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Fit For Golf Training App - 2024 Forum Review

Message added by MGS-Forum-Mod,
Message added by GolfSpy_APH,

MyGolfSpy Forum members, the forum staff is excited to extend an exclusive discount courtesy of Mike Carroll and @Fit_For_Golf. All forum members can now use the promo code MGSFORUM to receive 20% off a subscription to the Fit for Golf 2.0 app.  The promo code can be applied to either a monthly or annual subscription. Not familiar with Fit for Golf 2.0?  Scroll through our just-wrapped review thread to learn more. You'll see our testers lost weight and gained speed and distance, and the app is being perpetually upgraded with big things to come. Many thanks to Fit for Golf for this offer, now let's see how many of us sign up as we speed towards the offseason, and post your own impressions and progress!

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Thank you MGS staff, Fit for Golf and all of the MSG community members for this opportunity.  I will endeavor to elucidate and impassion your desire for fitness in golf and in life, rather than engender fatigue with bombastic prose.  I mean, you know, from here on…

My name is Scott and this is my second testing opportunity.  I am definitely an advocate of these tests; I refer people to the testing forums whenever the opportunity arises and I couldn't be more appreciative for any opportunity to contribute.

Golf - I grew up playing in the northeast and have been the source of greens-keeping crews’ nightmares for about 45 years (I think I actually had clubs before I was out of diapers so maybe a couple of more years). These days I primarily play out of Eastern FL and Western WA to a 5 handicap.  I play recreationally and in organized tournaments throughout the year as well as a weekly evening league; all of that is strategically planned to ensure my chiropractor’s kids can go to really nice, private colleges.

Fitness 🏋️‍♂️- What do I know about fitness?  I don't have an academic background in Sports & Exercise Science, fitness or biomechanics.  My experience is practical and started out of necessity during an active military career and grew into a lifelong desire to stay fit; (hmmm) there’s that word again.  I ran physical fitness programs and developed training regimens to help others qualify for certain programs that had physical performance requirements.  I may have dabbled in an active life over the years (see pic, since everyone else is including them, that was Boise, ID; air temp was in the mid-30s. It was warmer in the water than it was out of the water, which is why I look like I might have been working as a non-union glass cutter 🤣).


These days everything is mostly body weight and HIIT with an occasional weight room session and consistent running during more temperate weather.  I find that running helps walking the hilly WA courses (I walk 99% of rounds in WA) and staying energetic in the Florida heat.

The fitforgolf.blog website provides a good background on Mr. Carroll and I peaked my interest in the training.  I am really excited to see how my golf game, and general fitness can benefit from one or more of them.  And I'm really jazzed to have the opportunity to play with it a bit and pass an assessment along to others.

-       One initial, but very minor concern, is that he states that the program is designed to be started as one transitions into the off-season.  This absolutely makes sense.  Since we are starting as the season starts one of the things I will be looking at is how seamlessly the program works through the later, advanced, stages and returns to Phase 1 (Off-Season).

-       There are 37 Blog entries and 29 Podcasts averaging a bit over an hour each.  While I would love to review every one of these for my own education and for input to my review, but hey folks, I do have to get some golf in, oh and a few workouts too.  Right? 

Okay, let’s talk evaluation!  I may have grown a little…corpulent over the last couple of years.  But…(don’t ask me how this works) I still appear to be in decent “shape;” hey, round is a shape!

I'm really looking forward to getting started.  Once I do: 

-       My plan is to at least sample the Beginner (101) and Fundamentals programs.  That may change once I get into the app, but I’d like to be able to understand the gap between 101 and the more advanced programs.

-       Objectively, metrics will most likely be based on:

o   What demonstrable improvements occur in repetitions, sets, weight or time depending on the workout format?

o   Range of motion improvement?

o   How has my game been affected (scores/hcp)?

o   Has a there been a measurable change in clubhead speed or ball carry?

o   Any other measurable impact in health or fitness.

-       Subjectively speaking:

o   How do I feel after the workouts?

o   How do I feel after working on a program for a period of time?

o   How do I feel the program has affected my other workouts and general fitness?

o   How do I feel my swing has benefited/suffered?

o   How do I feel after a round since starting the program?

Okay, that might sound like a lot to digest right out of the gate...but let's put this program to the test!


Final Review

Many thanks to Mike Carroll, the MGS staff, and the MGS members for this opportunity.

