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Evnroll NEO Classic Putters - 2024 Forum Review

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I wanted to start off with a big thank you to both Evnroll and MGS for giving me the opportunity to review the new Neo Classic ER8.  My name is Ryan and this will be my fifth product review for MGS since joining the forum.  Previously I was fortunate enough to review the Ben Hogan VKTR+ hybrid, the 2021 Maxfli Tour & Tour X, the Precision Pro NX10, and then the Edel SMS irons last season. I really enjoy doing the reviews for the site and want to give you all the best possible review I can so if there are any questions you have or something you want to see please reach out by tagging me in this thread or shoot me a PM.

I’ll be 44 years old next month and have been golfing since my teens; however most of that time I never really took the game that seriously and then had a long break from ~2010 until late 2019 when I picked the game back up.  Since 2019 I’ve made it a point to try and get out as often as possible for someone with a full time job and a son who is playing travel soccer for the entire golf season.  For me that works out to getting out once on the weekend and I’m currently playing my 3rd season in a casual 9 hole league on Monday nights.


I’ve always hovered just below a 20 handicap and have gotten it as low as 15 in the past but have been struggling off the tee this season and am back in the 17-19 range currently.  Without a doubt my driver and long clubs need work since I am very inconsistent with them.  My short game is the one thing that has actually been working for me the last couple of seasons.  Around and on the green have been somewhat of a bright spot and likely saved me from posting some really big numbers.    




I’m currently gaming the original Evnroll ER7 that I picked up used/like new 3 seasons ago.  This was my first fully milled putter and I immediately fell in love with the feel off the face.  Prior to the Evnroll I had played a couple different Odyssey models always with one of their face inserts and softer feel. Given my history with my current gamer, I am very familiar with Evnroll’s “sweet face” technology and have confidence that it works. So for me, this test is really going to be about the new face insert and how I feel about the shape of the putter vs. my current model.


Shortly after I put the Evnroll in the bag that first season I ended up going for a full bag fitting where I got on a SAM PuttLab and nothing they had in stock could beat it out.  Since then it hasn’t come out of the bag. I have ordered the Neo Classic ER8 in the same stock specs as were measured during that fitting (70° lie / 2° loft).


After I receive the putter my plan is to use my Birdieball putting mat at home to practice with the Neo Classic and get more comfortable with it and compare the feel of the new insert face vs. the solid milled face of my OG ER7. I’m very interested to see how it feels and whether it’s more like my current putter or closer to something like an Odyssey White Hot.

On that numbers side of the testing, I am an Arccos user and part of my plan is to use the data it captures to compare my strokes gained statistics with my old putter vs. the Neo Classic.  My current numbers over the last 20 rounds are as follows:

I also plan to take both putters to a local course and use their practice putting green to compare my putts and see if there are any discernible differences over various putting lengths such as 5’, 10’, and 20’ similar to how MGS does their most wanted testing.  

Ultimately I feel that a large part of putting is subjective and based on one’s confidence in the putter so whether or not the Neo Classic ER8 earns a spot in my bag is going to come down to 1) am I making more or better putts and 2) do I have that same or more confidence in the new model compared to my gamer.

First Impressions - 6/30/24 - 9 out of 10

I received my putter last week and life got in the way of me tearing the box open right away, but I’ve had some time now to get acquainted so here are my initial thoughts.

As others mentioned, Evnroll shipped the putter in a nice quality box befitting of a $400+ premium milled putter but I too was surprised to find the putter loose in the box.  For this reason I deducted a point, had the club shipped with some foam molds to hold the putter in place it's getting a perfect score here.



It was protected in a thick plastic bag with Evnroll branding and the headcover on and I could not find any damage so all's well that ends well I suppose.  In fact, I could not find a single mark on the putter.  The milling, the paint fill and the headcover all look perfect and I am a big fan of the black insert set against the satin steel finish.  I also opted for the headcover and grip from the black finish model and I think they both really help tie the look together.  My only complaint would be that the headcover is way too big for the putter and fits very loosely on the ER8 which is only a mid-mallet.  My guess is that Evnroll must only make one size headcover for mallets now as I know in the past the original ER8 model used to have a smaller version of the mallet cover (I accidentally bought one on Ebay when looking for a replacement for my ER7 back when I first got it).  








