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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/19/2024 in all areas

  1. Good Mornimg. More snow…another 6 inches expected on top of the 4 we got earlier in the week. I know those in New England are laughing at me. But it was enough to even close our clubhouse today. So no one went in. So ill enjoy the 3 day weekend filled with college hoops and playoff football. oh and wait the PING G430 Max 10k that is on its way at the end of the month. Maybe the snow will be gone by then.
    24 points
  2. Just learned that my base has a simulator in the golf shop that I apparently became oblivious to. I’ve been in there so many times to pay for a round and just never noticed. Think I’m gonna start going there to get practice in and play some of the courses they have on there.
    21 points
  3. Easily 75" in 3 separate lake effect snow storms, had 3 major shovelings out since Monday this week. Looking forward to Monday when forecast says temps going above freezing until next Friday, but before then the Arctic cold will spend the weekend here with highs about 20 and single to negative digits for lows. Sun is good! See if you and hubs can make the Kingsmill meetup May 30 - June 2, that would be a great adventure and you wouldn't be the only golfing couple with Kenny and Martha already committed to the weekend (rendition of @Yellow Ball)
    20 points
  4. Good morning! Happy Friday. Went to the golf store last night. The Ai Callaway drivers look cool but I like the look of the QIs from TM better. They just look great. Sadly I didn’t find any Cobras in the store. Also didn’t find the new Ping irons. I guess I need to go back next week!
    20 points
  5. I just realized that I have been a member on here for 6 months as of today. Also 6 points away from the next ranking and have really enjoyed being a part of this community! The culture that MGS has is different than just about every other social media outlet out there. It's filled with positivity and for the most part everyone gets along. I have swapped golf equipment with members from all over and been given the opportunity to be a part of testing. Been able to learn some new things and gotten advice on others. So for @Getoffmylawn and @Lacassem, yes, the good morning thread is grand and the coffee is usually good! Oh, and most days the weather could be better.
    20 points
  6. Good morning and happy Friday Spies! Busy day at work but excited about the weekend - namely playoff football (I’m going chalk in all games) and college basketball (going to the GT/ UVA game sat night). Unfortunately, still a bit too cold to go to range - itching to try out my new Paradym
    19 points
  7. Hi from WNY...no laughs 4" here in Rochester. Nice light fluffy lake effect...good for the skiers who haven't had much of a season so far. I've finally mustered the courage to sell my Mizuno 223's...they'll be hitting the bay today so that's my daily project among other things.
    19 points
  8. Good morning everyone. Dreaming of balmy weather like @sirchunksalot is getting today. Is it sad when you long for the days of 37°? Or anything above 32° anymore? Happy Anny @berkeleybob If Europe is on the menu then I hear Greece has a lot of great beaches. My in laws loved Santorini. Congrats on 6 months, @Josh Parker I turned one back in December and have loved every minute of my time here. Hope everyone has a great Friday!!
    19 points
  9. Happy Friday to all. Slowly getting warmer enjoying my morning espresso. Love these automated machines. Push a button and it grinds the beans, tamps it and a minute later a beautiful cup is ready for you. Have a great weekend all. Stay safe and warm.
    19 points
  10. Good Morning Spies Headed out for a round at noon at Litchfield CC. It's supposed to get up around 60 today. I'm not complaining when I know what's going on for many of you Spies - that's why I run away to Pawleys Island for the winters. Being semi-retired is terrific! Stay safe and warm! Hit 'em if you can
    18 points
  11. It's finally Friday! Currently a warm 8* here with wind chills making it feel like -15*. Could really use some global warming right about now. Big cup of hot chocolate to get the day going. I know, I know, it's not coffee... please don't come at me with your pitchforks. Hope everyone has a great Friday! Cheers!
    18 points
  12. Good morning and Happy Friday!! High-Handies golf tourney tomorrow here in Central Florida. Teeing off in likely sub 40° temps. Don’t hesitate to share any tips to minimize the cold weather impact! Never played this cold. And… Go Bills #floridalife #frozeniguanas #brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
    18 points
  13. Congrats on 6 months. There is a milestone thread to if ya have not seen that one! You’ve been a great addition to the community. as for the good morning thread I was on here a lot when it first started but it’s become so popular I can’t follow! Which is a good thing. Glad to see it taking off like it as kudos to @GolfSpy_APH for coming up with it
    18 points
  14. rkj427

    The Good Morning Thread

    Good morning Spies on a TGIF, no commute in the falling snow day here. Been up and at it for work data systems for a while, takes longer to connect from home due to all requiring verification before admitting you into the systems. Congrats. @berkeleybob on your anniversary, and @Getoffmylawn getting old isn't for the weak. Glad to see you also get on-board in this thread. Have a lot of computer work to complete, that seems to be the most tedious part of my job because it needs to be complete, accurate and easy for someone who has no clue to understand as well. Looking forward to the Lions game on Sunday, and hopefully not too much to do on the "honey-do" list this weekend. Hope you have the best day that you possibly can have, and that something enjoyable is in your plans. Congrats. to both @Josh Parker and @Preeway for their recent milestone marks here.
