to talk both about the cart and the forum. I’m also sure there’s a post out there somewhere on social media with a video because one guy asked me to navigate over toward him.

The Good, The Bad, and the In Between 3/5 stars


Setup of the cart is simple, you push a button and lift the front wheels, set it on the ground and maneuver the bag holder into place, and push another button to lift the handle assembly. After that, you just place your bag on the trolley, secure it, and turn the cart and remote on.

I can’t say enough how much I love follow mode. There’s something nice about clipping the remote in your belt and walking along with the cart behind you. It frees up your mind and lets you simply enjoy the walk.

The Stewart is easy to charge, the battery snaps loose and you pick it up, insert the charging cable into the color coded ports, and you’re good to go.


Speaking of charging, the 36 hole battery is lives up to its name. I’ve played mostly nine hole rounds and seen a loss of about 22% after each round.


I would be remiss not to bring up the handle design, I think it’s a weak point in the trolley and could snap if the cart fell over. It flexes when manually turning the cart and I use caution when I turn it by hand. I know there’s a lot that goes into engineering a product like this, but I would like to see some reinforcement in the handle in future models.

Downhill braking is a little weak. I tried to stop the Stewart while hitting a shot on a downhill lie at Tom’s course and it kept going at a moderately fast clip. It took a few tries to get it to slowly roll so it wouldn’t run away from me. I’ve also seen it roll back down hills when I’ve attempted to stop it to pick a club from my bag.

There have been times when follow mode loses connection. I’ll be walking down the fairway and won’t hear the sound of the motors and look back to see the Q Follow sitting in place. I had that happen three consecutive times on one hole and had to walk back to it and engage follow mode again.

The In Between:

Since they’re not officially a part of the review, I thought I'd say thank you to Stewart Golf for including some extras to add to the enjoyment of this testing. The bag, phone holder, umbrella tube, and ball holder are all great products and add to the utility of the Q Follow.



I stated early on that this is a heavy product, but when I compared it with the MotoCaddy they were similar in weight.

It’s a bit more expensive than its competitors ($3100 with 36 hole battery), but follow mode is a pretty unique feature that allows you to focus on the walk instead of keeping your attention on the cart.

Play It or Trade It 5/5 stars

I truly believe the Q Follow has added it my enjoyment of walking and leaves me less exhausted after my rounds. It’s fun to control and have behind me when I want to free my hands up on the course. As fall golf has arrived, I’ll be spending most of my time with it on the course.


The Stewart is a quality and fun product that can make your walk less tiring. It’s easy to control and follow mode is a great feature that you don’t see in some of the other popular electric carts. It performs well on the course and can take on some of the toughest terrain.

It’s not without issues, losing connectivity with the remote during follow was my biggest peeve.

It’s a premium product with a fairly premium price, but if you’re looking for an electric trolley it's one I would recommend looking at.

Final Score 26.5/30 stars




















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Pretesting Placeholder

October 2022- Final Review!


Hey MGS, my name is Andrew and I am from Cleveland, OH. I can’t say enough how appreciative I am that I was selected to test the Stewart Q Follow Electric Caddie. A big thanks to both Stewart Golf and MGS for this amazing opportunity. I am an avid walker and initially started out by carrying my bag about 3 years ago. In the Fall of 2019, I received my current push cart, the Caddytek 3 wheel, so far it has been good, it holds everything I need within an arm’s reach and is very dependable. 

I play at a small semi-private course that averages about 4-5 miles of walking per round. The course itself is quite difficult playing about ~6,700 yards with a slope of 140 from the 1 up tees. I play about 50 rounds a year and I am ~9 handicap. 

Please see the comment section for my full intro!

Final Review

I will admit I have put my Q follow through just about everything possible: I have played a full round during the a steady rain, up/down hills, through thick and wet rough, and lastly through an area of brush that was just cut down a few weeks ago. Time and time again the Q follow showed its durability by being up to the task.




