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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/20/2022 in all areas

  1. Playing in 110° is really only good for 1 thing.. Sending it! That's my tee shot past the pin on the green
    12 points
  2. revkev

    5 wood or 3 wood?

    These types of threads are good in one respect and not good in another. On the one hand you learn something, ie. here, it's that loft might be the OPs friend. I've learned through time that loft tends to be my friend. It has little to do with my swing speed, when I was young and had tons of swing speed, loft was still my friend, I needed more of it to hit the ball farther because of the way that I deliver the club, shallow. Dustin Johnson uses a more lofted fairway (3 wood) because loft tends to be his friend and that particular loft hits the ball through the launch window that he wants. On the other hand though you will have those who write, "I have x club, its the best, if only you had it, all your problems would be solved." With all due respect to those folks, club x is the best one for you right now and its awesome that you found it. It's more likely that the OP will be wasting his time and money trying 3 wood, club x, because his swing is better suited to a more lofted fairway wood. So to the OP the optimum would be to go for a gapping session with a good fitter. Of course that is costly and might be difficult to find - where are you in Wisconsin? I lived in beautiful Sheboygan for 5 and a half years, BTW. Also some of us enjoy tinkering and doing it ourselves. If I were you I would try an older Tour exotics 4 wood or a more modern 5 wood (which will have something like 17.5 degrees of loft - in other words be a 4 wood anyway.) If your current 3 wood is adjustable and you bought a modern 5 wood you could also experiment with trying the 5 wood head in the 3 wood shaft - maybe you do better with a shorter shaft but maybe its just that you need more loft. Bottom line, somewhere, out there is the ideal shaft/head combo for you. Good luck and have fun finding it.
    7 points
  3. tommc23

    Sub70 golf

    Going to put some 699 pros in play tomorrow
    7 points
  4. Close to getting out of this thread wver. 48* landed 10’ short and rolled to about 10 inches.
    7 points
  5. JFish350

    How'd you play?

    I played 9 holes last Friday during a couples night. I may have hit 4 decent shots. Played 18 on Sunday and all I can say is "OOOFFFFF" (95). I need to purge that from the memory bank and move on.
    7 points
  6. cnosil

    Random Thread

    Here is what my email said, is this good?!?!?
    6 points
  7. Should the banner go up again?
    6 points
  8. "I wasn't aiming for the water @Yellow Ball... I... I swear!" I shouldn't have left the window open...
    6 points
  9. Oh I see! Office politics. Remember no politics in the forum. Make a call and make it happen big boy!
    6 points
  10. You'll need to talk to the shipping director... @Golfspy_CG2
    6 points
  11. Took a ride out to Norwalk, OH and played Eagle Creek yesterday morning. It's a really nice course and super fun to play. Shot 79 with 1 birdie. Drove the ball pretty well, chipped decently, and I felt like I had very good putts, I just couldn't get anything to drop. Also my irons felt off for most of the round and I was leaving myself 30 foot putts for a lot of the day. I think I figured something out and I just need to stay focused on that over this weekend. I am playing in a qualifier for the Cleveland Am Sat & Sun. Let's goooooo
    6 points
  12. ... Sorry mi amigo but just the Golf Gods having some fun at your expense. I have spun an iron back hitting the pin and bouncing off it, had a ball stop just sitting on the lip into the wind and maybe a dimple away from falling and then last year dunked one in the hole on the fly and had it bounce out. This thread is like Hotel California "You can check out anytime you want, but you can never leave".
    6 points
  13. Just sitting here watching people apply and loving every second of it. Gotta thin the beard somehow
    5 points
  14. 5 points
  15. Ohhh, he's an angry red ball (said in the tone of Budd in Elf) And a bit scary if I'm being honest...ha
    5 points
  16. Well I'm still waiting for a delivery! Just sayin!
    5 points
  17. bens197

    Random Thread

    The streak is alive! ”the annual rejection letter, a tradition unlike any other…”
    5 points
  18. cnosil

    Got Problems?