In keeping with my intro, I did try to keep is short and sweet, but there is a lot to cover here. If you are not interested in the details you can jump to the end for the Play it or Trade it and Conclusion with a couple of bullets.

First Impressions (8 out of 10)

I highly encourage potential users to explore the website and the many features and articles.  Quite frankly it can be overwhelming, but it is all good, quality information.  My initial impression, including this recommendation can be found here:


Aesthetics (12 out of 20) 

The number of programs available, the quality of the content in each program and the ability to substitute or tailor programs is top level. (5 points)

Setting up your account and initial log in can be a challenge. Having to log into on a web page to access an app gave me a moment of pause but having dealt with IT “stuff” from the outside for so long I quickly overcame that pause and the process was seamless.  Not a deal breaker by any means and once you understand why they had to do it this way (Apple vs. Android agreements and restrictions) it is understandable. (4 points)

There were initially some bugs with rescheduling workouts and adding Additional Activities, but Mike and his team were either already working on fixes or had already implemented fixes by the time I provided feedback. (4 points)

The biggest detractors for me were that the Dashboard and metrics are lacking.  The “dashboard” really doesn’t have much functionality.  It is more of a home page than a dashboard as it lacks any progress, status, or progress indicators. I recall initially being able to find certain metrics like, heaviest weight used or most reps performed, but those seem to have been removed or hidden somewhere. The most “metric” data a user can pull up is a Summary where users can see how many workouts were done in a month. (0 points)


Overall the app is fairly easy to use, but it could be a bit more intuitive. (3 points)

The Numbers (18 out of 20)

I found that working through the programs during the golf season did not hinder my play, but actually helped me work through some swing transition issues I was dealing with.

My assessment and review plan included sampling more than one program to understand the variety and progression of a program, and objective and subjective measures. I completed the Home Based Bands and Dumbbells and In Season programs. Each program is 12-weeks long, divided into 3 phases.

Objectively (measurable metrics),

  • As one might expect, repetitions, sets, weight, and endurance improved as I progressed through each program.
  • I experienced ROM improvements in my left (lead) shoulder using the “lying, open book” move as well as in lower back rotation.


  • I addressed flexibility here:


  • My handicap is back in the low 4 range…I’d call that measurable improvement (of course it is up to me to keep it there).


  • I’ve been struggling to get back under 190 lbs. Getting there has been a nice side effect of having a regular, additional routine.
  • Some testers mentioned measured increase in clubhead speed.  Unfortunately, my testing did not show a significant improvement in club head speed, I discussed my swing speed measurements here:


But I do feel like my swing has improved in other ways, (e.g. swing path; more on that in subjective criteria).

  • The band and cable rotations have helped me revive pelvic rotation (hip turn) and more consistently:
    • Fire the right hip leading the shoulder rotation with my lead hip,
    • Get the right hip out of the way,
    • Open up the right side.
  • Improvement in overall fitness is demonstrable in sets, weight lifted, endurance (time and sets performed) across the programs and similar elements of my other workouts (running, swimming, HIIT/Cross).

Subjectively (perception),

  • Incorporating warmups and stretching is something I know I should have already been doing; it just wasn’t a priority.  Having Fit for Golf make that part of the routine and give me a place to track accomplishment means I am taking the time to add it in to pre-game prep and workout recovery.  If I only added this element to my life I would say my experience with FFG was worth the time and effort.
  • With range of motion and flexibility coming back, certain aspects of my swing that I have been struggling with have smoothed out.
    • My leading arm range of motion improved is one specific element that improved.  Shoulder surgery restricted my lead arm ROM so badly that, in an effort to make the turn and “stay loose” my elbow was bending almost 90 degrees by the top of my back swing.
    • Restricted ROM led to all sorts of timing issues, excessive wrist hinging, and my right hand taking over.
    • Hip turn and lower back ROM have also improved.
  • I would have killed for Dorf’s swing a few months ago.  Since starting the FFG program I’ve made significant progress getting back to having a more consistent swing that is led by my lead hip, and I feel that FFG has helped with that.

Practice makes…? (16 out of 20)
The fitforgolf.blog website provides a good background on Mr. Carroll and confidence that the training should be well rounded and effective.  I was optimistic at the outset that my golf game, and general fitness could benefit from one or more of the programs.  I found that the programs were well put together, and I enjoyed working through them and appreciated being exposed to moves and methods that I may never have otherwise experienced.