First Impression 5/5 

The Q follow came packaged well, definitely sturdy enough to handle today’s shipping and delivery. The Q follow was much smaller than I anticipated for an electric caddie. It folded up compactly, but I’ll admit I did have to use the instruction manual to figure out how to correctly open and close the caddie. It was a fun experience taking it out for the first time at home that night, I was using the remote and also follow mode to take it not only up and down my driveway but even on the sidewalk throughout the neighborhood. I’m sure my neighbors looked twice when they saw a cart following me down the street.








Aesthetics 5/5 

The Q follow has a simple design, outside of seeing it move you might not be able to tell it’s much different than other caddies. I will say the fenders which have a carbon fiber looking appearance help to add a bit of flare and style. I also find it nice that Stewart kept the logo small on the cart, they didn’t place it somewhere largely in plain sight for advertising purposes.



The Numbers 5/5

It is hard to objectively quantify this portion of the testing because it’s a cart. I will say for using a personal exertion scale after using my Caddytek and the Q follow, from 0-10, where 0= sitting on the couch and 10= running a marathon I would say using the Caddytek I would be at a 6-7/10 at the end of rounds, and physically I would feel very spent. Playing back to back days really took a toll on my body. With the Q follow I am at a 3-4/10 and back to back days are very doable. I do find I have more energy at the end of rounds and I am able to keep up my distance with big shots on the last 3 hole stretch. 

The Good, Bad, and In Between 3.5/5

Good- The Q follow does exactly what it is advertised to do. Follow mode works fantastically for open areas. The remote has good accuracy and control. The battery life is as advertised if not better. I’ve used it back to back days for 36 holes and still had more than 20% left. The cart is also extremely easy to steer around the greens and hazards, I have no worries about manually adjusting it for proper positioning in these areas. The app for battery life also seems to be spot on which is a major plus for on course use and charging.





The In Between- This is more personal for me, I don’t like the fact that it requires a bigger staff or cart bag. I understand it needs extra weight to create stability and these bags help to provide that. However, swapping out my bag every time I go to the range is a bit of a pain and the bigger bags take away from me trying to be simplistic. I also wish they designed the remote a bit differently, if the easiest way to use follow mode is with the remote clipping to your belt or back pocket, I think it would be easier if it had side triggers for the stop button on one side and the follow mode on the other side. It would allow you to engage and disengage a bit easier. The last thing is course dependent, a wide open course would allow you to use the follow mode quite frequently versus a course that is tighter with bridges and hazards like mine you may find at times you have to use the remote feature more than the follow mode to protect the cart.


The Bad- The plastic handle. It feels too flimsy and easy to break for something that can run upwards of $2,500 to $3,000. In Stewarts defense, if the cart is used the right way as the directions state, you can easily manipulate the cart and maneuver it without putting any stress through the handle. You aren’t able to put any torque through the handle to pull or lift the cart sideways like a typical pull cart. I also think I may be the only one in the group but I did have the cart fall on its side on the course during my first session, and no harm was done at all to the handle. The design still requires some adjustments to keep up with its competitors. 

Play it or Trade it 5/5- In no way shape or form am I getting rid of the Q follow. It’s a fantastic Follow cart, It’s helped me have more energy at the ends of my rounds, so much that I’ve been able to get a workout in or go for family walks/hikes after playing golf. It will also help me save money during the hot summer days when playing on the second day of a back to back when I may want to take a cart. It also fits perfectly into my car trunk with my staff bag!


TLDR- The Q follow by Stewart is a premium electric caddie with a follow feature. If you’re tired of using a pull cart and don’t want to use a cart the Q follow is the electric caddie/cart for you. It can handle all the terrain and be used rain or shine. It does have some negatives such as the price- ~$2,500-3k, and the handle feels a bit frail. Overall the Q follow is a great product for anyone in the market for an electric caddie let alone a follow cart. The Q follow has turned into one of the hottest talking points at the course over the last few weeks!