Standing over the putter the ER8 has a very similar look to my gamer ER7.  This was actually one of the primary reasons I chose to go with the ER8, I am a sucker for that long center alignment line as it helps me with my alignment.  I much prefer the long alignment line on my putter rather than putting a line on the ball and futzing with getting the ball aligned.  I’m sure many of my playing partners like that as well.  


For my first rolls of the new putter I set up my birdieball mat and putted some 9-10ft putts with both the ER8 and my gamer ER7 for about an hour.  I didn’t keep track of the exact numbers but my make percentage had to be close to equal with no discernible tendencies with one putter vs. the other.  Personally, I feel like my "muni" speed birdieball mat plays quite fast compared to most muni courses I play but on a green with this kind of speed my takeaway from these first putts was that from this short distance the two putters felt very similar. 

I next took the putters to my local muni for some practice on a real green.  I started off with some 20’ putts and immediately noticed the difference between the Neo Classic with the insert and my gamer without it.  The insert makes the feel noticeably softer.  There was definitely an adjustment period where I was leaving the first few short by a foot or more but it was a quick adjustment and after a half dozen or so warm-up putts I was rolling everything within 18” of the cup.  I did swap putters back and forth a few times and consistently had the same feeling that I Need to hit the putts harder with the Neo Classic.  After rolling 25 or so putts from 20’ I swapped over to 10’ putts and while I still felt I had to hit putts slightly harder it was not nearly as pronounced a difference.


Overall the softer feel is something I will have to get used to but shouldn’t be much of an issue.  Alignment and shape wise, the putter is very similar to what I was previously playing so I’m hoping the acclimation period will be short and easy.  I’ll be getting out for my first round with the putter this weekend and will have more to report!

Final Review - 8/4/24

Aesthetics - 10 out of 10

I touched on my thoughts regarding the putter’s looks in my first impressions but I can say that I love the appearance just as much today as I did when I first received it.   The black face, grip & cover pop against the matte steel finish of the head, it’s different and eye-catching without being flashy or obnoxious which is exactly what I prefer.  I will say that I would have liked a slightly bigger head but it’s not a significant departure from what I’m used to and I didn’t have much trouble adapting. 


Neo Classic ER8 on the left and ER7 on the right

Moving past the looks, the feel of the putter is where I noticed the biggest difference between this putter and my OG Evnroll.  Impact with the Neo-Classic is definitely softer than the solid milled putter.  It’s a little unique compared to anything I’ve ever played before.  The steel face feels firmer than either of my old Odyssey putters and still provides that click sound/feeling you get from a metal face which I prefer.  One thing I have noticed is the Neo-classic gives more feedback on long putts that I don’t strike at the center of the face compared to my ER7.  I haven’t been able to determine if this is due to the insert or if the head shape is just less forgiving due to being a mid-mallet vs. a more perimeter weighted mallet, the latter of which I assume has a higher MOI.  Regardless of the reason, I haven’t noticed any significant difference in distance on these mis-hit putts which is a credit to the Evnroll face doing what it’s advertised to do.  This is something that I had taken for granted with my previous putter since poorly struck putts were not as apparent as they are with the Neo-classic.

The Numbers - 17 out of 20

One thing I realized during this review is that testing putters does not exactly lend itself well to the objective kind of data gathering that one would do with a driver or set of irons.  We’re not testing with a launch monitor and looking at distance, ball speed or spin numbers, it’s much more subjective and based on self analysis.  For me it comes down to three things, did I start the putt on-line, how is my distance control and can I make a repeatable stroke.  

To address each of these I put in some time with the NC ER8 on my birdie ball mat in the evenings and also made several trips to my local course to make use of their practice greens.  As I stated above, there was an initial adjustment period getting used to the different feel off the face but after that the putter performed very well for me on the distance front.  The biggest thing I’ve noticed with the ER8 is that as my stroke gets longer I tend to push putts more often than I recall doing before.  I haven’t been able to figure out the reason for this as the NC ER8 actually has less toe hang than my ER7 (17° vs. 27° per my eyeball measurement using a printable Hireko Chart) which should translate to less pushes not more.