Once you get into the App there are numerous ways to develop your program(s), make substitutions, adjust schedules, and add additional activities/workouts.


The app schedules each program in blocks, or phases, and puts each phase subsequently on your FFG calendar for you.  When you reschedule a workout the app allows you to reschedule just that one workout, or that workout and subsequent sessions automatically.  This is nice because it prevents doubling up and keep the program moving.  Initially, there were some bugs with rescheduling, but Mike and his team were all over it and had things already in the works to fix or had them fixed by the time I sent in feedback.

At risk of sounding like a salesperson, the app is like having a trainer that develops an evolving program based on your specific goals. The variety and ability to tailor the program to personal circumstances appears well thought out and offers extensive options.  For some it may be overwhelming, BUT… that is when the FFG Program Matcher comes into play.  One more plus for the App/Program.


Not only are the number of possible programs extensive, but they are also tailorable to what equipment you have available, and Mike’s program offers the ability to substitute in case of a physical limitation or situations when you might not have access to your normal variety of equipment.

The app also allows users to record Additional Activities, or workouts outside the app; programs such as runs, swims, biking, hiking, cross-fit, etc., can all be added in to get a bigger picture of activity and progress.  Initially, the functionality in this area also had some bugs; but once again Mike and his development team were on top of it. Improvement was truly being sought and executed.


I covered rescheduling and adding Additional Activities here:


I added the Dynamic Warmup and Simple Stretching routines into daily life and I worked through one or both prior to rounds of golf.  My routine also includes child’s pose rotations and scorpion stretches because I feel that they benefit my lower back and range of motion.  I also continued to work with SuperSpeed and phase one, though I have not been able to stick to the routine as strictly as I would like to and advance because of frequent travel.

Certain moves may take a bit to get used to doing correctly, but once I grasped the concept from the demo videos and the ability to correlate the exercise to a golf movement (think band and cable rotation exercises) I found that those REALLY helped me fix and smooth out some swing issues.

The Good, the bad, the in between (14 out of 20)

The Good (7 points)

  • Age and wear and tear can make a difference in life. I addressed the fitness aspect of golf in my introductory post and encourage anyone interested to review those thoughts. The key facets are that a good fitness will allow all of us to swing faster, play harder, and can do it consistently longer than one might, in general, expect to do so.  As amateurs we have jobs and home maintenance and other life factors that preclude two a days and range time five to seven days per week.  A basic fitness regimen can help fend off the effects of age; Mike Carroll and FFG offer a golfer workouts tailored to the sport with several different goals and programs for preparing for season, in-season, and post-season to help achieve your goals.
  • The number of programs, ability to substitute moves, and rescheduling are outstanding.
  • The demonstration videos are very good and value added.  As person with a wide range of fitness experience I found the videos to be helpful in the beginning and as a reminder when something “didn’t feel quite right” when doing an exercise movement.  The quality of the videos in the current version of the app is much better than some of the older versions I viewed prior to starting the program.

The In-between (7 points)

  • This turns out to be a mixed area.  As I mentioned earlier, there were initially some bugs with various scheduling and rescheduling features in the app, but Mike and his team were all over getting those identified and fixed.  Feedback being welcome and responded to so well and Mike and the Team being so focuses on continuous improvement and acting on feedback I did not feel that I could dock any points here.

The …? (0 points)

The biggest detractors for me were that the Dashboard and metrics are lacking.  The “dashboard” really doesn’t have much functionality.  It is more of a home page than a dashboard as it lacks any progress, status, or progress indicators. I recall initially being able to find certain metrics like, heaviest weight used or most reps performed, but those seem to have been removed or hidden somewhere. The most “metric” data a user can pull up is a Summary where users can see how many workouts were done in a month.


Play it or Trade it? (9 out of 10)

I will be keeping the app.  I am looking forward to continuing with the Warm-up and Mobility routines and going through the Force, Velocity and Mass programs during my next off-season cycle.  I hope the Dashboard and metrics improve, but the quality and content in the programs leading to improved fitness far outweigh pretty pictures on a home screen for me.

Conclusion - Final Score (78 out of 100)

Whether you are an experienced gym rat or someone who wouldn’t know the difference between a Smith Machine and a hack squat rack, the FFG app and the programs Mike Carroll includes can benefit your swing, your game, and your overall fitness. 

  • The Dashboard needs work if it going to be a "Dashboard" rather than a Home Page.
  • I experienced range of motion (ROM) improvements 
  • I experienced improvements in my swing mechanics.  
  • Certain moves from the workouts and consistently REALLY helped me fix and smooth out some swing issues.

