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Precision Pro Titan Elite - 2024 Forum Review

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Hello my fellow brethren,

I would like to thank MyGolfSpy and Precision Pro for selecting me for this opportunity.


Allow me to introduce myself. I am a husband, father, and obsessed golfer. If I am not coaching a sport, I can be found at my local golf range or course. To ensure I have the funds to survive I am a business executive for a privately held manufacturing company based out of Cincinnati, OH. My expertise is metrology and quality statistics which I think will come in handy for this.


My obsessions with golf started during the pandemic when I was looking for something to do. I have always had a set of clubs, but I never played more than 4-5 times annually until 2020. In 2020 I bought new clubs, took a few lessons, and over the span of about 6-months I played roughly 60-times. I went from shooting 100-110 to consistently shooting 90-95 that year. In 2021 I did not get much golf in due to my career but jumped right back into it in 2022 playing over 70 rounds and finally breaking 90. 2023 & 2024 led me to purchase new clubs again, and now I am consistently shooting in the 80s with having had a few chances to break 80. I am a creature of habit and tend to frequent Majestic Springs Golf Course in Clarksville, OH more times than not for my rounds.


Majestic Springs


PGA Championship at Valhalla




I am going to approach this testing opportunity based on statistics.

  •          I am going to use measurement system analysis to either prove or disprove the accuracy of the tool being trialed.
  •    This will be done by doing a Gage R&R and type 1 attribute studies to determine if the tool is repeatable and precise. Correlation analysis will be completed with two other range finders, one being very cheap and the other a more premium brand.
  •         I think depending on the study this will either be shipped to another person for trial, or I will keep in my bag.
  •         I really like the idea of an app and GPS that will let me read the flag placement. This is something I have not done before.
  •          This is a very unbiased study for me as I did no research on the product and all I know is what has been stated in the trial summary to me.
  •          My expectations are low since I work in metrology and know that many brands tend to inflate accuracy and precision to sell their products.

First Impression

I am late to the game, but better late than never! I received my Precision Titan and to say that I am impressed just getting it out of the box is an understatement. The rangefinder is not small which I like. I find that is is easier to balance with one hand and I do not have as much shaking while trying to hit the perspective target. The aesthetic look is that of many other brands.  Easy to use, I can lock on a target in the matters of seconds and rarely had to hit the target again within my first curiousity. The magnetic pull is strong and the ease to re-charge is nice by just pulling down the rubber cover on the back of the device. Aesthetics I would give an 8/10. To me aesthetics isn't an issue. I would rather it work as intended and be accurate. More to come on accuracy in future post. The carry case is rugged and hooks to your bag. I find that putting my car keys in it keeps me from leaving the device. I have an android phone so the tracking doesn't work. I look forward to putting the Titan through it's paces and finding how just how accurate it is!


The Titan is close to the size of a Google Pixel Fold maybe a bit bigger. 


The magnetic force is awesome! I was able to ride around all day and not once did it move from where I stuck it to the golf cart frame. 


As I waited my turn on the tee from here I got a target of 371-yards with ease. 





Final Review: 8/12/2024

Aesthetics (9/10)

The looks and feel of the Titan is nice. I discounted it one point due it is rather large in comparison to the Vortex I was comparing it too. Nothing wrong with how large it is, it just makes a bit more obnoxious than other range finders on the market. All in all, it is well put together for the visual appeal. 

The Numbers (15/20)

The largest appeal to me for the Titan Pro was the funcationality with an app in use with my Android phone. Unfortunately, I only got one round yesterday with the Android app being useful. I am happy that is now works, but for the case study it wasn't there for me. For that, I knocked off 5 points. 

The battery charge is awesome! I have played 10 rounds of golf and never had to charge it. That might because I wasn't able to use the app, but I am happy regardless. 

Accuracy was great and my gage R&R shows that the range finder is repeatable and reproduceable up to 320 yards. There was a bit of variation after 320-yards but I concluded that was due to the my unsteady hand. 

On Course (20/20)

Below is a picture from Bear Trap Dunes in Delaware. It was hot! With humidity the real feel was 108* when I played. I thought maybe the heat and humidity would affect the range finder. I found that the Titan kept going with full functionality. Easy to grab a flag or landmark to get yardage with slope. I think relative to other range finders that I have used this is by far the easiest to get a target locked in or to use. The best feature is the strong magnet to hold it to the cart. I tend to put my cart through the paces and it never once fell off. 


The Good, The Bad, The in-between (16/20)

As I mentioned prior, when first received I didn't have full application with an Android. I have to deduct points for that. However, the Titan performed well and was easy to use, I do not want to diminsh the performance too much in this section. Plus, the alarm feature saved me yesterday when I left it attached to the cart. The Bad, it is bulky, I do not like that. The in-betwee, meh, they could have waited until they got Android funcitional before having a test. 

Play it or Trade it (20/20)


I am keeping it! Why? Now that the android app works, this will suite my needs. I have no reason to go venture out to find something that will perform at a higher level. The price point isn't awful and being that functionality is now optimal why not keep on keeping on! The ranger finder alarm alone saved me yesterday and that was key! This is going to be with me for a long time. 



The Precision Titan Pro is a well thought out rangerfinder that I enjoyed testing. I would would like to thank the Golf Spy group for choosing me, it was an honor and a pleasure. I would recommend this particular rangerfinder to any golfer that is looking for accuracy and a few more bells and whistles. .

Final Score (80/100)


Edited by RonnieB

At the end of the day, we are just sinners.