My untested theory is it has something to do with the grip.  My ER7 has my all time favorite grip I have ever found in a putter. It has a shape I love and a small amount of taper....it just works for me.  The TourTac grip on the NC ER8 appears to be a zero taper grip that flares out to a pistol at the top.  It feels good in your hand but it is not as deep from the top surface to the bottom surface in your fingers.


ER7 grip on top ER8 on the bottom

The other issue I’ve had is the putter just does not feel as stable in my hand as I would like.  Again this may be due to the grip but I’m not sure if that is all of the story.  I ordered this putter in the same specs as my ER7 (370g head, 34” length) but I swear that it feels lighter in my hand.  The baffling part is that the NC ER8 actually has a greater swing weight despite being lighter overall with a heavier grip (playing lengths are identical).  At some point before the end of the season I will probably switch the grip as I bought a bunch of the grips I prefer after Evnroll discontinued them and were offering them on closeout.


ER8 club weight, swing weight & grip weight top to bottom on the left.  ER7 on the right

After all that it may seem like I had issues with the ER8 but that was not the case at all.  We’re talking about very fine margins here and what might be considered nit-picking.  To back that up I did attempt to do my own replica of MGS’ most wanted testing and compared the NC ER8 to my previous 2 putters (ER7 and Odyssey Marxman).  I tested over two different sessions and attempted putts from 5, 10 & 20 ft with each putter.  From each distance I attempted 4 putts with each putter and rotated through them all and then went to the next greater distance and repeated the process.  I rotated which putter went first each time to keep it fair and gave myself 2 “warm-up” putts with whatever putter was first from that distance.  I recorded the number of putts it took to hole out and then assigned a score of 10 points for a 1 putt, 5 points for a 2 putt and 0 points for a 3 putt for both the 5 & 20 ft distances.  Points were doubled for the 10 ft distance to weight that metric more heavily.  The results had the ER8 come out on top but in hindsight the sample size was probably not great enough and a couple of putts where the ball was left hanging over the cup made the difference.  Ultimately I'm comparing 3 putters that I already know worked for me, I’m betting there would have been more differentiation if I had tested the ER8 against a blade and a center shafted putter.



Marxman left, ER7 middle & ER8 right

On-Course - 20 out of 20

Cutting right to the chase, on the course is where this putter really performed for me.   No matter where I was on the green I believed that I was going to be able to leave the ball close to the hole.  Based on MGS’ testing and my previous experience with Evnroll, I knew the sweetface technology worked and it became even more apparent during this review.  Even when I could feel that I had missed a long putt out on the toe it still ended up getting to the hole.


My scores have backed up what my gut was already telling me.  This past month I’ve been playing some of my best golf of anytime in the last 12 months and while I’m sure it cannot all be attributed to the putter I’m a firm believer that confidence in one area of your game bleeds over into the rest.  As you know from some of my weekly updates, I’ve been using Arccos to track my rounds and provide some measurable way to assess the performance of the putter.  In total I played 10 rounds in the month allotted for the review which includes a mix of (5) 18 hole rounds, (4) 9 hole league nights and a lone outing to the 9 hole par 3 course.

Based on the data, Arccos has calculated a 4.4 strokes gained per round improvement in my game since I started using the Neo Classic ER8.  I’ve been comparing myself to a 12 handicap as that is a goal I’d like to achieve and while my driving and approach still needs a lot of work you can see that I’m nearly there with my putting.


Nearly half of this improvement occurred on the greens where I picked up 1.9 strokes per round compared to the 10 rounds prior to beginning the test.  That’s a 2 stroke per round improvement with the putter alone!!  I’m no expert on golf stats but that seems like a big jump for just making an equipment change.