Final Score 23.5/25




:taylormade-small: Stealth 2 Plus 9deg Kai' li Red

:taylormade-small:Stealth 2 13deg Aldilla Rogue Silver

:taylormade-small:Stealth 2 15deg Aldilla Rogue Silver

:mizuno-small: JPX 921 Hot Metal 4-PW Nippon Modus 120s

:vokey-small: SM8 54 and 58deg Dynamic Gold Wedge Flex

:titleist-small: Scotty Cameron Newport 2

Titleist ProV1

:ping-small: Hoofer Stand Bag

Stewart Q Follow Electric Caddie

:callaway-small: 300 PRO Rangefinder

Official Nippon Regio B+ Driver Shaft Review

Official Stewart Q Follow Review



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Steward Golf Q Follow – Official MGS Forum Review by PMookie

My Game and a little about me


I live in West Monroe, LA, which is in the Northeast part of the state, 4 ½ hours North of New Orleans, 3 ½ North of Baton Rouge, and I’m only about 45 miles from the Arkansas line, 55 from Mississippi.  I’m 53 years old, and I’ve been playing since I was little. I learned to play at Pat’s Par 3 in Ypsilanti, MI, now called Miles of Golf. My Dad was a high school golf coach, and my first official tournament was the Ann Arbor Junior Open in the summer of 1982, finishing third. I play to a 4.7 GHIN as I type this, but my lowest ever score is just 74.

 As far as testing the Stewart Q, I’m going to be testing it on the course I play all the time, and I will perform some tests in my backyard as we have a pretty good slope that I wouldn’t find on local courses. One thing I’m really happy to learn is that my greens fees will be going from $48 per round to just $20 per round because I’ll be walking! BONUS!!!

I’ve watched a few video reviews of the Q Follow on YouTube, and read some reviews on various sites online. There only a few issues I’ve seen with the device and one was posted here on by someone who also posted the same issue over on WRX, and it’s an issue with the handle coming apart from the cart. I’ve also seen it mentioned that there are some who had carts that simply couldn’t go straight (others had corrected the issue themselves), and some “jumpy carts”, so we’ll see. For something that costs $2,700, I don’t foresee many problems, but that’s why we’re testing isn’t it?

 So, that’s about it for me for now. I really look forward to getting the cart and getting it out in the backyard, and on the course. Thank you, MGS and Stewart, for the opportunity to be a tester! I greatly appreciate it, and I look forward to y’all’s questions all along the way.









Stewart Q Follow- Official MGS Forum Review by PMookie

First Impressions:

From the moment the Q Follow arrived at my door I was impressed! The box had a great look to it with the big “Q” on the side, the styrofoam that encased the Follow had the Stewart logo on it, and there was a BUNCH of information in the box to guide a user! Really nice. Once I got the Follow out of the box and was able to look it over, I really didn’t want to get the thing dirty! I’m big on how rims/tires look on cars… I don’t like huge ones, but I like them to look “muscular”, different. Well, the Follow has just that, and add the red accent behind the wheels?! Wow! Next were the carbon accents, the finish of the body, all of it black… Man! Such a great looking cart! I took a bunch of pics and added them in my “unboxing” so you can see them there. Add to all of this the CART BAG that showed-up a few days later and I was completely taken-aback! I even mention in one of my videos that it’s an impressive looking machine! 

As far as getting the Q Follow on the course the first time, and getting it underway, I found it to be VERY easy to learn the controls and to get used to them. I had not “practiced” at all at home before I took it out of my vehicle and began to guide it across the parking lot to the driving range before my round, so I was a little nervous, but there was no reason to be. Easy-breezy. I used the arrows on the remote to guide it at first, but once I got on the first hole I engaged “follow mode” and was highly impressed! It worked just as I’d hoped it would by staying right behind me. It really did feel like I had my own personal caddie! So many people at the course stopped to take a look because I’m the only person that plays there that has a remote controlled cart. I had a number of people ask me about it, I could hear folks say, “Look at that,” and even had a college kid tell me how cool it was. Overall, all things included, I was quite impressed. 11159D3B-6BF5-43B6-AD78-F3B09CBA21FF.jpeg.4e6b2e207cd020e8ab98068254bb779d.jpeg


5 out of 5 stars!