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Hi Everyone! My name is Ryan and I'm located out of Massachusetts. I started following golf in the late 90's as a teenager. I had high school friends who played on the team, and we would all play the video games and I would watch tiger on TV. In High School I couldn't afford clubs or the cost to be on the team. Therefore, I didn't start golfing until my early 20's because my work told me it would be a good idea. I was earning next to nothing and I bought the cheapest clubs I could find online (Interfuse Grand Hawk lol), that said they looked like Ping's. This would be back in 2005. A bunch of friends also picked it up and it became a weekend excuse to get out with buddies, smoke some cigars, and slap around a Slazenger ball (again the best I could afford). I loved playing the game and did so almost every Saturday and Sunday that I could afford to for about 5 years. But when I got married and had a kid, Golf took a distant back seat to family, job, and I focused in on my other passion of Fly Fishing. My aunt and her three kids play golf. My two cousins are college women golfers, d3 and d2, and they belong to a wonderful country club out in OH. When my wife saw my cousin play, she said we should get my daughter into Golf and that I should dust off the old clubs and play some more. My daughter is not a fan of group sports, and this was one that has scholarship opportunities. Didn't have to ask me twice. My father in law gave me his old set of Ping i3's 3 years ago, and I took a few lessons with my daughter, and quickly broke 100, which was something I never thought I'd do. The Golf bug got into me, and I started playing more over the last two years, got a new/new to me set of clubs, including fitted irons. I managed to luck into an 89 once last year in November at the local course Maplegate. Granted I got 4 lucky bounces off of the trees that line every hole. My goal is to start breaking 90 consistently (but again finding time to practice has been the challenge). I discovered this forum doing research for clubs, balls, bags, gloves, pull carts, etc. I used to run my own Fly Fishing forum and I love the community and information you can get when you are apart of something like this. 


The craziest part about this whole testing, is no more than a week ago, I put up a question about upgrading my old rangefinder. How fortuitous! I currently use an Amazon special GoGoGo Vpro. In combination with The Grint, GHIN, Golfshot, 18 Birdies, and apple watch (I've been trying them all), I've been trying to decide what is the best for me. The GPS is so convenient, and allows me to plan out my shots around the course. I can quickly look at my wrist and figure out where the front, center and back of the green. BUT using a rangefinder, I found wildly more effective for quickly looking at layup position, exact pin distance (since at a distance it can be hard to determine if the pin is in the back or front), and for an amateur like me that doesn't play tournaments, Slope and adjusted distance to pin for club selection.. 

I'm extremely excited about testing this product because of reading others stories about this company, the online hype, and the features that this particular rangefinder has. If I can take the watch off, and use a rangefinder for all the features, I would appreciate that A LOT more.

My plan to test this is really simple:

  1. I'm going to bring it to a few Driving ranges where the distances have already been measured. I want to check for accuracy. I also belong to a local gun range that has a few distance targets and I want to see if I can range those accurately as well.
  2. I plan on bringing it every single golf outing including the range. I want to use it a lot to get used to the all features and really understand how to use it. 
  3. I want to bring it out in rainy conditions as well. I want to test durability. I walk courses during the week and the weekend is when I use a cart.  
  4. VALUE. This is a $399 range finder. My other rangefinder is $79 on sale right now. Does this rangefinder bridge that dollar gap in value? Is there another 17 handicapper out there, or someone else on a budget, that if they spent this amount of money on a rangefinder, would they find it valuable to their game above and beyond the other cheaper options? 
  5. Do I feel like this Rangefinder helped my golf game. We are all striving to be better. Did the features, ease of use, accuracy, etc. help me.

Please ask me questions, please challenge my opinions and findings. Please offer suggestions/conditions you would like to see tested. 

Thanks everyone, thanks MGS, Thank you Precision Pro. Looking forward to this and I hope I complete it thoroughly.

First Impressions

I just received this and wanted to give my first impressions. The box itself is about the size of the device itself. On the side of the box are the claims; Long-lasting USB-C Rechargeable battery, IP67 Dust & Waterproof rating, Magnetic Grip, Crystal Clear Optics 999 yard range, Aluminum Shell and Premium material, Pulse Vibration and Visual Flag Lock, Slope switch tournament legal, 3-year warranty. On the bottom of the box, it talks about the App (IOS ONLY at this time, it does indicate Android compatibility will be forthcoming), but it talks about GPS Distances, Find my precisionPro, and myslope.


Once you get into the box, you are presented with the case, a small yellow lenswipe, a short charging cable, Case, and inside the case is the device. The case itself is really nice. Hard shell, with a nice fabric, an elastic strap, an aluminum spring loaded clip at the top, and what looks like a nylon sewn in belt loop. The Zipper, has some sort of fabric that cover the zipper teeth. It doesn’t feel like the waterproof material that is on some zipper drybags and coolers that you need to lube up, but it looks like it would keep some debris off the teeth, and maybe even some rain. The case opens up to 45 degrees with two wide elastic straps that keep it from fully opening. The inside isn’t lined or anything, but it does have some sort of soft fabric feel to it.


The device itself feels premium. It has a nice heft to it. The aluminum rubber and plastic all flows really nicely and you can tell that they put forth the effort into the design. The main visual lens looks to have the Anti-reflective coating iridescence to it.  If you have ever worn eyeglasses you may know what I’m talking about. It’s a rainbow effect almost that prevents glare. The top has a slide that has a green color under it to show that the slope feature is on, and when it’s off it slides forward to show all black. The two buttons behind the slope feature has shapes molded into the buttons. A split circle, and a single line. Not much to tell you what the buttons do, but a quick look at the instruction manual, shows that one is a mode, and the other is on/laser button. The aluminum look brushed, and the eye piece is smooth. It has a single line molded in and a the body of the rangefinder has a dot that are lined up. This is clearly for focusing the eyepiece. The eye piece is smooth and it turns smoothly, but I’m curious if this could be an issue if you have sweaty heads as the eye piece is smooth plastic/rubber. Under the eyepiece is a texture rubber door, with what looks like a place to use a finger nail or object to pop it open. When you door, you can see the charging port, Bluetooth button, small light that in really small letters says Charge status, and serial number. The door was a little challenging to get open as I don’t have finger nails but a tee popped it open easily. I like the fact that this door is well fitted and sealed, as it does have that dust proof, waterproof rating.


The buttons do not rattle and are fitted nicely, and the slide switch moves very easily (I don’t play tournaments, but my cousin who does, her bushnell has a switch that requires some real manipulation/lock to ensure it’s not accidently activated. It could be a big concern if you get disqualified for an accidently switch activation.)

This feels legit, it feels well thought out. The basic silver and black color scheme is classy. I like the weight, it doesn’t rattle, the buttons feel in the proper location, and it fits my hand very well. Compared to my cheap rangefinder, it already feels significantly better in terms of quality.

THE REVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Numbers (18/20)

This unit is accurate. I’ve had a chance to compare it to both a Bushnell V6, my super cheap Amazon gogogo unit, a rifle rangefinder, as well as GPS.  My cheap unit was only accurate within 3-5 yards, while this unit, measured in sync with the rifle rangefinder and GPS. The pre-measured distances us to 200 yards at a rifle range as well as the pre-measured distances at my local driving range, all matched up perfectly.