Since starting the FFG program I’ve made significant progress getting back to having a more consistent swing that is led by my lead hip, and I feel that FFG has helped with that.  Feel free to ask questions, criticize my expansive write-up, correct any grammar, addition, or technical points, or send canned goods, other non-perishable foods, and a tent my way as my wife has voiced her intent to toss me out of the house if I don't get off this darned computer and quit playing with all my golf toys.

Cheers all.

Edited by Subdiver1
Final Review and add screen shots back in
  • Driver - Ping G400 9°, Project-X Evenflow Black 6.0S 65 gr. 
  • FW - TM M3 3-wood 15°, Project-X HZRDUS Red 6.0 75 gr. mid-spin
  • Hybrid - TM M4 19°, Project-X Evenflow Black 6.0S 85 gr. HY 
  • Irons - TM P790, 3-PW, Oban CT-115, PXG 311 P Gen 6
  • Wedges - Mizuno T20 Ion blue 52/9 & 56/14, N.S. Pro Modus3 S-flex
  • Putter - Evnroll ER2 Garsen Max grip
  • Getting a grip - oversize Winn DryTacs and Bionic gloves
  • Ball - ProV1, AVX, Maxfli Tour, PXG
  • Bag(s)/cart - Vessel Player III Rovic RV1S and Alphard V2


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Congrats testers!  Looking forward to seeing some results!

 Titleist GT3 11* Tensei 1k blue

 Titleist TSR2 4w 16*

Titleist TSR2 5w 18.75*

 MKII ZX 5's (4-6) w/ KBS Tour V

MKII ZX 7's (7-PW) w/ KBS Tour V

 Vokey SM9 Wedges 50* 54* 58*

DF2.1 Putter


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Congratulations testers!!! Hope you get the most out of it!


Driver  -Titleist 910D, 3w- Titleist 910F, 5hy/7hy- Titleist 910H, 6-PW - Stix , 52⁰, 56⁰, 60⁰ - Stix , Putter- AI-ONE DB / Lombardi Tour 34 custom

Just an old newbie golfer, trying to learn and improve 1 club at a time.



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Congrats, fellas. I’m really keen to follow along with this test as improving my fitness is a big goal for myself and I’ve been looking for apps like this to help me on my journey. 

Driver:  cobralogo.png.60692cdc05482efd83e68664e010b95f.png Aerojet LS, Ventus Velocore+ Blue Shaft - 6S
4 Wood:  callaway.png.e65d398fb0327017a369499fc6126064.png Rogue ST Max 16.5, Tensei White Shaft - 7S
Utility Iron: mizunopro.png.90cc4fb9895830e28063d9a5be416145.png Fli Hi 3-iron, HAZARDOUS Smoke Black Shaft - S
Irons:  mizuno.png.f0e7b21135cb6273b3c1430866904467.png JPX 921 Tour 4-P, Project X Shafts - Stiff 125g
Wedges: cleveland.png.f21f4d2361520fdf1bbd9d515a2f11e6.png 52º, 56º, 60º
Putter:  odyssey.png.58c727e37eb7efda62bce4f7b8881bd9.png Ai-One 7 T CH, 34"
Preferred Ball: srixon.png.f177578dda27a20ef80a0a8b1ae96e3b.png Z-Star Diamond
Pushcart: bagboy.jpg.0dda53b5175958e1b5686f22b90af744.jpg Nitron
Rangefinder: bushnell.jpg.c51debd06066fa243dea7f14d69a8dba.jpg Pro X3+

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Congrats everyone, here's hoping this works for you. I have used this app some before and really enjoyed it.

:callaway-small: Epic Max LS 9° :Fuji: Ventus Blue 6X  (2021 Official Review) | :callaway-small:Epic Speed 18° Evenflow Riptide 70g 6.0
:titelist-small: 816 H1 21° Mitsubishi Motors Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Chemical industry Mitsubishi  Rayon Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation, mitsubishi, blue, company png |  PNGEgg Diamana S+ Blue 70 S | 
image.png.08bbf5bb553da418019f0db13c6f4f9a.png SMS 4-5/SMS Pro 6-PW  image.png.267751aa721ee9cf3944fa2ff070b98c.png  Steelfiber i95 S (2023 Official Review)
:ping-small: Glide 4.0 50°.12°S/54°.14°W/58°.6°T PING Z-Z115 Wedge Flex | :cleveland-small:  SOFT 11S Super Stroke Mid-Slim 2.0
:ping-small: Hoofer Bag | :titelist-small: Pro V1 | Right Handed | Tracked by :ShotScope: V3

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Congratulations everyone, this is one particular test I'm looking forward to the results. Do any of the testers have/use the Stack System and plan to integrate the collaboration I've been hearing about in the app?