Looking deeper into the data you can compare the stats I posted in my introduction with those below and see that I’ve cut down on my average number of 3 putts per round and significantly boosted my number of 1 putts.  You can also see that I’ve dramatically improved my putting within 10’ since that’s where you have the greatest chance to actually sink putts routinely.  For me that’s the difference between getting up and down for bogey or the occasional par vs. taking a double.  The only area I didn’t see a performance improvement was on the long to really long putts and I think this is where pushing those putts has hurt me and I’m hoping swapping the grip will improve that metric.



The Good, the Bad & the Inbetween - 18 out of 20

If you’ve read this far I think you can tell I’m pretty smitten with this putter so there is lots of good to go around.  The looks, the technology and the performance are all outstanding.  The build quality is also impeccable, Evnroll truly makes a premium product on par with any of the more popular milled brands out there like Scotty or Bettinardi.  The only negative I can come up with relates to the headcover.  I really like the design and it offers plenty of protection plus uses a magnetic closure (no velcro!) which is a personal must-have for me but I wish it was a bit smaller and fit more snugly onto the putter.  The one size fits all approach of offering their standard mallet cover for this mid-mallet putter kind of irks me a bit.


The inbetween for me isn’t a fault with the ER8 but with the head options Evnroll is offering with the Neo Classic line.  As someone who does not like fang style putters but has always played a mallet, my only choice was to go with this mid-mallet option.  I would have greatly preferred to get the face insert on the ER7 style or one of their “spyder” clones such as the ER10 or 12.  I think either would have provided more stability to the head which is something most mallet players are looking for.  Perhaps in the future they will expand the line-up since I believe there are others like me out there who would like the face insert technology in a few more head options.

Play it or Trade it? - 19 out of 20

Without a doubt the Neo Classic ER8 is staying in the bag!  The putter works well with my small arc stroke and I have confidence in it whenever I stand over the ball.  I’m proud to have it in my bag and love showing people the Sweetface and explaining how it works.  Overall it’s competitively priced against milled options from Scotty, Betti, and Toulon but provides more tech than any of them. 



Overall the Evnroll Neo Classic ER8 putter is a great option for someone looking for a new mallet or a blade player looking to transition.  The proprietary Sweetface technology really works well at maintaining consistent distance regardless of the strike location and can help anyone who isn’t making dead center contact on every stroke.  The putter looks great and has a few customization options for those who are willing to order it direct.  Personally, it has already cut 2 strokes off my game and I’m hoping I can improve on that figure slightly by switching to my preferred grip.  I don’t think there is much more anyone could ask for from a putter!

Final Score - 93 out of 100

Edited by ChitownM2
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Congratulations to all testers. Been looking at these and Bettinardi putters the last couple of weeks and want to hear all your feedback before pulling the trigger!

:callaway-small: Jaws 58 wedge

:callaway-small:Paradym 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, P, AW, GW

:callaway-small: Paradym 3wood, 5wood, 7wood and Driver

:odyssey-small: White hot OG Seven putter

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Congratulations testers!

:titleist-small: TSi3 10° w/ Mitsubishi Tensei 1K Black 65g

:titleist-small: TS2 15° 3W w/ Project X HZRDUS Smoke Black 6.0 70g

:titleist-small: 818 H1 21° Hybrid w/ Mitsubishi Tensei CK Blue 70g

:mizuno-small: MP-18 MMC 2 iron w/ KBS Tour C-Taper S 120g

:mizuno-small: JPX 921 HM 5-GW w/ Project X LZ 5.5 115g

:Sub70: JB Forged 54° & 58° w/ Project X LZ 6.0 120g

:EVNROLL: EV5.3 Black Official Tester Review

:BagBoy: Nitron push cart Unofficial review  


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Congratulations testers!

I will be keeping an eye out for your thoughts and reviews over the next while as I have been admiring the Evnroll putters for a while.

MY WITB list

Bag: Adidas 7 way stand bag

Cart: :Clicgear: Model 3

Driver: :taylormade-small: Stealth 9°

FW: :wilson_staff_small: D9 Fairway 

Hybrid: :cleveland-small: Launcher

Irons: :wilson_staff_small: D9 4 - PW

Wedges: :ping-small: S159 - 50deg, 54deg, 60deg

Putter: :taylormade-small: Kia Ma Daytona

Ball:  :taylormade-small:Soft Response,  :srixon-small: AD333, :callaway-small: Supersoft


2024 Tester - :ping-small: S159 wedges. See my review here:


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Congrats testers hope you roll them well!