The unit itself acquired all the targets extremely quickly and the vibration was strong to let you know when it acquired a flag. The middle of the Rangefinder would also have a pulse like vision, letting you know when the flag was captured and that it was still reading the flag as you scanned left and right of it while holding down the button. The only problem I started to get is at longer distances (300+ yards) when the flag was dead (no wind). It had a VERY hard time capturing the flag at the course I was playing at (travelled to a family’s private club out in OH).  I noticed at my local course, where they have laser prisms on the flagstick, it would pick up the flag in non wind conditions a lot easier, and would register flag stick. I’m not 100% of the technology on how it detects that it’s a flag or not, but the laser would read behind the flag if it didn’t see a bit of the flag moving. This didn’t happen often but on the dead wind day that I played, anything over 300 feet would take a few to several attempts at capturing the flag, and only once did I give up and shoot the base of the flag.

On-Course 18/20

This unit, as many of you know has a feature that will give you on course Front, Center, and Back green readings. This was absolutely EXCELLENT. The way it does this is through the Precision app. You would start a round on your phone, and Bluetooth connect to your device. If you wanted to know the front, center and back of the green, it was just one button press to switch the screens on the rangefinder. HOWEVER, you cannot have the Front, Center, Back readings AND your laser reading on the same screen. The Laser reading with the optional slope is a different screen, so you would have to jump back and forth, if you wanted to know the exact pin distance and then go to the other screen to determine how much front and back green you had to work with. This was a new idea to me. In my very sad 18 handicap rating of playing, I would use either or. I would use the GPS to discover what the FCB reading was or I would use the laser. With this rangefinder, I found myself jumping back and forth often. Do I add a club and potentially overshoot the flag since I had more green to work with, or do I go for the front of the green since the flag was in the back.  I absolutely felt like this was saving me strokes.


The App, is where I felt like the product fell a little bit short. The Front, Center, Back readings were dependent on the app, AND you had to make absolutely sure you were on the correct hole on the app to get the readings. As you were using the App AND tracking your score, you would be forced to enter in data of Fairway accuracy, GIR, strokes and putts to move onto the next screen. Eventually you can figure out a way to ignore the score and jump to the hole you’re on, but if you’re a paper score keeper, you may forget to open the app, move to the correct hole, and then get your FCB readings. I get that they want people to use their app, but a collaboration with something like The Grint or other apps would be amazing. If they could make the fields less mandatory, or figure out a way to make it automatic/next hole button on the rangefinder, I really think that would help players that prefer keeping their phone in their bags.


The watch functionality was there, but I could not get the Laser Distance field to work. On your watch screen it would provide the front, center, and back, along with Laser distance or Wind reading. I could not figure out how to get the laser distance to show up. I also had to change my watch settings to screen Always on, as each time I lifted my wrist I would need to go back into the app, wait for the app to update from the phone and the readings would come on.


MySlope looks like a really cool feature. I’m currently working on getting into an indoor session to determine the Ball speed, Launch Angle, and Spin numbers. You need these three numbers for each of your clubs, in order to get the custom MySlope feature.

Tournament players BE VERY Careful of the slope switch. It would turn on and off the slope as you were pulling it in and out of the case for me. Walking the course I would carry it in the case, and the switch is very easy to move. There are no locks or any way to keep the switch from moving.

The lens focusing was grippy, and you could get a good grip to rotate the eyepiece. The initial click to get out of center focus is tough, but then it would rotate easy allowing you to focus simply. The Clarity of the lenses is extraordinary and I used it often to look for balls or objects at a distance.

The device also has a Find my Rangefinder feature. I normally am very good about making sure I clear out my cart afterwards, and if I chuck the device to the ground for a shot, I usually remember it. HOWEVER, the could of the times I didn’t, it was awesome that it has a feature that uses google maps to bring you really close to it. It has an option to PING your range finder which causes the rangefinder to beep. Think like an apple Airtag. However, the beep is just not that loud. On a course you would have to be pretty close to the rangefinder to hear it. Also, after a period of time the Rangefinder automatically shuts off, and it maintains it’s last recorded position. If it was left in a golf cart and a new group drove off, it would record only where it was last on. If they could somehow increase the volume for the ping, or allow for some sort of Remote ON feature that would allow you to track it, this would make the find my rangefinder invaluable!


Also, so far I have NEVER charged it from the day I received it. I’ve used it for 6 rounds, and 3 large bucket range sessions and the battery level hasn’t even lost 1 bar yet. Still shows fully charged. This is AWESOME.

The magnet is strong as hell, and it NEVER fell off the cart for me. I run across roots, hills, and my friend drives like maniac, and it held on. I never had a doubt after the first round that when placed on the cart, it’s staying.


The Good, The bad, the in-between (17/20)

In trying to keep this short but helpful, the device itself is accurate, has a great functionality of reading the front, center and back that I believe you will find yourself using more than you think, is very durable, has good looks and the find my Rangefinder feature is SHOCKINGLY helpful. The battery life is unreal, the clarity of the lenses, the ease of use, the ergonomics, the powerful cart magnet, the case, all around it is exceptional. I have ZERO questions that this device is durable.

This was an incredible rangefinder. I had nothing with it, that I found “Bad”. It did what the company claimed it did, and it did it well. There are areas I would like to see it improved, but I couldn’t imagine adding a “buyer beware” because of these. The ONLY thing that would come close is the SLOPE switch. My cousin who plays D2 women’s golf, was instantly turned off the device because of the switch. Her bushnell, has a highly visible switch, that has a safety lock that prevents the switch from accidently being turned ON. This device the switch slides on and off so easily that pulling it out of the case would turn it off, and putting in the case could turn it on.

The in-between, area is more of an annoyance/wish list than any sort of deal breaker. I wish the find my rangefinder beep was louder, a remote on feature would be pretty cool, and I wish the app had a few less mandatory fields to fill out. At the same time, I wish the app had a few more features like The Grint, 18 Birdies, and Golfshot. It’s clear the app is meant for the rangefinder and not necessarily a functional stand alone golf score, stat tracking app. Future compatibility with these other apps would be amazing. I would love to see the FCB readings and the Laser readings integrated into one screen. I know it might make the screen busy, but to have that all in one place IMO would make it pretty helpful.