Ian Lydon

Driver: Callaway Rogue 9.5

3W: Cobra LTDx

3H: Callaway XR 16 Pro

Irons: Titleist T100 (2023) PW-6, Titleist T200 (2023) 5-4

Wedges: Sub 70 (52 and 58 Tester)


Putter: Ping Anser G2


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Congrats all! Looking forward to seeing what you get out of the program, and how it works for all of you.

In my Big Max hybrid bag:
:mizuno-small: ST-X 10.5* Kai'li Blue R Flex
:mizuno-small: ST-Z 15* Kai'li Blue R Flex
:mizuno-small: ST-Z 4h Linq Blue R Flex
:cleveland-small: Launcher 5h
:wilson_staff_small: D200 6i-GW
:cleveland-small: CBX 54* & 58*
:cleveland-small: Huntington Beach #10
:maxfli: Tour S

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Congratulations testers!  Looking forward to following your progress with this.

TaylorMade SIM 2 Max Driver

TaylorMade Sim Ti 3 wood

Titleist U505 Hybrid (3H)

TaylorMade Tour Preferred CB Irons (4-PW)

Vokey SM8 Wedges (52/56/60)

Odyssey Ai-ONE 7S Putter

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Great group of testers! Congrats @MaxEntropy. @berkeleybob, @Subdiver1, @ILMgolfnut, @taylorjonasher & @PJVicary! Have fun and let the hard work begin! 

WITB (link to detailed post here):

Driver:  Cobragolflogo.png.602fb363b272aeca0ae57ab591da02de.png LTDx 9* (ProjectX BlueSmoke Stiff)

Fairway metals:  TITLEIST_logo_15px.png.86858562876473681822bdce0336ecd4.png 3W TSR2 14.25* (ProjectX BlueSmoke Stiff) | PXG_Logo.png.e8b8454bf242754d2326ecb0a719cd30.png 5W Gen4 0341XF (Mitsubishi Tensei Blue 75 S)

Hybrid: PXG_Logo.png.e8b8454bf242754d2326ecb0a719cd30.png4H Gen4 0317XF (Mitsubishi Tensei Blue 75HY S)

Irons:   Sub70.png.5f7ea5565c2690f7d237f327e2e5238a.png 659 CB 5-AW (Project X Rifle 6.0)

Wedges:   Sub70.png.5f7ea5565c2690f7d237f327e2e5238a.png 286 54* & 58* (KBS Tour 120 S)

Putter: LABLogo_25px.png.d348c70a35f07dfed1742feb45210a2f.png DF3 OFFICIAL MEMBER REVIEW HERE ‘24

Ball:   Vice_logo.png.282566e7be35424dbb3a5d3359e6385f.png pro drip: red & blue | MAXFLI_logo_15px.png.137df4bf59bf3628d99abc6ca08fd43f.png Tour S

Pushcart:  clicgear_logo.png.5569d627daa35e79384784c8a4e886f4.png 4.0 | '23 MGS Clicgear 4.0 Pushcart Tester | Link here

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Congrats to the testers! I look forward to following along, as you work toward the best versions of yourselves. 


D: :titleist-small: GT-2 10° w/ GD Tour AD-UB 6s

3W: :titleist-small: GT-3 15 Tensei Black 75 X

3h: :ping-small: G430 18° Tour 2.0/Stiff

7W: :callaway-small: 21° Rogue ST Max LinQ 7X

4i:mizuno-small: Pro 225 with Project X io 6.0

6i-PW:  :mizuno-small: Pro 225 with Recoil 110 f4

50,54° & 58°: :vokey-small: SM-10

P:   :L.A.B.: Link.1

Ball:  :vice: Pro Plus Drip

Bag:  Ghost MGS Anyday 14 way

"And so, we beat on, boats against the current, borne ceaselessly into the past." - Fitzgerald

” The woods are lovely, dark and deep,   

But I have promises to keep,   

And miles to go before I sleep,   

And miles to go before I sleep. - Frost

"That you are here—that life exists and identity,

That the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse." - Whitman

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Congrats, testers! I'm hoping to see a rendition of Ben Crane's workout video..