I mentioned a lot in the first impressions paragraph above about the aesthetics, so I won’t belabor the point too much, but I found this to be a beautiful machine, and the carbon accents do add a degree of refinement to it for sure. Are they worth an additional $300? Nope, but they sure look good! I’m going to take a minute here to talk about the bag, even though it isn’t being reviewed… Aestheically, it’s gorgeous. It has some of the same carbon looking accents, the red coloring on it really pops especially since it’s “shiny”, and the Stewart logo on the ball area looks awesome! Really cool!A05E9D46-8805-490F-BE45-22C6476B26CD.jpeg.47290507aeae98716ec2ca8c8aa57738.jpeg


5 out of 5 stars!


The Numbers:

This didn’t really apply to our review so I’m giving a perfect score anyway…

5 out of 5 stars!



The Q Follow performed better than I expected on-course. Follow mode was fantastic and I ended-up using it about 80% of the time the last two rounds I played using it. The MAIN feature of this cart is the follow mode, and I wouldn’t want any other remote control cart if it didn’t have this same ability! Really, it’s that good! I was able to trust it to follow me up-and-down hills, mounds, across “bridges”, and even up to the teeboxes and it never wavered, fell over, or had any issue keeping-up. There was only ONE time it had difficulty and I showed that in a video. The issue, I believe, was that my bag just didn’t weigh enough to keep the cart tilted forward so it got “caught” on a steep incline. The instructions for the Q Follow to have one’s bag weigh around 31 pounds (not sure how many “stones” that is for those across the pond, HA!) and I would say that would be one piece of advice I would “follow” (ha!) for anyone that gets one of these. Weight of one’s bag DOES make a difference in performance, not just going up hills, but in the general on-course performance it’s smoother and not as “jerky”. 

5 out of 5 stars!


The Good, the Bad, the In-Between:

Well, one thing I have not mentioned until this point was that when my Q Follow was taken outside for the first time to try and practice, I started to “unfold” it and the right “fender” or “wing” fell right off. It was broken… Wow. A $3,100 machine and the carbon wing was already an issue. It turns out that the piece is not carbon at all, just plastic finished to look like carbon, and the two connections are VERY flimsy, thin pieces that can break easily. It was a complete bummer, and I was pretty upset. A positive about having something broken? I was able to test the customer service right away! I emailed them and had a response within an hour or two that new ones were on their way. The new pieces arrived just two days later, but no instructions were in the box. The wings are not “snap-on”, they are “screw-in”, so I had NO idea how to replace the wing. I email again, and I get the response within hours. Stewart sent me two wings, and I was glad they did because it turned-out the left wing was broken as well! Ugh. Not a good look, again, for SUCH an expensive machine. I got both wings on after a little difficulty, but I would definitely suggest that Stewart design those parts to be a little thicker, and able to take a beating. The Q Follow is going to be folded, and unfolded many times over years I would hope, and flimsy plastic isn’t going to cut it long-term. I was not impressed by how cheap the wings were, and I’m glad I didn’t have to pay the excessive fees to replace them. On that note, all of the accessories are over-priced in my estimation. We didn’t get anything that wasn’t made of plastic or rubber, so for someone to pay $40 for a phone holder is a bit much for a $.10 piece of rubber. I guess they figure one is spending three-grand so money isn’t an issue… Maybe, I just think it’s excessive.



2 out of 5 stars!