:callaway-small: Epic Max LS 9° :Fuji: Ventus Blue 6X  (2021 Official Review) | :callaway-small:Epic Speed 18° Evenflow Riptide 70g 6.0
:titelist-small: 816 H1 21° Mitsubishi Motors Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Chemical industry Mitsubishi  Rayon Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation, mitsubishi, blue, company png |  PNGEgg Diamana S+ Blue 70 S | 
image.png.08bbf5bb553da418019f0db13c6f4f9a.png SMS 4-5/SMS Pro 6-PW  image.png.267751aa721ee9cf3944fa2ff070b98c.png  Steelfiber i95 S (2023 Official Review)
:ping-small: Glide 4.0 50°.12°S/54°.14°W/58°.6°T PING Z-Z115 Wedge Flex | :cleveland-small:  SOFT 11S Super Stroke Mid-Slim 2.0
:ping-small: Hoofer Bag | :titelist-small: Pro V1 | Right Handed | Tracked by :ShotScope: V3

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Congrats Testers! Roll them well!!!


Driver: image.png.ca83f4e6716da9276cf90826f633daca.png Paradym with Ventus TR Blue 60 Stiff

Fairways:  image.png.c4f821ba6925e5e146c31600685bf103.png Aerojet Max 3W & 7W with Hzrdus Smoke Blue RDX 70 Stiff

Hybrid:  image.png.c21137d282a252fb544e47aceb520176.png King TEC 5H with KBS PGI 95 Stiff

Irons:  image.png.6621a18e06b1717c1f774c4a561fd7d8.png Forged TEC 5-PW with KBS Tour Lite Stiff

Wedges:  images (1).pngHaywood Signature Raw Wedges (50 / 54 / 58)

Putter:   download.png.d49e715a77153bd649b58a0d4e33fab5.pngL.A.B. DF3 (aka "Chewie")

Ball: 2023 Maxfli Tour


L.A.B. DF3

Cobra 50th Anniversary Member Testing

Callaway Paradym

Titleist White Box Testing (2023)

Scotty Cameron Phantom X 5.5


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Congrats to the testers! Now the fun begins 😁


D: :titleist-small: GT-2 10° w/ GD Tour AD-UB 6s

3W: :titleist-small: GT-3 15 Tensei Black 75 X

3h: :ping-small: G430 18° Tour 2.0/Stiff

7W: :callaway-small: 21° Rogue ST Max LinQ 7X

4i:mizuno-small: Pro 225 with Project X io 6.0

6i-PW:  :mizuno-small: Pro 225 with Recoil 110 f4

50,54° & 58°: :vokey-small: SM-10

P:   :L.A.B.: Link.1

Ball:  :vice: Pro Plus Drip

Bag:  Ghost MGS Anyday 14 way

"And so, we beat on, boats against the current, borne ceaselessly into the past." - Fitzgerald

” The woods are lovely, dark and deep,   

But I have promises to keep,   

And miles to go before I sleep,   

And miles to go before I sleep. - Frost

"That you are here—that life exists and identity,

That the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse." - Whitman

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Congrats testers. The Evnroll ER11v was my first test opportunity. I’m curious about the new face Evnroll has gone with.

image.png.ec65754993cb81a3d0a7d15c70ab8fd1.png  Anyday Maverick Black Ops 7-way

:PXG: 0311 Black Ops 8° w/Mitsubishi Diamana S+ 60

:PXG: 0311 XF 3 wood 16° w/Fujikura Motore X F3

:PXG:0211 Hybrid 3 19° w/Project X Even Flow Riptide

:ping-small: G410 Crossover 4 w/Mitsubishi Tensei CK Pro Blue 70

:callaway-logo-1: Paradym X 6 - GW w/True Temper Elevate MPH Official Forum Test

:vokey-small: SM9 54°/12° D and 58°/12° D w/KBS Tour 110

image.png.0f5b009ff3d83fdae5e2e361f9676226.png DF3 w/BGT Stability ONE Forum Test