Play it or Trade it? (18/20)

Compared to my current cheap Amazon rangefinder, I am ABSOLUTELY playing it. I found the features of the FCB reading and Laser reading all in one place so easy, and I found that 150 yards in, using this feature a lot to figure out and planning my shots. I felt like it was helping me approach shots. Any iron shot in, I would look to find the flag distance then one button press figuring out where the pin was on the green. Add in a green contour map, and I was felt like I was caddying myself and putting myself in great positions. I feel like a better player who could actually execute the shots that I wanted to do would benefit TREMENDOUSLY from the ease of this. The Myslope functionality is showing some benefits, and I’m learning to trust the numbers a little bit more.


If I had another new/newer high end device, I’m not sure if there is enough there that would cause me to spend an additional $400 for these features. If you have a device that accurate, durable, and has the features you want, you could just use a GPS phone app to give you the same data. However, if you have an older device and looking to upgrade, this needs to be HIGH on your list, and I would probably put in the top 3 rangefinders to consider. I know before this test I was looking at rangefinders and in similar price range was looking at Nikon for it’s stability, The Cube for its triangulation, Bushnell for it’s accuracy, and this range finder for it’s FCB readings and Locate Me. The Find my Rangefinder is also a feature I can see being adopted by MANY future rangefinder companies. This is $400 device, and helping you to not lose it and having to spend that money again, is just a no brainer. Kudos to this company for incorporating this feature. I look forward to future iterations, and hoping to see some of the features improved.

Short and dirty Version of all at above


  • Accuracy
  • Easy of use
  • Front, Center, Back Accuracy is WAY MORE helpful in your golf game than you think. knowing how much green is in front and behind the flag right from the range finder is amazing
  • It's own App
  • Locate Me feature is a MUST that I see all companies in the future copying this
  • MySlope is helpful once you load in all your stats


  • at Long distances, if the flag wasn't moving I had a hard time locking in on some flags (300+ yards)
  • The app is minimal and I found myself jumping in between my other apps for additional data.
  • The Myslope requires some big setup. Would've loved an import stats from another app. 
  • the locate me beep needs to be louder
  • I wish the FCB readings were on the same screen as the laser read. 












Edited by Just_the_Chip

"In fact , we both tend to hold the Midwestern stoic view that genuine problems are solved with action, not pissing and moaning. If you run around sharing your feelings too much, you'll eventually arrive at a place where you're not only still screwed up, but now everyone knows about it, too." - John Gierach - Sex, Death and Fly Fishing

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Precision Pro Titan Elite– Official MGS Forum Review by LeftyMatt89


First of all, thank you MyGolfSpy and Precision Pro for this opportunity. 

My name is Matt and I live in Summerville, SC. I am married with a four year old, a four month old and a Pomeranian at home. I grew up playing baseball and did not start golfing until after my college baseball career was over in 2014. Golf has been my passion since 2014 because it is extremely challenging but at the same time fulfilling. The strength of my game coming from baseball is my ability to hit the ball far (wish it went a little straighter). My driver SS is 120+ on GC Quad and my 7 iron swing is ~96-100. I golf typically once a week at a minimum, however since welcoming my 2nd child, my scores seem to fluctuate a little more than before but I typically score mid 80’s. 



I belong to a local semi-private country club and play 90% of my rounds at this course. I love my home course because it is forgiving off the tee and the primary challenge of the course is the green complexes. This is where distance devices have really helped me in my game. I currently use both a Blue Tees Series 2 Pro range finder and Garmin GPS on my Fenix 6X watch through the round. It is very important not to miss long on the majority of the holes at my course so the back number is super important to consider with shot selection. I am looking forward to testing the technology claims from Precision Pro because the rangefinder sounds like an amazing fit encompassing both devices I currently use into one. 


I know there are so many rangefinders on the market, so I want to give all of you the best possible comparisons I can in testing the features of the Titan Elite and comparing to other products. I plan on showing comparisons of the Blue Tees rangefinder and the Precision Pro Titan Elite on both accuracy, ease of locking on targets, and features. Additionally, I will compare the numbers I get from the Front/Back distances to greens between the Titan Elite and my Garmin GPS watch. It may sound simple, but I am extremely excited for the magnet feature on the Titan Elite because my current rangefinder does not have it. I have high expectations for this product to outperform what I currently use with a lot of the same features I currently use but all in one place. Two features I want to test and provide feedback on to you all is the weather resistant IP67 rating (we get sudden downpours in SC) and the “Find My Titan” feature. I have definitely left a rangefinder behind and been lucky thus far in getting it back. I have always wanted to try a “premium” rangefinder against what I currently use to see if the differences in price is worth the investment. I look forward to providing my insight to this and am happy to answer any questions! 

First Impressions 10/10

Precision Pro did an outstanding job with the packaging, the box has the main features listed and the packaging gives a premium vibe.  The Titan Elite feels very solid and sturdy with the construction/weight of the rangefinder. I particularly like the simple color scheme and way Precision Pro incorporated the magnet into the logo. The case feels secure and has two nice features: bungee string to keep the case tight and a carabiner attachment for my bag. There is also a charging cable and microfiber cloth.





Onto the Titan Elite rangefinder itself. The top has three very easy to understand buttons: Power button, Mode button, and Slope toggle. The back of the rangefinder has a flap where there is a Bluetooth connectivity button and charging port. The silicon has a nice snug fit and securely keeps the area closed when not in use.


I wanted to get the rangefinder hooked up with the app. The app is extremely intuitive with pictureswalking through every step (see pictures). Once set up was completed, I tested out the “find my” function and there is a pinging noise in addition to showing exactly where the rangefinder is.


I tested the Titan Elite laser out in my backyard and compared it to my current Blue Tees Series 2 Pro rangefinder. The Titan Elite is noticeable faster. I did a user test of counting one one thousand, two.. etc. The Titan Elite would spit back a number before I finished one one thousand and the Blue Tees was
between two and three one thousand, so the Titan Elite is at least two times faster than my current rangefinder.

I was able to take the Titan Elite for a quick 9 the same day. The case works very well with my bag with the carabiner and the magnetic on the Titan Elite works as advertised attached to a golf cart.