    18 points
  15. Top of the morning fellas! It's Friday thennnnnn!
    18 points
  16. Off to the tee time this morning , have a couple returned golf professionals in town , playing with those great guys today ! Y’all have a good day and may your day be great
    18 points
  17. Okay, I’ll bite. Good morning from a cold Ohio. The coffee is brewing. Am I doing it right so far? Actually, different kind of day…school is closed and I’m going to be home teleworking. But first, a Stack workout then a Fit for Golf workout. Then a cold plunge. Later, an infrared sauna. Yes, somebody is scared to death of getting old…
    18 points
  18. Morning all! It’s a bit embarrassing when both my wife and I are reminded by her sister via text that today is our wedding anniversary. So we agreed that before this weekend’s over we will have a real summer holiday plan in Europe that includes a beach. If anyone has any suggestions that doesn’t break the bank, I’d be open to them.
    18 points
  19. full-fledged pond hockey rink in my backyard! I've never played hockey before and don't ice skate though....
    17 points
  20. Good morning, Spies! Bright blue skies and warmer at the Casa this morning, but it won't last long. Down into the teens tomorrow night and a miniscule chance of snow Sunday (it never snows here). However I might be able to get out and hit some balls this afternoon. I just sent my payment to Scotland to join Fortrose and Rosemarkie Golf Club. After golfing for 45 years, I'm finally in a club -- 3700 miles away. The girlfriend's birthday is Sunday, but I have to leave Sunday for another work trip, so we're celebrating it tomorrow. Least I can do for her for putting up with me -- and offering to buy my garage sim setup.
    17 points
  21. Good morning and TGIF fellow Spies! This is where I'd talk about it being Friday and have a cool little meme about it. Well, today is not that day. Why? Because I'm working all weekend on some upgrades at work. Even though I'm not actually at the GT campus this time (thank you mother nature), I'll be logged in from my home office all weekend. Ah, good times. But, hopefully everyone is warm and cozy and stays that way all weekend long. Upside is I'll get to utilize my under desk treadmill a couple extra days this week.
    17 points
  22. TGIF to everyone!! Oddly it's sorta my weekday haha "off" vs Mon-Thurs with either chiropractor or acupuncture scheduled in the mornings. Can't say I'm... .. but def scared of the old back and hips getting into a not-functional-for-golfing state. So we each do what we gotta do... Anyway, younger or older or working or retired hope your Friday goes really well for you!! And remember (even if you don't drink alcohol) it's 5 O'clock Somewhere
    17 points
  23. Good morning spies! Right back to the bad weather we go. No school today because of the snow and the cold. Days like this make me even more ready for spring to role around. If I get my grad school done though, I may treat myself to a trip to the golf simulator bar down the road. I better get to working! I hope yall have a safe and fun Friday!
    17 points
  24. Good morning spies! Getting ready to tee it up this morning in Florida (that feels good to say) with my FIL. Some light rain expected, but nothing will weather my spirits today. Just had a delicious breakfast and a big cup of coffee. Excited to get this day going! Hope everyone has a good one!
    17 points
  25. Good morning MGSpies from frosty full of snow but not much to clear from overnight "not lake effect" snowfall WNY on this 3rd Friday of January hot coffee in the mug and backup ready to go with work computer connecting to the network from the subterranean command center bunker still insulated with layers of snow over the basement windows community call was great and a rare one I missed the first many minutes then had to drop off all because of (not saying the s word again this post) Happy anniversary Robert @berkeleybob and I know all about wife not remembering our day had a locker at work I could choose with our 617 date on it that forever embedded it in my mind, does amazing things for the day when I actually remember something Hope golf is a part of your day! 132
    17 points
  26. BLD7

    The Good Morning Thread

    Good morning Spies! Happy Friday to each of you and here's to hoping you're Friday is as clear and free of meetings as my work calendar is currently. Should be able to finish up some heads down tasks that I've been chipping away at. More snow falling today and the wind has picked up too so will see if I get in any indoor chipping today. Have a great day!
    17 points
  27. Good morning all! Yesterday was a lovely day with kids coming home tired from skiing and getting to sleep a bit early which is always a nice change of pace. Counting down the hours until we hit the weekend here. No big plans this weekend. Probably get some skiing in and we do have a family yoga session this weekend which should be fun. Have a great Friday and weekend all!