    I know some people that like the tick.
    5 points
  19. chisag

    Maxfli Tour

    ... Nobody wants to see Yellow or Green balls together on the course. But much worse is balls that are both Yellow and Green! (and being a Chicago Bears fan has nothing to do with my opinion )
    4 points
  20. PGA already has system much like this in their play 15 system. Any player who plays 15 events gets $50,000. Making players employees doesn't make sense because then you need to have a players union or group along with there likely being a lot of other fall backs as they are a non profit organization. And remember they are already as much if a union as they can be as it's a player or membership run organization. Not to mention what about guys who don't make the 150 field or limited field events will there be opposite field events every week? Opens up so much more trouble logistically, financially and confuses an already complicated system.
    4 points
  21. This. Exactly this. Players signed a contract, they knew what they got into. Leaving and breaking the contract lead to suspensions. Same happens in NFL and many other sports when players hold out. If someone likes LIV fair enough, not going to change your mind nor have the will to try to, but the PGA and LIV will have a near impossible time working together. I still would love to see a Formula 1 type setup with individual and team championships and where events are on a world circuit, but also understand why this isn't possible. I would love to see all national opens elevated and made into a Players level field. Again I know why this can't and likely won't happen. Even though LIV has hints of this in the end the events are still solely about the millions of dollars and that just doesn't get me excited to watch or care about the golf they are playing. Canadian Open was a great example of the opposite of that. If there is middle ground I don't see it. The Majors are over and in another 6 Weeks the fantasy season will be over and I'll be quite happy to be playing more golf then watching.
    4 points
  22. I can easily go with a larger caliber if that suits you better. I always wanted to see what a 50 cal would do to a golf ball…..
    4 points
  23. And just when I thought I didn't have anything to worry about
    4 points
  24. tommc23

    Got Problems?

    Took it to where I bought the tires and they fixed it. Worst part was being paranoid about my spare tire pressure before I got to a gas station. Tire is fixed and back on though so I’m happy about that.
    4 points
  25. tommc23

    Maxfli Tour

    Never saw it before and it was day 1 using the Maxfli so I had to ask. Thanks for the responses
    4 points
  26. So I had a chance to get this out for a test round yesterday. The course I play my practice rounds at is an exec and the front 9 was closed for re seeding so I was slightly limited.. luckily due to the heat and being half closed, the course was wide open for doing some testing so I was able to set up a number of different shots. I hit multiple tee shots with the 5H on the 3 par 4's. One of them has a large tree that grows diagonally from the left side, right in front of the tee box so this was a great test for workability. Usually if I hit driver, the objective is to tee right, aim far right, and hope to hit a draw to the right side rough. If the ball goes straight, you end up in an AZ waste area spotted with oleanders that are really good at gobbling up balls. Hit a perfect looping draw that started right and worked right back to the middle of the fairway leaving about a 75 yd chip. Another hole I played a baby fade that the hole called for and executed it nicely. Each of the par 4's I also dropped a couple between 210 and 220 yds from the middle of the green. I was happy to see that if the ball didn't land on the green,bit was within a flop shot to the pin. This confirmed that my distance is right where I want it to be. As for the R flex, I couldn't have asked for anything more. When doing my practice swing, if I was getting too aggressive, I can definitely feel the shaft get a little whippy. This is my reminder to slow down and like Bob Lee Swagger says.. "slow is smooth and smooth is fast" well just fast enough anyway. The Recoil ESX is just as stable as I had hoped it would be and I didn't notice any unusual twisting or negative reaction. When I keep the swing within my set tolerance, the shaft feels very stable and like it's a good fit for my intended purpose. As for shaft weight, that's not an issue. Total SW is a manageable D1 and that's all that matters to my hands. The real test will be on Friday when I play the Duke. It's a mid long course with some strategically placed dangers that this club will either save or destroy me.
    4 points
  27. Tom the Golf Nut

    Maxfli Tour

    Not at all! are you sure the course you played didn't use any of that blue green liquid fertilizer on the fairways or greens? This will stain the ball blue but it washes off.
    4 points
  28. tommc23

    Got Problems?