Driver:            :cobra-small: Aerojet 9* | Hzrdus Black Gen 4
Fairway:         :ping-small: G410 3W 13* | Alta CB 65
Hybrid:           :titleist-small: TS2 18* | Tensei AV Blue 70 S
Hybrid:           :ping-small: iCrossover 20* | Kai'li White 80
Irons:              :taylormade-small: P790 5-PW | DG S300
Wedges:         :titleist-small: Vokey SM9 | 52, 56, 60 | DG S200
Putter:            :L.A.B.: Link.1 | Accra x LAB

--- LAB Golf Link.1 Review ---

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Congrats testers. Enjoy. It’s made a big difference in my overall health. Love it up!

Follow my journey to enjoying golf and going low

Driver: :callaway-small:   Epic Max LS :kbs: TD Cat 4 60g 

3wHL: :callaway-small: Rogue ST LS 75x  Tensei AV Blue w/ xlink

7w: :callaway-small:Apex UW 21* MMT 80S

DI: Caley 01X 18* with :kbs: PGH Stiff plus 95g

4-AW: th.jpg.d6e2abdaeb04f007fd259c979f389de6.jpg  0211  with:kbs: Tour Stiff 2.5* up 3/4" long, Soft stepped, MOI matched

Wedges     :cleveland-small: Zipcore 

Putter::L.A.B.:Directed Force 2.1 69*/35" in blue 


Ball:  :Snell: Prime 4.0

Shot Tracking: :ShotScope:

Bag: Vessel VLX 2.0

Grip: Lamkin Sonar +  Midsize 

Glove: :redrooster:

My Reviews:

Caley 01X Driving Iron Review 2023

Max Swing Speed Training and Speed Progress: Current Speed 120 in the MGS Speed Challenge (updated 3/15/23)

 :1332069271_TommyArmour:TAIII #2  Review here: TAIII Impact #2 Putter )

 :cleveland-small: Zipcore Tour Rack 54/full and 58/mid (review here)

th.jpg.d6e2abdaeb04f007fd259c979f389de6.jpg  0211  2019 Unofficial Review




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2 hours ago, DonnieGolfs said:

Do any of the testers have/use the Stack System

I don't have it, but I've looked into it. Perhaps as the test goes on (and I find a spare $350) I will incorporate the Stack into my training. 

Obsessed with chasing the dimpled orb.

More about me:  WITB type stuff


Fit For Golf tester 2024. Final review here: FFG review


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Congrats testers! Can't wait to follow along and see the progress made with the program! 


Driver:  :taylormade-small: Qi10 Max 10.5°

Hybrid: 🐏 FX Max 25°, :titleist-small: Tsi2 21°

4i-9i: 🐏 FX Max 10

Wedges: :vokey-small: SM10 - 50° 12f, 54° 14f, 58° 14k

Putter:  :mizuno-small: M.Craft Type VI

Ball: :vice: Pro Air

Bag: Ghost Golf Maverick 14-Way 

Glove: Nexgen Nano-X Pro Tour+


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9 hours ago, GolfSpy_APH said:

Please welcome and congratulate our selected testers!







Congrats team!! I look forward to all the comments and updates and stuff as you move along in the program. Good luck on the process!

Driver: :mizuno-small: STMax 230 10.5*, Stiff :projectx: HZRDUS Smoke Blue RDX, 60g
Fairways: :Sub70: 949x 3w / 5w, 15* / 18*, Stiff :projectx: HZRDUS Smoke Red RDX, 70g
Hybrids: :Sub70: 939x 4h, 21*, Stiff :projectx: HZRDUS Smoke Red RDX, 80g Hybrid
Irons: :mizuno-small: JPX923 Hot Metal Pro, 5-GW, UST Mamiya Recoil 95 F4
Wedges: :mizuno-small: S23, 54* & 60*, UST Mamiya Recoil 95 F4
Maltby_Logo.jpg.7f7f2f102dcb7b289e419805910e4aab.jpg Moment X Tour @ 35" & 71*, Super Stroke Pistol GT 2.0, White/Red
Ball: :maxfli: Tour CG
VortexGolf_Logo.jpg.2ad1215c7b1aa2ccf8d062a73bc72142.jpg Anarch Rangefinder, :ShotScope: V5 w/ Tags Shot Tracking.


https://forum.mygolfspy.com/classifieds/ - DON'T FORGET ABOUT THE CLASSIFIEDS!!!!