    17 points
  28. Good morning and happy Friday everyone! It's a Friday that's not a Friday for me, we shut down Tuesday due to weather and have to make it up tomorrow. At least today we have a reprieve from the icy weather that's hit the nation, it's a balmy 37 right now. I had a fun time on the community call last night and it was nice to see some new faces on the call. I hope y'all have a great day!
    17 points
  29. It's the preekend !!! hope everyone is staying warm and toasty. youngest is taking his second crack at his driving test on Saturday morning; really hope he passes this time since I'm getting tired of being his personal driver. should be some good playoff football games on as well as the Amex. believe it or not we are only 60(!!) days away from spring. woohoo!!
    16 points
  30. Good morning! Long day yesterday with appointments and a JV wrestling meet meant a late bedtime and a late wake up. Rolled out of bed at 515 this morning so that I could go outside and scrape the loaner Accord windshield before my commute in the 3" that fell overnight. Why do I have a loaner, you ask? On Christmas, our neighbor's parents backed into our Traverse on the street as we were shuffling family vehicles around and did a little bit of cosmetic damage in the rear quarter panel. The flaming hoops that we've had to jump through with their insurance to line up a temporary vehicle have been messier than a rusty coat hanger back alley abortion. I left my truck at home for my wife to get around in while I take the loaner back to swap out for the actual rental that the insurance company lined up. After reflecting on the situation, I do not recommend getting bumped into. 0/10. Now that I'm done complaining about inconveniences, it's leg day! Going to hit up the gym here after I get things started in the office and then work on a couple more cups of coffee. Home wrestling meet tonight at the University means the family will head down for dinner beforehand and I'll get to have a couple beers watching Purdue get dismantled on the mat. Have a great day today!
    16 points
  31. Good morning and a happy Friday to you spies! Starting the at 0° today on out way to a whopping 6° high this afternoon. Back into the negatives tonight. It’s really in Thursday for me because, like @sirchunksalot, I get to work tomorrow. It’s not to make any time up though, I think the bosses just don’t want us to be away from work for too long. I’m trying to stay positive about it now because once spring gets here I’ll need my sunrise golf sessions on Saturdays. Happy Anniversary to you and yours @berkeleybob! Get that trip planned. Have a great day everybody!!
    16 points
  32. Good morning! A little more snow in the forecast here today with a high of 20*. No golf for me today except maybe some putting practice around the house. Work has been a typical Friday where I've been getting lots of questions that have been pushed off until the last minute. Anyway, I've got an extra cup of coffee brewing and should be good to go. Tomorrow is the first day of indoor soccer for my daughter. Have a good day everyone! @berkeleybob, Happy Anniversary! @Josh Parker, congrats on 6 months on the forum. I think my one year is coming up pretty soon! @CFreddie, Bummer you can't get out to hit the new driver. Do you have a post somewhere of what spec you ended up getting?
    15 points
  33. Good morning all and Happy Friday! Should be done with work around 3:30 today, then we are heading north to my in-laws cabin for the weekend. My MIL is officially in her first day of retirement today, and her birthday is this coming Tuesday, so we are going to celebrate both of those things this weekend. Badger hoops tonight with a HUGE game against Indiana coming off a road loss to Penn State (classic trap game and they never play well there). Need to get a win to bounce back and not slip too far in both the Big Ten standings and national poll. Packers football on Saturday night, and I am having trouble containing my excitement. Bottom line, 49ers have a more talented team and they are the #1 seed for a reason. I do believe the Pack has a shot at another upset IF the defense can pressure Purdy consistently enough to force some mistakes. They are playing their best football at the right time of the year which makes anything possible. Just hoping to see a good game and win or lose, this season for Green Bay has gone very well. Also will be pulling strongly for Detroit against TB because if the Pack gets knocked out, I would LOVE to see the Lions claim a Super Bowl title. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
    15 points
  34. Good Morning everyone!! Got up at 0430, but just checking in. WOW! Look at all the posts this morning! A lot warmer here; almost up to freezing, but it did snow a few inches overnight. I wrestled with my wife to shovel the driveway... I lost... so she's doing it now. If I can't win, then I guess I'm not strong enough to shovel. According to my doc, I'm not supposed to lift anything over 1 pound (think of a purse... that's what the instructions actually said!!!). I guess the doc doesn't really know how much a purse actually weighs. I am also not suppose to swing a golf club for 48 hours... that ends at 1630 hrs today!! Off to my hitting bay; I have a lot of rehab to do! Sad about all the snow east of us, but if this warming trend continues it should move across the country this next week. Until then, stay safe out there!!