I will definitely go into more depth in my review, but first impressions, I wanted to see how the app worked/integrated with a round of golf and the accuracy compared to a Garmin GPS watch. Below is some data


To summarize the initial first impressions with data. The Precision Pro Titan Elite is roughly two yards short of the Garmin GPS distances and within one yard of the laser shooting. The Precision Pro locks on noticeably quicker on the course and the flag lock buzz is stronger than the Blue Tees. The Titan Elite made an outstanding first impression with the speed of the laser and the functionality of incorporating my current two devices (Garmin/rangefinder) into one functional product.

Aesthetics (10 out of 10)

The Titan Elite is built solid with a more muted look of silver and black. I love the built in magnet feature. Even after a few drops, the Titan Elite looks great and the performance is not affected. The carrying case has a great feature with a strap to allow for easier access. The entire aesthetics of the Precision Pro Titan Elite looks and feels premium.


The Numbers (19 out of 20)

The numbers are definitely the most important aspect when considering a rangefinder. I will do my best to break this down into different categories.

  • Titan Elite provides accurate and consistent laser readings: When shooting the distances, I get the same number coming back consistently and quickly. In relation to my Blue Tees rangefinder the distance is typically within 1 yard and compared to golf buddies, I have found the most it has been off is 1.5 yards. 
  • Titan Elite provides features other rangefinders do not with Front, Middle, Back: When connected to the app, the Titan Elite gives very valuable front, middle and back yard information of each green. This is vital for club selection for me personally so I can take a club I know will not carry off the back of the green. 
  • Titan Elite locks onto targets very quickly and vibration is a great feature: Comparing the Titan Elite to the Blue Tees Series 2 rangefinder I have, the speed is twice as fast. This is astounding to me the tech has improved so drastically from a rangefinder made in the last 5 years. The vibration is noticeable and gives confirmation of the target you hit. 
  • Titan Elite pairing instructions are extremely intuitive: Connecting the Titan Elite initially is a step by step process and Precision Pro did an excellent job in making the user experience enjoyable. Once paired, the pairing on course is literally pressing the “laser” button while the app is opened and the Titan Elite connects. 

IMG_1576.png.f114d6def66cb05d94f2a45c0011bea1.png     IMG_1577.png.376d0c1e4603f9354ce07b3e94ad4f33.png     IMG_1588.png.1af9d6589900ac2f48cf4151589b92c6.png

  • Titan Elite lasts at least 10 rounds & utilizes USB-C charging: I did not charge the unit until after my tenth round. I think I could have gone an additional round, but I wanted to see how quickly it would charge. I left it on a USB-C cable and it was charged fully when I came back an hour later. 
  • Inconsistencies when comparing Garmin GPS and Titan Elite: I deducted one points for the inconsistencies with Garmin GPS and Titan Elite for front, middle, back distances. This is a minor ding because the Titan Elite is consistent round to round and I have relied on the Titan Elite for these yardages rather than my watch through the test.

On-Course (20 out of 20)

Titan Elite has improved my performance overall during the time of this test. I lowered my handicap during the test and I think the primary aspect of this is due to the yardages for the back distance being ~2 yards short of my Garmin. At my course, it is detrimental to go long and having an additional few yards buffer has allowed me to be pin high more and not get the big misses long.


The pairing of the rangefinder to the app to get the front, middle and back distances is very quick and the app integration makes getting green distances very easy. For me, the app was as simple as pairing at the start of the round and then ending the round when I finished my last hole. It would update each time I switched to a new hole and I did not have any issues with getting the green yardages.

As stated in my first impressions, the quickness of the laser was impressive to me. It was more than twice as fast as my Blue Tees rangefinder. The Titan Elite feels heavier and sturdier than my previous rangefinder and through 10 rounds has been durable with very little signs of usage (I have dropped it a few times too).

The Good, the Bad, the In-Between (18 out of 20)

The good is the Titan Elite does exactly what you would expect a rangefinder to do (be accurate and quick) and then more. I found the construction of the rangefinder to feel more sturdy and durable than my previous Blue Tees. Additionally, the magnet built in is an extremely useful feature. The app is intuitive and allows for quick initial and follow on pairing. 


The only bad/in-between I found with the Titan Elite is the distances given for the front, middle, back are off from the Garmin distances on my watch and it did not completely eliminate my need to continue wearing my watch. One of the best features of my watch is it detects when a shot is struck and gives distance from the last shot, this is useful for finding balls after tee shots. For this reason, I deducted two points because I was hopeful the Titan Elite could completely eliminate the need for my watch.

Play it or Trade it? (20 out of 20)

After testing the Titan Elite, I can never go back to the Blue Tees or another budget rangefinder. The rangefinder definitely feels premium comparatively with the built in magnetic feature, “find my rangefinder” and quick locking ability. The features and the ability to go beyond the basic laser distance finding make this a definite play it for me. Lastly, PrecisionPro stands behind their products and the Titan Elite has a 3 year warranty.


If you did not read anything besides this section, the Titan Elite is an outstanding rangefinder. For a premium rangefinder, the Titan Elite lives up to the price tag with a durable/sturdy construction and additional features beyond a traditional rangefinder. Some of the best features are below:

  • “Find My Titan” feature showing exactly where the rangefinder last was, so no more losing rangefinders
  • Chargeable battery lasting at least 10 rounds and quickly charges utilizing a USB-C charging cable
  • Pulse vibration lock onto targets with very quick response times
  • Front, middle, back distances available when connected to app
  • Built in magnet for locking onto a cart or a club

The Precision Pro Titan Elite is a rangefinder I would recommend to anyone who is looking for extras beyond a traditional rangefinder. The “Find My” feature in addition to the app integration provide unique elements making this rangefinder stand out.