Play it or Trade it:

There is NO doubt it’s a PLAY IT! 100%, no questions asked. It’s a great machine, and I REALLY enjoy it! I still need to calibrate the thing so it stops drifting left, but it has been awesome to go to the course and walk 9 again once-a-week. The Q Follow REALLY makes the rounds more enjoyable. I can stay in-tune with my round, but not have to PUSH or CARRY my bag. I can hit the “follow mode” button, put the remote on my rear pocket, and just walk. It’s fantastic. I thoroughly enjoy it!

5 out of 5 stars!



The Q Follow is a great looking remote control cart that does everything Stewart says it does, and it does it with flying colors! It’s simple and intuitive to use, the follow mode is amazing, it really is like having one’s own caddie, and outside of some manufacturing shortcuts, it’s something I think anyone would enjoy having! If one can afford it, I say “go for it”!



Literally, the only issue I had was with the wings and the lack of quality in their construction, but everything else about the Q Follow was top-notch and lived-up to its billing. 



Driver: Ping G430 Max 9*, Ping Tour 70X

Fairway: Ping G425 15*, Ping Tour 70X

Hybrid: Ping G425 22*, Ping Tour 80X

Irons:  Ping i230 4-GW, TT DG X100

Wedges: :edel-golf-1: SMS 50D/54V/58D:Nippon:Modus 130 stiff, +1”

Putter:  :edel-golf-1: EAS 1.0

Ball: Titleist 2023 AVX

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3 hours ago, GolfSpy_APH said:

We have had to go back to the well to find a replacement as @Vegan_Golfer_PNW is unable to take on this test. However that does mean that @RollingGreens is getting the call up! 

So once again congrats to our 4 Testers

Also apologies that the other comments were removed, unfortunately with the reset of the testers it also reset this comment section. 

Welcome aboard @RollingGreens, this should be a fun test and I'm looking forward to working along with you.

@Vegan_Golfer_PNW, I'm truly sorry you can't be part of this test, but applaud you for stepping aside...I believe you'll be rewarded for it. Life gets in the way and sometimes it's the right thing to do to prioritize it. I hope everything goes well for you in that regard. 

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HOLY HE Double Hockey Sticks!!! I just got back from playing a round in Bozeman, and saw this announcement.  This is totally awesome and I'm so grateful to the MGS staff for choosing me to review this great looking product 😍.  A cart that follows me around the course... hope it has a healthy sized battery and 4 wheel drive 😆.  

Randy @Vegan_Golfer_PNW, class A move right there my friend.  Bummer you had to bow out but I feel some good karma headed your way 👍.

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All. Thanks for the kind words. I loved the opportunity and to be honest, I coulda just said sure why not and pocket the caddie and not give an honest review. I am above that and knew deep down I couldn’t give this the thorough testing it deserves and I know this testing pool will deliver on that. I will be keeping tabs on the thread and still interact with MGS. It was a very hard decision to turn down such an amazing chance. Go get ‘em testers! Don’t let your partners “follow” too close. 😉 

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2 hours ago, fixyurdivot said:

HOLY HE Double Hockey Sticks!!! I just got back from playing a round in Bozeman, and saw this announcement.  This is totally awesome and I'm so grateful to the MGS staff for choosing me to review this great looking product 😍.  A cart that follows me around the course... hope it has a healthy sized battery and 4 wheel drive 😆.  

Randy @Vegan_Golfer_PNW, class A move right there my friend.  Bummer you had to bow out but I feel some good karma headed your way 👍.

Congratulations everyone and especially you Bill.  I get to see it in action this January.  

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I’ve watched a few more of the review videos on YouTube. Really excited to see how this cart will handle on my courses terrain. We do have a fair bit of rocks outlining cart paths so I’m interested to see what the best course of action will be for navigation, manual, remote, or follow. Also how does it do with the hilly terrain and close proximity to hazards I.e marshes and ponds

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Would be awesome!  Just made the decision to not renew at my current club which includes carts and will be joining a nicer course which doesn’t offer unlimited cart usage so was already prepared to walk more frequently—I currently have a Clic gear push cart.  I can say honestly that I would be a vocal and enthusiastic “salesperson” for Stewart Q if given the chance.  Hoping the timing isn’t just a coincidence..!