Shot Scope Pro LX+ Pro LX+ Official Forum Test

:titleist-small: Pro V1 

:Clicgear: 3.5+

Tests No Longer in the Bag

:EVNROLL: ER11v 34”  Evnroll ER11v Official Forum Test

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Congrats testers! Looking forward to see how these perform vs your current gamers

Driver - :cobra-small: King SZ 1w 7.5° w/ Aldila Rogue Silver 110MSI 60x

Woods - :cobra-small:King SZ Big Tour 3w 13.5° w/ Fujikura Pro 65, King SZ 5w 20° w/ Tensei CK White 70

Driving Iron - :cobra-small: King Utility 2i 16° w/ Project X Hzrdus Black 85

Irons - :callaway-small: Apex '24 Combo set - 4i Pro, 5i-8i CB, 9i-10i MB w/ KBS Tour V 120 X-Stiff

Wedges - :callaway-small: MD5 Jaws 52° - S 10° grind, 56° - C 8° grind, 60° - C 8° grind w/ Dynamic Gold Spinner Tour Issue 115

Putter(s) - :odyssey-small: :callaway-small: :scotty-small: :titleist-small: :ping-small:  :nike-small: :wilson-small: O-Works 2 Ball Black, Big Bertha Warbird, Special Select Squareback 2.0, Red X2, Bullseye Original Flange SC, Bullseye Standard Flange SC, OG Bronze Anser, Method Midnight 007, R.Mendralla 8802

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Congrats testers! Great putters! 


Brandon Johnson, MBA
COO / Co-founder North American Golf Tour 


e: bjohnson@northamericangolftour.com


  • D - Taylormade M1 w/ tensie pro orange 
  • 3w- Taylormade M1 w/ tensie pro orange 
  • 2i - Srixon 
  • 4- 5 Srixon 785 
  • 6- 9 Srixon z blades 
  • PW, GW, SW, LW Cleveland rtx 
  • true temper shafts in all of my irons 
  • putter - Odyssey #9
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Congratulations guys! Looking forward to seeing the reviews

Incredible recovery shots are set up by an equally incredible miss.

D-    Cobra Aerojet 8.0 Hzrdus Blue S.

FW-  Callaway Mavrik 3&5 wood

Srixon ZX MkII 2 iron

Callaway Epic forged E19 4-GW

Taylormade MG 3 56 degree 10 bounce (personal grind to 6 degrees or so)

Cameron Furtura F5r  / Odessey Ai One Three T

Maxfli Tour and Tour X

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Congrats testers!

Driver: Cobra LTDx, HZRDUS Smoke Black RDX 60x, 9 Degree 

3 Wood:  Taylormade M2 (2019)

Hybrids:  Callaway Epic Super Hybrid 21 degree, Mizuno JPX Fli-Hi 4

Irons:  Vice VGI01s 5-pw (Vice VGI01 Review,)

Wedges:  Taylormade Milled Grind

Putter:  Odyssey #7

Ball: Vice Pro Plus, Taylormade Tp5x, Kirkland 

Shotscope v3 and 18birdies (never play a round without them!)

Garmin r10 for range sessions and winter garage golf

Push Cart Mafia - Clicgear 4.0  (See more here)


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Congrats, everyone! The ER2 was my gamer before the Link, I think you'll be very satisfied. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

Driver:            :cobra-small: Aerojet 9* | Hzrdus Black Gen 4
Fairway:         :ping-small: G410 3W 13* | Alta CB 65
Hybrid:           :titleist-small: TS2 18* | Tensei AV Blue 70 S
Hybrid:           :ping-small: iCrossover 20* | Kai'li White 80
Irons:              :taylormade-small: P790 5-PW | DG S300
Wedges:         :titleist-small: Vokey SM9 | 52, 56, 60 | DG S200
Putter:            :L.A.B.: Link.1 | Accra x LAB

--- LAB Golf Link.1 Review ---

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Congrats Testers!! Cant wait to see your thoughts on these