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Congratulations testers!! 👏  I look forward to hearing what you all think of this product and whether it helps your game.

:ping-small: G410 Plus, 9 Degree Driver 

:ping-small: G400 SFT, 16 Degree 3w

:ping-small: G400 SFT, 19 Degree 5w

:srixon-small:  ZX5 Irons 4-AW 

:ping-small: Glide 2.0 56 Degree SW   (removed from double secret probation 😍)

:EVNROLL: ER5v Putter  (Official Review)

:odyssey-small: AI-One Milled Seven T CH (Official Review)





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Congratulations Testers! I'm looking forward to see how you guys progress Through this program and see how it helps you overall with your swing and flexibility. 

Mixed bag of goodies: Taylormade M2 driver, Titleist F15 3 wood, Nike 5 wood, Mizuno 923 Hmp irons, Cleveland zipcore wedges and Odyssey 3 ball putter.

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On 2/6/2024 at 7:44 AM, DonnieGolfs said:

Do any of the testers have/use the Stack System and plan to integrate the collaboration I've been hearing about in the app?

I do not have the Stack System, but I do have SuperSpeed. It will be interesting to see if I might be able to integrate it. We are supposed to have a call with Mike Carroll at some point. I will definitely ask if he has any recommendations on how best to do it.

Edited by MaxEntropy

Driver:  :callaway-small:Epic Speed 9* (set -1) MMT 70X
3W:bridgestone-small: Tour B JGR Recoil 760ES
7W: :callaway-small:Epic Flash 19* TourAD (can't remember the exact model)
4H: :bridgestone-small: Tour B JGR 23* Recoil 780ES
5-AW:bridgestone-small: Tour B JGR HF2 Modus3 Tour 105
54*, 58*: :Sub70: TAIII Black
Putter:ping-small: Scottsdale TR Senita
Bag: BigMax Dri Active Lite
Ball:taylormade-small: TP5x or :titleist-small: AVX (yellow)
Pushcart: BigMax iQ+

Most Recent TestFit For Golf 2.0

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Congratulations testers!  I am looking forward to reading your reviews.

  • Bag             1590477705_SunMountain.png.3391233ea391e8b6fde951d09bc76f6b.png  C130, 14 way Cart Bag
  • Driver         Titleist2.png.8b09d3ee0000870a77d83dce357a0efd.png       TSR1
  • Fairway.      635785482_Cleveland3.png.bafd9f7d003e9f8afcafc6c28e307467.png      Halo XL Hy-Wood 4+
  • Fairway      default_callaway-small.jpg.aef84328349c576af498d3d5dca1addb.jpg                GBB Epic 5
  • Hybrid        default_callaway-small.jpg.aef84328349c576af498d3d5dca1addb.jpg                Epic Flash 3H
  • Irons          635785482_Cleveland3.png.bafd9f7d003e9f8afcafc6c28e307467.png         Launcher HB, 4 through PW
  • Wedges     635785482_Cleveland3.png.bafd9f7d003e9f8afcafc6c28e307467.png         CBX2 - 54 degree, CBX Zipcore 52 degree
  • Putter        Seemore3.jpg.1cb64ec83d2511c1ee1a386340a04d4e.jpg       Seemore Si1 Putter
  • Ball            Titleist2.png.8b09d3ee0000870a77d83dce357a0efd.png        Titleist pro v1x
  • Other        2000014788_ArccosSig.jpg.af5434230b907b708eb89aebd4125f95.jpg




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My Introduction is up. Check it out and ask questions/provide feedback.

Driver:  :callaway-small:Epic Speed 9* (set -1) MMT 70X
3W:bridgestone-small: Tour B JGR Recoil 760ES
7W: :callaway-small:Epic Flash 19* TourAD (can't remember the exact model)
4H: :bridgestone-small: Tour B JGR 23* Recoil 780ES
5-AW:bridgestone-small: Tour B JGR HF2 Modus3 Tour 105
54*, 58*: :Sub70: TAIII Black
Putter:ping-small: Scottsdale TR Senita
Bag: BigMax Dri Active Lite
Ball:taylormade-small: TP5x or :titleist-small: AVX (yellow)
Pushcart: BigMax iQ+

Most Recent TestFit For Golf 2.0

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