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I have seen a couple of similar products on the links and would love to be able to walk the course again! Gimpy knees do not allow golf & a pull cart, so this set-up would be the ticket!

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I have had 3 left knee surgeries and I have tried walking and pushing a cart a couple times but it wears me out. My course is fairly hilly and it’s too hard to walk and push. This would be a blessing as the doctor says I should walk more. 

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What a great opportunity!!

we moved early this year to a house on the golf course and I play at least 9 holes 4-5 times a week.

since my heart attack in January I have been trying to walk more for health reasons, this would help tremendously!

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Age 77!  I walk with a push cart, really old and not that great of shape.  I would be happy to be a tester!

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I have been looking at follow me carts for the last year and always said that I would have one when the technology arrived . It did years ago but I worked as a Marshall at a golf course and had privileges. The game has changed and now are a member at a course. I walk the front and cart the back. The back is a bit more of a challenge walkwise and with the follow me I would walk it all.   I tried a remote cart but didn’t like the driving part. Follow me? Bring it on! 

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On 8/5/2022 at 5:11 PM, davpark3 said:

Wow, I saw one of these last weekend and thought they were super cool. Best of luck to everyone who signs up!

After I hit the ball, I jog to the ball.  I also job from green to tee box.  Wonder if it's fast enough to keep up with me???

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Would love to walk the municipal golf courses that I play in the Mid-Atlantic region.  Currently, average 45-55 rounds per year.  Walking golf courses would provide a better incentive to play more often, at least for me.  Have conducted over 500 mystery shop evaluations for products and customer service.  Started mystery shopping in 2009 and have evaluated over 160 golf evaluations (municipal, semi-private, and exclusive golf clubs).  Truly enjoy helping businesses improve products and service by providing informative and qualitative feedback.  Would love to evaluate a new golf trolley and play more golf!

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my friend has been begging me to buy a Trolley like his $1800 Costco model.

the strap on my carry bag just broke.

just noticed this tester thread.

the universe is pointing me to an electric cart.

this Stewart would be THE answer !!!

thank you all in advance 🙂 

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I play 170+ rounds a year in South Florida and have used the QOD cart and would love the opportunity to try the Stewart.  I prefer waking and to have a caddie that would require minimal handling would make the walk more enjoyable. 

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At 79 this electric trolley would be the perfect motivator to start walking the course again. Granted I would have to start with 9 holes and over time increase until hopefully I'd be able to walk the full 18. At any rate good luck to all that have signed up.

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First of all, this is a great testing opportunity from MyGolfSpy and Stewart Golf, so thank you all for giving some members the chance to test it out. This should be an interesting one as it seems like walking is becoming more popular and is beneficial to the golfer. I personally find it's easier to walk and get exercise when there's a round of golf involved. I'm looking forward to cooler, less humid weather when I can break the push cart out.

Good luck to everyone applying! It will be interesting to see how it stacks up to the MotoCaddy. 

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I've about given up walking. Had left knee, left rotator cuff, both hips, open heart bypass, 2 spine, (5 surgeries in past 3 years)and almost 700 head surgeries (haircuts). I'll be 84 next month, but have shot my age 4 times in past year. I still play 3 times/wk., but walking has become almost too much. Maybe with one of these could extend....maybe! One thing's for certain, my bag has gotten lighter....and lighter...lol!

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I would be interested in being a tester for the new Stewart Golf Q Follow caddie. Generally, I ride today although when playing with another golfer, I strap my golf bag to the cart and walk the course. Therefore, I would have an interest in the Stewart Golf Q Follow Caddie as that is almost what I do today with a golf cart.

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