Final Score (97 out of 100)






Edited by LeftyMatt89
Final Review

Driver: :titelist-small: TSR3 8 Ventus Red TR 8X

Fairway: :titelist-small: TSi2 16.5 Ventus Red TR 8X 

Hybrid:  :taylormade-small: Sim 2 - 19 Hybrid Tensei Orange 90TX or Srixon ZX 2 Iron - ADDI 105X

Irons:  :titelist-small: T200/T100S Black 4-AW - MMT 125TX

Wedges: :vokey-small: SM8 54.10S & 58.04T MMT 125TX (Soon to Test Toura Wedges with MMT 125TX)

Putter: Lajosi DD201

:titelist-small: Pro V1X Left Dash

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Congrats to the testers! I look forward to following along. Now the fun begins 😁


D: :titleist-small: GT-2 10° w/ GD Tour AD-UB 6s

3W: :titleist-small: GT-3 15 Tensei Black 75 X

3h: :ping-small: G430 18° Tour 2.0/Stiff

7W: :callaway-small: 21° Rogue ST Max LinQ 7X

4i:mizuno-small: Pro 225 with Project X io 6.0

6i-PW:  :mizuno-small: Pro 225 with Recoil 110 f4

50,54° & 58°: :vokey-small: SM-10

P:   :L.A.B.: Link.1

Ball:  :vice: Pro Plus Drip

Bag:  Ghost MGS Anyday 14 way

"And so, we beat on, boats against the current, borne ceaselessly into the past." - Fitzgerald

” The woods are lovely, dark and deep,   

But I have promises to keep,   

And miles to go before I sleep,   

And miles to go before I sleep. - Frost

"That you are here—that life exists and identity,

That the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse." - Whitman

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Congrats! Interested in this one; I’ll be following. 👍🏼

"Where'd it go?"  "Right in the Lumberyard..."

126422322_PXGLogo_2.png.74a339363ba3931cc4fc226a253621f8.png Gen 2  0811 XF 10.5*  Graphite Design Tour AD DI-6x

126422322_PXGLogo_2.png.74a339363ba3931cc4fc226a253621f8.png Gen 2 0211 15* 3W Mitsubishi Tensei Raw Blue 65-S
:bridgestone-small:  Tour B JGR 15*   Fairway UST ProForce V2 7F5 76g X-Flex

(These two are gonna fight it out in early "24 to see who stays in the bag...)

:bridgestone-small:  Tour B JGR 19* & 22* Hybrid UST ProForce V2 90g X-Flex
:bridgestone-small:  Tour B JGR HF-2 irons (5i - PW)  KBS Tour 130x

:cleveland-small: CBX Wedges (50, 54, 58)  TT Dynamic Gold 115 Wedge Shaft
MATI  Mamo Putter 33"  Super Stroke Football League 3.0 Slim

:ping-small: Hoofer Camo Stand Bag

:918457628_PrecisionPro: Precision Pro Nexus Rangefinder


1711524086_TheGrintlogo_text_1.png.c1eb3f656b10191d1fc9a14a0fd77f95.png PRO Member




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Congrats testers. This latest offering from Precision Pro looks great and the GPS integration sounds really cool.

image.png.ec65754993cb81a3d0a7d15c70ab8fd1.png  Anyday Maverick Black Ops 7-way

:PXG: 0311 Black Ops 8° w/Mitsubishi Diamana S+ 60

:PXG: 0311 XF 3 wood 16° w/Fujikura Motore X F3

:PXG:0211 Hybrid 3 19° w/Project X Even Flow Riptide

:ping-small: G410 Crossover 4 w/Mitsubishi Tensei CK Pro Blue 70

:callaway-logo-1: Paradym X 6 - GW w/True Temper Elevate MPH Official Forum Test

:vokey-small: SM9 54°/12° D and 58°/12° D w/KBS Tour 110

image.png.0f5b009ff3d83fdae5e2e361f9676226.png DF3 w/BGT Stability ONE Forum Test

Shot Scope Pro LX+ Pro LX+ Official Forum Test

:titleist-small: Pro V1 

:Clicgear: 3.5+

Tests No Longer in the Bag

:EVNROLL: ER11v 34”  Evnroll ER11v Official Forum Test

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Congrats all!

:callaway-small: Epic Max LS 9° :Fuji: Ventus Blue 6X  (2021 Official Review) | :callaway-small:Epic Speed 18° Evenflow Riptide 70g 6.0
:titelist-small: 816 H1 21° Mitsubishi Motors Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Chemical industry Mitsubishi  Rayon Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation, mitsubishi, blue, company png |  PNGEgg Diamana S+ Blue 70 S | 
image.png.08bbf5bb553da418019f0db13c6f4f9a.png SMS 4-5/SMS Pro 6-PW  image.png.267751aa721ee9cf3944fa2ff070b98c.png  Steelfiber i95 S (2023 Official Review)
:ping-small: Glide 4.0 50°.12°S/54°.14°W/58°.6°T PING Z-Z115 Wedge Flex | :cleveland-small:  SOFT 11S Super Stroke Mid-Slim 2.0
:ping-small: Hoofer Bag | :titelist-small: Pro V1 | Right Handed | Tracked by :ShotScope: V3

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Congratulations testers!  Looking forward to seeing how these perform for you!

TaylorMade SIM 2 Max Driver

TaylorMade Sim Ti 3 wood

Titleist U505 Hybrid (3H)

TaylorMade Tour Preferred CB Irons (4-PW)

Vokey SM8 Wedges (52/56/60)

Odyssey Ai-ONE 7S Putter

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Congrats to our testers! Depending on how this test goes I’ll probably buy one😂


Driver: Cobra AeroJet LS: 9.0° (@8.0D) | Shaft: Speeder Evo III 661X

Fairway: Cobra AeroJet LS: 14.5° (@13.5D°) | Shaft: Speeder Evo III 757X

Fairway: Cobra AeroJet LS: 17.5° (@17.5D°) | Shaft: Speeder Evo III 857X

UT Iron: Wilson Staff Model UT 21° (@22°) | Shaft: Graphite Design DI 95G X

Irons: Wilson Staff Model CB (5-PW) | Shaft: Project X 6.5 (+.5")

Wedges: Wilson PMP (50*, 55*, 60*) | Shaft: TT S400 TI

Putter: Evnroll Neo Classic 2 

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Congrats testers, I am still rocking the Precision pro NX9 slope. Has held true to the test of time. 

Brandon Johnson, MBA
COO / Co-founder North American Golf Tour 


e: bjohnson@northamericangolftour.com


  • D - Taylormade M1 w/ tensie pro orange 
  • 3w- Taylormade M1 w/ tensie pro orange 
  • 2i - Srixon 
  • 4- 5 Srixon 785 
  • 6- 9 Srixon z blades 
  • PW, GW, SW, LW Cleveland rtx 
  • true temper shafts in all of my irons 
  • putter - Odyssey #9
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Congrats, testers!