    14 points
  35. Good morning Spies, Second cuppa going down. Lightly snowing here in CNY. I have a 4 mile run to get in today. My lovely wife returns from her snowshoeing trip tomorrow. It makes me most happy. Happy anniversary @berkeleybob It’s always reassuring when the wife forgets. My lovely bride taped the final episode of Regis and Kathy Lee over our wedding video. My reaction, “Thank God it wasn’t me!” Wishing all a wonderful day!
    14 points
  36. Oops forgot to add in earlier - @berkeleybob Congrats! on the anniversary and yes Santorini is a very unique and wonderful spot .. my wife and I were there as a part of our honeymoon trip. But wanted to suggest to check out Croatia .. a few people my wife and I know have traveled there in the past few years and they've all really loved it! ... PS: weather update - some of those stupid little white flakey things falling from the sky again around here (tho still nothing to compare with that WNY Lake Effect!).
    14 points
  37. Good morning spies and TGIF. Well back into the colder weather for the weekend so no outdoor golf activities... Annual visit with the Dr this morning to make sure ticker is working properly and as usual SWMBO is taking bets on whether or not they can find it... Of course it would not be Friday without a trip to the local cafe for the best breakfast in town and then on to assigned indoor activities. Hope everyone has a great Friday and that golf is in the cards for you.
    14 points
  38. Layers. I normally wear a thermal henley (waffle shirt) under a polo, and then a quarter zip or a hoodie on top. If it's going to be breezy I'd recommend your outer layer be wind resistant. I have a pair of cold weather running tights that I put on under my golf pants and also make sure to wear a pair of good socks. Cold feet make everything else miserable. A stocking cap is also a must. I have a pair of FJ cold weather gloves, but I lose most of my feel with them on so I normally just put them on between shots. Honestly, any pair of gloves to keep your hands warm between shots will be great. Also play an extra club or two up as your distance will be affected by 1) the higher air density, 2) loss of elasticity in your equipment, and 3) the extra layers restricting your swing. I'd also plan for a few extra shooters of your favorite spirit. BTW, I look exactly like this picture with my running tights on.
    14 points
  39. Having to go back to the golf store on a weekly basis. I’m with you. I know, it’s a tremendous hardship. The new Qi looks really good as does the Darkspeed. Then you have to demo them. Do, I need a new driver. Heck no, but one has to try them to see how they stack up against the gamer. Can’t wait to try the new Ping irons.
    14 points
  40. Josh, it's been a pleasure to read your contributions. You nailed the point on culture...it's what's kept me here for almost 7 years. Looking forward to many more years of reading your posts
    14 points
  41. Good FRIDAY Morning Spies, Cloudy & 58 degree Central Florida morning. Will we ever see the sun this Winter?? On second cup of espresso! No golf today, Ranger duties and last work day for the week. Wife & I going on a week long Caribbean Cruise tomorrow, hopefully seeing sun & adult beverages LOL. Much needed relaxation. Although 7 other family members will be joining us. Taking a week off from golf, work and relaxing drinking Pina Cola's, getting caught in the rain LOL. Have a Great Day Everyone! Stay Warm!
    14 points
  42. Good morning and happy Friday! Busy day and waiting on the coffee to brew. Have a great day!
    14 points
  43. @GolfSpy BOS might be able to help you out here. Lace em up and freeze the pucks!
    13 points
  44. Good morning spies! Today is finally a shorts day for the afternoon round. Temps will stay around 75 all afternoon with mild breezes. An excellent day for golf! Now the trick is to play golf excellently or to at least have fun.
    13 points
  45. How much snow at your house @EasyPutter? I saw West Seneca had over 75" so far this week. Stay warm up there - I'll try to send you the sun!
    13 points
  46. Good Thursday afternoon, Spies!
    13 points
  47. Okay, I’m a little (strike that) a lot late for the morning thread, but I had a hard day at the office. The wind was pretty strong. At least it was 55* and sunny. I had to get a round in because it will be pretty cold tomorrow.
    12 points
  48. It's been getting busy in this thread, I had like 4 pages to read once I got home and I like it! It's good to see Mark and Hayes @Lacassem and @Getoffmylawn join us for the conversation today. Keep it coming fellas! @Josh Parker congratulations on the 6 month anniversary on the forum! You've been someone I look forward to reading posts from and you've been a phenomenal contributor to the community. I was pretty absent during the peak of the day as I spent most of my break times at work sitting around hating the new ESD shoes we have to wear, I feel like my feet have been beaten by a baseball bat. For you guys talking about pond hockey, that sounds fun but would be a death trap for me. My center of gravity is at my nose and I would just have to scoot across on my belly. I bet would be comical to see.
    12 points
  49. I have not seen it but will take a look. But first, I'm about to go brave the weather and try to get a round in this morning.
    12 points
  50. It is very cold again here today in the Ozarks, but the weatherman is predicting mid-40’s next week. Hopefully, I will be back to playing winter golf.
    11 points
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