    Pulled into the range before my round boom flat tire
    4 points
  29. Wish I could like this part 1000 times. Hopefully people read this part when they visit the thread. Go on any golf forum or golf group and there’s going to be a thread almost every week if not more frequent about what loft, what shaft, what driver, fw, hybrid, iron or wedge should I play. Many are going to be based ing the op’s swing speed, handicap, age. Only way to know what works best is to hit the club yourself or go get fit. Everything else is a random guess that may or may not work for the op
    4 points
  30. Twofer... Eeked a slightly wind assisted 5 iron onto our #7 cap, 208 yd par 3, 7th hole's green and then dropped a 25 foot bomb for bird. One of maybe 3 times out of the year I birdie this hole. I've had a terrible time keeping off the left side on this hole.
    4 points
  31. I haven't lied about my game but I am really a 13 yo girl that likes to blast K-Pop on my bluetooth speaker while playing...hope y'all are OK with that!!
    4 points
  32. My wife and I went to see them on our anniversary in Boise, ID... the summer before Glenn's passing. I had seen them several times over the years; the very first time in 1975 and 1977 at the Oakland Coliseum Day on the Green concerts. As great as they were in the 70's, I thought they were every bit as good in 2015. The long version guitar duel is epic - one of my favorites. I'm glad they are back touring and will try to see them again if possible. Yea, I'm a big Eagles fan.
    4 points
  33. ... I think have said this before but the Hotel California release was the most influential day of my musical life. Two of my favorite LP's at that time were James Gang Rides Again and Desperado and here they were coming together with Joe Walsh joining the Eagles. Got to the radio station an hour before for my shift and listened to a copy of Hotel California we got the day before it's release and was absolutely blown away from start to finish. The social commentary is still relevant today but was even more scathing when it was released and of course the music will stand forever. I own both a DCC Gold CD and an audiophile Japanese Import so with a high end processor and transport these sound just like analog.
    4 points
  34. Now that was a great album! Got me singing (well in my head anyway).
    4 points
  35. I am looking forward to the event as well. Don't really care how good or bad anyone plays or even if they lied about how they played. I just want to hang out and play some golf.
    4 points
  36. Spent an hour on the sim today at my local course. Wanted to work on some stuff with my 5 wood, since I was having issues with a pull-hook last round, and also wanted to compare the Srixon ZStar ◊ with the ZStar XV. Both balls were pretty comparable throughout the bag (a slight spin advantage to the ◊, since I struggle to generate spin with my mid-irons) but ultimately it was driver numbers that made the decision for me. Maybe that explains some of my poor performances off the tee lately while I've been gaming the ZStar ◊!
    4 points
  37. Wish I had ‘em back. Throw some KBS shafts in those bad boyz & LET’S GO!!
    4 points
  38. Man, whenever I get frustrated with some of the “not so well thought out” or “argumentative” replies in other threads, I just cue this bad boy up and it always delivers. The amount of people that don’t even bother reading what they are replying to both amuses and disappoints me. Lol
    3 points
  39. This post should be pinned. @shootmyage has not offered anything of substance to this conversation besides short statements anti-PGA tour and pro-LIV.
    3 points
  40. I didn't know shotguns worked under water? Since that's where I spend most of my time because you losers can't keep me on dry land. So I believe I'm safe! On a serious note: You guys need take a vote and elect a scribe for the outing. I want some play by play action. I can't be everywhere. Lately it's hard to find fresh meat ( I mean material).
    3 points
  41. tommc23

    How'd you play?

    Shot 97 today not my best nor my worst. Putting was a struggle at the beginning of the round had way too many 3 putts. Hit the new driver so so, some great some not so great. Overall it wasn’t a bad round for having new irons and a driver in the bag which I haven’t had for years. I think with a little more tweaking I can get the driver dialed in better
    3 points
  42. Doesn't look like the core color can bleed through. Must have been the fertilizer.
    3 points
  43. MattF

    Got Problems?

    I knew some people that are ticks...
    3 points
  44. MattF

    How'd you play?

    I tried to play my usual Tuesday round but bailed after 9. It was so slow that from the 3rd hole there were 4 groups (including us) on each hole. Of course, you had the dickheads that don't hit it 200 off the tee waiting for the green to clear when they're 180+ out and don't get near the green. It also didn't help that they didn't pair 2somes together.
    3 points
  45. What was the love with Ping Zing vs. PE2's? When my Hogan's were stolen my last year of college, and before my wife and I left for WA for my fresh out of engineering school job, I opted to wait for replacement. After we settled in and I joined one of our company leagues, off to get new clubs we went. I honestly cannot even recall what other irons a I tried. Back then it was static fit measurements, lie board, and smacking balls into the shop net. PE2's were "all the rage" and I think I just fell for the salesman's pitch. They were great for me and, I played some of my best golf with them. "They" btw are all cleaned up and in a storage box. The "slap some new shafts on them" gives me pause about selling them... especially since I've recently acquired all the DIY club build bench goodies.
    3 points
  46. These type get togethers are great. They are also the reason I am completly honest about my game on the itnernet. Can you imagine bragging about 330 yard drives, and being a +3 handicap that had a real shot on tour if not for a couple bad breaks. Then end up playing with a group from the forum and they see your real game, and you try to push it off as "sore back" or "working on a few things" LOL Sounds hilarious, but I've actually seen it!!
    3 points
  47. edingc

    Random Thread

    I usually do one "rotating" crop each year (this year was sweet corn) in addition to my staples (peppers, beans, zucchini, peas), and I think watermelons are going to be next year's crop.
    3 points
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