Driver:            :cobra-small: Aerojet 9* | Hzrdus Black Gen 4
Fairway:         :ping-small: G410 3W 13* | Alta CB 65
Hybrid:           :titleist-small: TS2 18* | Tensei AV Blue 70 S
Hybrid:           :ping-small: iCrossover 20* | Kai'li White 80
Irons:              :taylormade-small: P790 5-PW | DG S300
Wedges:         :titleist-small: Vokey SM9 | 52, 56, 60 | DG S200
Putter:            :L.A.B.: Link.1 | Accra x LAB

--- LAB Golf Link.1 Review ---

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Congratulations to all the testers. I hope that these proved to be as useful and  accurate as they claim


Driver  -Titleist 910D, 3w- Titleist 910F, 5hy/7hy- Titleist 910H, 6-PW - Stix , 52⁰, 56⁰, 60⁰ - Stix , Putter- AI-ONE DB / Lombardi Tour 34 custom

Just an old newbie golfer, trying to learn and improve 1 club at a time.



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Someone manifested this opportunity for himself... congrats to all the testers on this one

In a :ping-small: Hoofer Lite bag

 :callaway-small: AI Smoke Max, 12*, set -1/D, Project X RDX Smoke Red 50, 6.0 Flex

:taylormade-small: Stealth, 15 degrees, VA Composites Nemesys 70-S 

:755178188_TourEdge: E722, 19 degrees, Oban Devotion 80-S

:mizuno-small: JPX 921 Hot Metal Pro 4-P, Nippon 950GH Stiff Flex

 :cleveland-small: CBX Zipcore 50* (bent to *49) and RTX Zipcore Tour Rack 54* (bent to *55), DG 115 Spinner, Tour Issue

:wilson-small: Staff Model TG 60*, Dynamic Gold 120 S300

 SIK Golf Flo-C

:titleist-small: Prov V1X Left Dash... for now

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Congrats all! I loved my Precision Pro... before I left it on a cart! Looking forward to seeing how the Find feature along with the app tech all work out for you.

In my Big Max hybrid bag:
:mizuno-small: ST-X 10.5* Kai'li Blue R Flex
:mizuno-small: ST-Z 15* Kai'li Blue R Flex
:mizuno-small: ST-Z 4h Linq Blue R Flex
:cleveland-small: Halo XL 5i-DW
:cleveland-small: CBX 54* & 58*
:maxfli: Tour S

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Congrats Testers! My BobLuv Ranger Finder is coming to the end of its life. Looking forward to your reviews. 

Titleist T200 Irons - 5i thru Gap Wedge - Stiff AMT Black

Callaway PARADYM X 9.0 with Hazrdous X Black 6.0 Stiff Shaft

Fairway Woods:  Callaway Maverick 3W & RazrX Black 5W - Stiff Flex

Rescue:  Apex 4 (22 degree )- Recoil 75H stiff flex 

Wedges: Titleist SM8 - 54 (D Grind) wedge flex; SM8 58(M grind) wedge flex

Putter: Scotty Cameron Phantom X5.5

Ball: Titleist ProV1

Handicap: 0

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Congrats to the selected 4.  

Switch hitter, RH Driver, LH Irons

Callaway Mavrik Driver (RH)

Sub 70 3i Driving/Utility iron (LH)

Maltby STi2 4i-PW, GW (LH)

Mizuno MP R Series 52 degree 

Wilson Jim Ferrier Signature SW (LH)

Mizuno TP Mills blade putter (LH)

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Congrats Testers! Looking forward to this one

Link to What's in My Bag Post

:ping-small: - G430 Max

:cobra-small: - LTDx 3 Wood

:callaway-small: - Mavrik 4 & 5 hybrids

:mizuno-small: - Pro 225 Irons

:titleist-small::vokey-small: - SM9 50, 54, 58 degree

 :cameron-small: - Teryllium Longneck Newport 2 / :odyssey-small: - Jailbird 380 / Hudson Made Carman Custom

Nick_D's Putter Projects

:srixon-small: - Z-Star Diamond

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Congrats to the testers and I'm excited to read the opinions. I just picked up a used 2nd gen NX9 Slope and the comparison between it and my cheapie Amazon one is night and day. I'm really excited to not have to shoot the flag 5-8 times to know that I got an accurate distance. Once the price drops down on this one, I may trade mine in for the newer model.

default_callaway-small.jpg.8db5efa44231b3e5cd6fc5deb94644e4.jpgCallaway Rogue ST Max D driver

default_callaway-small.jpg.8db5efa44231b3e5cd6fc5deb94644e4.jpgCallaway Paradym X 3 wood

default_callaway-small.jpg.8db5efa44231b3e5cd6fc5deb94644e4.jpgCallaway Rogue ST Max D 5 wood

default_callaway-small.jpg.8db5efa44231b3e5cd6fc5deb94644e4.jpgCallaway Rogue 7 wood

default_callaway-small.jpg.8db5efa44231b3e5cd6fc5deb94644e4.jpgCallaway Rogue 11 wood

default_callaway-small.jpg.8db5efa44231b3e5cd6fc5deb94644e4.jpgCallaway Rogue ST Max OS Lite 6-AW

default_taylormade-small.jpg.b0f650a8eb8b3219e3f783d396bd8458.jpgTaylorMade MG3 wedges (52, 56)

default_cameron-small.gif.9b09797f71363f07049fccfe79b6b243.gifScotty Cameron Select Roundback

default_volvik-small.jpg.4484ce7bf19bc5b085f2fdccba75cde9.jpgVolvik Vivid balls

default_srixon-small.jpg.bf3ca25d7610490303deb7f6cdf80802.jpgSrixon Q-Star Divide balls

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Congratulations to this group, and looking forward to their comments and reviews on this rangefinder and if it lives up to all of the claims it makes.