DRIVER  CALLAWAY.png.02d1ed01b3f95aaceb59b33edf1d6f2d.png Paradym Ai SMOKE MAX D w/ Mitsubishi Tensei Blue 65-R 10.5*

WOOD TAYLORMADE.png.c09940dc65e88df056ed8bc6fac5d992.png STEALTH 2 Plus 15* w/ Mitsubishi Kali Red 65-R 42" 15*

HYBRID CALLAWAY.png.02d1ed01b3f95aaceb59b33edf1d6f2d.png Big Bertha 19 w/ UST Recoil DART 75-S 20*

IRONS MALTBY.jpg.db763764d25fcfd7c75f92dc47028a09.jpg TS3 Forged 4i-PW w/ True Temper Score LT 100-R

WEDGES PING.png Glide Forged Pro w/ ZZ115-W 48*/52*/58*

PUTTER Cleveland.jpg HB SOFT 8 w/ Center Shaft 3*

Check out my Tests...


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Congrats!! testers 👍

Sorta related I still game an ER5 picked up several years ago after reading about it here on MGS.

@Marty2shanks great intro. That's crazy what happened to you but good job getting yourself back in action.

WITB of an "aspiring"  😉 play-ah ...
Driver...Callaway Paradym AI Smoke Max (
Grafalloy ProLaunch Blue 45/A)
3H...Cobra King Tec (MMT 70/R)
7W...Tour Edge Exotics EXS (Tensei CK Blue 50/R)

4H...Callaway Epic Super Hybrid (Recoil ZT9 F3)
5H...Callaway Big Bertha '19 (Recoil 460 ESX F3)
6i-GW...Sub 70 699 V2 (Recoil 660 F3) 
SW, LW...Mizuno ES21 54-08, 60-06 (KBS Hi Rev 2.0)
MLA Tour XDream or EvnRoll ER5
...all in a Bag Boy hybrid bag on an MGI Zip Navigator.
..ball often, not always, MaxFli Tour. Or "found" Pro V1.

Forum Member tester for the Paradym X driver (2023)
Forum Member tester for the ExPutt Putting Simulator (2020)
Other tests: MLA putter; Cleveland Hi Bore driver; Ben Hogan hybrids.


For Sale in Classifieds: SkyTrak home launch monitor in excellent condition

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Congratulations everybody. I hope that these roll as well as they claim to and everybody knows there are quite a few number of putter wh*res here who will be watching this test! 😆 


Driver  -Titleist 910D, 3w- Titleist 910F, 5hy/7hy- Titleist 910H, 6-PW - Stix , 52⁰, 56⁰, 60⁰ - Stix , Putter- AI-ONE DB / Lombardi Tour 34 custom

Just an old newbie golfer, trying to learn and improve 1 club at a time.



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This is exciting!!! Congrats!!! I’ve been looking at Evnroll, L.A.B, and SeeMore putters. Can’t wait to read your reviews.


I could play golf every day and learn something new each time.

Driver: Callaway_logoChev.jpg.210738784f200cb0d13f9386f1575265.jpgParadym TD 9* or EPIC Max LS 10.5* or  Ping.png.bd9875c415de0caaf18165e81353fcba.png425LST 9* 

Woods: Callaway_logoChev.jpg.210738784f200cb0d13f9386f1575265.jpg Mini or TM.png.882c22efb861c87ad5aa6b2f88e9743f.png Mini BRNR

Hybrids: PXG.jpg.f43fb635ef9ee412fa814c0d924d1ee5.jpg3H, 4H, 5H 

Irons: NL.png.a16c1db32eb8495938c8958152d9be4c.png902PD 

Wedges: titleist.jpeg.79b06f097c7bfa5eecb9179cb2b8800a.jpegVokey SM10 48, 52, 56* 

Putter: SM.jpg.6ec6e268aa1364f355b3f10b9901b64e.jpgBlack MiniGiant 

Ball: titleist.jpeg.79b06f097c7bfa5eecb9179cb2b8800a.jpegPro V1X or Callaway_logoChev.jpg.210738784f200cb0d13f9386f1575265.jpgChrome TourX




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