Driver & Fairway: :titleist-small: Titleist GT2 8 degree - :Fuji: Ventus TR Red & :titleist-small: TSR3 15 - :projectx: Hzrdus Black Gen 4 

Hybrid: :titleist-small: TSR2 21 degree - :projectx: Hzrdus Black Gen 4

Irons: :titleist-small: Titleist T200 3G (4) & T150 - (5-G) - :Nippon: Modus 105

Wedges: :vokey-small: Vokey SM9 54, and 58

Putter: :cameron-small: Cameron Phantom X 5 

Ball: :titleist-small: Pro V1 & :maxfli: Maxfli Tour

Link to Motocaddy M7 w/Remote Trolley & Bag Review


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Congrats testers. This one has my eye as I’m looking at a new rangefinder in the near future. 

Driver:  cobralogo.png.60692cdc05482efd83e68664e010b95f.png Aerojet LS, Ventus Velocore+ Blue Shaft - 6S
4 Wood:  callaway.png.e65d398fb0327017a369499fc6126064.png Rogue ST Max 16.5, Tensei White Shaft - 7S
Utility Iron: mizunopro.png.90cc4fb9895830e28063d9a5be416145.png Fli Hi 3-iron, HAZARDOUS Smoke Black Shaft - S
Irons:  mizuno.png.f0e7b21135cb6273b3c1430866904467.png JPX 921 Tour 4-P, Project X Shafts - Stiff 125g
Wedges: cleveland.png.f21f4d2361520fdf1bbd9d515a2f11e6.png 52º, 56º, 60º
Putter:  odyssey.png.58c727e37eb7efda62bce4f7b8881bd9.png Ai-One 7 T CH, 34"
Preferred Ball: srixon.png.f177578dda27a20ef80a0a8b1ae96e3b.png Z-Star Diamond
Pushcart: bagboy.jpg.0dda53b5175958e1b5686f22b90af744.jpg Nitron
Rangefinder: bushnell.jpg.c51debd06066fa243dea7f14d69a8dba.jpg Pro X3+

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Congrats testers!  Looking forward to how this one works out.  Have been looking at range finders for a while now.

 Titleist GT3 11* Tensei 1k blue

 Titleist TSR2 4w 16*

Titleist TSR2 5w 18.75*

 MKII ZX 5's (4-6) w/ KBS Tour V

MKII ZX 7's (7-PW) w/ KBS Tour V

 Vokey SM9 Wedges 50* 54* 58*

DF2.1 Putter


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Congrats testers!

 GT4,10 *, Ventus Black TR 6 S Velacore

 TSR1, 15*, TPT Power Range Fairway 17 Lo 

 TSR2, Hybrid, 18*, TPT Power Range Hybrid 17 Lo 

 T-200, (2023), 5-PW,  SteelFiber, i95cw, S 

Vokey Design - 50 & 54, SteelFiber i95cw S, and Vokey S10 - 46 & 58, SteelFiber i95cw S

 Odyssey JAILBIRD 380 Limited Edition

 ELIXR (2022), MaxFli Tour S (2024)


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Congratulations Testers!  @RonnieB @Just_the_Chip @LeftyMatt89 and Jose @MDGolfHacker

Looking forward to following the journey with the testing and hope you enjoy the ride! ⛳

Derek 🖌️ Verified Hack, ~25 handicap 🙂  Golf for exercise and peace of mind. ⛳ 
MGSlogoTinyNB.png.fa77eb3941d9cd5773ab070e0e4ccaa3.png WITB ( That's Linked ⚡ as is everything underlined )
|> Big Dogs: Callaway Paradym Ai Smoke Max D (10.5)Tommy Armour TA1 3h :1332069271_TommyArmour: (19)
O'Donnell Triumph Maraging (15) (27)Ginty Trouble Club 
1582792763_GintyLogo(4)35h.jpg.fc3c835085ee4b6630b4ac7543b068c3.jpg (29)
|> Blades: First StrikeTM DeliveranceTM 4(23) 5(26) 6(29) 7(33) 8(37) 9(41) P(45)  
|> Chipper: Orlimar Escape (37)  Orlimar_Primary_Logo_Salmon_320x.png.74cc40a4a89b9e98905e4cba5c6d8337.png
|> Wedges: Worx 429668682_worx30.png.ecb184a97c8fb80112252b57c05f40c2.png (55)  Lovett 1857218720_LovetSandWedge2(2)30v.jpg.e22c477791c7dd1d962d07e9624df8cf.jpg (59) 
|> Flatstick: L.A.B. Golf DF2.1  ⛳ 2104071333_DrizzleStickLogo25.jpg.4a85e684857a33281ff6a12753532913.jpg  1935535164_ZeroFrictionLogo25.jpg.4af6ce349cb7b5117d2a8bb409c4b51f.jpg :OnCore: :footjoy-small:
⛳  :1590477705_SunMountain:C130 Supercharged 🌲  :Clicgear:3.5+  🌳  1197970276_COBALTicon15tall.jpg.92ebd5a63e6ab7d194096885e37eeb52.jpgQ6 Slope   🏌️‍♂️ SwingU2023logowhite30.jpg.238c607458394f36c7b0cd29738166fc.jpgPremium  
💻 1529843961_EPLogosm.jpg.3a2a74e3a5b6c64d4cdd1489a5d253b0.jpgMGS Logo  🌐 646255544_dghLogo30.jpg.9383a65e038b6a10ea92d0ada58bbc58.jpgBall mark   ⛳   IGBRC  International Golf Ball Rescue Commission / Founder
295785881_PGAHOPE_H_4Ch30.png.6317ecb613080e94b9fe996cd81462c1.png Graduate/Mentor    1698190715_StickHackLogo2021(3)20pixelstall.png.f28e1067b8bbf26fbd9d4c6c277f1a5d.png "The World's Greatest Golf Club Without The Course" Member #334 
Tester⛳logo_full_331d238c-3cab-4f84-ac72-d09e86f448c5_300x-12.png.8c8aee17ee565b3b96970802313957f9.png ⛳:Inesis: ⛳1382751340_L.A.B.Golflogo30.jpg.c054d635e47d481685d732a542e111af.jpg⛳:redrooster: ⛳LeanLockLogo.jpg.79bf29d6bf78b2208e2a58de63e92193.jpg ⛳ :callaway-small: ⛳GhostLogo.png.ccde624eb7cfea2672f0b34eb8fca132.png

It's all lies I tell you, everywhere the golf ball comes to rest! ⛳
If it wasn't for inconsistency, I would have no consistency in my game! 🏌️‍♂️


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